
Generational Comparison Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The long-suffering generation of millennials are now set to be significantly poorer than both baby boomers and gen X’ers."
"They've pulled through a lot, they have a lot to learn, but they have a heck of a lot more potential I think than any other generation on this planet."
"When we are older and a new generation of NBA fans claim our favorite players...are not as good as the players of the future, what will we have to say?"
"75% feel they have a disadvantage compared to other generations."
"American women today have less freedom than their mothers."
"Our generation is the first to have fewer opportunities than the one before us."
"If you were born in the post-war years in America, you had a 90% chance of making more money than your parents."
"But speaking of fibs the sentiment of gen Z collectively looking older than Millennials is just categorically not true."
"Let's not forget as well that some of these Millennials who are dying on the hill that they all look younger than gen Z is just plain delusional."
"I just want to know who lied to Millennials who lied and said that Millennials look younger than genen Z who lied I just want to know."
"You can't compare the generations they were great in that moment for what they knew and what they understood and what they were going through."
"The average person out there in the Big Blue world is twice as economically prosperous as they were just a generation ago."
"Despite the temptations, Millennials are saving earlier than their parents and their savings are higher portions of their income."
"Jin Z is the first generation since maybe the 40s and 50s that status is awarded towards constructive behavior."
"It's funny, they say our life is harder, when I feel like they were around in World War II. You couldn't have been that great, freaking Patton, right here, you see it?"
"Guys give me your thoughts. What do you feel about it? How do you feel about the old era versus the new era? Which side are you on?"
"Blue chip stocks are more attractive now than when we were kids."
"We're in a better spot now than we were if you look back at the last gen."
"A pound of flesh": The court awards it and the law doth give it.
"Looks fantastic, and it kills the previous generation."
"RDNA 2 delivers double the performance compared to the prior generation."
"From day one, Jaime has an unwavering ambition. He wants to make a fortune - more than that of his father and grandfather."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"A millennial is just a baby boomer waiting to happen."
"GTA 3 holds a place in my heart as the best of the last generation of GTA games."
"The present-day gap between blacks and whites is smaller than the average difference between our grandparents' generation and today."
"Our children and their children do not have now a longer life, a better life than us."
"Toyota has made a big deal out of this generation of the Prius handling better than the last generation and that definitely is true."
"Young people today are certified; they earn less and have less money than I had at their age."
"If you're merely sane and accept reality and make decisions based in those realities, you're going to be a lot better off than the past three generations before you."
"To me, I want to kind of leave it up to them. My son is a really good singer, he's a hell of a singer, and he's got a better ear for it than I did at that age."
"It isn't just that home ownership is becoming a reality for millennials later in their life than the previous generations because for many it isn't considered a reality at all."
"The younger generation holding a mirror up to us as gen Z and Millennials."
"The current generation has been around for a few years now and I think it's design has aged well."
"The Last of Us Part Two is one of my favorite last generation titles."
"It's super super nippy, especially compared with previous generations."
"They're smarter and kinder and more creative than we ever were."
"The 1660 Ti is 41 percent faster than 970, 120 percent faster than 960."
"Fiber is undersold because we think of fiber as being like your grandfather's oldsmobile, you know? So what, big deal?"
"When I was growing up nobody had student debt... You know, a person with a high school diploma could get a job... and raise a family... and take vacation every year and pay off his house before he died."
"My generation of Jedi were just better."
"It was interesting even during the pandemic, when older people were raging against face masks, it was younger people that were saying 'I think we gotta follow the rules.'"
"I think back to the greatest generation, my grandpa fought in World War II, and my uncle's, my dad's whole generation that were in Vietnam. You know, looking at them, watching them interact, you know?"
"the previous generations i think have navigated the issues far greater in a far healthier way than we have"
"I don't see people any happier than the last generation. I see people more stressed than the last generation."
"Gen Z are less attractive than previous generations."
"I'm really impressed with the driving characteristics of this new Prius. It's not a sports car but in my opinion so much better than previous generations."
"Holy cow, are they smarter than we were."
"All we've wanted is just to connect to the opposite sex like our grandparents did."
"I think it's a fun conversation about comparing people of different generations."
"The ride quality is definitely improved versus the previous generation."
"We are as a population living much longer than the generations before us, but we're not necessarily living better."
"Now they're far more intelligent than we were at that age."
"Millennials actually work harder than older generations, they put in more hours per week on average."
"There's more 15-year-old talent today than ever before by a lot, not just by a little."
"Attack on Titan is this decade's Dragon Ball Z, this decade's Naruto, or One Piece."