
Generational Hope Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It’s the hope of almost every generation in history that their children and grandchildren will go on to live wealthier, more prosperous lives than their own."
"Sometimes things get better, and I know the doom and gloom sells... but I will say this, I really do have a lot of hope for our generation and for generations that follow."
"It's the universal constant human truth that people want to live a better life than they lived yesterday, and they want their children to live a better life than they do."
"There's a sadness as we give birth to other humans, but we want things to be better for future generations."
"Rather ironically I say let's get on with it, you know? I'm 63 and I want this to happen so my kids and their kids when they're born will be living in a good world."
"They give me hope because politically I think they're the most progressive generation we've ever had."
"Please, please, please, maybe not in my generation, you know, maybe long after I'm dead, but the only way we're going to do this is if we become more than the sum of our parts."
"Life is good guys we make we can make something of it you can make something of it for your children."
"It just gives me so much hope and excitement for the next generation."
"I don't want that for your kids. I really don't. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for anybody."
"Everyone, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren everywhere deserve a better crack at a more peaceful and equitable world."
"Your best hope is in the Next Generation being more of the features type generation."
"The hope is that the new generation doesn't have to go through what we went through."
"Don't thank me for what I do. What you have to say is, 'I hope you raise daughters and sons that feel the way you do.' And my two daughters do. And so do my sons."
"I hope that my children will be able to live in a way life where they can actually experience Freedom."
"Loving this channel's content gives me hope for this younger generation."
"Great hope for future generations to a far greater extent than one might expect from Miyazaki's curmudgeonly image."
"The American dream is simply believing that you can make a better life for yourself and for your children."
"Hope doesn't die, that the new generation brings with it a whole new energy, a new moral integrity and righteousness."
"The future is bright, and I believe in the next generation."
"The future belongs to us, peace is what I wish for."
"I thought gangs... would get away with my generation."
"I've lived the American dream... I worry that American Dream isn't going to exist for the Next Generation."
"The next big thing for the generation coming up behind us is the complete abolition of war from this planet once and for all."
"Become the person that you are always meant to be because I think that zoomers have potential, I think that there is something in them that could actually ignite a revolution."
"That's my desire, that's my hope for the next generation is that we really reclaim the Divinity of sex."
"I have a daughter named Rose, what I want is for her to not have to live the life that I've lived."
"I love my children more and I want to see them grow up and I want to see their grandkids."
"That generation is gonna be solid if they keep moving like that, you know, with that much love and that much light."
"I'm 74 years old, I want my grandchildren to grow up in a constitutional democracy."
"Passing my love of bowling down to my daughter has been a gift, and I'm praying that one day she becomes better than Dad."
"We always want better for the next generation."
"When I think about the future, how do we design our vault society so our children have that better future?"
"You do deserve a better country and a better culture and a better economy than the one that you're getting."
"It gives me hope for the upcoming generation; they will surpass their parents in strength of body, mind, and heart."
"There is a new trend going around on social media that might have actually given me some hope for the future of my generation."
"It's comforting seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world."
"I still think that even for my generation there is some better future in the society."
"If you can get a society to rally behind one thing, economic growth, a better life for their children's children, doesn't matter where you come from."
"I carry that pressure of like this needs to work out, or else I'm just going to be like closing a door for the next generation."
"We must act now if we are to meet the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of present and future generations."
"My hope is that your generation and that of your children will have the same opportunities for dignity and enrichment and prosperity and good health."
"My generation is going to be a successful generation."
"Even me just reading this, it gives me hope for like future generations."
"Hopefully, as generations come and go, maybe they will come together more."
"May our children be as proud of us as we are of those who have gone before."
"We're probably all a lost cause and everybody before us, but there's hope for this next generation."
"I do want my kids to get raised and have an easier life than we do."
"It is my conviction that your generation is better and stronger than was ours, better in many ways."
"Blesses this generation as the one to finally fix all their screw-ups for sure."
"Ours is the first generation with a real chance of finding some of the answers."
"Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, old men would dream dreams, and young men would see visions."
"We gotta start supporting these young folks and telling them God is going to do great things through your generation."