
Wealth Gap Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"The long-suffering generation of millennials are now set to be significantly poorer than both baby boomers and gen X’ers."
"Financial literacy can literally help close wealth gaps, reduce inequity and even help with social issues."
"We can actually add somewhere between four and six percent to the GDP just by closing the wealth gap."
"Financial education...is a big reason why you're starting to see a bigger divide between the haves and have-nots."
"This process creates a gap between the rich and the poor, those who have more financial assets now see those asset prices go up and for various other reasons, a wealth gap has developed."
"There's a tremendous wealth gap that's continuing to get worse and worse."
"America built on the dream of upward Mobility has become a country of deepening divide between rich and poor."
"The surest way to narrow the wealth Gap is to earn a college degree."
"Canceling fifty thousand dollars in student loan debt would also help close the black-white wealth gap by 25 points."
"Monetary policy has a lot to do with the growing wealth gap in developed countries."
"The gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown and there is a lot of resentment toward the richest 1 percent in this country."
"The question isn't whether there's a net worth black-white gap, there is. The question is what do we do about it today?"
"It's not so much of an income gap, but an investment gap."
"The wealth gap between the richest one-tenth of one percent and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"Eight million Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession... the wealth gap between the richest... and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"The wealth gap between the richest... and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"The wealthiest people live literally across the street from the absolute poorest people."
"Literally, if we invested as much as we vote, that would literally do more to shrink the wealth gap than any politician ever could."
"Here's one simple fact: if our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"Not everyone lived in the wealthy mansions... there is a huge growth of urban poverty."
"There's a rising gap between the rich and the poor... many people live in very poor conditions."
"Greater financial literacy will close the racial wealth Gap."
"Closing the wealth Gap is not a financial literacy problem, it's a policy problem."
"Black investors and black business owners are reducing the wealth gap."
"The wealth gap has literally not changed in over 50 years, according to the Federal Reserve."
"Our number one goal... is to close the wealth gap."
"The biggest economic problems... the divide is becoming greater than it's ever been."
"The gap between rich and poor is now accelerating."
"The only way out is to print money which is going to increase the gap between the rich and the poor."
"60% of our people today in the wealthiest country in the history of the world are living paycheck to paycheck."
"just the the wealth Gap is just kind of too gnarly I think but you're on the good side of it"
"This poverty exists side by side with some of the most extreme wealth in the whole world."
"You're working your three jobs, you've bought your house, you bought your car, you're hanging out. You think you've made it, but the truth is the wealth gap clearly demonstrates you have not made it at all."
"There's no middle class here anymore."
"You can go out and get a PhD, as I did, but you're unlikely to have a wealth position that is comparable to an individual who's white who also has a PhD."
"The gap between the rich and the poor is widening only because the poor don't know how to manage money."
"A critique of capitalism... the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it's just a crime for poor people and not for rich people."
"It's about closing that wealth gap and making people whole."
"Therefore, at the crux of it, according to this theory, poor countries get poorer, and rich countries get richer."
"There is a significant wealth gap between black and white communities."
"Generational wealth is how we close the wealth Gap."
"the rich have got richer and the poor have at best struggle to keep up and and and at worse have gotten poorer"
"How big the wealth gaps are, the largest since they were in the 1930s."
"Crypto and Bitcoin are the single best methods to decrease the wealth gap."
"When you think about the wealth Gap we talk about how far specifically our community is as it relates to finances we have a unique opportunity right now."
"We have this Celtic Tiger [ __ ] golden calf economy that we have there's no more poor people."
"The typical white family in America has 20 times the net worth of the typical black family."
"The typical white family in America has 18 times that of the typical Latino family."
"That 20 to 1 wealth Gap... it's not about effort, it's not about intelligence, it's not about investment wisdom."
"The current system makes the rich richer, poor poorer."
"...tells the stories of obscene wealth gaps."
"What does that say about our society? What does that say about the wealth gap? What does that say about all of this? And even going beyond that, what if I decide I do want to go? Am I just being a poverty tourist?"
"Distribution of economic resources to the poorest is dependent on their availability to the rich first."
"Black people enter freedom as the only people probably in the history of the world who collectively have zero wealth."
"Loans: Rich people use them to make money from interest. Poor people use them to pay their bills."
"The middle lost out big time. The middle lost out to the top."
"So they can pass it down to the next generation, so we can close this like 10 to zero, 10 to one wealth gap between white folks and black folks."
"The biggest gaps we have in this country is not the education divide, it's not the digital divide, it's the wealth divide."
"We need less of a gap between the rich and the rest."
"So African-Americans can actually start to buy houses."
"We flatlined from the 60s to now; we have not gained or closed the wealth gap."
"We need to concentrate on if we're going to level the playing field and close this wealth gap in marginalized communities."
"The gap between the richest and poorest in our society seemingly getting bigger by the year."
"We are at the end of a 30-year period where the gap between rich and poor has become unbelievable."
"You can't tackle social mobility when there are such wide gaps between rich and poor."
"This is about a shift; we're talking about closing wealth gaps."
"The distance between the rich and the poor has widened dramatically in the last 1,000 years."
"The gap between the rich and the poor is as stark and vast here as any other place in the world."
"If you wanted a menu of all the things that you would not want to do when the gap was growing between the rich and everybody else, we did exactly the opposite."
"If we're going to close the wealth gap in our community, we can't have a renter's mentality."
"If you have a population where there's a large wealth gap and you have an economic downturn, almost reliably there is conflict."
"The greatest challenge we face is a growing chasm between rich people and poor people."
"It's not so much an income gap that's contributing to the inequality of wealth as an investment gap."
"Global level huge gap, rich and poor, this is very serious matter, is totally against sense of compassion."
"The difference between some people earning ten thousand dollars a year and some people earning ten billion dollars a year is quite enormous."
"The growing gap between rich and poor around the world is a moral crime."
"It just struck me... there are always two sides, the haves and have-nots."
"It's the wealth gap. You know, we got to figure out how to get money in black people's hands. It's simple."
"The gap between the most and least well-off Americans is widening."
"The gulf between the haves and the have-nots is just as great as it has ever been."
"The gap between the one percent and 99 is massive."
"We have very broad problems, especially the wealth gap in this country when it comes to Black Americans."
"We need to close this wealth gap."
"This country is coming apart at the seams, and it's not going to come together after January 3rd, no matter who's the president, unless we deal with this wealth gap."
"There's a bigger gap between the rich and the poor."
"The gap between rich and poor in America is now excessive."
"The wealth gap is astronomical, it's just crazy to think about."
"The gap between the rich and the poor has increased at a great deal, and this is the main character of globalization today."
"Information is what separates most of us from the rich."
"Just like many other countries around the world, the discrepancies and the divides between the rich and the poor here is quite significant."
"Black heads of household with a college degree have two-thirds of the net worth of white heads of households who never finished high school."
"That gap between the rich and the poor is just getting wider and wider, isn't it?"
"These conversations play a role as to why we have the wealth gap that we have today."
"That's one of the major reasons we've seen wealth inequality grow over the last 40 years."
"We need to take steps to close the racial wealth gap in America."