
Impact Assessment Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"I think there's been this weird counter-effect where people see it as just 100% net good, but there's also a little bit of a responsibility factor."
"Putin relies heavily on his allies and if a single one of them stops supporting Putin, it will be a significant impact."
"If there was no interventions in China then there would have been sixty-seven times more infections."
"This is a catastrophe of immense proportion, and it's difficult to get your head around exactly what happened and what the consequences of it may ultimately be."
"Early cuts to talent operations can set an alarming precedent."
"Extinction is a map that was supposed to be the end of the story, a finale that would be remembered. Did it accomplish this? Absolutely."
"The power level of this expansion cannot be understated of how bad it was for Hearthstone."
"Can this really make all that much of a difference? Yeah, absolutely."
"Hurting the poorest people first is usually the worst way to go."
"I think it's how you are doing it and is it sustainable, is it good for the environment, those are conversations that need to be had."
"The difference between something being highly beneficial or being destructive is in the consciousness that operates with the substance."
"I think these protests are incredibly effective, maybe the most effective we've seen in our lifetimes."
"It's unprecedented, completely unprecedented."
"Every actual stat metric reflects that support is the most impactful role in the game."
"Stokes apologized to those he had hurt and offended, but that is a group that consists of precisely zero people."
"Measure the impact of the sprint's features you just released before you start building onto them."
"The overall end result of a film... determine[s] the level of scrutiny moviegoers give that film." - Senor Ashish
"People with huge platforms, whether they have an intention to cause harm or not, the impact of their words can still have a huge and negative effect on large groups of people."
"The tack-on of a little extra money towards charity on a large ticket that we're already intent on buying is less influential."
"This chip initially scared the hell out of me. Seeing it in action, it's a game changer."
"The Shield, even 20 years later, still towers above countless edgy dramas in terms of its audacity and storytelling bravado."
"As far as real-world impact, the last one is the worst one, and as far as being open and shut, the last one is the absolute most open and shut one."
"I never thought in the first hundred days that more damage could be done in 100 days by this administration than in four years."
"But if we're at least trying to make a difference, and I think we definitely have here, and I think everybody sitting here would agree that we've had positive impacts, it's huge."
"This is massive, if you know something about history."
"I think this is as scary as it could possibly get. I mean, we are talking about the collapse of one of the most important institutions in this country."
"How many lives were saved as a direct result of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning?"
"Moderates can't be the solution in that sense where you're too late to the party to have an impact and you're waiting until we've already hit rock bottom and then you're trying to pick things up."
"The most effective way to truly understand how much of an impact this illness has had on us all is to explore what the world's largest economy would look like if it never happened."
"Our sponsors helped us review real products that make a huge difference in the world."
"Hillary Clinton has been there for 30 years and delivered nothing but failure look at her record she's got experience but it's bad experience her policies have brought death and destruction overseas and poverty at home."
"If you go big, you gotta go really big and then see what sticks, right?"
"Gmod 13: the monumental update that changed everything."
"It makes a pretty significant difference, I think."
"The amount of time that we spend in this country worrying about gerrymandering is wildly disproportionate to the amount of evil actually done by gerrymandering."
"Judge all things against the impact on our relationship."
"You can't put a number on that when it's happening multiple times around the raid so that's a big deal as well."
"From an outsider's point of view, I think it seems like it's helping yes yeah for sure yeah sweet."
"I honestly can't believe the scale of Media Molecule's achievement here."
"Look at what they've done for flaw look at what they've done to the slot."
"It might do a disservice to the actual tragedy."
"The provision of Javelin and ENAW missiles to Ukraine has proven to be a game-changer."
"The value of this system of learning... cannot be overestimated."
"If you take out murders in the US related to gangs and drugs, there would be a significant change in the murder rate."
"TV is dead. What's the worst thing that can happen? You get permanent haters like armies of them, no no you don't. This is good for toast."
"We just passed a 1.9 trillion dollar rescue plan that's going to make a massive difference in the lives of people."
"Have we helped to move two generations, Millennials and Gen Z, to become Progressive? Yes, those numbers are real."
"The true impact of this discovery will be measured by the extent to which it pushes us to question, explore, and redefine."
"We can make very educated guesses in terms of the impact."
"Generalizations can be inaccurate and harmful; they can also be accurate and beneficial."
"I think just having that impact I don't think you really understand it until you win it."
"Does it advertise a fantasy and then deliver on that fantasy in a meaningful and impactful way?"
"I've killed, you know how many thousands of people I've killed in video games in my life and how I have literally never once in my entire life thought like I'm going to murder an actual human being."
"Honestly, it is like a drug. It is a gateway drug."
"Is this company going to be one of the most important big tech companies a decade from now? And I gotta say I'm pretty darn confident that they will be."
"For 90% of the users out there... probably not going to affect them too much if they don't want the new features."
"The heaviest consumers are the ones that are most impacted."
"I think it's a factor in a way... tonight would have been a very different occasion."
"You're making a huge impact... but it's really hard to see that impact."
"What a fantastic point he terrorized us all game today."
"It does do something, whether it's something important or interesting."
"It's often the reaction to a crisis that's worse than the crisis."
"This doesn't affect you in any way you're more affected obviously by the price of Parts than anything happening here for the person that doesn't build their own computer and wants to buy one."
"There were genuine discussions about him being the signing of the season at one point."
"To call these games groundbreaking would be a huge understatement."
"Criticism is healthy and unhealthy heat tsunami."
"We must accelerate change now. The consequences of failure and success are profound."
"If the people aren't supporting you then you have to question how much good you're doing."
"I think this will be the most consequential presidential election, certainly of my lifetime."
"The real cost of broken families is not measured in dollars."
"The lethal impact of America's secret weapon was perhaps summed up best by a letter from General George S. Patton, who wrote: 'The new shell with the funny fuse is devastating...'"
"It might not change the meta too much but it's one of those low-tier fun machines."
"I think Edouard Mendy had the biggest impact of a goalkeeper this calendar year."
"Them not doing enough is still better than them not having existed at all."
"The fact that somebody is so angry about what it is that you guys are doing means they care that much to be angry."
"Ultimately, I think the net benefit will be good."
"Does this act bring us closer or will it actually pull us further away?"
"It's about thinking about the impact the choices have on your citizens and on your allies' citizens... it doesn't have to be win-lose, it can be win-win."
"Artificial intelligence is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"The outcome of the re-entry in this flight will significantly influence space access plans and the trajectory of the Starship project."
"That statistic was absolutely crazy when you figure it out."
"The growing Fleet of FSD beta users has an exponential impact on total FST beta miles driven."
"What if Cthulhu existed today? It's not too far-fetched to say he likely does."
"This will be the most slept on legendary, she is absolutely insane."
"What would your reel of life look like? Did you do more good than harm?"
"Twitter might have been the best thing that happened to the internet."
"It is certainly a humiliating and damaging blow for the Russians but it is hardly a fatal one."
"Combat in a game... it either kills the game or it makes the game."
"This definitely changes the landscape, there's no doubt about that."
"The highest inflation in over four decades. Now that sounds bad, but is it really?"
"Raising interest rates are not going to do anything. They're not going to suddenly make it rain and you're gonna have more wheat or anything of this nature."
"It was incredibly effective and very painful."
"You have to keep on clapping for yourself and seeing the impact you created."
"Chat GPT has illustrated just how advanced AI has become."
"It's what you're leaving behind. And have you ever stepped back and looked at what you're leaving behind?"
"The numbers are suggesting that duplicity should be valued like a top-tier field manager or GM after all his impact on on wins and losses is at the very least way more quantifiable."
"How can we make any impact on the January transfer window?"
"The wheel is by far the most important invention man has ever realized."
"It's not what we normally think of as an act of God, this is a conscious political decision."
"The impact of your victory has not yet been made clear, but in time you will learn more about how this will further evolve the world."
"A lot of it is considered pseudoscience, but when you look at how these things are impacting people, you start to think maybe they're onto something."
"It's this weird thing where I see how you're trying to help, but sometimes you can't predict how much your help is gonna hurt."
"Ripple effects on the market in general, we'll take a look at that on a deep dive."
"How different would the history books be if some dude ran up and just beat his ass cold clock?"
"But I'm not sure anything that has come since has been more extreme, had more purpose, had more wow factor than these."
"This carbon credit monitoring system... really gauge the output and impact."
"The whole thing was definitely a big black hole of resources and it was quite a relief that it ended up making any kind of impression because I was just scared that it was it wasn't going to."
"It only takes 2 or 3 feet to cause catastrophic damage."
"This is the first time I was focused on impact only and not on sights."
"I hope this video gave you kind of a bigger insight on how much damage these classes are actually doing this season."
"Removing the vault speed bonus is a massive nerf to this perk."
"The impact and the work have been the proof, hopefully."
"A change in the physical Market versus the paper Market has been beneficial."
"The attacks on Ukraine's military infrastructure are accelerating, and that could have an impact on Ukraine's ability to sustain the war."
"If Americans use their cell phones one year longer on average, it would be the same reduction in pollution as taking 636,000 cars off the road."
"Not only that, but how many lives did that positively affect?"
"The most important stuff ends up giving us the biggest results."
"This is a massive move, do not underestimate the significance."
"You will be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the problems you caused."
"It's a virus it will spread but here is the thing that you want to notice first Donald Trump has done a lot of good things."
"The Jones Act hasn’t doomed America to financial ruin."
"I found out that they donated over 4 million meals to charities in 2020."
"It's just they're not going to play an impact in this rebuild."
"If people hate you it means that what I'm doing is making some site type of an impact."
"Think about the planetary piece. When you are gone, what would people remember you by?"
"I think people in the short term tend to overestimate the impact, but in the long term underestimate the impact."
"He never won a Nobel Prize, changed the world more than most Nobel Prize winners."
"Did that change the game in a playing kind of way? Okay, did you try Lucio? Did you see what happened when you got a beat? Did it just feel the same?"
"Guitar Rig is like one of the best things that has happened to music."
"Joanna's slide showed absolutely none of that, and so she faded into obscurity with no further mention or finding of her."
"The value system will determine the success of your impact. If you are truly aligned, you will be able to sustain momentum."
"Would football be better overall if we didn't have Twitter? Hands down without question the world would be better without Twitter."
"The most important thing I do is I build a change agent network or change champion network who are on the ground doing the impact assessment with their colleagues and picking up all of the little impacts and managing them themselves."
"Overall, I’m really impressed with how well Avatar held up to this thought experiment."
"Interesting to see how this can impact scenario projections."
"The cumulative chance of impact between 2175 and 2199 is about 1 in 2,700."
"Raise a risk to project delivery and note the impact and likelihood of the risk."
"Does working on the problem impact profits of the company?"
"What are the impacts of different economic interventions relative to cash or other social welfare programs?"
"Evaluation is going further than outputs, and we're looking at impacts."
"Convergence that's more impactful than some trend line or some kind of indicator."
"We will analyze the impact and likelihood of each of the risks and then prioritize them."
"This federal reserve has gone a whole lot further than we thought they would."
"And the question is, when SARS jumped into, so SARS-2 jumped into humans, it's causing a lot of mortality. And the question is, when it's infecting bats, does it have the same negative impact on bats?"
"We divide the world into three buckets... customer impact, organizational goals, impact to the team."
"So my null hypothesis will be there is no impact of this incentive on the metric, which includes the number of drivers who actually do the first ride."
"Materiality is requiring organizations to consider their full impact on the wider world."
"It was important that policymakers consider the totality of the impacts of the decisions that we were making."
"A stronger personal statement will not just describe what you did, it will have a sentence or two on the impact."
"The double materiality concept requires organizations to consider their full impacts on the wider world."
"You want to make sure you've honed in on the stuff that is likely to happen and understand what the likely impacts of that are."
"You combine the impact and the cost to come up with a priority."
"We're going to have to really be able to look at things in a whole new way as we evaluate how is AI going to impact society."
"I'm going to rate this disaster 4 on my scale and a 5 on the legacy scale."
"A difference in difference model uses a two-year panel data set to estimate the causal impact of some economic intervention on some outcome variable."
"Difference in differences is a method that identifies the impact by considering two differences: the difference between the treatment group and the control group, and the difference before the intervention and after the intervention."
"The effects of different kids growing up in very different circumstances are pretty close to zero."
"Some believe the destruction of the library set humanity back a thousand years, but the reality is we'll never know."
"An organization should seek to understand the concerns of stakeholders in order to identify and assess its impacts accurately."
"The reason why I originally started the company is that it's such a powerful tool for companies to understand their impact as early on as possible."
"The difference in differences is going to provide you with an estimate of the impact."
"Severity levels are a way to categorize incidents based on their impact."
"It's really important that we conduct user research and sit down together as a team to consider the cost of false positives and negatives on our users."
"A theory of change becomes much more than just a description of your intervention; it layers up the rationale, the assumptions, and the indicators."
"It's important to remember that environmental impact assessments are not just a tree-hugging exercise."
"What does your ideal average day look like? What kind of impact do you want to have on your team, on your clients, within the company, on the company as a whole, on the broader community?"
"You use CloudFormation to verify what impacts those changes are going to have as they go through your various stages using change sets."
"Engaging with a newly identified stakeholder group is essential to understand their concerns, assess the project's potential impacts, and explore options for mitigation or engagement."
"Before taking action, it's crucial to assess the potential impact of the loss of the critical resource and develop a comprehensive mitigation plan."
"A 40% reduction in bullying incidents... by comparison, US state laws meant to reduce bullying had an on average decrease of 8%."
"If your CSR spending is greater than 10 crores, then you need to do impact assessment of your CSR activities."
"Systems thinking essentially means looking beyond the given node or the given action and see what impact does this have on the system itself."
"We absolutely understood that if we took these decisions to protect people from harm one, then that would have an impact potentially on other aspects including those that fall under the bracket of harm two."
"If you're doing very clever things with data... and you've never carried out an impact assessment, then I would say yes, for sure you should carry out one as soon as you possibly can."