
Mutations Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Cancer cells carry the oncogenic and tumor suppressor mutations that define cancer as a genetic disease."
"Mutations provide the variation that can also subserve adaptive traits. Genetic variation is at the heart of individuality."
"If any of those mutations relied on proton tunneling and you could somehow control the probability that a proton would tunnel from place to the other, then understanding mutations quantum mechanically would be something very important in cancer research."
"Not all mutations are deleterious... some mutations are beneficial, some are silent and have no observable effect at all."
"Mutations generate variations that might be affected by natural selection."
"Evolution is not just mutations, it’s mutations AND natural selection."
"Mutations simply change the information. They don’t 'degrade' it."
"Evolution is the process of minor mutations slowly bringing about changes that make a species better able to survive and reproduce."
"Helpful mutations are not a DNA upgrade. Getting a newer smartphone is an upgrade."
"If you're considering DNA is information then yes mutations can add information and they do."
"Overcrowding pigs allows for large infectious loads to transfer, increasing the likelihood of extremely rare mutations."
"Mutations bring perks and traits to your character."
"Mutations modify the game in interesting ways."
"Complex adaptations can happen without being unduly constrained by the underlying mutations."
"The DNA record does not support the assertion that small random mutations are the main source of new and useful variations."
"So the chromosomal damage— the genetic damage and mutations are down road of the accident that's happening at the mitochondria."
"Actually, the older the man is, the more mutations he's likely to pass on in the next generation."
"Mutations in the ubiquitin proteasome system predispose to various human diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular diseases."
"Homeotic mutations transform one region of the body into another."
"...react query mutations... pretty simple API... you can manage so many stuff."
"It's unlikely that we would have to worry about these mutations in terms of immunity because they're not functionally relevant."
"So any baby that's born has in the order of 100, 200 new mutations that's there neither in the father nor in the mother."
"Inactivating mutations of genes frequently occur in a variety of cancers."
"The terrifying mutations that their enhancements have racked on their bodies have become a badge of honor for most of these Space Marines."
"Small mutations exist in all plants, perpetuating the life of an annual plant beyond its normal lifespan."
"Radiation could still have some seriously spooky effects on us, for example, it could damage DNA molecules and cause mutations."
"The more mutations that your cancer has, the more chance that there's abnormal proteins being expressed on that cancer cell that your immune system can recognize as being abnormal."
"Codon optimization means introducing silent or synonymous mutations into your open reading frame."
"Mutations are the source of genetic variation for us."
"Mutations are the source of genetic variation upon which natural selection operates."
"Beneficial mutations have been precisely defined and positively identified."
"Mutations are not always bad; some mutations are useful, some are harmful, and some are neutral in nature."
"Most cancers are actually sporadic, which means they just happen because of mutations."
"Cancer is considered a disease of aging because you acquire all these mutations over time."
"Mutations allow for variations seen in population."
"New variations are produced by mutations, a change in the chromosome or gene."
"Mutations are random with respect to fitness."
"Some harmful mutations can be beneficial if the environment changes."
"Little tiny islands can cause lots of biodiversity as you get small isolated populations inbreeding together, passing mutations quite quickly."
"Some of these differences might not mean anything; they might be benign. Others of these differences might be pathogenic and might contribute to your disease."
"Let's start defining the queries and the mutations."
"Mutations of one or a few nucleotides can affect protein structure and function."
"Most of the mutations can be linked to sun exposure, which can predispose you or increase your risk for melanoma."
"Mutations cause genetic diversity as they are changes in the genetic material due to mistakes in coding."
"Recent evidence supports evolution of mutations that both reduce and increase pathogenicity."
"Mutations are the ultimate origin of all genetic variation."
"Understanding what types of radiation and chemicals cause mutations to occur within your tissues is extremely important."
"We're going to create mutations and queries, these are just routes in GraphQL."
"Mutations happen within DNA which already exists, information and the prior configuration is different from the configuration it was before."
"Many of the mutations that you see in cancer samples are not driver variants; they're just random mutations that are along for the ride."
"The TERT promoter is probably the best-known non-coding mutation out there."
"There's nothing necessarily wrong with a mutation; many mutations are actually helpful or completely benign, as are many intersex conditions."
"Mutations are random but they are a huge driver of genetic diversity within populations."
"Cancer, something that we're all too familiar with, is often, if not almost always, the result of specific rare somatic mutations."
"A nonsense mutation is when we change a standard amino acid coding codon to a stop codon, and this ends the protein prematurely during translation, resulting in a truncated or shorter than normal protein."
"Mutations are almost invariably bad for the individual... but for that jackpot lottery-winning mutation that actually increases the fitness of the individual, as rare as it is, those are the mutations that lead to evolutionary change."
"Variability due to mutations is the driver of evolution."
"Mutations and natural selection are definitely parts of evolution."
"Some mutations... confer protection against HIV or a decreased risk for Alzheimer's disease or diabetes and many others."