
Solar Eclipse Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"For those watching, the diamond ring is like a parting gift from the solar eclipse and a confirmation that something truly incredible has taken place."
"This solar eclipse is the destroyer of lies and deceptions because it is the source of the biggest truth."
"Because the Moon is completely blocking the light from the Sun, we are able to see the Sun's corona during a total solar eclipse."
"A solar eclipse is a super big New Moon, a fantastic time to set a new intention."
"It is the second total solar eclipse across the United States in 7 years, and the two eclipses will mark an X over the country. This is a very rare and ominous event."
"Of all the astronomical phenomena you can witness, the total solar eclipse has to be the most visceral--the most in-your-face reminder that our reality consists of giant balls of rock spinning around stars."
"A total solar eclipse is like the universe just walked up to your door and said, 'Hey! Here I am! I'm dynamic, and I'm doing stuff!'" - Hakeem Oluseyi
"It's completely extraordinary that nature gives us this opportunity to turn off the lights." - Anjali Tripathi
"Welcome back to our special live coverage of the total solar eclipse."
"We're in the umbra, the great North American eclipse is happening right now above us, oh, my God. Look. This is incredible."
"We've heard it go quiet. For the rest of the 3 minutes or so, people were just kind of soaking it all in."
"A total solar eclipse is one of nature's most spectacular and rare sights."
"If you're not in the path of totality, then it's just not the same."
"The Moon perfectly eclipses our sun, a mathematical impossibility without an intelligence."
"This is a total solar eclipse, come see my narrow path in which I travel on the Earth's surface. My totality is awe-inspiring so don't miss this."
"Now, I want to dig a little bit deeper because there's one key theme that's coming in for the solar eclipse."
"I'm not even going to explain it 'cause the news is on, folks. Today is the long-awaited total solar Eclipse."
"He went blind, you idiot! I told you not to stare at the sun. I'm blind? Yes, you're blind!"
"In the pantheon of eclipses, probably the highest and the mightiest...total eclipse of the Sun."
"In the shadow of the upcoming April 8 2024 solar eclipse lies a profound opportunity for reflection and repentance."
"No picture does a total solar eclipse justice."
"Solar eclipse gives a feeling of fear, uncertainty, even paranoia sometimes."
"This solar eclipse will be highlighting the light behind the shadow."
"The solar eclipse brings about change and transformation."
"This solar eclipse is illumination that really creates incredibly fertile soil for starting something new, setting intentions..."
"A solar eclipse is not the death of the Sun, contemplate what is essential and what is not."
"Partial eclipse of the Sun accompanied by full Eclipse of knowledge and reason."
"Witnessing a total solar eclipse is an inspiring experience."
"The sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball. This phenomenon is called a solar eclipse."
"Can you see the sun? Uh-huh, one minute left, you ready?"
"No look, come on out, you'll miss everything. It's amazing, class, it's so awesome that we did this, look look."
"Solar eclipses are special right because that special moment where the moon's orbit aligns with our orbit aligns with the sun's orbit and you get this perfect straight line shot. It's really amazing."
"The last time we've had a total solar eclipse over the US was just under a hundred years ago."
"Witnessing the solar eclipse fills us with a sense of awe and reverence for the Mysteries of the universe."
"In the Silence of the eclipse, may we find Solace and wonder."
"As the solar eclipse casts its shadow, let us pause and reflect."
"THIS SOLAR ECLIPSE is a NORTH NODE eclipse, representing new beginnings."
"Our Solar Eclipse is aligned with the North Node in Aries."
"You don't have to sacrifice your vision to witness a solar eclipse."
"This is what happens when the moon passes in front of the Sun and it's going to cast a shadow that travels across the United States."
"The moon's diameter perfectly covers the Sun during an eclipse."
"This solar eclipse is about that vulnerability equals strength."
"The solar eclipse, a celestial event that has captivated humanity since ancient times."
"The collective these days, as this solar eclipse is going to initiate highly unique healing journeys per each and every individual."
"We just had photo pass take a sweet photo of the entire family wearing solar eclipse glasses."
"For a few fleeting moments today, Americans will turn their gaze upwards to the sun."
"Solar eclipses tend to bring about New Beginnings."
"Solar eclipses start new cycles, powerful new cycles... a step in our growth and maturity."
"A total solar eclipse is a dance with three partners: the Earth, the moon, and the sun."
"The purpose of the solar eclipse is to show us the truth, is to kind of like it's like a recalibration."
"All of NASA science represented by a total solar eclipse, and something that over 30 million of us today, at least in the path of totality, are able to witness."
"On April 8th beginning at approximately 12:00 noon Central Standard Time, the Sun will again lose its light over the city of Jonah in Texas and move across the United States for 3 hours before crossing into a small portion of Canada at about 300 p.m."
"If you get to a total solar eclipse it is night and day."
"Expect extreme feelings during a solar eclipse. It's like a primal instinct to react, but it's also a time for reflection."
"It's going to be a fun day, solar eclipse day, let's do it!"
"Please, if you're going to enjoy the solar eclipse coming up this Monday, please go out and buy the proper gear. Do not look at it with your naked eye. Do not buy cheap. Pay up for whatever you're going to do your viewing experience with and do not risk your eyesight."
"A solar eclipse is just a new moon on steroids."
"Every little nuance shot you take, you can see actual sun flares coming off the side of the Sun from behind the Moon."
"...you can see a solar eclipse from a high altitude aircraft as well, the view is rather incredible."
"This is it, we are seeing our very own natural satellite, the moon, as it passes over the sun, blocking 16% of its light from our perspective."
"We are preparing for a total solar eclipse; we'll tell you everything you need to know."
"It's really important to wear proper eclipse glasses which are very very very dark and equipped with filters."
"This is the first solar eclipse to have traveled coast to coast in almost a century."
"The Sundial gets its name from the immense shadow it casts that moves over the day, and it is so wide that at many places, it eclipses the sun for several minutes every day."
"This phenomenon is called a solar eclipse."
"You can see solar eclipses because the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but also 400 times closer to Earth."
"Our understanding of the solar eclipse is inseparable from our understanding of the two other events."
"Experts at NASA are laying certain fears and dispelling myths about Monday's solar eclipse."
"Symbolically, solar eclipses represent a moment of darkness followed by illumination and revelation."
"The longest solar eclipse... the sun will go dark for 7 minutes and 29 seconds."
"People are going to say, 'Where were you when the Great solar eclipse of 2024 happened?' I'm going to say, 'I was in my baby's pouch.'"
"For this eclipse in 2024, you have approximately 4 minutes to really enjoy that corona."
"I wish you clear skies wherever you may be on April 8th, that you may capture it and process it with ease."
"Everything under the Sun is in tune, but the Sun is eclipsed by the moon."
"Total solar eclipse that will darken the skies for millions of people."
"That is the moon casting a shadow on the sun. Oh my god, oh wow, oh no."
"CERN's large hadron collider will unleash its power during the April 8th total solar eclipse, aiming to unravel the secrets of dark matter and the universe's fundamental forces."
"Brace for this total eclipse of the sun, offering a rare opportunity for observation and study amidst the celestial marvel."
"On October 14th, people in the southwestern USA will be able to enjoy an annular solar eclipse."
"There was a solar eclipse over Antarctica."
"The allure of witnessing a mysterious object near the International Space Station during a solar eclipse lies in the station's unique vantage point and the accessibility of live camera feeds."
"The entire school is actually doing a solar eclipse viewing, so freaking cool."
"The whole sky is literally gonna go dark, it's so freaking cool and so excited."
"There hasn't been an eclipse from coast to coast of the United States since 1917, that's a long time."
"Good morning everyone, hello and welcome to the Royal Observatory Greenwich's coverage of today's partial solar eclipse."
"The moon just barely covers the Sun up. If the moon were a little smaller or a little farther away, it wouldn't do it at all."
"This is incredible... we are seeing our very own natural satellite, the moon, as it passes over the sun."
"This is really good, kind of like back in 2017, we had the total solar eclipse."
"The solar eclipse is just all about seed planting, new beginnings, and long-term commitments that will be getting underway."
"A solar eclipse in your 11th house is all about something bringing forth into being the physicalization of the manifestation of a big goal or aspiration that you have."
"A solar eclipse in your 10th House of career and upward Mobility is all about a huge jump in terms of your earning power, your status, your title."
"A solar eclipse in your ninth House of higher education, government, legal proceedings, travel, culture, your spiritual path and practice, and your reach is exponentially amplifying that experience of being able to get out of your box, get out of your bubble."
"A solar eclipse new moon is all about seed planting, new beginnings, and new long-term commitments."
"A solar eclipse here may actually put you in a situation where you claim a new job, a new role, a new service that is leaps and bounds much more profitable to you than what you're used to."
"You can only have a total solar eclipse on a new moon, okay, that's just how it works."
"A total solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular event."
"A total solar eclipse is otherworldly."
"We're really fortunate that here on Earth our moon is just the right size and just the right distance from Earth that it can completely block out the sun's disc during total solar eclipses."
"If you're lucky enough to be in the path of totality, keep an eye out for that Sun's outer atmosphere, the Corona."
"It was at this moment that the battlefield was plunged into darkness due to a solar eclipse."
"There's a total solar eclipse in 40 minutes."
"Despite having seen countless photos of solar eclipses online, nothing has awestruck me as much as seeing the sun's corona with my own eyes."
"In this scenario, we're talking about a total solar eclipse, which only happens under very specific circumstances."
"You'll be able to see the corona, which is something that you can only see during the total eclipse."
"Existence on Earth is closely tied to the transition of day to night; a total solar eclipse would disrupt this pattern and wreak havoc on other natural cycles."
"The last time the world witnessed a total solar eclipse was in 2017, and its presence delighted enthusiastic skywatchers."
"This is absolutely insane, but what if instead of a rare phenomena, a total solar eclipse became an everyday thing?"
"This is 'What If,' and here's what would happen if there were a permanent solar eclipse."
"You can see solar eclipses because even though the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, it's also 400 times closer to Earth."
"The experience of totality only lasts a few minutes, but it offers a glimpse of the sun's outer atmosphere called the corona."
"The moon totally blocks out the photosphere part of the Sun and you can actually for a couple minutes see the corona."
"It's supposed to actually get cooler and you're supposed to actually be able to feel the air get cooler because you don't have the heat from the Sun warming up the air."
"It looks like a flaming ring where it's dark in the middle and it's bright on the outside."
"NASA wanted this moment because when you have a total eclipse, it blocks out the sun and they can study the corona."
"We all looked up and witnessed that total solar eclipse, that shadow with the flares coming off of the sun."
"The phenomenon of increased UFO sightings during total solar eclipses presents a fascinating intersection of cosmic events and potential mysterious encounters."
"Photographing a total solar eclipse can be one of the easiest or most difficult things."
"Good luck and clear skies on April 8, 2024."
"This celestial event is called the solar eclipse."
"Did you know the longest a total solar eclipse can last is 7.5 minutes? Whoa, that's cool."
"Total solar eclipses are complex astronomical events that happen fairly often, between two to four times yearly."
"The time when the Sun is totally covered is called total solar eclipse."
"We are in the path of totality, we have a massive Civic Center."
"We have another solar eclipse coming. It's so exciting, I think the path of totality is going to be mostly on the East Coast."
"Get ready because over the next week or so, any ophthalmologist with any kind of public platform, myself included, we're going to be all over this."
"During the total solar eclipse, some observers got the special chance to see one of the sun's most incredible events: coronal mass ejections."
"Let's go somewhere where we can see the totality, and we can see the eclipse."
"It's a really, really special Balloon Fiesta because of the eclipse."
"We are in the middle of a solar eclipse 2024; it's a big deal."
"We are supposed to have 97% of a total eclipse."
"A total solar eclipse is when the moon completely covers the face of the Sun."
"This total solar eclipse... it's history."
"The total solar eclipse... it's going to be intense. That fire energy is real."
"It's a beautiful day to view a partial solar eclipse, to say the least."
"Solar eclipses in totality are wild, they're so dang cool."
"We had a total solar eclipse this past week."
"When the moon slipped in front of the sun, the little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end."
"If this was 3,000 years ago and the earthquake happened and then the sun disappeared, the entire village is like, 'What did I do? I'm sorry!'"
"If it does coincide with the solar eclipse, I think that's kind of wild."
"We want to film the solar eclipse from the stratosphere."
"It's a solar eclipse! It's literally the darkest day in Fire Nation history."
"We're gathered here today to experience one of the most spectacular of natural events: a total solar eclipse."
"It's amazing, and my eyes are adapting to the dark so I'm seeing more and more detail in the corona."
"It's amazing as I'm standing here in the shadow of the moon, it's so nice and I feel so privileged to be able to bring this to the hundreds of thousands of people who are watching us online."
"The things you learn as you travel the world to the locations of the total solar eclipses are amazing."
"The Sun is blocked out by the moon during the day, which is totally cool; it's called the solar eclipse."
"The total solar eclipse gives the best environment for studying the Corona."
"That is the Sun during a solar eclipse as seen from Tahiti, and it's really cool because you get this amazing sort of iridescent thing going on in the clouds."
"It's a perfect ring of fire; it's just so crisp."
"We're about to witness a solar eclipse, but it's not just any solar eclipse; this will be an extremely rare total solar eclipse."
"...a solar eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the sun, blocking its light from view."
"The path of totality just around the corner, I can't believe we're finally here."
"For four whole minutes, four minutes and nine seconds, we are so looking forward to it."
"What a total solar eclipse inspires is less about scientific planetary positioning and more about feeling."
"It's going to be even more spectacular."
"An event that is just so shockingly rare."
"At that moment, you will see the corona of the Sun just magically appear across the sky."
"On the 10th we have an annular solar eclipse, as the moon is close to apogee, its disk is not large enough to completely cover the sun, so you're left with what many call a ring of fire."
"Solar eclipses are very different... you read about people who go hunting these."
"The darkest blackness you've ever seen, and at that moment you will see the corona of the Sun just magically appear across the sky."
"A total solar eclipse is when the entire disk of the Sun is covered by the moon."
"A total solar eclipse is going to sweep across the nation along a 70 mile wide path arching from Oregon to South Carolina."
"It's really something, and it's so amazing you understand why people travel all over the world to see them."
"It is history in the making; for the first time in nearly 100 years, New York is getting a front row seat to an unforgettable sight in the sky."
"The total eclipse has been called The Greatest Show on Earth, just a spectacle not to be missed."
"This never hardly ever happens over such a populated area. 31 million people live within the path of totality."
"High to the sky as history happens right in front of us for the first time in nearly 100 years, New York is getting a front row seat to an unforgettable sight in the sky, a total solar eclipse."
"A solar eclipse is happening today; it's something that rarely happens."
"A solar eclipse is a phenomenon where the moon entirely or partially covers the sun, possible only during the new moon."
"What this tracker does is, it's going to take care of this for you; it's going to keep the sun centered in your camera throughout the duration of the eclipse."
"The coolest part is where the moon completely blocks the sun."
"It was really amazing being able to see almost complete darkness in the middle of the day."
"When total solar eclipse, you could see light coming through the valleys on the moon. It's amazing."
"...it's just one of these things, if you haven't ever viewed a total solar eclipse, it is just something extra spectacular."
"A solar eclipse happens when a new moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking some or all of the sun's rays from reaching the Earth."
"I'm just hoping tomorrow is going to be good enough weather so we could see this total solar eclipse."
"Solar eclipse is the most wonderful thing to see; it grows really dark by factors of thousands within seconds."
"Every solar eclipse is a new moon, initiating a new powerful cycle."
"Prepare to have your mind blown is what this solar eclipse says."
"Whenever we have a solar eclipse, that's a major reset."
"A solar eclipse is going to superpower that and make that a very significant new beginning."
"Utilize the solar eclipse the best way, committing to a new habit that maybe is getting you to a more healthier, balanced life."
"Solar eclipses are like supercharged new moons."
"It's really cool. It's so weird and different seeing the Sun basically turned into Pac-Man."
"During a solar eclipse, the moon passes between what two heavenly bodies? The Earth and the Sun."