
Affirmative Action Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Affirmative action isn't going to cure insidious bias in this country. What it can do is... it helps us to understand that African-Americans are starting on first base and you're seeing a lot of white Americans just based on things like redlining neighborhoods funding starting on second or third base."
"A lot of people confuse affirmative action with racial preferences with diversity writ large."
"A lot of proponents for affirmative action will argue that like Black and Hispanic students have maybe had lower GPA or SAT scores because they didn't have the resources to invest the time and prep into SAT."
"Affirmative action benefited more white women than it did black people."
"Affirmative action is a means and a method; it's like having a key when there's a locked door."
"I do disagree on what you said about affirmative action because I feel like without that legislation, I don't think black people stand a chance. We had to create the legislation to even have a chance."
"I think that it helps everyone if they end race-based affirmative action in college admissions. It restores merit in the United States."
"The government owes reparations and affirmative action is just a conservative part of it, because it was the law that we couldn't read and write, and that we couldn't make money. It was the law, so the government has to undo what the government did."
"Affirmative action... I don't know, because on one end, I don't want an opportunity because I'm the token. But I do believe that black people should get the opportunities to lead and be a part of an organization in high-level positions."
"A country which is inclusive... is a country which will ensure affirmative action."
"White people had affirmative action for 246 years in this country. It was called slavery."
"There is literally not one piece of empirical data that shows that affirmative action has helped black America whatsoever."
"Yeah, it's a really complex topic to me I think more and more I think about affirmative action in terms of trade-offs"
"Without affirmative action, no white people would ever hire or educate any black people."
"We will end affirmative action in every sphere of American life. It is a cancer on our national soul." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"Affirmative action was right. Educate our future leaders on how it systematically helped my people as a group."
"The land grants to assist colonial settlers served as one of the earliest forms of affirmative action in America."
"Affirmative action is pretty much inherently racist."
"Affirmative action acknowledges the systemic oppression of people of color."
"White supremacy itself is affirmative action. Benefits, privileges, and protections based on race. That's the affirmative action."
"For people in the center and rightward, it has been a beautiful example of how affirmative action really goes."
"Did you not know that black people have advantages in college admissions, scholarships, and job opportunities? If you didn't, now you do."
"White supremacy is an affirmative action program for people who are classified as white and you know that."
"Affirmative action tried to level the playing field but was ruled unconstitutional."
"America loves affirmative action for white people: Legacy admissions are affirmative action for the rich."
"This can spread like wildfire if we don't get it under control."
"Affirmative action is the only way to protect black people from systemic oppression."
"If you say anything against, I am opposed for example to a lowering standards at universities to admit more blacks or Hispanics or any other group I believe standards have to be standards."
"There's a major lawsuit that your listeners might be and that you should be really interested in it's the students for fair admissions versus Harvard lawsuit."
"If they end race-based affirmative action, I think that helps everyone."
"Affirmative action is not about lowering the bar it's about opening the door to people who are qualified."
"What we need now is the James Brown version of affirmative action. Open the door, I'll get it myself."
"Affirmative action no I don't need favors I don't because that makes it seem like well I don't have it up here or here enough to do what that white person does I do I absolutely haven't."
"What do you think? You often hear people say, 'Well, affirmative action may be unfair, but it's helped a lot of people.' You buy that?"
"Affirmative action programs tend to exacerbate rather than ameliorate tensions among different groups."
"Since they've eliminated affirmative action at the University of California system, there are trying to get that data."
"Affirmative action, I believe, is warranted, but it has been a problematic policy."
"I agree with him wholeheartedly on affirmative action... Start with the poorest ones."
"The number one demographic to benefit from affirmative action... white women."
"Affirmative action harms everybody in different ways." - Thomas Sowell
"I usually try to push for more affirmative or like enthusiastic consent."
"Affirmative action and racial preferences are exactly the wrong way of trying to redress the problem."
"White people have had their own affirmative action in this country for more than 400 years; it's called nepotism and quid pro quo."
"To me, the issue around affirmative action is really much more an issue around opportunity. How do we move up these numbers by giving more kids the opportunity to succeed? And if they fail, they fail."
"Affirmative action for us was the first chance we had to compete with white boys our peers on um Level Playing Field."
"Remedial affirmative action is remedial. It's repairing the harms that were inflicted because of slavery or because of segregation."
"Conservatives are like I hate affirmative action and then they're like we need to elevate some black people."
"Affirmative action made it possible for us to be players at the table. Without government intervention, we wouldn't be here."
"Because of affirmative action, we were able to enter the broader middle class and upper middle class America. You get what my mama used to call White money instead of just color money. There's a difference."
"Maybe in about 25 years, questions of affirmative action in higher education admission policies might be able to be race-blind as a matter of constitutional mandate."
"If next year every kid got an honest reading of why they were rejected from a school that said actually we liked you but we have enough of your race, I think affirmative action would be gone in a second."
"White males have had the ultimate affirmative action in America and in the West for a couple thousand years and I think now it's um time for our Notions of beauty and Excellence to be expanded to include people of color from cultures of color women uh gay people Etc."
"I don't know a single institution that is not engaged in the use of massive racial preferences."
"Affirmative action and initiatives like that are a Band-Aid solution to a gaping wound if you will."
"Affirmative action is good for the country, it levels the playing field for all people."
"White women, y'all fighting against affirmative action when you benefited from it more because at least we ain't black."
"The taking affirmative action to meet the depression and give people back their own sense of self-confidence."
"Affirmative action is a set of procedures designed to eliminate unlawful discrimination among applicants, to remedy the consequences of such prior discrimination, and keep it from happening in the future."
"The big white affirmative action and the really tiny remedy to that which has been aimed at people of color... a lot of the white middle class was built on the basis of FHA Loans, government underwritten, government guaranteed, government sponsored loans."
"Affirmative action was a temporary remedy, something you need until you don't need it anymore."
"I'm having a lot of fun at the things I'm saying yes to."
"Reasserting affirmative action obligations to people with disabilities, protecting special education students in school discipline hearings, and expanding voting rights are all among the new administration's goals."
"The court has just issued a landmark ruling on affirmative action, officially ending the practice in college admissions processes."
"Affirmative action programs were implemented... to help all of us by creating more racially diverse student bodies."
"Affirmative action is an imperfect solution to a difficult problem."
"Affirmative action allows for preferential hiring and admissions policies for minorities to expand minority opportunity."
"Affirmative action in hiring practices and college enrollment meant more black people in places white people weren't used to seeing them."
"I'm here under the affirmative action program. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone should have a chance."
"By upholding a strong, strict, laissez-faire view, hire the most qualified, while ignoring the impact of discrimination in the labor market, one can safely express opposition to affirmative action in an apparently race neutral way."
"Affirmative action... stands for a series of policies established to overcome the effects of past discrimination."
"Affirmative action hopes to reconcile groups that have been disproportionately impacted by state-sponsored programs like Jim Crow laws in the United States of America."
"The government supports the lower castes through exemption from school fees, provision of social housing, and a quota for jobs in the civil service."