
Identity Affirmation Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We affirm that we are the original, true Foundation. We represent mainline reality, the original, unaltered timeline."
"Trans women are not men who become women. They are women who happen to be trans."
"I'm black first. Be one. Type hashtag be one in the chat if you get what I'm saying."
"Suddenly I'm like, 'Oh wait... black people were kings.'"
"You're turning into this person where you're like okay here's Who I am."
"Either I come out or I stop existing altogether."
"The only choice that I made in this entire situation was this one - to choose to live as me or choose to not live at all."
"If somebody says they're a woman, they're a woman."
"Trans Koreans are Koreans. If I say it over and over it becomes true."
"What's the correct message from a loving parent? The correct message is no, you're a girl. That's a beautiful thing. That's a wonderful thing."
"We need more. We need our identities validated, our interests supported, and personhood respected."
"Trans women are women in the same way that cuckoos are birds."
"Identity is identity. I'm a man, there's no sexual element in there."
"I'm so a part of this great big family. You're never gonna take this away from me."
"For a father to affirm a son and his identity means that this son doesn't have to question himself."
"Actually the real message is to accept your children and accept your friends and accept people for who they say that they are."
"I wish I could go back in time and tell my 16-year-old self that it's not about fitting in, it's about fitting in with yourself."
"Pride is not about conforming. This is about being who we are and standing up against that stigma that revolves around who we are and our identities."
"Bonnie isn't Andy. She is Bonnie. And I may not be the favorite, but I am her toy. I am loved, and I feel that from her and you and all of our friends and family."
"We have forgotten like what it means to actually seek someone's best interest and instead just we just think it means acceptance and tolerance of all kinds of behaviors and choices, affirmation of all kinds of stated identities."
"Language makes reality. Trans women are women is catechism."
"He's irrelevant. What my skin color's light or dark, I'm black because black ancestral blood flows through my veins."
"Everyone has the right to say, 'This is who I am.'"
"Being trans is not a choice or a lifestyle, it's about being true to yourself."
"Remember who the hell you are, Libra, and readjust your crown."
"Respect everyone's identity individually, well, respect."
"You are Go'el, son of Durotan and Draka, rightful warchief of the Horde. You are the orc who won my heart. Remember who you are."
"Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told that they aren't who they say they are."
"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place."
"Gender is not choice. Being trans is not a choice."
"Transition was literally a matter of life or death. If they didn't transition, they weren't going to continue living the life they were."
"You are whatever you choose to identify as and people need to stop erasing that."
"Trans women are women, trans women are trans women, it's a very different experience, women are women."
"I make no excuses for Who I am or what I am."
"That's what you got to do, you gotta go out back for a [ __ ] to say you're the real [ __ ] in this [ __ ]."
"Never met a person who said I'm bi and meant no non-binary people."
"We are black first, be one. The black community matters more than any other community."
"Love is love, I can't help who I love, my identity I can change by what I think."
"She became a daughter to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords."
"Part of being strong is to learn that other people cannot define who we are, we have to be comfortable with who we are in our own truth."
"I am an American, not a damn African American."
"It's the same, everything that I said at the beginning of the video about my identity as a woman applies across all categories."
"But I'm an American and I'm glad to be one whenever especially things like this come up."
"Yamato essentially doubles down in the face of his father's mocking instead completely following in the footsteps of Odin and never backing down that he is a man."
"He knows the truth now; you are the empress, and your spirituality is the exact opposite of what his family led him to believe."
"Children tell us who they are and it's our job in effect to support them."
"We're still that for a large population of people." - Erica
"If somebody feels non-binary, that's it. End of question."
"So, basically, the takeaway here is trans women are women."
"I'm not an animal I'm a woman and I know exactly my value exactly my value."
"I am a woman. I'm gonna say it one more time because I really wanted to penetrate into your thick skulls. I am a real woman."
"You don't actually have to come out. It's not a necessity. You're still yourself."
"You're finally free. There is no other Nick anymore, just you."
"Being gay is not an aberration. It's not a mistake."
"Homie, look what I become. I'm the one. I'm one of those people."
"Stand up for righteousness and embrace your identity."
"We are waking up, we are doing the research, and we are identifying our people in our history."
"You don't owe anyone anything; it's your sexual identity, that's all you."
"You've given me the confidence to for whatever reason I don't know what happened like to just kind of be myself."
"You claim your throne, you sit yourself on that throne and you say, 'This is me, I am the Emperor.'"
"We all have our scars, Bruce. You're still a Wayne."
"We the chosen people, you say no way. Your enemies been teaching you the wrong way."
"Being aeroace is as valid as every other sexuality, and nobody can tell me otherwise."
"What makes me black is that I'm black and I have black skin."
"I do not believe that this is a phase for Bella. We have always had consistent, persistent verbalization—this is who I am and who I want to be."
"I am not gay. I am not bi. I am not a man or unsure. I'm not your words. I'm not cisgender. I'm a woman."
"When you say that you're trans, you're special."
"I'm not a goddamn bio-weapon, not some stupid copy. I'm Rose, your daughter."
"We have always been here, and we will never be erased."
"The Holy Spirit causes us to cry Abba Father when our mistakes call for us to think like a slave."
"Stop, I'm the one you're missing, I'm pink diamond."
"It's about faith, not fear. When you say Jesus, we're Victors not victims."
"Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're part of the alphabet Mafia."
"It's about being confident in the knowledge that if and when I die I won't be buried as male."
"That's why I keep saying don't say I'm just a black American, say you're a native black American and an exceptional black person because you built a country."
"You can't convince anybody to be gay; you can't convince somebody to be trans. That's just not how it works."
"You're claiming that you are of me."
"You're still chosen. Your captivity is not your identity."
"Being able to be accepted as the gender that you identify with from outside people, that's pretty dope."
"It's about affirming people's identity."
"Believe in your identity, be inspired by your identity, affirm your identity."
"Affirm your new identity in reality like this, astonishing results."
"I've always spoken for Flame Monroe and I will always speak for Flame Monroe."