
Wealth Attraction Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I am a magnet for money, and prosperity is drawn to me."
"Those who learn the skill sets of attracting this and retaining it and growing it, that's what I want to talk about here with you today."
"You being true to who you are, you're going to attract wealth, which means people, means, resources, and means means."
"I am a total money magnet; my mind is receptive to getting whatever I want."
"The more self-worth and self-value we have, the more money we are likely to attract and retain."
"Treat yourself like royalty to attract wealth and abundance."
"I attract riches honor and Abundant Blessings."
"Wealth is attracted to value, not vision boards."
"That's the secret to getting rich people interested: rejection."
"Money is naturally attracted towards appreciation and gratitude."
"You're attracting more wealth, and it's also an energy of thinking about your legacy."
"Money is so attracted to you it's not even funny."
"Plans are already in motion for you and they are going to grow into something that is very substantial and very good for you so I definitely see that you're attracting more wealth."
"I'm a money magnet. Wealth and prosperity are drawn to me."
"You begin to understand why some of the wealthiest people in the world gather here."
"May prosperity flow to your life and may you attract wealth because you deserve it."
"You are going to attract money from every four corners of the Earth."
"You'll be able to expose your personal blocks, break free from them, and tune your mind, body, and spirit to attract unlimited wealth-creating opportunities on autopilot."
"You're attracting a lot of wealth on whatever it is that you are focusing on at this time."
"I am ready, willing, and able to attract millions of dollars into my life."
"When it comes to your investments, you want to put your money in a place that is going to create value or attract value."
"I am aligned with the energy of abundance. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money."
"I feel rich. I love money. Money loves me. I attract money now."
"Prosperity flows to me at all times, in all ways."
"My grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet. The day is filled with endless expressions of abundance."
"We attract wealth because we are channels for that wealth."
"Money is energy as well, so I just want to remind you guys... you have the power to attract whatever you want."
"You're attracting money because you're doing what you love."
"You're attracting a lot more affluence, a lot more money is coming towards you."
"The money that is out in the world is actually making its way to your bank account."
"If you want to attract wealth, attract property, or be successful in your business or any other sphere of life, you need practical intelligence."
"Wealth is not something that is pursued but rather drawn towards oneself."
"Have you ever dreamed of effortlessly attracting large sums of money into your life?"
"Hang around rooms with wealthy people, and you will start to attract some of that money towards you."
"I am a big money magnet, a happy prosperity magnet."
"I am a magnet for big money, today is the day of increased wealth."
"The more I felt better about myself, the more financial abundance and wealth would come my way."
"Believe in the law of attraction, and this can be a very great sign that wealth is coming your way."
"You enjoy conversations and programming related to money... huge sign wealth is on its way to you."
"The Cayman Islands does offer a really nice lifestyle that has attracted some of the wealthiest people in the world for a very long time."
"How do you attract its favorable attention so it chooses you?"
"Money flows to me easily, and I attract wealth in every area of my life."
"I attract wealth, abundance, and joy."
"Money flows to me effortlessly, continuously, and in an overflowing amount."
"Money attract money, you know what else attract money? Robbers."
"The more hard work, self-effort, bravery, and courage you show in your work, the more money you will naturally attract in your life."
"You have this rare gift to attract wealth and prosperity; it's a psychic ability, something spiritual."