
Constellations Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The constellations are still with us today, a reminder of our ancestors' enduring fascination with the stars."
"Connect particles close enough with lines, similar to constellations effect."
"If the earth were a big ball spinning around a bigger Sun, spinning around a bigger galaxy shooting off from the biggest bang... impossible that the constellations would remain so fixed."
"The stars within the blue Canton are the Southern Cross, the most notable and famous constellation found in the southern hemisphere. Very simple. The blue stands for freedom and the red stands for courage."
"The zodiac isn't just a random bunch of stars; it's a group of constellations that form a circular pattern in the night sky."
"Maybe they're just dots, maybe it's just like when people in antiquity looked up at the sky and saw the stars they connected dots and created constellations and invented gods to fit those constellations."
"You looked up at the stars and you wanted to see a dinosaur, and it didn't really matter what the stars looked like, you had to find the dinosaur in the constellation."
"The mother's constellation became known by the name of Ursa Major and her son's constellation was Ursa Minor."
"The Greek system of constellations still has 18 star pictures with no roots in the east nor anywhere else that we can discover."
"Even not in the position of the constellations, they are separately, but all the opposites are connected with them."
"Just like the ordinary primes, Gaussian primes go on forever. And what I showed is that the Gaussian primes contain constellations of any shape."
"It's kind of one of the constellations of history."
"This stuff is like my favorite. This is the eighth Bananas blanket, and look at it. It has all the, you know, like the constellations and like little animal shapes."
"Many cultures discovered constellations. What was their purpose?"
"When you look up in the sky you'll see many constellations."
"So the next time you look up into the night sky, take a long look at all those constellations."
"When you look up into the sky and you see the Milky Way, you can pretty much see the Milky Way all year long."
"Typhon was impossibly large, and it was said that when he stood upright, his head would brush against the stars."
"I gave thanks to God for my sight of the Southern Cross."
"The processional cycle... causes the sun to rise in a different constellation over intervals of several thousand years."
"Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion?"
"The sidereal compass uses the fact that there are two points in the night sky which stand motionless as other stars rotate around them."
"You know about constellations? How do you know this? What level of education do these hobbits have?"
"God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on a dark steed."
"We have an absolutely amazing view of the Milky Way and all of the constellations pretty much from February through to October."
"Zeus went the extra mile by casting the healer's image in the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus, the snake bearer."
"There's 88 constellations as you probably know, a wonderful way to navigate around the night sky."
"Canst thou bind the influences of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? These two constellations are the only two in the heavens that are gravitationally linked."
"Rituals probably pertained primarily to astronomy, having to do with the stars and the constellations."
"He was outlined against the painted stars, Polaris sat on his shoulder."
"Dawn knows a lot about the constellations and won't stop talking about them once you get her started."
"Draco tells a story: If a dragon's a good dragon, he gets to go up and join that constellation of Draco."
"Board our pods and take a trip through the Milky Way; see those beautiful constellations firsthand."
"These are real constellations, remember; you'll find all of them on a modern star map."
"The constellations aren't just about the stars; they're also about poetry and art, and above all, human imagination."
"The constellations... they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw to fill the entire sky."
"The original constellations weren't intended to be taken as literal representations; they were simply allegorical."
"You can't just add new constellations or change their shapes and sizes to suit yourself."
"What is the English name for the constellation Ursa Major? Great Bear, correct."
"What constellation is also known as the Great Bear? Ursa Major."
"Orion's belt can be used to point out other constellations in the sky."
"The Winter Triangle connects three constellations in the Winter sky."
"The Spring Triangle is made up of the brightest stars in three different constellations."
"There are lots of stars that look like animals. There is a bull, eagle, scorpion, and even a lion."
"The real influence of the planets and of the constellations has to do with the fact that they are bodies of deities who are present to each other."
"Let us begin not with the stars' positions or when we were born, but by letting the ancient names of the constellations and of the stars themselves, which we are told by Job, God himself named, tell us the story."
"The figures of Perseus, Andromeda, and I believe Medusa and the sea monster were all imagined as constellations."
"The huge triangle of stars known as the Summer Triangle is made up from Deneb, Vega, and Altair."
"Once you've recognized the Northern Cross, you always recognize it whenever it's up."
"This legend is said to be the reason that the constellations of Scorpius and Orion are never in the sky at the same time."
"The Pleiades were seven beautiful nymphs and they were located in the constellation of Taurus."
"Remember there's no one true constellation story, as the legends of the stars vary upon culture and place."
"You take my hand in yours and make our own constellations."
"The constellation of Boötes is distinctly kite-shaped."
"Astrology is based off of constellations, and constellations constantly change."
"The motion of the stars won't be so much that you couldn't go out in the night sky and recognize most of the constellations."
"All of the jewelry wire which has been threaded through, looks like a star sign."
"Make the most of the Milky Way core while you can because we're entering that transition period now between the summer and winter constellations."
"Welcome to Learn the Sky, your online resource for learning about the constellations and how to find them."
"The constellations straddle the modern divide between scientific analysis and artistic creation."
"It made perfect sense, it was wonderfully efficient to imagine the rising scorpion is chasing a fleeing Orion."
"The real stars of these lines, though, are Orion and the Bear, the two most conspicuous objects in the night sky."
"The presence of all these constellations suggest the regular rhythms and fundamental continuity of human life."
"A bear, a little dipper, a hunter: we're constellations."
"Each constellation was birthed out of a house."
"Do you have a favorite constellation, Percy?"
"This metal casing has legitimate and accurate constellations punctured in it."
"The constellations of the Perseus and Andromeda story are definitely connected to Greek mythology and to each other."
"Yui loves to stargaze and has stated she enjoys reading books about constellations and that she dreams of going to space one day."
"The pyramid sides corresponded to the directions of a compass and aligned with the constellations."
"He fashioned the Heavenly stations for the great gods and set up constellations, the patterns of the Stars."
"We've got the Southern Cross which moves around the sky, and by drawing a few lines and connecting a few dots, it's very easy to navigate."
"Make the most of the winter constellations whilst we still can."
"All the mysteries of the Incarnation of our savior Christ and all the circumstances of his marvelous life from the conception to his Ascension are to be traced out in the constellation and are figured in the Stars."
"I was always into constellations."