
SCP Foundation Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"Project Palisade is...a proposal for the SCP-001 slot...but all of the data contained in the file comes from some universe other than the primary one."
"Our humanity must be held paramount over the humanity of any inhabitants of mirror timelines."
"The SCP Foundation has a lot of containment procedures, many of these are pretty simple: throw the weird thing in a box and move on, while others are bewilderingly complex, involving rituals layered on rituals."
"The SCP Foundation is capable of quite a few incredible feats, from containing gods to restarting the world after an apocalypse."
"The foundation should really never attempt to bring back someone from the dead, as at best they just fail and at worst they threaten the annihilation of countless universes."
"The SCP Foundation wouldn't discover Anderson Robotics until 2007, at which point they began pursuing the group in order to shut them down as they represented a risk to normalcy."
"The importance of an SCP-001 proposal is not lost on the Foundation."
"Unchecked growth of SCP-001 will cause the annihilation of the entire multiverse."
"The O5 Council passes a mandate allowing anomalous methods in the containment of the mutants, including reverse engineering of paratechnology, use of necrothaumaturgy, and collusion with extra-dimensional entities."
"Consensus Reality after all, is what the SCP Foundation is trying to preserve in the face of ever-increasing anomalous activity: A kind of 'truth' or 'normalcy' that all of us can agree on."
"In what should be a bit of good news, SCP-4975 is currently in containment at an SCP Foundation facility."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, it’s entirely possible you might wake up and find that everyone around you has died, or that the world’s been consumed by an evil, unseen force."
"The SCP foundation, my favorite internet myth, is so great. I think so far there have been over 5,000 SCPs created."
"This SCP then me when I'm on the fine setting great this meme is going places yeah I"
"P778 has proven to be a very pleasant creature."
"P150 is one of the most powerful and potentially dangerous SCPs known to the foundation."
"SCP-166 can be seen as a baseline example of how the Foundation treats the average humanoid anomaly."
"SCP-500 has been shown to cure the disease even at advanced stages."
"It isn't easy to work for the SCP Foundation. Not only is the job dangerous, you could be eaten by a giant immortal lizard or turned into organic furniture inside the world's scariest living room."
"Fans of the modern scp foundation will no doubt raise an eyebrow at this as the foundation practically never terminates witnesses."
"Apollyon is another very rare class that you will almost never see going back to the whole box metaphor apollyon is often the description that there is no box or we have no understanding of how a box could exist to contain this."
"The SCP Foundation is very rarely mentioned outside of its little bubble... one of the internet's best-kept secrets."
"The O5 Committee are the only 13 people aware of this cycle... try to prevent it from happening."
"SCP 682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."
"Communication accelerated when SCP-1322-A civilization proposes the construction of a telegraphic system."
"Groups of interests are their very own interesting topic with plenty of variety in their makeup. It's a shame that most of them hate the foundation and are always trying to steal extremely dangerous items or set them free and cause mayhem..."
"SCP stands for secure, contain, protect, which is what you should do if you find any of these creatures."
"SCP-287: Clark's third favorite sword. SCP-287 is a Viking sword made from iron and a number of unknown materials. When an electrical current is passed through the hilt, it will cause electromagnetic radiation to be emitted."
"SCP-294: The coffee machine. SCP-294 is a vending machine that could dispense any drink requested. Previous requests have included gold, anti-water, leukemia, and the blood of Christ."
"SCP 268: A cap that makes the wearer unmemorable."
"SCP-1382 is a 'red sea mark' water buoy, floating on the surface of Lake Michigan."
"SCP-1000: It's like Bigfoot, but the kind you can't look at."
"SCP-1000: They made things we still can't comprehend."
"Ultimately, SCP-1077 is a highly intelligent entity."
"SCP-1762, that was one of the few SCPs that brought me to tears."
"The SCP Foundation prides itself on being the foremost protector of humanity from the countless threats presented by various anomalous forces."
"Do you think that the wiki is anomalous in itself?" - The endless fascination with the SCP universe.
"Good things come in dozens... SCP lists that keep us up at night." - Embracing the terror of the unknown.
"SCP Foundation: where magic, science fiction, and horror are real, but contained and protected."
"Only a couple of years ago, the SCP Foundation discovered a being that has mastered aggressive mimicry on a level previously unseen in the natural world."
"SCP-7122's anomalous effects also apply to various animals."
"SCP-056 is one of the most deceptive, and one of the most dangerous anomalies known to the SCP Foundation."
"SCP-096 is considered one of the most dangerous Euclid class creatures in containment and yet, do you guys know what Euclid means?"
"The central problem with SCP 2922 though is how the foundation dealt with Janet and her husband."
"It's worth remembering that the SCP Foundation makes it its mission to be cold, not cruel."
"The SCP Foundation does their best to live up to their famous namesake: They secure and contain anomalies and monsters from all around the world."
"SCP 001, the Broken God, a robo-cycle. It sounds [__] cool based on the title alone."
"SCP-294, affectionately referred to by guards and personnel as the coffee machine, accepts any liquid and some things that aren't liquids."
"SCP-294 somehow managed to literally liquefy 12 ounces from the agent's body before producing them into a cup."
"SCP-294 could not only read people's minds, it can read memories they don't even know they still have."
"Boundless in its fascinating complexities."
"It's plausible, even possible, that there were pieces of media out there in the world that had never seen the light of day."
"It's that kind of subtle but constant creeping dread you experience."
"...the foundation nonetheless extended honorary Foundation stats of Mira to those who decided to take the plunge for the collective psychodental health of their fellow man."
"I can't believe David could do this, to unleash this nightmare upon us," Russell thought.
"The SCP Foundation's most famous anomalies are legendary."
"Run along now, zero nine six," Dr. Kowalski told the shy guy. "There are worse monsters in this world than you."
"SCP-049's touch is lethal, killing anyone he comes into contact with."
"SCP-610 is the flesh that hates, a disease that thinks, the crawling corruption, the flesh that hates."
"There was a time before all of this, that time ended on September 7, 1954 when CA3, or SCP-001 as the Foundation would later call it, first appeared on the UIU's radar."
"Who is Dr. Jack Bright? For starters, he's a decorated researcher of anomalies for the SCP Foundation."
"SCP-610 is a Keter-class entity, meaning it’s an anomaly that’s exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably."
"The might of today's SCPs is nothing short of legendary."
"Needless to say, it’s one of, if not the most ambitious storyline in SCP history, and no matter what happens, the journey has been a hell of a ride."
"SCP 323 is definitely not a fresh skull either. It shows signs of weathering and a few scars across the surface, looking as if the bone has been bleached and eroded through exposure to the elements."
"SCP 323 is an anomalous object with ties to the various wendigo Legends as the object's moniker suggests."
"The skull has an inherent ability to influence the minds of those around it. Anyone spending an hour within a 15 M radius of SCP 323 is likely to experience the effects of this influential power."
"Allow us to introduce you to Elijah, also known as the leech boy, and a pivotal component of the very existence of SCP 1730."
"K-class scenarios are not a concept used lightly by the SCP Foundation."
"A perk of working for the SCP Foundation is getting around the clock divine protection, at least from God himself."
"Anything that forms a part of the narrative of that world, every article, every tale, every new SCP that gets published, even parts of the Wiki that get taken down or rewritten all have an impact on the Foundation’s universe."
"Of all the strange and unexplained phenomena that the SCP Foundation encounters on a regular basis, it hardly comes as much of a surprise that they’ve got a direct line to the big guy upstairs."
"Grab your red string and shiniest tinfoil hats and take a seat, folks. Welcome to SCP-001, otherwise known by the appropriate nickname, The Conspiracy."
"Welcome to SCP 1733. To the untrained eye, SCP 1733 seems to be a completely harmless item stored in a digital video recorder. It is kept securely in the dusty depths of the SCP Foundation's video archives."
"The reason behind SCP 3625's programming was simple: knowing human beings to be social animals that work better as a group."
"It believed it had a consciousness that had developed in order for SCP 3625 to carry out the purpose for which it was designed."
"Even by the Foundation’s already-high standards, the requirements and regulations for personnel who are assigned to SCP-2317 seem oddly specific."
"When the Founder of the SCP Foundation first encountered the Gate Guardian, they heard one word echoing through their mind: PREPARE. And the rest is history."
"If he tried to escape SCP – 087 before he was permitted, he’d be shot by SCP Foundation Field Agents on the spot."
"SCP 294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine... only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English qwerty keyboard."
"But SCP-294 stubbornly provided, even if the liquids would melt through the researchers’ throats like a knife through butter."
"SCP-294 broke its own rules for self-preservation in the emergency, implying that it’s not only sentient, it’s intelligent."
"SCP-3060's object class has subsequently been updated to Keter."
"SCP-173, or as most of the staff in the SCP Foundation call it, the sculpture."
"Life at the SCP Foundation isn't exactly made up of sunshine and rainbows."
"SCP 2000 is the foundation's and hum's lifeboat."
"In a way, that's not even the most frightening part of the existence of SCP 2000."
"Sometimes the terror of these anomalies pales in comparison to scps that can bring one person's world crashing down around them."
"The challenge with being an SCP Foundation field agent is often separating the genuine leads from the urban legends and spooky stories."
"If any of this account is to be believed, the very Discovery and capture of scp-001 was the impetus for the entire SCP foundation's approach to researching and containing anomalies."
"Containment isn’t easy, but it’s ultimately the very thing that makes the SCP Foundation the organization it is."
"They’re zookeepers, archivists, guards, security and intelligence experts, magicians, practitioners of ritual, scientists, and so much more."
"With the amount of research that must be done within the SCP Foundation, including tests on all the various anomalies currently in containment, it is only natural for Foundation staff to include some of the greatest scientific minds in the multiverse."
"Few people enjoy a good story more than SCP-343 himself."
"SCP-3182 is a tragic mystery, an abandoned, decaying piece of a town steeped in misery."
"A teddy bear capable of healing mortal wounds would be of great interest to the SCP Foundation."
"Our story is a fantasy, but it doesn't start in a medieval village or an alien otherworld: it starts in a cold, bare, unloving observation chamber, deep in the bowels of a high-security containment facility-a place owned and run by an organization known as the SCP Foundation."
"All because of their eternal captors, the SCP Foundation."
"This is legitimately insanity. It is literally one of the best-written SCPs I keep on saying that, I keep on being forced to say that by every single one I read. It's awesome."
"Good morning everyone, my name is Researcher Miller and the item number that we're going to be studying today is SCP-2399."
"The Scarlet King had broken his chains. Nothing could stop it now."
"I might just have the greatest piece of SCP media ever to show you."
"And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives."
"For now, SCP-2399 will remain there, reassembling itself, while we devise some way to stop it."
"Everybody remembered where they were, what they had been doing, when the SCP Foundation revealed themselves to the world."
"A group calling themselves ‘The SCP Foundation’, previously responsible for the containment of anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena, had declared its new intention to exterminate the entire human race."
"It's currently unknown why, but SCP 1366 Ru appears to be primarily interested in kidnapping and killing people who are in countries that once belonged to the former Soviet Union."
"Expeditions sent into SCP-2678 have resulted in agents appearing to undergo a number of behavioral changes that at present are hypothesized to come as a result of hearing the organ music within."
"Experiments into SCP-2701 have revealed that those who are placed inside and vanish will experience a state of complete sensory deprivation while remaining fully conscious the entire time."
"The worst part of SCP-2701 is that those who are locked inside do not experience time at the same rate as you or I."
"Passive scans of SCP-1966 reveal no discernible difference between the internal structure of this scanner and other body scanners with the same design."
"As it killed more and more Foundation staff left and right, annihilating everything in its path, SCP 1370 experienced something... not an emotion but whatever the closest robotic equivalent to pure unbridled happiness was: satisfaction of the machine."
"It was time to deploy another big bad bot to cut SCP 1370 back down to size, it was time to send in the dragon slayer."
"Its eyes widened in horror, its mouth stretched impossibly wide in a wordless scream of rage and hurt, and, with nothing human left in its mind or heart, SCP-096 took its very first victim."
"SCP-231-7 was relieved from Procedure 110-Montauk following the deaths of SCP-231-1 through -6, and was allowed to give birth. SCP-999 was the result."
"SCP-999 could very well be strong enough to permanently reform its family members just as it reforms human beings."
"If you or anyone you knew were to come into contact with scp-3002, the entity would be able to take control of your entire consciousness."
"SCP 965: Where nightmares become a chilling reality."
"SCP 3930 is the absolute global epicenter of pattern screamers."
"SCP 173, known as the sculpture, is a relentless hunter hidden in plain sight."
"SCP-096, better known as the shy guy, is a terrifying creature that absolutely cannot tolerate being looked at."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, this entity is also seen as one of the most feared."
"SCP-999 has broken out of SCP Foundation control and now you can finally have a Tickle Monster of your very own!"
"SCP-999 might finally calm him down enough to actually work through some of these issues and come to a sense of closure."
"If any entity could turn the tables and break the spirit of SCP-3999, it would be SCP-999."
"SCP-999 would really help the nightmarish, malformed Staff of this accursed Ikea, turn their lives around and start creating a more positive work environment around the store."
"Chances are if they spent any amount of time around 999, they’d experience a sudden sense of mellowness, and begin to rethink all of their poor life choices."
"This is the story of SCP-001: the Spiral Path."
"There's only one SCP-001, it's a shell game, the rest are all fakes to stop people from taking any single entry too seriously."
"Created the machine known as SCP 3448, at first it seemed like just an ordinary MRI machine from a hospital."
"The SCP Foundation and the thousands of entries appeal to many people for many different reasons, but primarily the SCP universe is strange, unusual, and unique."
"SCP-999 will also risk itself to protect or rescue others."
"Revealing the true nature of SCP 001 to the general public is cause for execution."
"No nuclear weaponry is ever to be used against SCP 001."
"SCP 001 has left its location. The gate is open. They are riding forth. Oh god, it's so beautiful."
"All personnel are to unlock and decode emergency order Patmos Omega and follow all orders within."
"SCP 4812 describes not one, but three separate entities."
"An organization with as many secrets as the SCP Foundation requires the ability to dispose of material that could prove harmful to the facade of normalcy that the 05 council desperately wishes to uphold."
"These undead freaks are known as SCP-2419-A, and though they were made from human bodies, the consciousness that dwells within each instance is nothing short of pure evil."
"They are the archetypal sinners of a burning hell that the Foundation’s best intentions paved the road to."
"SCP 054 displayed impressive learning and problem-solving capabilities."
"The SCP Foundation, a serious group that strives to achieve greater good by any means necessary."
"You are the designated survivor of the SCP Foundation."
"You are to watch as the Foundation crumbles and turns into ash before your eyes."
"You are to be responsible for the end of the SCP Foundation."
"You are to awaken in a world that has never seen the Foundation."
"You are not safe here, but the Foundation will be."
"SCP-173, that was the original SCP that was written back in 2007."
"The SCP is one of the gems of the internet."
"I recommend the SCP Foundation, Russian sleep experiment, 100%."
"When you work for the SCP Foundation, one certainty is that nothing – no turn of events, no scenario – is ever really unexpected."
"Welcome back to the SCP Foundation."
"Researchers at the foundation were determined to understand the anomalous nature of SCP 1733."
"The SCP Foundation would, at long last, step out of the shadows to save the rest of humanity from the tyranny of the light."
"That's right, a perk of working for the SCP Foundation is getting around-the-clock Divine protection."
"The SCP Foundation is nothing if not sensible and pragmatic."
"He chose the SCP Foundation theme because he's been a huge fan of it ever since middle school."