
Competitive Spirit Quotes

There are 2666 quotes

"All right, last possession, 2 seconds to go. Probably going to force it to myself again."
"It's a race where you can pass, you can race."
"Remain amongst the region's elite or will CLG rain on their parade? I've got my umbrella just in case."
"This is prizefighting. The politics in mixed martial arts and boxing have kind of skewed us away from the fact that you're putting a big pot of money on the table and you're getting the best guys to go for it."
"You can count our KD, you can count our headshots, you can count our hill time. What you can't do is count us out."
"I was the first sperm cell to make it to the egg. I was born a [__] champion."
"That was an unbelievable game. We saw creativity from both sides."
"This is personal at this point, they want to show that they're the better player."
"When I used to hear dudes being competitive and talking crazy and seeming like they were on top of the world, that's what made me fall in love with hip-hop."
"We wanted to see a team challenge Fnatic, a team that could beat Fnatic, show them as well heading into Worlds that there's more teams in Europe than just Fnatic."
"I love the fact that some of the players are willing to come forward and actually kind of jokingly trash-talk a little bit."
"The magic of the pyramid system in this country is that every team, whether it be Grimsby or whether it be Luton, should think they can play in the Premier League."
"Capture the moment. Are you gonna let it slip or you gonna win the siege world?"
"We're still better than Rob and his old crew."
"In the NBA, the best of the best respond because the best do not shrink away from the hate."
"I want blood. I want competition. That's the right way of saying I want competition because competition breeds innovation."
"We know what it takes to win: pushing boundaries, performing under pressure, and having the best people on your team."
"No excuses. We go, we win, and we get into the semi-final and we keep this train going."
"It's Manchester United against Liverpool. There are no quarters to be given. This is the best rivalry in football."
"I just want to secure our spot in the championship and hopefully win back to back."
"No one cares. Just put your head down and come in every day ready to work and try to win and compete."
"Take our chances. Be ruthless. That's the difference between us and the best of the best."
"India coming back to level the series... I thought it was a great test match actually."
"No more resets. We'll just be trying to make it the greatest account to ever grace the game."
"His legendary career showed how competitive he was and how great he was in the clutch."
"Destroyer, regardless of opponent. I want another level."
"We've buried the Wes trap, but he better bring it."
"I love sitting here with people that are competitive. I'm one of the most competitive people you'll meet."
"A little bit of pain to win... she'll take it all day long."
"The sport at the end of the day is about pushing the envelope as far as possible anyway."
"As much as I do take value in winning, I think there's a certain aspect to losing that is also beneficial."
"Thank goodness I have nine lives, 'cause this kitty cat is not here to play."
"Let's make this sport great by taking chances, by being in big fights."
"Let's take this [ __ ] number one spot on Billboard and let's show the music industry what the [ __ ] we're made of."
"Every goal counts now. You never know what can happen by the final day."
"We've come through it 2-0 was that the performance of 2024 maybe not but it doesn't matter because we won nine out of 10."
"When your team is bought into winning, you'll do whatever it takes to win."
"I'm proud of the work I put in this summer. And it's not over yet, we still got a shot."
"Thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had."
"Joey buckets is certainly in contention for breakout player of the year."
"We've won the whole marathon and stopped five meters before the finish line."
"A fantastic equalizer fight of the death from Pinilla Harder against her former club."
"We need to maintain that we're going to win mentality and not be too focused on sure I definitely don't want to reinforce the idea that we may as well not bother because they're going to cheat."
"My restaurant is definitely going to be better than the boys."
"I have a feeling that my restaurant is looking a little bit better than Hannah and Cam's."
"The more people you help become successful, the more they will reward you."
"You might have won the battle at Trafalgar Square, but we won the Battle of Wembley."
"That's what a seasoned fighter does he doesn't just accept he says if you're gonna try to get me I'm gonna get you back."
"The most important part of all this is the bragging rights."
"When does that respect change when does that that switch get flipped and we see two competitors that know that the other one's coming to take their head off?"
"Both sides have not shied away from the fact that they are seeking blood, they are seeking a knockout tonight. You will not want to miss it."
"With all that power and passion and patriotism, I truly personally believe that Lacey Evans has exactly what it takes to fight all the way through the tournament and win the May Young Classic." - Commentator
"You want to kill stuff like that, you want to show them you know how to do it."
"That's a big kick out by Peter, right? Another payback, that was the receipt!"
"There's no shame in playing the event. It does not matter if you lose."
"She loves the game, but she is an absolute bond-dedicated winner."
"You look good for a seven-figure fighter, an eight-figure fighter. I'm a nine-figure fighter."
"We're going all in, baby. Let's get 'em both."
"I'm not having them laughing in our faces, we have to win, have to."
"We're not just looking to win, we're looking to build a dynasty here."
"Put me on a [ __ ] lie detector test, like do I think that I could be the best ADC in LCS if I just played as much as I did two years ago? Yeah, I do."
"Brits can continue to keep calm and race on."
"I'm proud of my team, we showed guts, we showed heart."
"Fighting MTG is like the best... you're fearless. I really respect that."
"He's proven he's not going to let it defeat him."
"Red candle is the freaking best item in this entire game. Fight me. I don't care."
"Ryu exudes confidence as he proclaims that georang is a force to be reckoned with."
"Can we beat centry next we can beat centry next."
"Not only we can win this game, we're going to win this game."
"What Tom Brady has is this competitive drive that not only fuels on the field but off the field as well."
"Let's freaking go! Let's come on here and get a touchdown bro. Let's show we're made up bro we need to win this championship."
"He's a great reminder that it doesn't take world-smashing superpowers to give Earth's Mightiest Heroes a run for their money."
"I love playing with her because she wanted to win. She wants to win and she wants it and she is competitive."
"The Chiefs are the standard, it takes everything. You have to go take it."
"At this point, I don't care how you win, just get the one seed."
"It takes a great fighter to push a great fighter to Greatness both men were great tonight Kane Velasquez was greater most satisfying victory in your career so far."
"Not about winning the U.S. Classic, but it'll give you a confidence boost."
"They fight like they're hungry, they fight like there's one meal in the middle of the ring."
"It's nice that the heritage is not forgotten."
"Seeing the way you fight, I have no doubt in my mind that you would make it to the finals."
"He's got the mentality, he loves handing out very heavy defeats to opponents."
"No hard feelings for anybody because you guys have made it seriously the most elite game."
"I took everything personal. I took every single opportunity situation personal."
"I want to see some blood, I want to see the quarter-million-dollar session even out the match and really build up the hype."
"I almost feel sorry for these guys, but not really."
"Magnus is fighting on for every half a point, for every 0.1 to 0.5 of an advantage."
"I want to fight for the title next. I want to be the champion."
"I just want them to know that i'm the strongest member of the roof gang"
"A tale of stages, but the San Francisco Shock did not like losing a single round. Here they come back angry. This is a team with a lot of vengeance in their hearts, and it comes out in their play style."
"Of course we can beat Spurs, I wouldn't put it past us right now."
"Let's just go out there and destroy them in a spray painted car and went out there and smoked everybody. We have a few trophies."
"This is a Revenge job... we owe Brentford one."
"They don't understand, that's how the top ten works. We don't shy away from the toughest competition."
"It was a blessing to do something special like that at such a young age."
"Hopefully, we are just going to smash Fnatic."
"Motivation to do better: beating the [ __ ] out of the Rival potion shop."
"Pack, the bastard, is one of those men. A hell of a wrestling match, folks."
"Liverpool, they're just so aggressive, you know? They want it bad."
"If things can turn around if you go on a run from the Norwich game obviously you win you beat Burnley you beat Tottenham and then you beat Brighton"
"You lack the heart of a true duelist and until you obtain it, you'll never defeat me."
"I don't want to lose my crown, I worked hard for this crown."
"He's a Savage, he's got Killer Instinct... everything a Formula One World Champion is meant to be."
"I am more motivated than ever to win the next competition."
"The loss to y'all was the toughest and the win was the sweetest."
"Wow, now we have a game. Now we have a game, man. This is exciting."
"Oh my goodness, he's just better, he's built different."
"In a five-star contest, if that doesn't move danger up the rankings, man I have no idea what will."
"On the biggest stage, the hat trick hero has sent a message and it says get out!"
"99 to Jesus, ladies and gentlemen. 2-0. We were angry, we got embarrassed in the NFC Championship. We're an angry bunch over here."
"Being able to drive in passing everyone that's really fun as it has for many generations racing satisfies Aidan's competitive spirit but more than that."
"We're not losing to bronze bro, let's [__] go."
"He'd fight anyone at any time and that's what I loved about Manny Pacquiao."
"Salvador Perez third best catcher in major league baseball, fight me."
"That was not a 'we lost' energy, it was 'I'm gonna see you, destroy you' energy."
"If you still have talent, I can never count you out."
"I haven't had such a good battle in years. You and your Pokemon make a great team."
"This seat on the table is finishing higher than Arsenal this season."
"When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice." - Ninja
"I always had the belief and confidence that we could fight for everything."
"I don't care about the money, I'm gonna be honest, I just want to win."
"I'm gonna do what you want me to do, what I wanna do, and I'm still gonna win."
"Come on, bring the pain or bring nothing at all."
"Justin had reclaimed his throne, avenging losses to his demons along the way, and the crowd could not have been happier about it."
"He's got an ego in the sense that he wants to win games but he's not got an ego."
"Ultimately, if you win, there's something to be said for that because this is not an easy game to win." - Xavier
"Shout out to your daughter's name Arya, when they come to raps ain't nobody hardest bro."
"I want to win a match, I want to win with you."
"There's one audience there and if you're gonna pick a fight and you're gonna come out of the shoot swinging you better be ready to fight you better be willing to get in the ring."
"I'm not saying that I'm the greatest 2k player of all time, but I am saying that y'all better start making your lockdown defenders."
"When it's a level playing field and we go out and compete and we're going to compete and we're going to have difference of opinions."
"Sports is about starting somewhere, banding together, increasing your resources, and going for, you know, growing towards contending."
"I think SKT is the easy answer, but I just want a competitive final."
"Stop it, stop the quad, we've got to stop this."
"I like to win but that's just a game. Congratulations, really job well done."
"I could care less about the belt, I just want to fight the very best and I have the utmost respect for Amanda and I believe she is the very, very best at this moment and I will bring it to her."
"We're drawn to conflict, or we're drawn to sport, we're drawn to competition, we're drawn to the contest."
"I believe my chin will stand up to his punches better than his will stand up to mine."
"I'll tell you one thing, Hickson did what he had to do. Nothing in his mind. He wanted to fight Chicana being a pro wrestler because of the implications. But nonetheless, he fought him, took him down, mounted him, grounded and pounded."
"You're all here because you're some of the best and most exciting up-and-coming grapplers in the world. You're here for a reason. There's a grappling legend amongst us, and we're going to find out who's next."
"Kobe had that competitive heart like Michael Jordan."
"He shifts into a second gear and he's done playing games."
"Those two wins are something nobody else has. It's not even the wins, it's being able to compete against that man."
"How is it cheating to want to make your club more successful?"
"I am the strongest player. I've always been the strongest player."
"We deserve to go through... we deserve to go through."
"We need to get ourselves up with the big boys."
"What a guy. Take your bow. Eight fights now, that's FIVE former or current Champions he went up against."
"You know I was cheated on the first fight the second fight we fought Madison Square Garden you know I beat him all the fans you know knew I beat him I beat him in that fight no one could say any different."
"I think it's great for F1 Esports as a whole for everybody to get behind and be supportive."
"Stability is key in every team... We have two drivers that respect each other while racing each other hard."
"What this does is it kills aspirations right at the start of the season. Every one of us, every one of us in the Premier League, aspired to either win the Premier League or go as high up the Premier League as possible."
"Amazing defense by our opponent up until the very last moment."
"Jesus, the strength of Cena showcased there as he goes for the cover and a kick-out from Ziggler not gonna put Ziggler away that easy."
"Brilliant best game of the entire competition says don't make 100 agree thank you very Savage takes his uh exit."
"The Nintendo spirit of fun competitive gaming thrives in everyone."
"I bloody love it if we beat them... We go into battle to bloody win it."
"You want everybody in MMA to be rooting for the MMA guy because you have to tap into like a stream that's bigger than you."
"I just want to be the best version of me in this game."
"He's missed a game and how is California ranked above us? We've literally beat four top 12 teams."
"It's not about winning, it's all about having fun."
"That is amazing. Absolutely impressive from Vuj. He's probably one of the best in the world and one of the best in the Liverpool family."
"I'm going to enjoy my Rose from you because I'm going to win this easy peasy lemon squeezy."
"I feel like I tried to cross everybody over, stack, you know that, man."
"Definitely like playing against y'all, um, the Bay, honestly, that was one of the craziest arenas to play in."
"Michael Jordan was competitive about more things."
"I always get to have fun cuz I keep on winning."
"I hope you lose, otherwise, your dude's going to be bald."
"Can England win the World Cup? Of course they can."
"It is more impressive to stand a post in a weight class and take on wave after wave of contender."
"Competing and possibly winning doesn't get old."
"Lavon is gonna break Michael's arm. People say he can't arm wrestle, and I don't think that's even the case at all."
"I think we have a team that cares about each other, a team that knows what to do, a team that competes with relentless effort down in and down out, and we just find a way to have a chance to win at the end."
"I lost to a better opponent...but I actually came out of this game feeling very, very happy with the way that I played the game."
"Our new mascot, Chaos Neos, will ride us to victory."
"Big shout out and a huge rfl to everyone who took part."
"Now, rematch you again someday and when that day comes it will become known throughout the world that I am the King of Games!"
"If Izzy wins, I would see Whittaker getting the next one. Still think so, yeah, I hope so, he deserves it, he deserves it."
"Ronaldo is probably the most serial winner in the world, calling cornflakes, you know. He wins everything and wants to win everything."
"Liverpool are bloodthirsty for Madrid. Haters have gone quiet."
"We got 14 wins in the bag, we got 20 games left in our weekend league run and you're saying there's a chance that he'll eat that's what I'm saying booyah nation."
"I'm a competitor, so I can respect competitors."
"If I was gonna lose every goddamn game I played, I was gonna lose on my own terms."
"It's not always about the results, it's about how you play the game."
"There it is and here we are." - Daniel Negreanu
"I'm not here to just participate. I'm not happy to be here. I'm here to win."
"Just for the force win, I'm gonna put him at number one."
"Win or lose I'm so excited to get to play against you today. Bam, that's how it's done!"
"I still grind, I love the grind. If you're competing in one of my businesses, I'm gonna kick your ass because I'm gonna out grind you."
"We've got to win, yeah we have to play in the Europa League but we're going to go out and try and win them."
"We've won it... we've won the transfer window."
"We are really more than just rappers, we are like [] like literally we could compete with all those Broadway [] they're not better than us."
"Hopefully, Canada can beat those arrogant American women."
"I know good and well that Kendrick's not murdering me at all in any platform so when that day presents itself I guess we can revisit the topic."
"Ashito looks so happy that he immediately called shun share the happy news before starting the second selection round."
"You win games by fighting, by fighting in a Manchester United shirt, by going for it, by winning games when you're not playing well. It's a massive, massive thing."
"What a goal, man! To our opponent: GG's, fair play."
"He fought like a guy who was ready to do anything to win."
"For glory! Make no mistake, this sport is war. Total war."
"Make no mistake, this sport is war. Total war."