
Cultural Stereotypes Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Scotland, it's a mythical place where Shrek comes from, everyone says 'donkey,' and they also eat deep-fried Mars bars, which is very worrying."
"I just don't get it. It's so... you know, it's so Mexican, right? What's that? It's Nixon. Nixon, yeah, created the DEA in 1973."
"A lot of this got bound up in ridiculously sweeping generalizations about the supposed fundamental differences between Canadians and Americans."
"White now is a mindset, and they're trying to put the mindset of being white as being soft-spoken, more flamboyant, more um, what's it called, less aggressive."
"So they're actually pretty cool and not French not French at all no will beat your ass it's actually pretty masculine women actually really like it."
"There is no particular way a black person walks. There is no particular way a black person talks."
"That's so white the way you said it in front of your friends." - Bobby Lee
"I feel like nobody is talking about how hard it is to be a Nicholas Sparks girl."
"Why are you guys such a practice facility for insane [ __ ]? It's out of you guys and New Zealanders."
"Ultimately, the Karen character is to challenge all viewers to look inward and reckon with the caring qualities that might be lurking within any of us."
"Sometimes we might still see a drunken dwarf in some areas, and that's a good example."
"Swearing is a genetic staple of the video game player."
"This East Asian guy from Singapore just looking a lot more intelligent than the Republican Senator."
"We've got to use them as the Democrats version of the Hillbillies, the gun nuts, and the evangelicals, we've gotta mobilize them to get out and get so mad that they will actually put their [ __ ] phones down and go vote."
"The South has this reputation for like there's a smile on your face and you're saying bless your heart, you're stabbing somebody in the back with some gossip."
"He was very boisterous and very loud... he was like exactly what you would think of as young Italian club soccer player."
"Nigerian Americans rise to the top or are we picking from their top? This is the myth of the model minority."
"My goal is to produce content, to produce films where Latin people are not seen the way they are usually seen, you know, as sexy Latin women or drug dealers or violent things."
"Why would you co-sign the same tropes and stereotypes that were born from racism? Why would you want to do that?"
"You're not Chinese, they eat everything, right?"
"There is this idea of the cool villain with a British accent." - Rafaela
"How can we expect mainstream support for sovereignty, self-determination, nation-building, tribally controlled education, health care, and jobs when 90% of Americans only view my people as one-dimensional stereotypes?"
"We're not your typical English family because a lot of people think that English people are cold, we're not."
"Being black is not a perfect experience, we didn't all grow up around crackheads, have aunties and uncles that are drug addicts."
"I think I'm British because I know geography, I know presidents. I don't know superheroes, and I got horrible teeth."
"Melania Trump, you know those movies where the beautiful but mysterious woman with a foreign accent is actually a secret assassin? Well, maybe we should have seen this coming."
"They suddenly discovered that the British bulldog doesn't behave like that."
"Foreign films thrive on the idea that something dangerous or sinister is afoot."
"He's trying to bait you in with his lies, his Scottish lies."
"Love can be received in so many different ways. It doesn't have to come from, you know, or the whole princess movie style."
"It showed the audience that there was so much more to being gay than just loving Cher and Madonna."
"Probably a bit harsh but then Greek gods aren’t exactly famous for their calm demeanor and balanced decision making, they were far too engrossed with drinking, incest and making animals with lots of heads."
"Florida man is either the best of the best or the worst of the worst of redneckery."
"There is more to Russia than the stereotypes on the internet."
"Russians are definitely the rednecks of Europe."
"Absolutely, I did not know that Canadians were nicer than everyone said they were they are so freakin nice."
"People would say, 'Oh well, it's to do with cultural factors and Jewish people being wealthier or more educated or more urban or whatever. No, the difference is on G.'"
"White frat guy humor is burping and farts. That's white supremacy."
"You think we're the most polite country on earth? Go metric fuck ton yourself."
"Everybody want to be the best at that, especially Asians, 'cause it's not so much of us."
"California's movie industry likes to tell you that New York is the place filled with the mean people that are rude and crappy and they're all super carefree in California it's the opposite."
"German sense of humor: I laughed constantly... lay to rest that rumor that Germans are not funny."
"The stereotypes of backwardness, religious fanaticism, and effeminacy were being slowly but steadily whittled away."
"Authors keep making artists the protagonists of their books because of the romantic notions and stereotypes we have about artists."
"Americans are obsessed with the idea that everyone who hasn't got perfectly straight and white teeth is a mutant."
"D&D is satanic. It encourages witchcraft and the occult."
"I think the stereotype that British people are polite is true."
"It's particularly harmful to believe that Russians are incapable of democracy... that leads to two questions."
"The writing in this movie is incredibly sharp, and the reason why that's lost on some people because this movie is stereotypes."
"Women are like, 'Oh my God, Disney World, it's so like magical!' But here's the thing, men hear that, they're like, 'Oh, she's crazy!'"
"Does this mean the markets gonna crash? Or do Asians somehow have this statistical premonition? They see it, they see it, the markets gonna crash. Let's get out of the United States."
"Not all Giants are bad. I mean, you always have the Jolly Green Giant."
"Being well-spoken and articulate doesn't make you less black. I hate the stereotype of black girls being ghetto. Educated does not equate to whiteness."
"Is there just this weird implication that British people are somehow more cultured or intelligent or something?"
"I could see Italian. I could see that, a massager. Old English, that sounds a little too drunk to be giving a massage. German, I could see them being tense. I could see them, you know, need, they probably needed the massager the most historically."
"If you could just stop being British for a while, be human, then you might just enjoy yourself. That's hysterical, isn't it? Funny that people have that view of us, that we don't enjoy ourselves. British, Americans, clearly like we're not human. We don't enjoy ourselves."
"But out there where you're from, Omaha, Nebraska, there's Asian girls out there? What?"
"The Jamaicans, yeah they have this thing about the other Islands, small island."
"The two Asians dying to math before, it will happen again."
"I bet when Richard Branson's doing flights to the moon, so I reckon the flights will just be full of Kiwis and Aussies, because they're like, there's nothing this, we could do this 24 hours on a rocket or whatever, it's just not a problem."
"What you get in New York, I call a Tony Soprano Italian."
"...the food tends to be really really good it's a running joke that if you go into a Jamaican or African restaurant and the customer service is good the food is going to be bad or if the food is good the customer service is going to be terrible."
"Rome is often associated with logic and order, and Egypt is associated with superstition, feeling, and passion."
"Being from the Midwest isn't a personality trait and doesn't make you interesting."
"He's always smiling too which is great, you know sometimes you get the Russians that are always a little crabby and never smile, this guy is always smiling."
"We have now scientifically and quantitatively proven that Italians are definitely sexier than French people."
"We're gonna fly us overseas? I just hope it's not France. Why? Because it's full of French people."
"Saying that Americans are ignorant is an ignorant comment because there are ignorant people anywhere you go in the world."
"Sometimes I find Canadian stereotypes a bit annoying, but then I remember we literally drizzle maple syrup on fresh snow and eat it with a stick."
"I wanted to offer a bit of a sobering reality: while some men step up, a lot of them don't, and being of Korean origin doesn't change that fact."
"Heaven is a place where the police are British, the lover is French, the mechanics German, the chef's Italian and all organized by the Swiss."
"Hell is a place where the police are German, the lover Swiss, the mechanics French, the chef's British and it's all organized by the Italians."