
Math Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Math is not racist, math is not sexist, math doesn't care if your parents are cray-cray; math is just math."
"The problem is twofold; one is that it's the social perception that math is boring."
"I'm seriously going to need my calculator to figure out if this is right or not."
"Best math puns: being tangent to your curves."
"Focused and engaged learning is key to understanding math."
"Skills in solving equations are crucial for word problems."
"If you got one before, you get the extra nine."
"Quick maps: 2 plus 2 is 4, minus 1 equals 3."
"When dealing with frustration in math, take a break and come back later."
"I was a Mathlete, successful Mathlete."
"The ceiling of a number is the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to this number."
"The floor of a number is the largest integer that is smaller or equal to this number."
"So very easily, you can use Siri to do your math, whether that math is checking your son's homework or calculating a tip at a restaurant."
"Isn't math neat? You just solve a thing and then you trust the math and then it works."
"Matrix multiplication works the same way; it also depends on the order."
"I'm trying to do the math in these single game parlays."
"Math is really boring, who the hell wants to go two plus two equals nine? I'm pretty sure that's correct."
"You know what, I started reading it, reading the books you were given, yeah, that math adds up."
"Sometimes doing math is so rewarding, you're like, that's not right."
"Maths is a game; you can't be wasting your time on things that you're not going to answer."
"The math section is the easiest section to optimize."
"Regardless of how complex or simple it is, all of these are things that have popped up on the AC math exam before, so these are all going to be helpful for you."
"I hated math, I think about math, you're lost forever."
"Believe it or not, I have a college degree in math."
"So for all the mathheads watching, that's 63.8% more pizza in the US than in Australia."
"She's so cute, and she loves math. I love her."
"Isn't that what's going to happen to math and isn't that a long overdue rebalancing of our society?"
"Your income doesn't matter, your age doesn't matter, your race doesn't matter, your geographical location doesn't matter. There's a thing that you and I are dealing with in your money and it's called math."
"0.1 plus 2 equals 3? Nah, it's false."
"Sit back, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, and let's get into some cool maths games."
"Brilliant has thousands of lessons like this from foundational and advanced math to AI, data science, neural networks, and more."
"You know science and math are like that. Everything builds on something else. If you don't have the building blocks it very quickly deteriorates into a bunch of mumble jumble."
"What do you get if you multiply six by seven?" said Benji.
"The answer to this problem is very simple: 33 dollars is twenty percent or one-fifth of the shoes price so the total cost of the shoes would be 165 dollars."
"The math of the universe is so freaking nuts dude."
"Me at 10: 'I can do 25 plus 15 minus 10 plus 20 in my head.' Me now: 'Just gotta make sure 10 plus 5 is actually 15.'"
"The literal Earth: Humans, why are you gay? Mathematically speaking, you could be."
"Math is your friend, math is illuminating. If you can use math to do something you should because it will help you out, it will make things easier."
"We're going to run through a super helpful exercise for you to ramp up your digital SAT math skills."
"Here's a trick you can use to save time on the SAT Math section: 'Always pay attention to what you're asked to answer with. If you see stacked equations like this, you're typically going to look to add, subtract, or substitute something in to get to the value asked.'"
"On the SAT Math section, especially whenever you see stacked equations like this, always pay really close attention to what you're asked to answer with. You don't always actually have to solve for x, and you don't always have to solve for y."
"Here's how to solve this SAT math question under 60 seconds: 'Ultimate for this question, we need to calculate the mean of data set C, which is a composite of data sets A and B together.'"
"Here's how to solve this SAT math question using Desmos: 'The way that I would do this using Desmos is pretty much converting it into slope-intercept form and then I would put it into Desmos and use that to get to the rest of the answer.'"
"Here's how to solve this SAT math question in less than 30 seconds: the function G is defined by G of X is equal to x squared plus nine for which value of x is G of x equal to 25."
"Here's how to solve this SAT math question in under 40 seconds: question 7 states the function f is defined by the equation f of x equals 7x plus 2. What is the value of f of x when x equals four?"
"Here's how to solve this difficult SAT math question: question 24 states for line H the table shows three values of X and their corresponding values of Y. Line K is the result of translating line H down 5 units in the X Y plane what is the x-intercept of line K."
"Here's how to set up and solve this system of inequalities question on the SAT."
"People on TikTok are so good at math, I love this."
"Mastering math facts is fundamental to having success with math long term."
"I find myself doing math problems if I'm waiting in line somewhere or if I'm lying in bed idly lying in bed and just I'm like yeah maybe I'll do a couple math problems s you know it doesn't have to be a sit down hardcore study session."
"I think math is the universe's universal language. It's the language of the universe. And whether you're dealing with colors or you're dealing with music, math is in everything."
"You have to make math compulsory at school and not math literacy mathematics and say to them I don't care whether you pass it or not as long as once in your lifetime you came across calculations then you'll calculate life."
"I'm not bad at math. I'm good at math."
"If 10k equals 50, that means one grand is only five dollars."
"One of these math tips is our number one tip that helps most candidates cut their math mistakes in half instantly when they use it so make sure you watch Until the End."
"Adjust your psychology to the math, not the other way around."
"Math is really helpful. The practice of math can build an experience of problem solving."
"Math helps you develop your pattern recognition abilities, your recognition of structure in general, your logical skills, your patience, willingness to solve problems, resourcefulness, tenacity."
"That's what we have, the approximation. Anytime you have an exact answer in math like X is equal to 2, that's the precise, exact total answer."
"Music and math are deeply intertwined because they both show us the mind of God."
"Music determines the structure of music, and music is how we express the beauty of math and therefore the beauty of God's mind."
"Math is the language of the universe. It's not always used to talk to one another, but rather explain everything around us."
"Brilliant.org is how I learn all this math interactively."
"Love maths and it's one of my favorite kinds of videos to make."
"Convolution has been around for a long time, has lots of good uses in math. It also is really useful in image processing."
"Brilliant is an online learning platform specializing in teaching math and science interactively."
"You need to be able to show your math."
"I've always been a math guy. I've always liked math. I've never really done data until this, but I mean, yeah."
"When it comes to math, beyond the fundamentals when folks ask me if something is practical for them to know and use, probability is an absolute and emphatic yes."
"...if we partition it into two equal halves, then each of the halves would be exactly 11, right?"
"The math doesn't lie, we're in business."
"...these are a few examples of problems from a number theory book I spent a few months going through after gaining an interest in the math behind cryptography..."
"...for any composite number x1 of its prime factors must be less than its own square root..."
"...if it is composite one of its factors must be less than ten point nine and the only primes less than that are two, three, five, and seven..."
"...any number to the fifth will retain its ones digit as mentioned in the beginning..."
"...any prime number squared besides two and three will land in this section..."
"I don't think we need to be good at math to be good at CSS."
"Understanding math is essential for working with shaders."
"I'm guessing that you're doing math right and I'm guessing that you don't know math."
"Tests are part of math as it is, without letting your mind go down the wrong path because the teacher is tricky."
"Apply the trick to find 10 percent."
"Find 10 percent, then halve it to get 5 percent."
"Add together the pieces you need."
"Anything but fractions, I'll do push-ups."
"What the math doesn't show is different play styles and synergy amongst your army."
"Before you take a math class, you should have a problem you would like to solve in your head."
"So if I multiply that by 120, that is another little shortcut to get me to my answer of 36."
"Math is full of these really colorful characters having like out of control original great ideas."
"The best way to explain how math has built structure to answer this question is calculus."
"Math is a language. It is a language of human invention. It's a language that's particularly good at articulating patterns."
"There's a lot more math and control logic, subtraction on byte counts, boolean comparisons, distinct modes for enable asynchronous I/O, and yet the semantics of the whole thing are basically the same."
"So, they share 77 pounds between them."
"So always do the math problems first."
"So again, always do the math problems first."
"If I go square root of 25 is 5, square root of 16 is 4, and so the square root of 22 is gonna be up there close, sort of closer to 5."
"We did the math for you. You're welcome."
"...it really does work as a great discussion tool. I want to make sure that I'm giving my students opportunities to talk about math."
"Some of you laugh Asians are very good at math."
"32 plus 13 adds up to trouble. That's quick maths."
"The only numbers this math tutor will be crunching today are how much his bail will be."
"Hey guys I apologize that this is one of those super math oriented for but for a beast like goku is necessary for a ttl dr he's very strong"
"Math is not hard. If you guys focus on the math that is easy, you'll be okay."
"Remember, every time you see numbers, it's not automatically a math problem."
"Nicole the math lady, she came in and saved the day. I love how she took those Saxon lessons. She made them fun. She made them engaging."
"Thank you brother, I mean 99.7, that's high quality math right there."
"It made it seem so much less intimidating."
"Six ways to make a seven, four ways to make a nine. All right now with the six and eight yes you're still giving away but not so much not so much."
"Cat plus string equals cat. That's math. And that's cat math."
"Number Block 20 loves the two tens Tango."
"... our failure to understand math, basic simple probabilities mixed with our irrational brains, that produce such horrendous results in the world, religion being one of them."
"Many times, we can trade a tiny bit of accuracy for a lot more speed. It profoundly changes the way we approach most math calculations in consulting contexts."
"There are no shortcuts, that's how you get frustrated in math if you're trying to take shortcuts."
"If two is company and three is a crowd, what are four and five? Nine."
"Most people fear the math section the most."
"It's not so much can you do the math, it's do you recognize the math."
"What are the chances that he selects a blue marble? Alright, so when you see the word chances, what math words should pop into your head automatically? Probability, exactly!"
"I want to go over all those questions here on this day six update just so that everybody watching uh my videos has uh has a handle on the most recently released kinds of Concepts and question types that are tested on the tsa2 math test."
"I saw the math in the old group chat. Are you guys trying to figure out how the time starts with the show?"
"Fractions are so awesome and so much fun."
"...knowing that the sum's not going to overflow, we've all had that happen so many times before."
"3 over here we have balanced it but the only problem is we cannot leave fractions in our final answer so how do we get rid of the denominator of the fraction just multiply the whole thing by two"
"It's like a teaching ninja I can just... wouldn't that be great a Math ninja instead of shens i' throw prime numbers."
"Anything I can do uh to get more people more excited about maths."
"Math is the science we could still do if we woke up tomorrow and there was no universe." - Unknown
"Wow a lot of math for the morning one might say too much math for the morning but necessary."
"Math is all about building machine and your unconscious that performs a function."
"So in addition to acting, I've been writing these math books, 11 of them."
"I could do more math than they can."
"Now brace yourselves, things are about to get a little mathy."
"I suck at math, so I’m gonna explain how all this math works with real life examples … because that’s how I - someone who SUCKS at math - have taught myself to understand this stuff."
"Pretty much all I did as a kid was read only child living in a place with no neighbors I can't do simple math but I read like lightning."
"If you know it, you know it. There's no such thing as 'it could be one or the other' in a math question."
"There is a 10, take out two, eight."
"Now boys each of the truck says we've gone a different distance so what number do we use to divide we use Google."
"Math is the language in which the laws of physics are formulated and in terms of which they have to be studied."
"If you're looking at a business and you can't do the math in your head, then I think there's a problem."
"Many people who had never had a chance to know what math is about and think of it as basic arithmetic consider it a dry and fruitless subject. But in fact, it is a field that requires most of all imagination."
"I like science. Science math! Hell yeah!"
"Math is just a language. When you understand the language, you are able to solve the problems."
"It's really good to learn this if you plan on having a career where you think you'll be dealing with math a lot."
"Why do we say squared? Because we're making a square out of it, taking it from one to the second dimension."
"Why you hate math? Because you don't know what the hell you're doing."
"Map is cooler than math. It's what the cool kids are doing these days."
"You'll finally learn how fun and easy math can really be."
"Takes a little bit of practice. It's a little bit harder at first, but once you get used to it, it'll help you get the answer real quick."
"Whenever this last digit in the answer is 5, the answer will always end in 25."
"To divide fractions, convert the division into multiplication and flip the second fraction."
"To change from improper fraction to mixed number, you'll multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator."
"Solving questions on improper fractions is exactly the same as solving questions on proper fractions."
"To do the math in your head, the easiest way is to do it for 100 dollars."
"It's the best math for single Rider."
"Math is a second language. Some people have English as a second language, some people have math as a second language, you know?"
"Understanding what you know is a really big thing. You learn math by doing."
"The puzzle is very math heavy, with the Fibonacci sequence making an appearance."
"It's not just about teaching math, it's about understanding how the course will be given."
"You ain't adding, then you're subtracting."
"So here is a physical example of this math concept."
"I just can't with numbers and math. If I had to just sit there and do numbers and math all day, no thank you."
"Now the fun part, who's ready for a math lesson?"
"The sphere area with radius 10 is 1256."
"The circle area with radius 15 is 706.5."
"Never be intimidated by anything you don't understand in math."
"Try to teach math in a way that people don't mind learning from."
"Powers and exponents are everywhere in mathematics."
"Almost all of you can do fantastic in math if you're interested, you're committed, and you have great math instruction."
"I'm not great at math but how many teams are in the National Football League? What's half of that? 16."
"The product of the whole secant length times the part that's outside the circle equals the product of the other secant's whole length times its exterior part."
"It's important to have like a basic understanding of math."
"Basic math is not so basic, and it's been my experience that a lot of people who struggle in math struggle because they never really got the basics down."
"If you have a normal brain, you're good at math. It's just a matter of how you've been taught."
"You don't have to have strong math skills to excel in accounting."
"We'll do some more math in the next video."
"Brilliant is an online learning platform that specializes in math and science."
"If you enjoyed these ideas and activities and they helped you think a little bit differently about the way you might teach math, I would love to know."
"Every time you multiply by a conjugate, you will kill square roots every single time."
"If we multiply by a very slightly modified copy of ourselves, where we only do one thing that's changed the sign, we eliminate all radicals in the answer."
"When you multiply by a conjugate, you kill all the radicals."
"The idea of a conjugate is not going to go away, it's just a special way of multiplying by a very similar term that gets rid of the radicals."
"I'm really excited to make this video for you all about how I do math centers and guided math groups."
"Spotlight can solve math problems right within the interface."
"If you're struggling in math, ask yourself if you're taking great math notes."
"The enormous usefulness of math in the natural sciences is really something bordering on the mysterious, and there is no rational explanation for it."
"You can't solve a problem that you don't understand."
"If you want to get better at word problems, you have to get strong at the underlying skills."
"To be a great industrial engineer, you don't have to be great at math."
"The introduction of math is always through the world of story and something that can draw the child in."
"If you think you're bad at math, that's not true. I have not personally met any bad math students."
"I like to think that I explain math more than I teach it."
"When you learn to identify what each one of those sounds is, it ceases to be math; then it becomes music."
"This is one way that you can use fractional exponents to simplify roots."
"He can solve some pretty elaborate math equations for his age."
"Exponential functions are one to one, therefore they're going to have this inverse we're going to call that inverse a logarithm."
"If 2 to the x equals 2 to the third, then x would equal 3."
"Can I write 27 as a power of 3? Sure."
"The technique is if you have exponentials, one way to solve them is to get two exponentials on one on each side with the same base and set your exponents equal."
"To solve any word problem, you need to have math skills."
"It's very helpful to draw some sort of figure, some sort of model, some sort of sketch to map out what's going on."
"You got to focus, you got to work hard on taking great math notes."
"My job is to keep you motivated, excited, and show you that you can learn this stuff."
"They are breaking ground in math and science in a way that completely flies above me."