
Customer Needs Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"People need consistency. Like, if I need to buy my skincare product and it's something I gotta get online and I ordered it on time and it's not here with a product run out, and I need to use something daily, I'm gonna be mad."
"Finding out what a customer wants and needs is just I can't emphasize how important that is."
"Selling has nothing to do with persuading. It's not our job to talk people into things. Selling is about determining a fit between the buyer's needs and the seller's supply."
"It's all about understanding who the users are and what are their needs."
"Where there are customers desperate to solve a problem, there is money-making opportunities for you."
"Tap into your audience's pain points and present your product as the solution."
"Why does a customer buy? A customer will buy when you offer them something which solves a need or a problem in a way that's either better, faster, or cheaper than someone else does."
"Figure out what your dream customer's pain is and then figure out what his real desire is."
"The customer... has two problems: I want to survive and I want to be loved."
"It's not about you, it's about what they need and it's about helping them to grow."
"Customer doesn't care about Microsoft needs. It cares about not what Microsoft can do to help with the customer needs."
"Developing a new product is necessary to satisfy unfulfilled needs of the customers."
"We're really trying to transition from giving you what you want to really giving you what you need."
"Don't sell someone something they don't need."
"Business is not 'I'm going to start selling clothes,' business is understanding people's needs."
"Shouldn't businesses adapt to meet the needs of their customers?"
"If you can remind customers of what it feels like to have icy toes and achy cold feet, they're going to start looking for a solution."
"Bringing a genuine answer to your customers' undeserved wants and needs is the only sustainable way of doing business."
"A project in product conception phase could be to determine customer needs."
"The product owner defines the vision of the project and anticipates the needs of the customer."
"Product owner defines the vision of the project they anticipate the needs of the customer and to create appropriate user stories."
"Your sales funnel should ultimately be customized by your customer needs, business type, price point, and sales cycle."
"You really need to understand not just the gain you're giving your customer but the pain they have to go through to actually get that gain."
"If you ask people what they want, they'll tell you."
"Customer loyalty is the truest test of how well the entire funnel serves customers and meets their needs."
"If you want to stand out, you've got to start giving people what they don't even know they want."
"The balance between in-house development and marketplace solutions depends on customer needs."
"You can never sell to just what you think the prospect needs even if they said that, you sell to the real problems."
"We just listen to the consumer and ask them what they want. People will tell you in two seconds what they want if you ask them."
"If you know exactly what your customer's problems are when you're about to build a software product, that's when you're in the place where you can actually build the damn thing and have a chance in hell that you're going to be successful."
"Customers are searching for solutions, not specific parameters of an item."
"Salesmanship is selling a customer something he did not come into the box."
"I think it's really important to keep yourselves disciplined to why do people need this product and what are they gonna do with this that they haven't with others."
"From a physical infrastructure perspective, customers tell us they want a continuum of consistent cloud services that extend from regions to network edge, customer premises, and remote locations."
"He's providing a convenience for people who, however they like their stuff, probably don't want to make the material, don't want to go through it, might be in a hurry to smoke real quick."
"Understanding the customer's needs is essential for fulfilling your duties and maximizing revenue."
"You're not in the business of selling drills, you're in the business of selling holes."
"...you don't have to be the wolf of Wall Street, coming in and forcing people to buy. Instead, you really just have to be good at asking questions and seeing what people want."
"People don't want quarter-inch drill bits; they want quarter inch holes."
"SEO is going to go beyond keywords into anticipating the problems of future customers."
"A business is really about identifying potential customer pain points or needs and then coming up with a solution via a product or a service."
"Find something people really want and you deliver it to them."
"In order to find your point of differentiation or your unique selling proposition, you want to find the overlap between what customers want and what you do better than anybody else."
"No manufacturer was delivering what long-distance tours really wanted: more power, more comfort, protection from the elements, luggage, low maintenance, and reliability."
"Empathy is the difference between selling something to someone to serve your interest or finding out what they really need to serve their interest."
"The most important element is the market's needs and desires, and really serving those."
"If a business doesn't understand what product the customer wants the majority of them will simply seek an alternative to have their needs met."
"You're not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"Your job as a product manager is not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"Jobs to be done is like the next level up from that. Instead of talking about benefits, you talk about what is the job that your customers are trying to do."
"Your mission as an entrepreneur is not to come up with new ideas... but to find out what people are looking for and come up with a new and creative way of delivering that to them."
"What do people want? What's good for people? What's needed? What's unique about this product or this thing?"
"Selling is finding out what people want and helping them get it."
"Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a process to understand the customers' needs and translate them into a set of design and manufacturing requirements while motivating businesses to focus on their customers."
"So if you can take a deep understanding of what customers need and make sure it really is the right product, that's how you can build a product that customers really want."
"Henry Ford's genius was he built exactly what people needed and not one cent more. Right? He was kind of McDonald's versus foodie chef-y."
"I'm simply questioning how much money you will make if you limit your shop and your offering to the things that you like."
"I teach you how to build a business that does not rely on the artist or designer mindset. I teach you how to build a business that is a strong multi-six-figure business that gives the people what they want."
"And if you don't know this information and you pitch it's a lot less authentic because how do you even know they should buy right so that's why you got to ask questions understand the page and then you earn the right to pitch."
"We still see that we have 5 out of 10 or half of our customers that don't need dual screens, they don't need toilets, they don't need bow thrusters on the smaller boats."
"Hyperlocal is actually about listening to customers and solving what their needs are in a segmented way."
"Our job as product managers or as product leads is to figure out what customers want before they think they want something or before they do."
"She realized that many of her customers were working-class people who lived in small apartments and didn't have enough space for many Furniture sometimes including beds."
"Understanding the job the customer is trying to get done is critical for developing products that meet their needs."
"So, we convinced them to try to rethink the sales around a job to be done. In other words, gosh, there's got to be a job out there somewhere that people find themselves needing to get done that causes them to hire a milkshake."
"If we understand the job to be done, then we can ask the next question: What are the experiences in purchase and use that we need to provide to nail the job perfectly?"
"Companies that organize around a job to be done and provide all these things actually have no competitors."
"They specifically want testimonials that speak to the pain points."
"You have to figure out what their customers want, what is that voice of the customer, and then be able to figure out how to deliver that consistently."
"...so many new sellers struggle with this concept because they don't grasp the idea of dollars follow value they don't understand how to fill the needs of the customer."
"Our goal when it comes to doing product research is filling the needs of a customer and that's what I'm going to be breaking down and that's the secret sauce."
"We want to understand what our customers need."
"It's not about what you want, it's about what they want."
"If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."
"...what's the pain that they want to go away?"
"Successful design satisfies the need of the customer and sometimes even helps him or her discover that there's such a need."
"Customers don't buy drill bits; they buy holes."
"The basic drivers of our business, the core things that customers want, do not change."
"We know that what customers want are selection, low prices, and convenience."
"The end game of a business is to provide a product or service that meets a need."
"The real challenge is to turn an idea into a value proposition that customers want."
"Driven by the principles of engineering that aim to transform customer needs into affordable and innovative solutions."
"The world is now a better place because a deliverable that is fit for use, conforming to requirements, and upholds the mantra of customer satisfaction has been met."
"Problem-solving products are those that address a specific customer pain point or issue."
"You need to give the customer something they didn't know they needed."
"For us, our goal is really to produce a model that can handle anything our customers want to throw at it."
"They're always trying to think of ways to answer the call of what people are looking for."
"So you have to understand what your customer wants, the top level requirements."
"It's not necessarily about the money; you're getting people into a vehicle that need a vehicle."
"Sometimes products reach their end of life... it's part of market control to think about what are those bridges where you can take the customers and give them alternatives that are going to continue serving their needs."
"What problem do they have and what do they desire?"
"We'd love to hear what is it that your app needs, your dev team, your scenarios, your customers, what is it that you need out there from a project like this."
"We're not really ready for that kind of mass adoption, and we also really have to think about what do our target customers actually want."
"Not every product is meant for every person, but if someone has a need and I think this product fits that need and I test it and I really like it, I will sell it."
"Prioritizing and addressing the customer request immediately demonstrates that their needs are essential and respected."
"We know by anecdotal evidence, focus groups, and quantitative research that there are three things that are important to our customers: selection, ease-of-use and convenience, and price."
"In order to maximize the advantages of the ESR assistant system and better meet the needs of customers in different photography fields, Canon will continue to strive to continually enrich its lens product line in the future."
"We need to do things faster... to meet the needs of our business and our customers in real time or in rapid time."
"The V&V curve provides the process of how to develop, verify, and validate a product based on customer needs or requirements."
"Sell people what they want, give them what they need."
"It's celebrating the differences across customers; different customers have different needs, and we're going to figure out which ones we want to really go after."
"Find out what people want and then deliver it to them."
"The design of a supply chain really depends on both the customer's needs and the roles played by the members involved."
"One of the things that customers wanted was more power."
"Why do modern-day factories manufacture an abundance of product that sits as inventory yet they still don't have exactly what the customer wants?"
"International business can be defined as the expansion of business functions from domestic to any foreign country with an objective of fulfilling the needs and wants of international customers."
"Competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs a firm seeks to satisfy through its products and services."
"Product and service design begins by translating customer wants and needs into requirements."
"The objective of business is to deliver products or services that customers need or want and to make money off those products and services."
"Business intelligence means understanding your customers' needs and providing them with the best product."
"When Henry Ford once said, 'Hey if I asked my customers what they wanted, they wanted faster horses, they didn't want horseless carriages'."
"Focus on your backlog, focus on the customer needs you're trying to meet, versus a roadmap and set deadlines."
"A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or need of a customer."
"A product gets hired by a customer, so there is a job that needs to be done by a product to the customer."
"The better that we understand our customers and their needs and frustrations, the better we are equipped to deliver a product or service that is going to satisfy and meet those needs."
"What customers want is a product and/or service that connects with them, solves their problems, excites them, makes sense to them, and does something important for them that competitive products or services do not."
"Supply chain as we discussed in the very first class is to ensure the availability of the products to the customer where customer wants, what customer wants, how much customer wants."
"If we can accurately predict customers' choices among future hypothetical product offerings, then we can identify which products would best meet customer needs."
"Customers wanted to dump in a roll-off dumpster and this allows them to get the height and with that vertical loader gives them the reach to be able to do that."
"You can really work out whether that will give you exactly what you need for your customer's needs."
"The basis of it all is it's a matrix being able to define when a customer wants in terms of some technical characteristics."
"By addressing a specific need, you increase the chances of attracting customers."
"One of the key activities is to try to get customer wants and needs into product or service requirements."
"These digital products we're about to look for must solve a problem that our potential customer has."
"How do we build great products based on what customers need?"
"We believe that based on data, what the customer is looking for here is convenience first of all, second of all is affordability."
"Sometimes customers do not want something that is so 'Wow', they just want something that is simple, that is easy, that is fit for use."
"Translate customer wants and needs into product and service requirements."
"Quality Function Deployment is a structured approach that includes the voice of the customer."
"What do your customers want you to do? What do you want to focus on?"
"We are pushing the boundaries of what you can build with .NET and ensuring that it meets your and your customers' needs."