
Life Insurance Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Your loved ones deserve a financial safety net, and you deserve a smarter way to buy it."
"If you have someone who relies on your financial support... you need life insurance."
"Life insurance can provide financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your unexpected death."
"Every single family member should have life insurance because life insurance creates an immediate estate for your family."
"Spend 20 years working in life insurance predicting when people were going to die to the nearest month and now he's on a mission to extend your life."
"Life insurance isn't just for dying; it's also for living."
"Life insurance is a fundamental brick in building a secure financial foundation."
"Properly structured life insurance can serve not just as a safety net, but as a building block for generational wealth."
"Life insurance is not just for the old or for planning funerals; it's a strategic financial tool with tax advantages and opportunities for wealth accumulation."
"Some 40% of Americans don't have life insurance, which is idiotic since we're all gonna plotz."
"If you have anyone relying on your income, you need life insurance. It's just that simple."
"Getting life insurance today means that you'll have the peace of mind that if something were to happen to you, the people who depend on you will be protected."
"A million dollars in life insurance is something that, at the very least, most people in today's society should try to aim for."
"Actually having life insurance is a good feeling because it's nice to know that if anything were to happen to you, your family won't have to start a GoFundMe to stay afloat."
"Typically, life insurance gets more expensive as you get older, so it's smart to get a policy sooner rather than later."
"If you are a responsible human being, you do need to get life insurance."
"You are going to perish at some point in the future... This is why you need life insurance."
"Actually, having life insurance feels pretty good, and getting that peace of mind doesn't need to be complicated."
"National Life Insurance Awareness Month... Are you an adult? Are you a responsible human being? Make sure that your family is taken care of."
"A life insurance policy in case something happens so your wife is protected, your kids are protected, your husband's protected."
"Policy Genius is the easy way to get life insurance in just two minutes."
"Life insurance... if you've got people who depend on you... you want to make sure that your family is taken care of at least financially."
"A good analogy perhaps too, since a backup is essentially a type of life insurance."
"We're all going to die, so we all need life insurance."
"Life insurance isn't about the people who die, it's about the people who live." - Unknown
"Find and buy the right coverage for you and your family... life insurance gets more expensive as you age."
"Life insurance would give your loved ones a financial cushion against these things in case you die."
"Make sure you have life insurance, Policy Genius, the easy way to compare and buy life insurance."
"Get life insurance in as little as five minutes by going to Met kevin.com Life."
"We can't continue to keep going down that path. We can't do it. Get life insurance, be responsible."
"Be an adult, go get yourself some life insurance right now."
"Life, but because of those issues I need to make extra sure that my family's financial security will be covered if I'm not here."
"Life insurance, if you have people depending on you, whether it's a spouse, a partner, or children, this is a non-negotiable."
"You gotta have life insurance. We all going to go that way one day."
"Policy genius makes this easy by helping you compare life insurance quotes."
"Life insurance is one of the fastest and easiest ways to grow generational wealth."
"If you have anyone in your life who is relying on your income, you need life insurance. It's just that simple."
"Having life insurance gives me the peace of mind that if something was to happen to me, my family would have this financial security."
"Term life insurance can replace income, pay off debts, cover funeral expenses, so your family can actually have the opportunity to just be sad."
"Life insurance is one of those things in life that's pretty much necessary because, well, life happens."
"We're all eventually gonna need life insurance at one point or another all throughout our lives."
"You have a gangster boyfriend. I have life insurance."
"My job is to protect the guarantees of life. What happens to your family when you're not there anymore?"
"Don't think that if you're on a tight budget that getting life insurance, getting that protection, is completely out of the question for you."
"Life insurance is how you say 'I love you' to your family."
"One of the things to building true and lasting wealth is really life insurance."
"Finally, since life insurance costs more as you age, now's the time to cross it off your list because you ain't getting any younger out there."
"That's how that client with $850,000 ended up making over a half a million in one year on his IUL policy."
"Indexed universal life accumulates tax-free."
"The financial motive in this case was the $1 million life insurance policy."
"This almost feels kind of like a 'oh honey, let's up your life insurance policy and then oops off a cliff.'"
"I'm not banking on dying anytime in the next year but I got life insurance because I love my family."
"Free disabled veterans life insurance program... for totally and permanently disabled veterans."
"Life insurance gets more expensive as you age, so now is the time to buy."
"If you are afraid of death at this point in your life, then you might want to be looking over at our friends at Policy Genius."
"Life insurance should be the catalyst to wealth."
"One size doesn't fit all when it comes to life insurance policies."
"The stories of many whose life insurance policies provide financial stability during their time of need eventually showed me the honor in helping others to be prepared for the inevitable."
"The life insurance industry reaffirms your personal value and gives you a sense of pride in what you do. It's extremely rewarding and offers a certain sense of satisfaction that words cannot describe."
"Life insurance - don't leave your loved ones with debt."
"Think about the future and don't put this off until you're older because life insurance is way cheaper when you're still young."
"Let's just say you're in your 20s right now, right? And each of your friends, you got a 200,000 life insurance policy on, now when you're in your 20s right now, right?"
"Get life insurance, it's a gift to give your family."
"I rather use my time to focus on... life insurance policies that can actually pay me back while I'm alive."
"98% of all life insurance policies lapse."
"The Dirty Little Secret with life insurance is that 90% of life insurance policies never pay out."
"Growth mindset is one of the most powerful insurance policies you can have for your life."
"Life insurance is so good, I'm still alive, guys."
"Life insurance buys you time. It gives you money to negotiate with."
"Getting life insurance gives you a peace of mind that you don't realize that you actually need."
"So you end up with this great big policy, huge death benefit that ends up paying out to your heirs absolutely tax-free if you set it up appropriately."
"Secure everything, that's life insurance."
"Let me tell you from personal experience, it's super satisfying to check life insurance off your to-do list."
"I love life insurance because there has to be accountability."
"That's why I love life insurance."
"Life insurance is the point where you go, 'Oh [ __ ] off, I'm an adult.'"
"Life insurance is like the oldest savings product in the world."
"Get up every morning, exercise, eat well, and put my money in the bank. I haven't actually got a life insurance policy, but you know, if I kill over dead one day, there'll be no disruption to life. Everybody's taken care of, and it's all in place."
"If you're hearing this ad, we've got some good news for you: this means you are alive, so you still got time to get life insurance with Ethos."
"Term life is really good if you feel that there's just a set amount in your life where you just want to make sure I'm around for the next 10 or 20 years."
"Life insurance isn't for the people who die, it's for the people who live."
"This is a really important video to watch, especially if you are thinking about selling life insurance or you're struggling selling life insurance."
"This is what gives you the benefit to pass on all of your life insurance free of any income tax or estate tax to your heirs."
"This is the ideal way to pass on life insurance to make sure that neither the state nor the federal government can tax those monies."
"Obviously there's not an average cost for life insurance, it all depends on your health, it depends on your age."
"The standard amount for a life insurance policy should cover 10 times your yearly income."
"Life insurance proceeds do not have to go solely to your family; they can also be used to support a charity you love."
"I'm getting life insurance one more look at well I'm more significant life insurance policy for other folk to benefit from should I die you know unforeseen Lee."
"I'm a big believer that life insurance when designed and structured and utilized properly in your life is an amazing asset."
"Life insurance is the creating of an immediate pool of money for what can be very small dollars up front."
"If you have anybody who is dependent on you financially... life insurance is for you."
"Your family deserves peace of mind, and a life insurance policy through Policy Genius can give them just that."
"You need life insurance now... what would happen to your family without your income?"
"Knowing that if you died, everybody in your family is going to be okay is huge."
"A good life insurance plan can give you the peace of mind that if something happens to you, your family will have a safety net."
"Life insurance people, it's a big thing; it's about building generational wealth."
"We like to go where others don't; we were innovating in the micro insurance space to provide life insurance for people when there was no way in the world you could think about how do you do life insurance in HIV ravaged communities."
"Typically, life insurance gets more expensive as you age, so it's smart to get a policy sooner rather than later."
"Get life insurance, man. Take care of yourself, take care of your people."
"Let's make sure we put this in place so we give a guaranteed payout."
"Life insurance is wonderful, and we all know, so make your life insurance but the beneficiary is the trust."
"What do you want your new life insurance program to accomplish?"
"The best policy to have is the one that's there when you die, and the one that's there when you die is the one you can comfortably afford."
"Get more policies in effect, cover more lives with more insurance, and what you'll find is the money takes care of itself."
"Your life insurance should be 10 times your annual income."
"The purpose of life insurance is to provide a death benefit when I die. Let's not overcomplicate it, that's it."
"Life insurance could potentially be a huge game-changer for a family."
"The earlier you get life insurance, the cheaper it is for you over time."
"Life insurance should be a big part of your life design from a financial perspective."
"Having the life insurance will kind of give you peace of mind knowing that your children are protected on the worst day of their life."
"Life insurance can be a great financial planning tool, but if you use it the wrong way, it can be a horrible investment."
"Insurance is almost never a good investment, but insurance, more specifically life insurance, is very important to every smart financial planner."
"If you already have that wealth and those investments there that will take care of your family for years into the future without you being there, then you're fine; you don't need life insurance."
"The cash value of life insurance is a resource that's stable and available."
"I remember years ago I was working at a firm where my role was to design high cash value life insurance policies for corporations."
"Whole life insurance is a scam is often when they are proposed or sold a whole life insurance policy under the impression that this is going to produce phenomenal results."
"Those policies have produced internal rates of return between 5% to 7%."
"Life insurance, when set up and used properly, is an incredible asset that I think can help you get closer to where you want to go and have better results."
"I'm a big believer in the industry, I love the idea of what life insurance agents can do when they do it the right way."
"Life insurance is not for you, life insurance is for your family."
"Make sure y'all get you some life insurance, okay? It's important."
"Don't go in debt just to get a life insurance policy."
"Life insurance is set in stone; that's not moving."
"...you can get a policy for your kid at a young age... he could turn 21 with six figures of cash."
"Life insurance has the best tax treatment of any financial asset in the world."
"By having life insurance, it brings the peace of mind knowing that if something did happen to either one of us, our dependents, our family, the people that rely on us will be protected."
"Life insurance... a good way to fund a child's future."
"Bro, you can get life insurance for less than what your cell phone costs a month."
"Life insurance policies is the way, man."
"Once you're married, you should get life insurance. It just helps take the stress off if anything happens."