
Economic Behavior Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The paradox is that people neglect their health to make money and then spend that money on health."
"We're really bad at predicting the future and so the more that you can be a market observer rather than a market predictor, you start to just understand crazy stuff happens."
"They don't want you fixing something and getting another two years of life out of it; they want you to go back to the store and buy a new one."
"You have to be respectful of those who are voting with their wallets."
"So, in a capitalist economy, people want to make money, but they also don't want to lose money. So they're cognizant of risk."
"Most people, if it's only a ten thousand dollar difference, they will choose earning more."
"If you put money in the average person's pocket, they will spend it."
"Poor people spend, the middle class save, and the wealthy invest."
"People's consumption is going to want to match their value system." - Speaker
"Drivers will choose toll roads over a long scenic route, surprising but true."
"More than one in 10 American citizens aged between 18 and 34 have invested part of their stimulus checks into crypto assets."
"Prediction markets incentivize those with expertise about a given topic to come forward and trade, and actively disincentivize people who don’t know much about the subject from trading."
"Traders in prediction markets put their money where their mouth is."
"If I cannot buy it three times over I cannot afford it."
"It's because he makes more they make more money than they spend."
"Well, when working people get a raise they spend it they pay their rent and they pay their mortgage and maybe they save up enough to take a vacation."
"Using debit cards, that's a poverty mindset. Using credit cards, that's a wealth mindset."
"It's that FOMO; so more and more money comes in until you hit a tipping point."
"It's remarkable, people who just have no business affording two or three thousand dollar Taylor Swift tickets well somehow spend two or three thousand dollars on a Taylor Swift ticket."
"The only thing that's going to stay behind is the knowledge and value provided to the community."
"Behavioral Finance attempts to explain the psychological reasons why people do certain things with money."
"There will always be some very rich people who wish to practice costly signaling."
"More than 80 percent say they've actively looked harder for coupons and promotions since the pandemic began."
"Spending when you don't have money is still spending."
"Another big difference that Choi found is that economists don't understand the idea of holding cash in a low interest rate account while also having high interest rate debt."
"Show me your incentive and I'll show you the outcome."
"The appearance of a price switched people from a moral frame of reference to a commercial frame."
"You can literally vote with your dollars to say to corporate America, 'Hey, I'd like you to custom-fit an environment for me.'"
"The number one indicator of demand is where people put their money. Where do they put their money? That's what matters."
"I never buy myself a new dress unless it's on sale or thrifted. I never do this unless it's a discount."
"The shorts didn't cover. That's demand of retail buying, apparently a high majority of it."
"People just get too excited about future growth opportunities, so they overpay."
"What's unique about banking is that the demand curve goes parabolic. It goes straight up at a certain point. No other industry is like that."
"Repair what you already have instead of having to go and buy a whole nother whatever it is."
"Markets do not really react to bad news; they react to uncertainty."
"It all comes back to greed. It's great when everyone's making money like who cares man you know what I mean like you get lost in that sauce."
"We are the small Bitcoin holders... buying the cheap corn."
"Frankly, I find the knowing that they will keep more of their own money has incentivized them to make more."
"You give people extra money they'll find a way to spend it."
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"Traditionally, airline demand is quite elastic—people will often decide whether or not to book based on the price."
"White collar workers are starting to bring lunch."
"You don't actually need a reason for things to go up you just need to follow the dumb money and the dumb money will send the money up."
"People are still willing to spend on small experiences..."
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"The fear of missing out has really taken over, people are leveraging margin to record levels at this point."
"This is why there is no sort of price floor there is no price ceiling it's just whatever people are willing to pay for it so humans decide and they always will."
"Entrepreneurs want to see other entrepreneurs spending money."
"Everyone wants to save some money these days."
"A moral hazard: rich people do stupid things, get your money."
"The spending of money is usually an invisible act."
"You can't force people to spend money if they have no confidence in the future. They're not going to spend it, period."
"That's true... there's a financial incentive."
"People are finding it more advantageous to stay home and get paid."
"A poor person is a person of a culture, 'Well, eat, drink, and be married, for tomorrow we die,' so they spend. So they lack the disciple..."
"Bitcoin miners are hardly selling any bitcoin at the moment."
"People are making a big hubbub because we were at a three-year low as people were taking their bitcoin off the exchanges. What does that mean? When people take their bitcoin off exchanges, that means they don't want to sell it."
"People are choosing not to work, that's UBI for you."
"They're borrowing hand-over-fist but not to create jobs or new capacity or new efficiencies but to buy back their stock."
"We're sowing the seeds of our own demise by Collective panic."
"People will sell whatever they have to get cash because it's just the base reaction to like 'I need cash because cash is the king right now.'"
"It's the greed reflex people will get sucked in the greed reflex."
"Markets like certainty, markets do not like uncertainty."
"The rich get richer because they keep doing rich people stuff."
"People who are greedy make money off of meeting the needs of those who are needy."
"People will spend about 10 percent of their home appreciation in consumption."
"If you have no consequences for taking out debt, what sort of message are you sending to people?"
"Profits are taken out of those two and they start going down the line from large caps to speculative nonsense."
"Miners are accumulating more than they're selling right now."
"Those who consume RIBA are going to live like a people driven to madness."
"Fundamental greed and fears undermine progress."
"So long as it is more beneficial to earn money through escorting, guarding, and performing operations, the Gunners will refrain from just coming in and taking what they want."
"Money makes people act funny bro money makes people do things that are counterintuitive to their own best interest."
"There's a whole generation of Americans that have become yield chasers because of artificially low yields."
"If interest rates get cut today and people continue having the ability to spend today, what we know from history is that people will be incentivized to spend more money."
"Credit itself is the ability to spend to buy a product or a service with money that you don't currently have."
"Rich people buy luxuries last. Middle-class and poor people buy luxuries first."
"You are spending your hard-earned money and you're like buying things, hopefully you enjoy them."
"You are divining rods, you are one, and he is one, and when you are together, you're just one unit finding and discovering [ __ ]."
"Rates might be coming up a little bit but that all depends on all of us, it depends on us negotiating and uh, not just racing to the bottom."
"People vote with their wallet. It's hard to be unhappy that your retirement fund is doing well."
"Individuals do not consider expected value, they consider expected utility, and individuals are risk averse."
"The first rule of economics is people respond to incentives."
"If people have a confidence that the government will take some action... then they're going to be less scared and therefore feel the need to save less."