
Historical Knowledge Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
"Imagine if you will that two world leaders are fighting a proxy war, and one of those leaders remembers every historical event since AD 862 in meticulous detail, and the other leader can't remember when he was vice president 8 years ago."
"We used to have statesmen who had studied history, who understood geopolitics and grand strategy, who had a realistic view of how nations develop."
"We attribute all our knowledge to the Greeks... whereas we know the Egyptians had architecture, astronomy, and mathematics before them."
"Isn't it amazing what a little bit of information from the past can do to help change your view of the present and the present world around you?"
"The ability to read the ancient Egyptian language...unlocked the vast treasures of a forgotten civilization."
"When the time comes, I will prove to the world that the black magic of the Middle Ages consisted in discoveries far in advance of 20th century sciences."
"Library of Alexandria: The library of Alexandria was built in the 4th century BC and it's famed for being one of the most important repositories of knowledge in the ancient world."
"Sent them in many directions that from the womb of time, wisdom might rise again in her children."
"You're much more certain in your reconstruction of the past than of the future."
"Modern academic historians understand those periods generally better than the people who lived in them."
"Every Brontian warrior knows and can recount the history of every one of its scars."
"The Quran is talking 1400 years ago about the earth and the moon and the sun rotating."
"You have to know the past to understand the present."
"The best lover of peace is the soldier, the one that knows history and what happens."
"When the stone tablets start backing up information that modern science is just now finding out, I have to think that they're probably as close to the truth as we're possibly going to get."
"Anything that surprised me may not have happened in my lifetime but happened before I studied the Great Depression because I did that I was able to anticipate the 2008 financial crisis."
"I think I've almost learned everything about the Second World War at this point."
"The Maya used their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics to predict eclipses to a ridiculous accuracy."
"This is massive, if you know something about history."
"The American founders drew on an astonishingly wide range of historical sources... Ignorance of the intellectual trajectory... puts those achievements at risk."
"The loss of the Expedition probably added much more geographical knowledge than the successful return would have ever done."
"If they had the technology that we have today we would have so many more answers."
"Putin looked confident, poised, and in command of his historical facts."
"Almost everybody has heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but how much do you know about them?"
"Plato says that Egypt has recorded and kept eternally the wisdom of the old times, all coming from time immemorial when God's governed the earth and the dawn of civilization."
"The culture war is raging across this country in all aspects."
"History tells us where we've been and it can provide us some valuable insight for the future."
"The concept of navigation: Africans can swim, have boats, and know navigation."
"The Greeks knew the mountain had roots, so we should be able to find in their writings."
"You can't understand where we are without knowing where we've been."
"You are an ancient Egyptian with arcane knowledge."
"Ancient cultures knew about the human experience."
"Lots of ancient people already knew what we're trying to find out today."
"Mankind today cannot replicate the building of the Great Pyramid, evidence of ancient African knowledge."
"Tarantino uses our knowledge of the crime to build tension."
"The earliest Arabs used astronomy to find their direction, not astrology."
"Please do me a favor, do a history quiz and whoever loses has to follow this compass for at least an hour."
"But before we get to that what came after the oracle bones?"
"One of the descendants of the Solutreans... inherited the Denisovan wisdom and knowledge."
"It shows features of the earth but nobody in 1513 should have been able to know before the 18th century."
"It's the body of knowledge that could be traced back to the most ancient african time."
"The Quran is scientifically accurate, describing phenomena no one could have known 1400 years ago."
"Timbuktu, once recognized as West Africa's preeminent center of Islamic knowledge."
"Are you seeing a pattern? How do you explain that the Bible mentioned a spherical earth thousands of years before it was confirmed?"
"The Monte Alto civilization possessed incredible advanced knowledge that many societies wouldn't know for thousands of years to come."
"This discovery not only shocked the world but also let us understand that there are numerous incredible pieces of knowledge about the Stone Age that we are yet to discover."
"Both Kale and Miranda are steeped in the history of musical theater."
"History is a legitimate form of knowledge, but determining what's fact versus fiction is the challenge."
"If people had known the truth about this 56 years ago, we wouldn't be like in kindergarten still."
"Hey Donald Trump you can become president you just got to tell us everything you know about the Gettysburg good dress and uh the battle that took place there just walk us through every detail you got."
"Of all ancient calendar systems, the Maya and Mesoamerican systems were the most intricate."
"How on earth, how in the heavens could a man living in the desert 1400 years ago have known about such detailed information?"
"I'd like to know the story really as far as you can go that I don't know how far we actually can but I'd like to know as far as I can go."
"The knowledge of ancient India... one of the most comprehensive and complex education systems in the world."
"It is absolutely wrong and incredibly misinforming on a multitude of levels to come up with very reductive statements such as how medieval horses were ponies."
"You take any authentic Japanese blade, hide the tang, the signature, and they will be able to date the piece just by looking at the steel."
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"Aristotle may have been the last person on earth who knew everything there was to know in his lifetime."
"Thank you for the amazing information you bring from ancient sources."
"We have suffered through more Dark Ages than Academia will reveal to you."
"If you don't know history, you are entering a realm of limiting beliefs."
"The question that arises: how did such impressive and practical knowledge become so effectively erased from human history?"
"I think the greatest tragedy is within the next ten years you talk to the average black adults they will be able to tell you way more about Wakanda than they'll be able to tell you about the Black Panther Party."
"As ridiculous and awesome as the BTW scene is, it is made with the history of the vehicle in mind."
"What we know about human history is a tiny fraction compared to the time we have been on Earth."
"There's some things that never change and that that's the other piece of advice is go find wise and beautiful things that were written before you and know them very well you'll be a happier person because of it."
"Not every ancient civilization had a written language, not every technological breakthrough was recorded for posterity."
"People need crash courses in history. History now has never been more important than any time in my life."
"The Great Pyramids were designed to convey knowledge into a future world."
"We had Nalanda, Takshashila. People all across the globe came to us for knowledge."
"I know what this is. I am very knowledgeable about history."
"It just makes you think about how many pieces of human history either have been erased or are unknown."
"This is proof that the Egyptians not only understood the Flower of Life, but they lived it."
"Metals have been known for thousands of years."
"The ancients knew vast amounts that we don't know right now, vast amounts."
"Evolution was true way before science was even a thing."
"I mean nobody knows history the way you do... schools didn't teach us this history."
"There's certainly thousands and thousands and thousands of years we know very very little about."
"They are the keepers of knowledge and the keepers of how to create civilizations."
"The collected knowledge of a lost age is worth far more than any weapon."
"The rightness of the planet was also depicted in Globes long before Columbus's famous voyage."
"It's crazy that we can look back 9,000 years ago and know things like that."
"Whoever made this map knew that the Earth was round."
"What I'm really keen to learn is just how much the world government knows about this ancient technology."
"You might need the knowledge of Thomas Jefferson and the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln."
"Anybody who knows history and art and literature would have to recognize that the Bible's brilliant and influential."
"It seems to be because the experience of over 5,000 years has taught them that the doors of agartha are closed to the governments of armed Anarchy."
"Our ancestors had a profound understanding of them and their behavior."
"What date did the US gain its independence? July 4th, 1776."
"If we get to know our history well and deeply, we'll be extremely well-prepared for what lies ahead."
"There is nothing new in this idea. Ancient Rishis have said this thousands of years ago."
"The state of the bones suggests that the Vikings knew how."
"The Quran contains knowledge of the past that could not have been known by anyone in Arabia."
"If you want to know the future, you must know the past."
"Understanding history equips us to make an impact on the future."
"Nothing is more dangerous than a man who knows the past."
"The concept of the world as a sphere actually predates these photographs by like many centuries."
"The Qur'an talks about things that it was impossible to have known at that time. For example, the battle between the Persians and the Romans."
"People knew the Earth was round before Jesus."
"If we understand the past, can we use some of the lessons that we learn to make things better today?"
"It’s likely that Nobunaga learned many extraordinary facts about the world outside of Japan in his conversations with Yasuke."
"But I'll just tell you St Helena also could you repeat the question yeah the question was was essentially how would we possibly know how would ancient people know that those were really the remains of the three kings."
"How did they know 750 years ago that every time they faked a Eucharistic Miracle they had to get the same blood type?"
"Oh man, just not a whole lot, you gotta remember shield nickels go back to the 1860s."
"Wiser men knew better. The Sun and Moon were spheres, as any man with eyes could see; reason suggested that the world must be a sphere as well."
"Everything we know about Mohammed, everything we know about Islam, everything we know about the emergence of Islam, everything we know about how the Quran was put together all comes from oral tradition."
"If you don't know anything about the period, you'll learn an enormous amount."
"It's like choose a horse and ride it. The conspiracy theories do not have to be consistent. This is something we know from history, right?"
"Everybody knew that Washington was going to become president."
"Not many people know that there are also pyramids in Greece."
"...the key to understanding the future is you have to combine historical knowledge with a grasp of what's new, what's technologically different."
"...people didn't know that stuff people had no clue back then about this information..."
"Very few could name an Explorer or traveler outside the realm of medieval and Renaissance Europe despite the obvious reality."
"Wow, Americans, you guys just don't know history, and I'm like, 'We don't, generally speaking, do we?'"
"No one in the 19th century had the foggiest notion of what inheritance amounted to."
"If we don't know historically and archaeologically where Jesus was crucified and buried and rose from the dead, if we don't know that, we don't know nothing."
"We learned more about World War II in this 30 minute video than I did in my two years of GCSEs at school."
"I thought they landed without knowing anything about the landing beaches but look, this map is dated April 20, 1915, and here are hand-drawn details of enemy defenses."
"Charles Kettering knew how harmful leaded fuel was in 1922 while the production of the new leaded gasoline was ramping up."
"I do love it when you get the Nazis who will both simultaneously deny Nazi crimes and also point out the Socialist part, yeah it's like what is even the argument you're making it didn't happen also they were Communists."
"It's a fascinating read not just because of its historical context but also because so much of this old knowledge can be repurposed today."
"The text would, half the author has to come with the reason why your grandparents don't know a thing about these monumental events."
"I still stand by that for historical knowledge and reporting Dave has done the best job over the last 30 years of anybody."
"A strong knowledge of history and understanding of the origins of our political, economic, and legal systems."
"He even knew that the city of Ephesus was known as the temple keeper of Artemis."
"...while there were certain things air quotes known about these Western lands and their inhabitants doesn't necessarily mean that the information was accurate."
"We're not clueless Americans. We know quite a bit, but this was something we just did not know about."
"The more you know about history, the more enriched you are, the more of the world means to you."
"Our chants and our prayers told the history and the knowledge of the places."
"Now there is a man that knows his history."
"Knowing the history of changes is as important as the change itself."
"Sometimes we just relearn the same things we already know which is why history and reading and just like knowing market history in general is really helpful..."
"His encyclopedic knowledge extended even to the intricate rituals of the Byzantine court."
"When people say that the Hebrews carry outdated information, but we stand on the back of our scholars."
"The critics have erred not knowing enough history."
"It is important to know the history of these revivals, to know who they are, to understand their legacies, to understand their sacrifices, to understand the work they did."
"The Assyrians built on the foundation of Sumerian medical knowledge."
"Our ancestors had a surprisingly advanced understanding of science and the world around them."
"Once home to much of the knowledge our ancestors had gathered, the Library was arguably the Wikipedia of the ancient world."
"History has a thousand answers to a thousand questions."
"The teaching is important, the knowledge is important, whether it was historical or not."
"It's stunning how much is known about the queen; hers was an extraordinary life."
"In the later years of the Assyrian empire, much of this knowledge was stored on cuneiform tablets and writing boards in a great institution."
"If you are sufficiently immersed in history and science fiction, you know that's how the pandemics always begin."
"The more you learn about our forefathers in this music, the better you're going to be than over everybody else because you know your history."
"Our knowledge of vaccines and how they work isn't new; it's built on centuries of scientific progress and human knowledge."
"It instructs men about their fatherland, their ancestors, their history, the names of their heroes, and what lives they lived."
"...it is historically important information that we don't have anywhere else, it's only because we have the Bible and have Genesis that we can know something really important about the character and origin of Israel."
"The Arabs knew that the Earth was round and that it revolved long before Galileo and Copernicus."
"It's the sages, the prophets through the ages who knew about about the gods."
"Our understanding of history is not like the historical events from 3000 years ago are set in stone; there's nothing new to learn. We are learning new things all the time."
"The topic is what do we know about the temple in Jerusalem and how do we know it."
"Frank is able to build many Civil War battlefields and is knowledgeable about the Civil War in general."
"The library at Lambach incorporated a scriptorium where the monks copied books for religious purposes to add to the community store of knowledge and also as a form of prayer or study."
"'Contained within this scroll is knowledge of an event that occurred 2,300 years in the future.'"
"A civilization that has been the cradle of knowledge for a thousand years."
"If you don't have the historiography, you can read hundreds of books on a subject, but you're still lacking some essential information."
"There's a lot of benefits of knowing history because the same problems keep repeating."
"This was long known before Einstein and was the first one to explain this."
"The Egyptians were among the first to document contraceptive techniques, reflecting a deep understanding of fertility."
"We probably know more about Muhammad than we do about Jesus, let alone Moses or the Buddha, and we certainly have the potential to know a great deal more."
"Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians."
"We could learn a whole lot more about the ancient world as a whole if we knew more about Persia."
"History is what informs you and then you make your decisions from there."
"Eastern Roman empire was able to remain competitive using the knowledge of the yesteryear and the contemporary knowhow."
"The answers to most of the questions we are posing here are in our history, actually."
"We knew that the earth was round long before somebody discovered that it was."
"Our forefathers knew more about solar than we thought they did because houses were placed in accordance to weather."
"The shape of the Earth has been known for thousands of years now, well before the idea of using tax dollars to fund space exploration."
"You cannot predict the future unless you know your past."
"We always fell back on the history to know what were the best practices, what were the wrong practices, and what were different situations which people have dealt with."
"If we don't know our history, we don't learn our history, we're destined to repeat it."