
Community Needs Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"In this life, we are not given to know what we need for ourselves but given to know what other people need."
"Our town needs good grub to wash away our sadness."
"Federal spending priorities favoring militarism over funding to states and communities have placed greater pressure on them to provide basic human and community needs."
"Clearly, there's a hunger for wisdom that the secular community has not been answering in any kind of reliable way."
"Whoever can get the closest to what the community wants while having a good business model is going to win."
"We needed education, we needed decent housing, we wanted fair treatments in the court, wanted medical care."
"These people need community and they need to feel safe."
"Most people want a convenient, affordable, fully regulated, hopefully publicly owned bus service."
"What are our church is missing? What are our homes missing? What are our lives missing?"
"I'm not in the liking contest, I'm not trying to get hugged on, who's going to bring some tangibles to black people."
"We need to reimagine how we do policing... but people living on the ground need proper policing."
"The food allergy community is desperate for a treatment that's safe, easy, and effective."
"The Labour Party has always been the only choice to affect the social and economic change that our communities need to see."
"We need to make sure that the Labour Party responds to that effectively."
"We're proud to announce our brand new aclj life and Liberty Drive our legal teams will be focusing on the issues that you've told us matter the most to you life and religious liberty."
"So, what's the neighborhood need? Well, we need um... communication and resources. Communication and resources. Communication with who? Yourselves or with everyone? With each other. We need a better understanding of each other." - Mitchell Aimss
"Desire paths denote where they want to go, and planners don't always provide that best path."
"The need is out there, and we run off with donations and volunteers."
"This grocery store is what we need in the culture."
"We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace."
"It's not enough to be taking pictures with an elected official or having those connections if it's not being reflective of things that we need in our community."
"It means we need more black doctors... more black psychologists."
"They want their streets safe. They want good jobs. They want basics."
"These people need answers, they need the truth."
"This is exactly what Yu-Gi-Oh has been needing for the past several years."
"We need to have some low-cost ongoing interventions."
"Art like this gave Rothenburgers spiritual guidance, while some of the townfolk needed a more physical form of guidance."
"We've got to get more clothing options in this community."
"It was good for the community because they wanted answers."
"People still need help even two years after the pandemic began."
"Jobs, safety, healthcare, education, and homes are the basics all New Yorkers should expect."
"We are seeing a tidal wave of need from our community."
"Expand our university, expand our housing, fulfill needs for industry and commercial."
"World of Warcraft does need solo content, and I think it needs the world content to be better, but also features like this."
"We want jobs and services and the best possible relationship with our nearest neighbors."
"Black women want to feel like they can be with somebody that understands their struggle."
"The radio of ours has been sounded for the past few hours. We need our news, we need our music. We all agree on that, and if it's refusing to cooperate, we need to meddle with it until it works."
"Nobody can be properly taken care of, and that's the problem."
"I just don't feel like they offer the same needs and values as what they have done in previous years."
"There's also a big void when it comes to healthy food options."
"The needs of the many always outweigh the need of the few."
"One thing at a time though, gotta take care of the needs of the many before the needs of the few."
"Definitely need a police station in the town."
"Chicago has everything it would need to support a grocery store."
"One of the only things really missing up here is like a grocery store."
"Black and brown people need to feel heard and be heard."
"Astrophysics. The black community cannot afford the luxury of someone with your intellect to spend it on that subject."
"You should take into consideration two things. What you enjoy studying, and what your people back home need."
"If we're going to be spinning up new companies and diverting our influence to something, the first few we do should embody the needs of our community."
"They understand what different communities want and need."
"This isn't about finding excuses to cut ties with partners. It's about ensuring that the brands we work with are operating with integrity and putting the needs of our community first."
"Emphasize the importance of ongoing professional development for you to continually improve your practices in response to the community's needs."
"What we need is for our leaders to do the same."
"One of the largest things that this community needs is hope and determination to keep us going."
"What brings us all together is that we want the same things: a quality education for our children, safe affordable housing for everyone, access to health care for everyone."
"We need infrastructure, we need businesses, we need systems, we need schools."
"It's about what those social outcomes are to provide some different types of transport needs and solutions."
"The problem is to find a way to reconcile the constitutional requirement for desegregation with the needs of children, parents, and the whole community."
"What this town needs is more water and less whiskey."
"Education is to meet the needs of your people."
"A school is what we need most. That is what more we need, a school."
"Living in the 21st century in this part of the world, with external challenges and influences surrounding our children, women, youths, and seniors, one would hope that our community's first and foremost needs are prioritized."
"A true leader thinks beyond himself to see what the people need."
"When I talk about being an advocate for these products, it's not just what I like; it's what other people want or need."
"Make sure that everything that you're doing is what they want and not what you want."
"Local people want transport that works, education that delivers, and streets that are safe to walk on."
"We got to get to the point that our people need this, they don't need to see us arguing and killing each other, they need to see us exchanging knowledge."
"Don't just focus on 'I'm trying to get money,' you got to understand the need of the people."