
Social Advocacy Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"So good for them for sticking up for workers' rights, and I hope Activision Blizzard treats its employees better."
"If speaking to the needs and the pain of a long-neglected working class is polarizing, I think you got the wrong word."
"I am proud to support calls to recognize misogyny as a hate crime."
"We have more in common working together... because they're after all of us."
"There was an appetite for seeing people fight for working people."
"We call on parents, schools, and society in general to end the harmful treatment that gender non-conforming people are often subjected to."
"It's easy to say you should protest your corporation... except then you lose your job."
"More than just a musician, Michael was a cultural landmark influencing the global music scene more than any other artist in history and advancing important social causes with his music."
"I want to fight for our most vulnerable individuals on a bigger scale."
"It gives male victims a voice to at least say I exist."
"Women must still fight to be paid what they're worth."
"She's such a beacon of empathy and fighting for human rights."
"I own my blackness. I'm upfront about my blackness. I'm very clear about who I serve."
"Whether Christians with homosexual acts or not, sexual autonomy is a human right. Please consider."
"Now is the time to speak out against anti-Semitism, extremism, and hate."
"Thank you for your work and for pushing for all this stuff that's desperately needed."
"Respect for the future and respect for the present go hand in hand."
"We want you to support us... specifically targeting African Americans."
"Advocating for rights should not be political."
"Ninety thousand of you probably didn't know this... it's something that we have to talk about."
"We're not anti-anything, it's we have to be problack love, you know."
"Members of our class are always publicly speaking out for the marginalized but somehow we always end up building systems that serve ourselves."
"As we think about how we advocate for reordering Society for one group at a time, where does it end?"
"Monroe's actions challenged prevailing norms and reflected a commitment to equality."
"It's more important now than ever to uplift black voices."
"Ron's advocacy for various social issues throws a little light on the potential of artists to influence positive change."
"I've been here since I was two years old and this discrimination really needs to end."
"We need to start listening to real working-class people."
"We got to understand how these white supremacists think. We gotta stop being ashamed and afraid to stand up for our group."
"The working class is back... if we don't stand up for working class people now, they're going to pay the price for it."
"More often than not, goes unnoticed, which is why there's an extra burden on the Muslim community to speak out."
"This is their lives, and those of us who are progressive need to say that."
"He was a passionate advocate for the rights of the underprivileged, was against large corporations and monopolies, and championed the preservation of national resources."
"Keep your Furry Paws off of our children, and it's very easy to support it."
"Anyone who loves India, anyone who loves Ambedkar."
"Black union leaders play a vital role in addressing systemic issues within organized labor and advocating for black communities."
"If you are for the working class, use your platform for the people."
"We will keep working to uphold the rights of the Haida Nation."
"Woke people should want this, okay? We need more African-American businesses. Not to mention, we should support marginalized groups, and right now, autistic African-Americans are under attack."
"Respect trans kids, affirm trans rights, stand with Ukraine, black lives matter. We stand with these causes, spread in your community love, peace, and happiness."
"Protect black women and has a beautiful design."
"Genuinely getting emotional thinking about how much this is going to mean to so many of you."
"We fully appreciate and share the frustration of our students employees parents and community members who continue to push for answers."
"Listen Joanne, you don't get to play the victim card when you're the advocate for taking away women's rights."
"Children should not be hurt, children should not be sexually exploited."
"Let's make America give a damn about Puerto Rico."
"I use my platforms to shed light on some of those things."
"Incremental progress is still progress. We have to fight tooth and nail for every benefit we can get."
"I Champion those who are pushed to the margins so that they may have an equal place at the table."
"When you see anti-Semitism, speak out against it."
"We need to do it with the loudest voice as possible, the biggest actions possible, because we know that there is no scarcity in this land."
"Who's gonna be that person that defends and stands up essentially like the Good Samaritan... are you gonna be that person that nobody expects?"
"I'm on the side of the people. I'm not on the side of the establishment."
"Keep up the conversation around mental health and its related issues."
"Giving a platform to a community that doesn't have a voice I think is a worthwhile endeavor."
"Pride is many things but first and foremost it is a defense of sexual freedoms of who we love, who we have sex with, and who we just want to be able to hug and kiss."
"Abortion is the preeminent human rights challenge of our age."
"It's making the case for medicare for all and for paid sick leave and for raising the minimum wage."
"We need to have people that are going to stand in the line, have the moral courage."
"Creating equality, restoring hope. Independent voice for vibes."
"I'm always gonna take the position of the underdog." - "No matter what and the people in power which happens to be."
"One of the reasons why I advocate that we must formally separate from black women is to save black women from themselves."
"This charity is called the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, which stands for 'Stamp Out Prejudice, Hatred, and Intolerance Everywhere'."
"I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most. I support prison reform. I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer. I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us."
"Education should be available to everyone out there."
"I'd make a plea to the government that VAT on visors and face masks should be scrapped."
"Don't ever accept this. Keep being vocal about it. It's not acceptable."
"This is not acceptable. Somebody needs to come out and start saying it."
"Don't get used to it. Don't accept it. Keep being vocal about it."
"First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out..."
"It's just sad about, someone needs to stand up for things and stuff."
"Stop with the apologies demand some goddamn change."
"We live in an age where people are being swept away... our job is very simple: to live in radical solidarity with the vulnerable."
"The black church should be leading the charge in trying to get some of these policies, some of these laws changed."
"I respect the way BTS actively fights against prejudice, just as they do."
"We need to take care of people who are making these companies profitable."
"She became the voice of people who at the time were being incessantly suppressed."
"We need white people to stand up... say what it is, it's racism and say racism is whack."
"Just listen to marginalized people, just listen to them, please."
"It's amazing and it needs to be permanent. That's the first fight that we should all be focused on."
"I think everybody knows millions of people are hurting, they are scared to death and as a government at the federal state and local levels we've got to do everything we can to protect our people." - Bernie Sanders
"I don't consider myself necessarily to be a men's rights activist, I'm a human rights activist."
"There's no room for racism in the world, man! Firebrand stands against all forms of racism!"
"I strongly believe that hungry is much much more than generous that I will be able at the bornavirus so one percent sure that people get food."
"Don't be racist. Racism is bad. Hashtag stop racism."
"The left has a history... of operating as an ideology to the benefit of the dispossessed."
"After a certain point I realized that they just didn't want me defending the poor."
"This is Icora Ray, I will not stand by while this hateful rhetoric goes unchallenged."
"You shouldn't be picking and choosing what violence you are against, you should just be against violence."
"As long as we stick up for what we believe in and stay true to ourselves everything will be all right."
"Don't hurt women, women are just as equal as men."
"We've got to take the courage to really start making the sacrifices to speak up about the evils in the world today."
"We together, we are making a stand for the truth against lives and hate and ignorance and intolerance."
"Nobody can afford rent, nobody can afford groceries. This election, Republicans are fighting to block student debt relief and a livable wage. We can't afford Republican leadership."
"The right to gay marriage was given only a few years ago. It can be taken away. Don't allow it to happen."
"We desperately need Medicare for all in this country."
"Let's make the word known and let's make an actual feasible change."
"Trans women deserve every right that I have, they are women."
"We are all human and we all deserve justice when moments of injustice befall us."
"We cannot go for symbolic gestures, we cannot go for the Kumbaya talk, we can't go for symbolisms over substance."
"I want to be able to use my platform to amplify black voices and the voices that deserve to be heard"
"Being silent in an instance like that would be against everything I believe in... I will fight for my community because I love the black community."
"It’s harder to threaten to boycott a show that's bringing queer issues into millions of homes each week."
"Jesus is the one who's standing up for people at the margins of society."
"She had receipts... she's an activist. Call her Olay. I love her, she knows what she's talking about." - Kim
"Just because I fight for my own people doesn't mean I'm an enemy of other groups."
"Protect the kids, protect the youth, protect the kids."
"I think it's important that everyone is speaking out because bringing awareness can and does help a lot of people."
"Nobody should be getting harmed, discriminated against, or killed because of who they are."
"Non-binary people will persist and we will exist beyond Ariel Scarcella."
"We are trying to convince somebody else that our lives matter."
"We need more voices like yours addressing social inequalities."
"It's our responsibility to believe the victim."
"There are way more important things in the game. For me, it's defending human rights and worker's rights, making sure that people can live in dignity." - Jim Cady
"Justice for the Next Generation advocates against racial inequality."
"We don't need to be silent, even if it's uncomfortable."
"Don't be afraid to tackle these tough issues."
"This is a season for you to cry aloud, spare not."
"Expunge cannabis convictions. Absolutely, one hundred percent yes."
"I stand here as a regular member of society... I encourage y'all to bring it up where it matters at the kitchen table."
"I love how the NBA has used the platform to spotlight social issues."
"Keep spreading the word that men are victims too keep spreading the word that women can lie women cheat women manipulate women abused women are violent just as much as men are."
"The pro-life movement is one of the most pro-black movements in the entire country."
"Her entire universe protects trans kids. That's a great universe, right?"
"Zara believed women should be allowed to walk the streets and feel safe."
"If you care about the future of black people, then you naturally have to care about the destiny of black men." - Dr. Umar Johnson
"I support our Epic trans content creator friends because that's based and it's a good thing to do."
"We're not just talking about our Ethiopia bubble, we're talking about how can we eliminate these systems that oppress the majority of the people."
"Advocating for my existence shouldn't be seen as radical."
"We're talking about a silent epidemic in America and you're using her life today, I'm not saying it's worth it but since we don't have the choice of changing it, we're at least using what is that is creating meaning and that's what you're doing."
"We came to her defense today because it's an unreasonable assault against her."
"I think that there is a real lack of voice in skateboarding."
"We need to remember their names because, as far as I'm concerned, they're the ones that matter."
"We serve, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us."
"I strongly advocate believing women, but in this particular instance, I failed."
"Art is not a commodity... it's a voice for people who have no voice."
"It seems as if his heart is in the right place, advocating for marginalized groups."
"If it's going to bring the percentages and statistics down from out of wedlock, I'm here for it."
"There's a huge ability or disability community out there."
"Just because you are one of the first or the loudest to speak out does not mean that this is an isolated experience."
"Stop playing with black people today on a Federal holiday."
"The couple has always stood out for their willingness to speak up and change the narrative on racial Justice and mental health around the world."
"We're going to demand a pizza party every Friday."
"If you care about trans lives and you want trans people to have healthy happy lives."
"He calls for the city to care for its poorest, to build housing, and water systems, and transportation systems, that meet the needs of the poorest of the poor."
"Asimov stood as an ally, championing equality and acceptance."
"I want to help get rid of the stigma around it."
"An ally is an individual who speaks out and stands up for a person or group that is targeted and discriminated against."
"Protect black women at all costs."
"What are you doing in your everyday life to better the lives of children and to advocate for their material reality?"
"There's no reason for anyone to go hungry, especially our kids."
"Injustice for one person is an injustice for all of us."
"He defended the Indians, the homosexuals, the poor, the blacks, the Mexicans, and the Puerto Ricans."
"Thomas throughout the empire poses the champion of the poor, an enemy of corruption, and a tax cutter."
"Mothers need to get paid for being at home, taking care of the next generations."
"We deserve better gun laws in America."