
Financial Security Quotes

There are 2001 quotes

"A significant part of achieving financial security is making sure your investments can replace your expenses and potentially your income."
"Gold is a safe haven against uncertainty and chaos in the markets."
"Having life insurance feels great. Getting that peace of mind doesn't need to be complicated."
"Gold is viewed as a safe haven during turbulent times because it provides a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty."
"We don't want to run out of money; we don't want to create panic that people won't get it."
"There's nothing wrong with pursuing financial security or ethical entrepreneurship."
"Prosperity would be the opposite of being worried about money constantly."
"Get to that place where you're not worried about bills because that hanging over your head causes stress that ruins lives."
"Gold preserves your purchasing power over time."
"These people's lives were saved, and what did it take? It took seven ounces of gold per person for a family of 14."
"I never want to go backwards... I never want to go back to not having lunch money."
"Multiple streams of income is a necessity right now. One stream of income is too close to being broke."
"Having excess liquidity is going to give you that peace of mind."
"Cash in the bank just gives you this sense of financial and emotional security like nothing else can."
"It's better to invest than to not invest; in fact, it's not even really an option to not invest because if you want to have a shot at a secure financial future and beat inflation, you're going to have to get on board at some point."
"If you're on the Bitcoin standard, nobody could print more Bitcoin and deprive you of your monetary energy."
"Multiple income streams are crucial, especially in times of uncertainty. They provide security and peace of mind, knowing that not all your financial eggs are in one basket."
"Tesla is massively outselling German automakers in Europe."
"Money is a defense. It will protect you from certain things."
"Fear is the biggest risk. To me, the fear of investing doesn't even compare close to the fear of working a job that I hate or having financial insecurity for the rest of my life."
"I'm traumatized by being broke. I ain't going back, I can't go back."
"Passive income... makes you take stress out like I could screw everything up, I still got that coming in every month."
"It's about me being able to one day stop working and my son can be set, you know. My family is good. It's way deeper than just like the material stuff."
"Trust that your finances are being taken care of and all of your needs in your day-to-day life will be provided for you."
"Life insurance is a fundamental brick in building a secure financial foundation."
"The biggest threat coming up is Social Security... today bankrupt. And many people are counting on Social Security... you might as well believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus."
"Bitcoin and gold offer us a life raft, a way out of this particular conundrum."
"You should never touch the emergency savings account. It's like the big piggy bank that you only shatter in desperate times."
"Having money in a form that is inflation-proof and liquid is extremely important for the poor."
"Anybody's a couple of bad decisions away from losing it all."
"Public policy can greatly improve Americans' chances of achieving financial security."
"I fold money, incom-plete. I'm on a path to secure my place like I'm PayPal."
"People are turning to cryptocurrency as a safe haven, especially Bitcoin."
"Financial security, with security being the key word here, is having multiple arms, multiple things that each generate bits of income."
"I grew up very very very very poor... there's always been a part of me that never ever ever wants to be poor again."
"That's a scarcity mindset, like 'I need money to take care of myself.'"
"My financial security is more important than living in that posh neighborhood."
"I tithe first, and I always will be taken care of."
"The hazard of a CBDC is it could be used to surveil people, it could be used to denial service attack people, it could be used to debase people."
"I'm financially secure, I'm intellectually curious, I'm intellectually engaged and therefore, life is my apple right now."
"J stands for joy. You've officially built a strong enough business that can take care of you and your family for the foreseeable future."
"My financial future is secure with gold and silver."
"After 25 years of a paycheck every other Friday, stepping out and saying, 'I don't have a job and I don't know what my job's going to be,' and 'I'm going to lose my pension,'... that was tough."
"Safeguarding our loved ones and taking control of our financial future even more crucial."
"True financial security comes from having that reserve of resources, of assets."
"I get a lot of you worried about money, but it's going to be fine."
"If you're looking for an egalitarian, utilitarian way for people to save money and protect their economic wealth for the next hundred years...that's Bitcoin."
"The goal is to slowly build up a nice little bit of passive income, which is a beautiful way to keep yourself feeling happy and comfortable."
"And if you stick with me and if we all stick together we are all going to have enough money to not worry about those reasons."
"Having low living expenses... could be kind of a superpower because you're less scared of your investments dropping."
"Other countries are afraid to leave their gold in the United States; even Germany has said, 'send us back the gold that we have on deposit at the Federal Reserve. We don't trust you anymore.'"
"If you really never want to have to worry about money again, you need three different types of investments: an investment that's going to pay you with income, an investment that's going to give you growth of your wealth, and an investment that's going to protect your money."
"A life insurance policy in case something happens so your wife is protected, your kids are protected, your husband's protected."
"Sales is the driving force behind any business and if you're good at sales, you will never ever have to worry about money."
"Gold is a safe haven, it's a store of value; it's not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a 'I don't want to go broke' scheme."
"Gold's a great opportunity right now. Great hedge against higher interest rates, great hedge against inflation, and great hedge against the recession."
"To be comfortable you need 28 million to be comfortable."
"Building that foundation of index funds is really important. It's really key."
"The outcome: stability, groundedness, solid in relationships and finances."
"People want to feel safe and protected that their investments are going to be backed by the US government."
"Life insurance... if you've got people who depend on you... you want to make sure that your family is taken care of at least financially."
"A good life insurance plan can give you peace of mind that if something happens to you, your family will be able to cover your mortgage payments, college costs, or other expenses."
"She was all about ensuring that I did not end up with a broke man who would ruin my life."
"Decentralization: the counterparty risk should be lessened."
"Enjoyed the journey, but made sure the money lasted."
"So that you know that if you buy an option or sell an option, and make money on that trade, that someone is going to be there to pay those profits to you."
"So what are some safe dividend stocks right now?"
"Historically, gold, silver, precious metals have been a great investment over time."
"Income stability allows trying different things, being more creative."
"The best way to win is to own everything and hang on to it."
"Money reduces intense stress, brings greater control, and leads to higher life satisfaction."
"Money isn't everything, but you have to make sure you have a roof over your head."
"Let's get six months and I think 10,000 will be comfortable."
"Gold is actually your human right, your individual right, and your civil rights—physical gold."
"Understand that the game is going to be played whether you like it or not, and you better get your bag secured by understanding how the rules of the game work."
"So even if I lose my business or job I have you know months of income."
"I'd rather see you sleep well at night than have this sense of urgency that you don't need to have right now."
"Make sure your emergency fund is fully funded... just having that safety net in life gives you such peace and such comfort."
"Bitcoin is the lifeboat in the coming storm."
"They want to create security, they want to create a solid financial future, this is something that's very important to this person."
"You're successful, you got money, and you're not 22, which means you have an opinion, which means you have proven to yourself that there's certain things you don't need from no man."
"When you're around Lou, it was like you didn't have to worry about money. You didn't have to worry about anything."
"Be happy because I'll make sure they have money. What they need is ethics, morals, family, principles, and happiness."
"Goldco is a patriot gold company that specializes in helping you find out how you can protect your retirement with the trustworthiness of gold and silver."
"Cashless system reduces theft opportunities."
"Gold and silver are the only financial assets that come with a central bank guarantee."
"American families can focus not on money, but on the fight that really matters."
"Feeling very confident, very solid, very happy with your financial situation."
"I don't want to talk about 18 children being slaughtered by a cowardly satanic piece of worthless filth. I have no commentary to offer on this. I have nothing but anger and confusion and I have prayers."
"I'm worth several million dollars. It's a lot easier to make jokes when you have a safety net of $7 million."
"That's how we make sure our family never ever struggle again."
"What is concerning and important is that we get to that point without a ton of people losing their life savings."
"Don't trust exchanges. Don't leave anything on exchanges. Pull it off always."
"Job market might be more important, it's nice to have a high-paying job."
"As long as you invest in a low-cost index fund that is tracking the market you're going to have instant diversification and you're probably going to be okay in the long term."
"Most people seem to either dislike them or are totally ambivalent and it's done nothing to hurt their careers or their bank accounts."
"I love gold. I think it will continue to protect purchasing power."
"You can convert some of it into precious metals to retain the value."
"You're having these radical proposals to potentially freeze people's bank accounts."
"If you went to the bank to count your life savings and they said sorry the counter's not working just put it in box number three and then we'll let you know later how much money you've actually got, you'd say no way."
"Stay informed, stay vigilant, and consider securing your financial future."
"Imagine being that person who's sitting on your stock, then there's this fake tweet, and your assets get sold off automatically."
"Thank God for my friends at goldco who have made sure that us slightly offensive backers have a way that we can protect our retirement and our savings."
"Never again will I be in a place where I don't have $60, right?"
"A wallet is essentially an account where you hold your assets, and you have hot wallets and cold wallets."
"Bitcoin is already way more proven as a store of value."
"If you want freedom in your life if you want financial security you need to learn how to run a business."
"Privacy is a human right. It is also the Fountainhead for all of your other human rights. Without financial privacy, you don't have political rights."
"Ambitious spirit to make money, secure financial security."
"It is very, very hard to outperform the growth of Social Security and the cost of living adjustment that gets built into it because that is a certainty."
"Every single dime, every single penny goes into the bank because I don't ever ever want to live that way again."
"Your retirement and your kids' future are more important, so remember that."
"You don't want to expose yourself to having your currencies or your assets scattered around the world when the transfer mechanisms are slowly being frozen out."
"Preserving true wealth is about security, insurance, and freedom."
"This is theft. This is people being robbed of their money that they wanted for a specific cause."
"Become an electrician, Carpenter, plumber, mechanic...they pay lots of money."
"Conor McGregor's not gonna need any money anytime soon."
"In a world where you're trying to accumulate a positive score, the more gold coins that you have, the better you sleep at night."
"Think about options premium as paying for extra security. The more premium you pay, the more insurance you have."
"Gold is money. It is legal money. There is no counterparty risk. The rest is credit."
"Financial benefits will also include a guaranteed income of ninety seven thousand dollars for at least 250 years and paying off all educational and personal debts."
"I don't want people to lose the assets that they paid for. This is a security issue."
"Go make you some money and keep the wolf away from the door."
"This is more than about money. If he sold right now, I mean, he'd be living comfortably for the rest of his life and then some. He still refuses to do so because, again, this is about sending a message."
"Be smart, save up food so when you get fired for your religion or your politics you have a buffer against starvation for your kids."
"And I want to be clear there is nothing more consequential for somebody's long term safety than their pension fund being raided."
"People that invest in gold and silver are protecting their portfolios."
"Gold and silver are hard assets, things that you can hold in your hand and touch."
"This is the year you need to make sure you protect yourself... having a savings cushion to protect you."
"Bitcoin is so beautiful because there's no counterparting so there's a way to Value it and there's a way to appreciate that it has no counterparty risk."
"CBDC would be the safest digital asset available to the general public with no associated credit or liquidity risk."
"Failure doesn't mean protecting the shareholder, failure means they will protect the deposit holder."
"Nobody could see it, it's private. Nobody could censor it, nobody could stop it or block it or manipulate it."
"You know, nobody will want to hold any currency that's not backed by something sound like gold."
"I think this is going to end badly and when it ends badly I think gold is going to put itself forward as a worthy replacement for money physical physical."
"Gold was built for this scenario, gold was built for this moment in time."
"How do you protect your money, your retirement, your savings?"
"Some of you have recognized the importance of your personal independence. The nine of pentacles is a card typically of financial independence."
"If you live in a place where a dictator is making your money unusable or stealing it from you or making you run for your life, this is a technology that can literally provide an exit and a safe haven for you."
"Gold is poised to probably be the safest asset out there."
"Should money be managed by banks... or should we enable this peer-to-peer system in which we can all act in our own best interest?"
"The foundation stone of wealth accumulation is defense, and this defense should be anchored by budgeting and planning."
"Rule number one: you do not want to lose money."
"Life is so crazy right now, you know? I'm not sisters, we're never going to be poor again."
"Even if Rashford does have a poor season next season, he'll get a contract, he'll get a very good one as well."
"Gold can be a really important insurance policy hedge."
"Money is not an issue for you guys moving forward."
"Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor which is one very strong argument in favor of matrimony."
"Obviously, it's amazing. It's a big blessing, you know, it takes a lot of stress off, you know, not only myself but my family and a lot of people around me."
"You're not retiring for a year or three years, you're retiring hopefully for 20, 30, 40 years."
"It would make sense to instill financial security for many households so that they can reinvest in their communities and innovate."
"Everybody feels much more comfortable dealing with US Dollars rather than the local currency."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"All that really matters is that we have the people we care about we're close to us and we can afford to live our lives supporting them."
"Your card's locked to the first merchant they're used at, so if your details get stolen the thief won't be able to use the card anywhere else."
"You want a portfolio that you can happily put money into and not worry about what's going to happen."
"Start a gold IRA with Noble Gold now and fight inflation."
"When we're trusting Him to meet all of our needs, this eliminates our daily concerns about not having enough."
"Decentralization and protection of innocent investors."
"Get peace of mind, you will know the minimum guaranteed value of your plan on the day that you tap into it."
"I think if America were out of debt on a normal basis, we would have more economic freedom and economic security."
"By 65, you want to make sure you have at least a few million to live the rest of your life off of."
"The sooner we can get reasonable regulation, the better it is for the protection of the retail investor and therefore the more money that's going to come in."
"The two of you will really find a balance where you know wanting to take care of each other, wanting to really be secure and stable and build up your wealth, your finances, have a family."
"No bonding company will accept real estate which accounts for most of Trump's wealth as collateral."
"I think of Minecraft as being like a work of art in a way."
"Financial Security and being able to retire."
"I invest in real estate which is real tangible assets that produce monthly cashflow and, you know, gold and silver again, real assets."
"There's really nothing I can complain about. He's making 50 million bucks over four years probably. Set for life."
"Risk management, especially in your 30s, is crucial."
"It's simply a way to make sure you don't starve, that you can keep a roof over your head and pay your bills."
"I want families to be able to retire with dignity, be able to change their family tree, and be able to live well."
"You need to protect your legacy, finances, and children with a will."
"You need to secure your savings in a tax-sheltered account now."
"You literally have job security, you're cashed up, and while that is the case, you have a stock market that is volatile as all hell, which translates into opportunity."
"Deposit Insurance schemes are a scheme trying to give you confidence to hold your money in the bank."
"What's changing though in your life is you are going to be more stable, more financially stable, and more stable within yourself."
"No one should have to worry about money, no one should have to struggle this hard in a world that promises prosperity."
"I think Roman's going to guarantee that the person who owns the club next is going to do what he has to do to keep Chelsea funded."
"Are you ready to take your first step into a life of knowledge, security, and potential for true generational wealth?"
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can help you focus on those things."
"It's about having enough residual income so you can either always get a loan against it or sell it if you have to or cash flow all the time."
"Making sure that you have enough for your family, it's a reassuring feeling."
"Gold is a safe haven against all that stuff. My savings plan is diversified and yours should be too."
"Buying a home is the best insurance to have."
"At some points you'll be able to retire off of your portfolio. That's the goal with investing."
"It's going to put you on solid ground, bring you good money, bring you stability."
"What do I want to do? I want to make sure that my family is protected and can generate wealth."
"Having a dividend portfolio is the easiest way to automatically generate cash flow passively."
"Life goes quick, life's gonna move on you and so you need to start young and prepare for that so when you get to my age you're on easy street."
"Gold and silver will give you different layers of protection throughout all scenarios."
"If we're gonna have FOMO over anything, why not be FOMO over financial security?"
"That is so so important then the amount of confidence that that gives you like the level of like [__] you confidence where you're kind of like yeah like if I lost my job right now if I lost even YouTube right now."
"Making money to me what it does is not so much that it makes you happy it can add security and safety to your life it can buy things that give you a good sensory experience but it's more about broadening your experience."
"The Social Security checks are now going to be about nine percent bigger than they were last year."
"You're moving on now to more abundance and a secure offer."
"Physical gold, physical silver is truly outside the system. It will protect your privacy."
"Fear of loss will stampede away all-time greed... owning a prudent bullion position along with stocks and bonds has been a proven successful strategy."
"Having these multiple side hustles allowed me to finally build out some kind of emergency fund."
"If you have a thousand bucks a month in your hands, it makes it so that if a landlord tries to really gouge you, you're going to be able to be much more portable."