
Customer Value Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Value is the stuff that we make that the customers want. And waste is everything else."
"The 80/20 rule is probably true; probably 20% of your customers are bringing you 80% of your business."
"Making the customer feel valued is not just about offering them the best prices or deals. It's also about paying attention to what they want, listening to their concerns, answering any questions, and also following up after the purchase has been made to make sure everything is as expected."
"The customer is going to look at payback and ROI, so make it obvious right up front why this pays for itself, why it justifies itself."
"Businesses that don't deliver value to their customers go out of business."
"I think it's on us as an industry to build the products and tech that make these things incredibly valuable to customers."
"The average worth of a client over time is worth a lot more than a quick flip."
"So you can acquire a customer for a hundred dollars in ad spend and they're now worth a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars when you sell it."
"You give people so much value, they'll never leave you."
"Businesses will pay you more if they have high customer value and are highly organized."
"These are the users who most value your product."
"Your ability to at scale, change perception to create more percentage of wallet and better LTV is far greater than I think most people realize."
"Creating a feeling of value." - Joint CEO Adam Kaczynski
"we take a long view and we want to build for providing the best value to our customers"
"It's all about playing to your strengths and finding a unique mixture of skills that can add a lot of value to your customers."
"I want a customer to know that when he or she gives the store that sixty dollars to buy that game they're getting the best value in the business."
"Find your space, build trust, and provide sufficient value for people to pay what you're asking for and stick around."
"Value pricing: Creating long-term value for customers, even during external factors like recessions."
"Every business is going to have to do a really excellent job on value and convenience."
"High average customer value is really, really, really important."
"I'd rather get a paid customer than a free customer all day long because they decided to put their wallet out."
"Lifetime value is important for a business to sustain over time."
"Planners: it's all about putting something together that customers find value in."
"Adding additional value to the Elantra GT is the long standard warranty."
"Delivers value to your future customers and to your bank account."
"Their point is not to keep people on the streaming service, their point is to grow the streaming service to expand the base and not devalue it for their existing customers."
"30 million accounts generating revenue is better than one million dollar customer costing."
"If you provide the most value to the customer you will win regardless of anything else all right that's just as simple as it is."
"The more you do in service of your player base, the more it translates to dollars."
"Your goal running any business is to be with the customers, learn from them, make them feel valued because they are valued."
"There's only two: get more customers, make them worth more."
"So much of it is just crap like that that adds no value to the customer but it's literally just the way the whole industry is going."
"So for me, I want to give them so much value where they can't come back to me and say this wasn't worth the money that they spent."
"Creating a value series where you're adding lots of value."
"At the end of the day, we just want to deliver as much value as we possibly can on the products that we create."
"Our brand promise is that customers get great value for what they spend at Dollar Tree. We will continue to be fiercely protective of that promise, regardless of the price point, whether it is one dollar, 1.25, 1.50."
"Customers are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over their lifetime."
"It promotes delivering value as in working software to the customer in an incremental and iterative way."
"Each user story has to create value for the customer or the end user."
"Your profit multiplicator is going to depend on all of those different things the value your customer gets from you your product your positioning your work ethic your customer service your packaging all those things."
"...write it in a way where it talks about the value that is being given to the customer..."
"You can always acquire a customer for 5, 10 bucks and never have them come back. But when you have an LTV of a customer...it's so much more powerful."
"But when Apple still offers iOS 16 on their iPhone X which came out in the fall of 2017, its still feels like Samsung leaves its customers of yesterday with very little value."
"Your product pages can actually start to upsell in order to increase your average customer value."
"Quality and value for the customer as well as efficiency for the business."
"...having a really high average customer value is one of the best ways to get good results from any form of online advertising."
"Sell a benefit, sell the outcome, sell the value in the customer's terms."
"Your marketing should be valuable in and of itself, meaning that your marketing should provide value to your customers even if they never decide to buy from you."
"Sales is not about revenue generation, it's around customer value creation. Revenue is that outcome."
"Value, as we think about it in lean, is really value for the customer. It's not value for us."
"Delighter benefits: creating unexpected customer value."
"Whenever decisions are being made in a lean team, the main emphasis is to understand how it exactly adds value to the customer."
"Now the ultimate thing is the growth of your startup and how passionate your customers are so never forget that it really is about how much value those customers are getting and how much value you can provide them."
"If your lifetime value of the customer, let's say they stay with me two, three, five, six, ten years, hypothetically, their first year I could spend up to, let's say, even five, six, eight, ten thousand dollars."
"XP practices make a big difference in delivering true value to the customer."
"...for breaking the feature, it's normally recommended that we follow vertical slicing in agile because here we are focusing more on delivering value to the customer."
"What's called the lifetime value of a customer."
"Lifetime value is a great number to help you estimate if the cost of bringing a customer is less than the money you generate from said customer."
"...CIO greatness is not just about understanding the products but, at a fundamental level, understanding the drivers of how the business creates value for the customers."
"The more you have customer success, the more you're going to drive value for the customer."
"I think the biggest lesson that we're learning from this and Starbucks we'll talk about Disney later you have to have products and services that are so amazing that your customer base cannot afford to not have them."
"At the end of the day we believe we have to deliver value to you every day, every week, every month, every year, otherwise you shouldn't be a member."
"The better able rate we are to do that what they ask for, what they value the better successful as an organization will likely to be. It's hard to think of too many organizations that are successful when they fail to do that."
"Now more than ever, it is crucial to orchestrate your product team's efforts for maximum customer value and revenue growth."
"Culture is not your values. Culture is how your values create value for your customer."
"Our customers are the makeup of our success over the years."
"The value that our customers are getting out of what we're shipping."
"Costco rewards its customers with incredibly low prices and tremendous continual value."
"A business model is supposed to answer who your customer is, what value you can create or add for the customer, and how you can do it at reasonable costs."
"The whole point of working in an agile way is to get something valuable into our customers' hands as quickly as possible."
"All time spent estimating stuff is waste because no amount of time making an estimate is going to put a piece of valuable software into the hands of your customers."
"It's not just the dollar amount you get from them; it's the experience, the pictures, and then the connection."
"Nothing actually beats a customer."
"We need to have both a story, an explicit story, and a proven story with evidence of how we're creating value for our customer."
"Increase the lifetime value of the customer, that's what the whole game of business is all about."
"Eliminate waste to maximize the value you provide to your customer."
"Our goal is not just to ship a product but to ship a product that has an impact on our customers in a way that creates value for our business."
"The story of the next decade is going to be much more about front-end user value and owning that customer relationship."
"Free users will give you different types of feedback than users who are actually paying you."
"You got to think about the lifetime value of your customer."
"A user story is shippable and valuable to the customer."
"The goal of lean thinking is to deliver maximum customer value in the shortest sustainable time by reducing waste."
"Value is the most important thing, and being able to help your guests feel that they get good value no matter what they buy."
"Increase the lifetime value of your customer."
"It's all about RFM: recency, frequency, monetary value."
"We should be focusing less on the cost of the customers and more on the value of the customers."
"If we can figure out who the most valuable customers are and if we can find ways to use that for product development, sales, and service, distribution and so on, we can make more money."
"Customer centricity is about which are the customers that we should be surrounding, who are the best customers, who are the customers who are most valuable to us."
"World-class marketing comes from creating a unique selling proposition... adding value to your customers' lives."
"Any added value is extra perceived value for your customers."
"We want to get working software out to the customer as quickly as we can, even as small of increments and batches as we can that provide value."
"The customer never buys a product; the customer buys value."
"The most important thing that we should be building towards is our customers achieving whatever value it is that they need to see."
"They know the long-term value of the customer; this is super, super important."
"The lifetime value of a prime subscriber stays on year after year is very high."
"We need to have a value proposition to the end customers and we need to have a value proposition to the intermediaries."
"Their customer acquisition cost is $32.81, average order value $95, nice lifetime value $160."
"Customer lifetime value is a common metric for determining the potential revenue a business might derive from a client over time."
"ABM isn't just for acquisition but can be used to generate more value from your customer base as well."
"A process is a sequence of actions that must be taken correctly in the right order at the right time, start to finish, in order to create value for some customer."
"Most people say, 'Oh yes, actually I can afford to pay more to acquire a customer.'"
"I think the fact that Rode put out a piece of software, an addition, an update to a microphone that's been out a year, year and a half, purely as a value add at no additional cost is insane."
"The thing about home renovation is that their average order value on their customers is extremely high."
"Lean Six Sigma is one of those tools that helps us when the expectations of customer value change."
"I actively work every day to try and bury you with more value than your money."
"It's all about delivering additional value at each and every touch point."
"Our goal is to maximize the value to customers."
"We exist to provide value to our customers, which means that in addition to quality and service, we have to save them money."
"Your lifetime gross profit is a concept called your customer lifetime value."
"Your customer lifetime value is a target every business needs to be studying."
"We're trying to uncover what are the things that are going to give them the most value."
"Your lifetime value for a customer should be three times your cost of acquisition."
"Agile teams always focus on providing maximum value to their customers."
"The outcomes are value not only for the customer but also for the company where you're retaining value."
"What we need to do is add value that the customers see."
"I'm always drawn towards solutions that deliver value to our customers."
"It's about being able to get that value back to our customers."
"Your average customer, if you win them over, will spend $800 to $1,000 with you."
"Enhance the value for the customer, and that is how the overall platform-based ecosystem gets created."
"If you can double how much your customers are worth, you more than double your revenue."
"We love helping people get great value out of AppSheet."
"It really drives up some lifetime value."
"Existing customers are more valuable; they spend on average of 67 percent more than new customers."
"You grow their value and when you grow their value, you reduce the cost."
"Can't we come up with just different ways of kind of growing the value of customers, growing the value of the customer base, outside of just doing old school stuff a little bit differently?"
"Email and SMS marketing... is going to bring you in so much additional revenue on every single customer that comes through."
"The technology is the same, but it's just the idea of saying we are going to treat different customers differently depending on what they're worth to us."
"Finding those select customers, treating them well, creating and extracting value from them, it's a different path to get to the same place."
"Take the time to create a five-star review quality and so much value it would be stupid for them to pick someone else's over yours."
"A business process is a collection of events, activities, and decision points that together aim at delivering outcomes that are of value to a customer."
"We're gonna deliver value as priority number one."
"There are two ways that you grow a business: You get more customers, or you make them worth more."
"One out of five customers is typically willing to pay twice as much as the core offer."
"Offering customers a great value is the foundation to long-term business success and it is the honorable thing to do."
"Product market fit essentially means you've created something that's really valuable for at least somebody, hopefully the market."
"Make people feel important when they buy from you."
"Every customer counts when you're in a start-up, especially now."
"Service management is a set of organizational capabilities specialized in providing value to customers in the form of services."
"Business is nothing but a collection of people and processes trying to deliver value to a set of customers."
"The emphasis from mainstream to multistream approach the purpose is on delivering value to customers."
"The toughest and most basic challenge for companies that want to learn from Toyota is how to create an aligned organization of individuals which have the DNA of the organization and are continually learning together to add value to the customer."
"Customer service is worth much more than that sale you made from that customer."
"It's about lots of little sales and every time you have when you go from one person advise 40 bucks for the plants versus a person who buys 20 bucks a month, that 20 bucks a month is always better."
"It just adds value, and when your customers get more value from you than another company, they're going to choose you."
"It's not emails collected; it's paying customers that are willing to solve a problem with the solution that you're selling to them."
"Never underestimate your customers."
"Because you're a valued customer of ours and you're taking part in our community, we want you to have that for free."
"What we're trying to figure out is how much can we make up front in the first 30 days and then what's the lifetime value of the customer."
"We see our customers' privacy as a fundamental human right."
"The ecosystem is everything as long as Apple can maintain and expand their ecosystem and the value proposition of it to customers."
"Every customer that walks in the door... that customer is worth 720 dollars."
"Pricing... focus on quality and understand that quality customers are willing to pay five more dollars than the competition."
"I always give my clients more in value than they give me in dollar."
"The deeper your funnel is, the more things you can offer your clients and the more each customer will be worth to you."
"Line 6 just continues to improve this platform years and years after its release with free updates."
"Our mission here is to deliver enormous value to our customers and then optimize our business internally so that we can continue to do that and remain profitable."
"Serverless enabled us to skip the undifferentiated heavy lifting step and go straight to delivering that value to our customers."
"Our customers are finding embedded analytics to be very beneficial for their organizations."
"Well in a nutshell, it's a strategic tool that helps you map out the internal business activities you perform that add value to your customers."
"Building strong brands, creating customer value, and building our capabilities to sustain and repeat results."
"The first thing target costing does is to go out and look at the market to find exactly what our customers would be prepared to pay for the products that we're making."
"The goal is to increase the ARPU or the LTV of the customer."
"It's really important to look at retention and to look at what is the lifetime value of your user."
"If it flattens, there's a group of customers that are finding value in your product that you can build on top of."
"We can do better as it pertains to getting data from our applications to help us fix issues, iterate faster, and bring value to our customers."
"Princess Plus promotion offers a device, Wi-Fi, free gratuities, beverage packages, and now they've added dessert and fitness classes."
"I'd rather make less money and give value to the customer and the fans."
"Unless you create sustainable value for your customers, you cannot create sustainable value for your shareholders."
"We want quality over quantity because ultimately, we want to add value to the customer base."
"We want to make sure that the work that we're doing today is a value to you."
"RFM segmentation is the basis of the way in which most companies decide who are the valuable customers and who are the non-valuable customers."
"The key takeaways of my research is very simple: higher clumpy customers are worth more out of sample, meaning in their future value, even after controlling for RFM and marketing spender."
"Quality Function Deployment is all about creating customer value."