
Truth Discovery Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Finding out the truth of where we are right now is progress. It's a milestone that we should celebrate."
"We only figure out what the right answer is if we get there through free speech and open debate."
"Truth begins to emerge, but slowly and in unexpected directions."
"It was the growing and finding truth together that bonded us together right, not being atheists, yeah."
"No matter how mysterious or suspicious a death may appear, the truth can be resurrected in the lab every day."
"The truth emerges when the people who are trying to get to the truth have leverage."
"Self-deprecating humor is always the way to go."
"You have an inquisitive mind that allows you to uncover important truths."
"I realized how truth really can be hidden from us when our hearts are hard and unwilling to understand."
"Discover the truth that will set you free, but be warned once you see the light, There's No Going Back."
"The truth begins to emerge but slowly and in unexpected directions."
"I found out what really happened to her, and I got to finish her work."
"Perhaps the truth will be easier to believe if you witness it with your own eyes."
"The bottom line is the truth that we've found is so hopeful but in a really grounded way."
"Somebody knows what happened, invariably these things come to the surface."
"The nested truths make it very simple because you're simply looking at things within things that reveal the truth."
"Ultimately, whatever information comes out may help set us free in some very positive emotional way."
"Suffering can lead us to truth and authenticity."
"Eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Donk
"You are going to come across a very powerful truth. This truth is going to open your eyes."
"You're gonna be able to see right through people the High Priestess the veil is coming down secrets are being revealed the truth is coming out and you're gonna see right through people's intentions."
"There's a growing truth in here, no matter how slow or unassuming."
"The scientific method is the best tool that we have as a species to discover the truth."
"Forensic science can find the truth and uncover grave secrets."
"What role argument plays... if argument is a tool to discover what's true from which might flow a political desire but it is not the motivating force then you will act very differently as you argue."
"Every truth seeker does need to break down their ego first to see the truth. If the mind is in the way, the heart won't see anything." - Maxwell Egan
"I could have been prosperous and successful... and I was saved by the truth."
"The truth is uncovered by analyzing things from every angle."
"The truth requires extensive, dedicated research."
"There's something there. It's kind of like the truth being revealed, logically having to think it out, and it's going to be involving your home, your family, your property, your family lineage, your ancestry even."
"Every individual has the capacity to discover truth."
"Trust your hunches, the truth will be revealed."
"I believe in people, their intelligence, and their ability to figure out the truth."
"The only way we ultimately get to 'oh it was a lie' is through the evidentiary process."
"We're going to set up a stakeout... and try to catch whoever's doing this."
"We collectively arrive at the truth by allowing this free exchange of ideas."
"You're discovering the truth about something you're coming to a realization that I think is kind of going to change your path a little bit."
"The only surefire way for truth to be experienced is to experience it yourself."
"Take that first crucial step to wanting to know the truth."
"Science works like a game of 20 questions, honing in on the truth."
"If you want to know the truth, follow the money."
"But the best part is, we're able to get to the truth through the DNA."
"The value in making mistakes and being willing to listen to feedback is that you can discover greater truths."
"It was like the curtains had parted and I can see the truth and I could see I knew why where I came from why I was here and where I was going."
"There's only one door, they're missing that key, therefore they can't find out the truth."
"Something is coming to be shown to you; the truth will be revealed."
"Science is the most powerful way for figuring out what's true but it's a fragile mechanism."
"It's almost like waking up from a dream... the truth will set you free."
"When you start talking freely, you find the truth."
"The truth is likely responsible for building the sanctuary."
"According to her frantic video, Dr. Williams had discovered the truth."
"The choice is always to stop following the mind out of the investigation and to return into the willingness, the deeper willingness, to discover what is really true."
"The truth just goes deeper and gets better and bigger."
"You keep coming at it, keep coming at it, and all of a sudden everything is in place, and the lie melts before your eyes."
"Locked up in the insane asylum, bloggers, conspiracy theorists, and activists looked into his allegations and eventually uncovered that Mollath's claims were correct."
"Let's investigate it together because if that is a true thing, I want to know it."
"For where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the truth."
"There's some kind of truth here, someone is definitely having an aha moment."