
Student Experience Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The quality of the educational experience of all students depends in part on these differences in the background and outlook that students bring with them."
"Public school is the most boring experience in life."
"We have the opportunity right now to transform students' educational experiences."
"There's a certain performative quality of being in college where you are like I am being in college..."
"The professor, not the subject, makes the class."
"Going into my junior year, you know uh Pat you went to Arkansas, you know how the team make the bowl game they come to the basketball game over every Sunday it's lit right?"
"It's quite uncommon for a student to begin as a fifth year. A little bit of work, but I'm sure that's never stopped you before."
"I just hope that students are able to enjoy what they do and not just feel completely overwhelmed."
"What if there was somewhere you could go for seven hours a day where you just got to be social with your friends, relax, hang out, and learn about things you're curious about that are relevant to your life? That would be amazing."
"In first grade, I finished a test and flipped my paper over."
"Our kids have more of an opportunity to see educators that look like them."
"Learning math is the worst, but doing it is the best."
"This is not a weed out class. We want you to have a good time."
"The University of Missouri was and is a tough place for black students that is some [ __ ] amazing PR come to Mizzou."
"It started something good." - St. Olaf Senior
"The biggest deal here at this school at our LCU is that we want you to have a relationship."
"I want the college experience, two years of college isn't really the same as going and graduating with your class."
"Ultimately, the point of an admissions test is as much with the benefit of the school as for the student."
"The idea that the starting point for effective education has to be the experience of students."
"Schools be like: making students learn a lot of things so they will be interested and will love school. They hate school because they have ridiculous amounts of homework because of it."
"I'm a college girl. I function best in a university environment, to coin a cliche."
"The teachers realize perfectly well how important it is for the students to go through the first period of their stay at school."
"Students aren't just a number here."
"I've never felt like just another student. I'm always made to feel like I matter and that I have a voice at SUU."
"I care a lot about the experience of the students on my platform as well."
"Certainly the feedback that we have from our students indicates that it's successful."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video of my first day back at school, I'll keep you all updated this semester."
"All of these make up the experience of student life that is Buckeye Nation."
"Our students not only get their theory in the classroom but they also can get the hands-on training part here on location."
"Minimize the frustrations of the student experiences through flight training."
"You get to see every stage of the process for medical school by working with these medical students."
"What is life like in the university? What is the student life like?"
"And so begins the first five days of the rest of your uni life."
"My overall final rating for Emory, in terms of my three years of being there, is a 4 out of 5 stars."
"I lived in the quad freshman year, as like a typical freshman experience."
"Being a student again, from being an employee of some organization, I think this course is quite well designed and well maintained."
"My favorite part about being a student at ATP was being able to go through crew."
"I'm just gonna take you guys along and show you how I do a week in my life at college as a junior."
"We're taking some students to Seoul, Korea, and it's going to be a very cool experience."
"The iPad hasn't solved all my student problems, but purely as a note-taking device, oh this is A1 stuff."
"The university has its own climbing wall; that's impressive."
"It's really quite a special thing, and honestly, most students, when they see the instruments... they're nearly in tears of emotion of their satisfaction."
"Does it have positive wash back? We really want students to leave the whole testing experience feeling good about the way forward."
"Uni life is just so stressful at the moment."
"I got into actually quite a few colleges, colleges I didn't think I would get into, so don't even worry about it."
"I've had the best college experience, thanks to how easily I was able to get involved on campus."
"I enjoyed teaching, and I think my students learned a lot and generally enjoyed my classes."
"UT Dallas's aesthetic campus has given me a place to truly enjoy learning."
"I love being a college student; it's hard at times, but I like it."
"Many of us as graduate students used the RISM archive materials and spent thousands of hours... enjoying and profiting from this amazing collection."
"College years are so amazing, college is so amazing."
"Hello friends and welcome back to another college week in my life."
"You will live on campus at ADFA with access to amazing facilities."
"I'm a freshman in college at Cornell University and I upload college lifestyle videos."
"We're really trying to do everything we can to enhance the experience of the student."
"The lifestyle of being a student in Dundee is nice because everything's so close; it's got a real campus-y feel."
"Good morning everyone, welcome to a college week in my life."
"Thanks for watching my college week in my life, it was a great second week of college."
"I hope you've kind of gotten a feel of what freshman life here is in the towers and just like the vibe of hallmates and everyone's already like chilling and socializing."
"Hey everybody, good morning. I'm about to give you a tour of my campus accommodation here in Milan, Italy. Let's get to it."
"The student satisfaction, the student experience at Loughborough is unmatched quite like no other."
"Our school is investing lots of money into developing the infrastructure for a better student experience."
"Uni is more than school, uni is a lifestyle."
"It's an amazing campus vibe; you end amongst nature, able to hang out and chill with other students and do your work."
"Black students unite is nothing radical, Rene. We're just a group of kids who get together to share our black experience."
"We want to provide the same learning experience options for all students."
"Socializing is a very, very important part of being a student."