
Long-term Growth Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"You underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade."
"The stock market is extremely volatile from month to month... but in the long run, the stock market follows an upward trajectory."
"Just do nothing. Invest consistently and hold long term."
"We don't go for the get rich quick scheme we go for the get rich for sure."
"You're not only getting that dividend yield but exposure to a part of the real estate market that should drive returns for decades to come."
"If you are able to slowly invest in the market, ride the volatility dips but see the overall Innovation going up and riding the long term uptrend as well, you're still going to be profitable in the long term."
"Invest for the long term. Do you not wish you invested more?"
"Find a winner, back them, scale them up, don't sell them. Ride the winner, keep investing with them as long as they're innovating."
"Very inspirational and a really long-term spiritual commitment here on the offering."
"Bitcoin is outperforming everything in two, four, six, eight, and ten years."
"We need a rebuild in the summer. A rebuild for me is quality players on the pitch, not superstars. We need quality that's going to be growing with us for the next three or four years."
"Index funds over the last 60 years have increased 8% on average."
"Invest in a low-cost broad index fund and hold it for the next 30 to 40 years."
"Consistent investments over decades can compound to large amounts."
"Global stocks over the long term offer you the best return usually they beat inflation by around 5 or 6% over many decades."
"Kimberly Clark is a boring company that will generate consistent and growing cash flow for decades to come."
"Listening and watching, you acquire more knowledge and skill long term than anything else in this world."
"The key here is to try to keep your money invested within the account for as long as possible so it has time to grow."
"The whole idea of investing is you need a little bit of money over a long period of time and good habits."
"However, Intel will be a long-term hold that pays out a nice little dividend, grows with time, and builds you slow, long-term wealth."
"If you took one cent and you put it in bitcoin 10 years ago... it outperformed everything."
"$10,000 invested into the Vanguard Growth ETF since inception would have turned into over $74,000."
"We're investing in companies that we think will continue to generate long-term free cash flow per share growth, and I want to buy those future free cash flows for as cheap as possible."
"It’s these catalysts you find and the competitive advantages that make for great long-term investments."
"Often have the potential to do 50 to 100 maybe even 500 or 1000x gains in the long term."
"Even 20 shares today could mean a million bucks in 10 years."
"What makes this company's product inherently better or significantly better than other companies products not just right now but over time."
"We wanted to create something that we own, you know? I'm saying because that's really the best way to make long-term growth."
"Strategic investments lead to long-term gains."
"I see this stock minimum 275 to 300 in under five years."
"That $5,500 that we take from the baby shower if put into baby's first brokerage could be invested into something like the S&P 500 which has a historical average of 10.26% since its Inception in 1957."
"This is your chance to really plant a seed that will grow into a sycamore for your family generations down the line."
"We are 100% committed to the long term growth of apex legends."
"If you have your money in productive assets, they win over time."
"View it as parking your money in an asset that is pretty much guaranteed to grow in the long term."
"Saving on autopilot, pensions, index funds, and compound growth: keys to financial freedom."
"People who hold their investments don't sell and keep buying in end up making the most money long term."
"Give us the benefit of the doubt once in a while. Everything we're doing is in the best interests of the company and growing the company over the long haul."
"When you invest in funds like these, now what you're doing is you are essentially betting on the growth of the American economy. You're not trying to get rich overnight, you are just betting on the slow and steady growth of the economy."
"Regardless of market conditions, there are always opportunities for smart investments, whether it's buying undervalued stocks or investing in index funds for long-term growth."
"Therefore, I believe Amazon stock could return around 30% over the next decade."
"Remember, Saturn can be very much to do with seeds of something that's going to flower over a very long period of time."
"Index funds historically average around eight percent on your money per year... so long as you stay invested in it long enough for the average to play out."
"I'm fully convinced they're going to be a food giant over the next 5-10 years."
"Habits are the compound interests of self-improvement."
"You should design your portfolio in a way that benefits from long-term growth."
"Instead of timing the market, have time in the market."
"The opportunity is so massive for these things that we think this is enough to carry the story for the stock for several years to come."
"I invest in dividend stocks... companies have been increasing dividend payments for the past 20, 25, 50 plus consecutive years."
"The stock market generally goes up... at least for decades and decades and decades."
"This is about to be a boom for a hundred years."
"My money has been in the stock market for 25 years, compounding every single day, every single week, every single month, every single year, every single decade."
"Don't get caught up in all of the shiny stuff, it's a slow long game."
"Dividend income should crush safer investments over the long term."
"You still need this to be growing and working hard for you for the next 20 or 30 years and over these time frames the stock market is one of the best tools that we have for achieving the growth that we need."
"If you dollar cost average, you keep putting money into accounts, you're going to grow your accounts well above what the market averages are doing."
"It's a long game, and there's a lot to grow, that's the thing, it's the reps you're doing now. If, like I said, the reps you do now, five years from now, that fund will be there, yeah."
"These are some really nicely landscaped large trees; it's just very beautiful and something that you can't build overnight."
"You make a lot of money when you buy a good company at a good price, but you make all of the money by letting it ride for 20 years."
"He's done an exceptional job. This is the impact of compounding for a long period of time."
"Based on that rate, if John invests $10,000 today and holds this stock for 30 years while reinvesting his dividends, his investment after 30 years will be worth $18,200, paying him an annual dividend of $826,000."
"In the long term, your money will be going up in value."
"If you just buy and hold Bitcoin over the long term, your compound annual growth is around 50% per year, which outperforms every other asset class known to man."
"We fundamentally believe that we're building infrastructure to support the next several decades of innovation in financial services and beyond."
"The peace of mind... is a really valuable tool which allows me to keep the money invested over here in a way that's going to grow more over the long term."
"The biggest free lunch in all of investing is the asymmetric bet over the long haul on technology companies compounding."
"Over a long period of time, compounded growth is huge."
"What stocks do is they slowly go up over the long long term."
"I've been investing for almost 25 years in the stock market and I've accumulated a multi-million dollar portfolio investing through growth."
"Strength is like the stock market, up and down, but the long-term trajectory is what matters."
"Over the long term, the stock market has risen over the last 100 years."
"If you stick with it and you stay consistent and you keep reinvesting your profits, well in 10 years you're going to surprise yourself."
"The S&P 500 has still grown on average by 10% a year over the last 50 years."
"Saving early lets you ride the wave of compounding for many, many years."
"It's had a strong track record and only invests in companies that have had either stable or growing dividends over the long term."
"The biggest thing you got going for you are decades of compounding."
"If you just always be buying, you'd be shocked to find out that even in a horrible time to invest, you could annualize performance greater than 11%."
"Veggie is out-performing on a longer-term basis as well."
"Over a decade of performance, the Vanguard Growth ETF has done very well."
"In the case of like a McDonald's, a company that's able to grow just tremendously over decades, all the shareholders benefit from that growth."
"It's possible to argue reasonably that this growth will go on for a very long, exponentially long period of time."
"Buy and hold investing is the best way to make money."
"You're not here because you think Bitcoin's going to go up 30%; you're here because you think it's going to go up 1,000% over the long haul."
"I'm more of a buy undervalued projects and let them materialize over time."