
Societal Welfare Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Capitalism has got to work for all the people, and democracy's got to work for everybody."
"The goal of government, broadly speaking, should be to try to ensure that everybody's able to achieve as much as possible."
"Society as a whole will be better off in the long run if we do justice and if we respect rights."
"The most atheistic societies in the world are the best off... societies like Iceland and Sweden and Australia and Denmark and the Netherlands."
"The market cannot deliver what is needed; only collective public action led by government can protect our people and our society."
"We cannot turn our back to the reality that if all of us are not safe, none of us will be safe."
"We measure progress by the success of our people."
"We cannot allow our public health infrastructure to decay like this."
"If you want like a truly good society that serves you the best possible way you probably want most people to be doing pretty well inside of it."
"We need to help fund and fuel a transition to a different kind of economy that works for you and your family."
"Therapy should be free for all. I feel like it really should."
"America first rallying cry makes sense if you actually do things that bring livable conditions to your people, right?"
"We need to put healthcare, you know, we need to make it a public good again."
"It's going to be really important for us to do everything that we can to protect the lives and livelihoods of the people."
"No one asked to be born and so wouldn't it be good to make life a little nicer on people."
"The only way we're going to get the economy to work for everybody."
"If people have education, if they have health care, if they have jobs and are happy to live here, they're not going to want to go anywhere else."
"We live in a really great country with amazing people."
"We've got to be able to put the well-being of our people ahead of politics."
"It's about the lives and livelihood of the American people."
"I think it's more important to just keep people stable and happy."
"I want to live in a nation in which all people can have a decent standard of living."
"What is it worth to have schools for children and have preventative care?"
"That's the point: appropriate regulation and a government that cares."
"Marshal Kim Jong-hoon is trying to ensure that all our people can enjoy a happy life."
"To the extent that a nation follows biblical principles of governance, human pain, suffering, and poverty will be reduced."
"We all want our countries to be a good place for everybody."
"I believe in empathy the reason why I believe in universal basic basic health coverage is because I don't want to see people suffering and I'm willing to pay the extra cost to make sure they aren't suffering."
"Money should be there to serve the interests of the population."
"Public health: promoting well-being through societal efforts."
"If everyone was guaranteed Healthcare, housing, and education, this would be a better place for everybody."
"We want a country where everybody has opportunity...where everybody in this country has the opportunity to live in security and dignity."
"If we do not have healthy people, we will never have a healthy economy."
"Universal care just means everybody in your country gets care."
"We need a season of moral repair, it's a moral issue that you feed your children."
"We have all the resources that we need to take care of every human being already born on the planet."
"Everyone deserves access to quality mental health care."
"The government has a duty and a right and a job to make sure that the economy functions in a way that promotes the well-being of the people, not the enrichment of a few."
"Our job together is to create an economy that works for all, not just the people on top."
"It's a referendum on whether or not it's crazy to guarantee not just health care but also decent education and housing and a livable wage and a sustainable planet to all people."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"It should be a matter of figuring out how we can support these individuals in a better way."
"Embodies the fundamental conflict of interest between the party's benefits and the genuine welfare of the Chinese people."
"We need to get back to work, or we'll completely destroy our economy. Lord help us all."
"I feel like everybody should have free therapy."
"The better people do, the better we all do. That's the bottom line."
"Peace and prosperity for all, solidarity in the milk of human kindness, etc, etc, etc."
"We need to focus on what is in the best interest of the American people, our well-being, and our ability to live in a peaceful, prosperous, and free society."
"Every decision T'Challa made in Wakanda Forever was in the best interest of his people."
"What exactly does it mean for an economy to succeed or to fail? I think the most rational concept of a system's success is providing the best economically possible conditions for the most amount of people."
"Islam safeguards economy from activities that are detrimental to the society."
"Not by telling everyone to be worse off."
"Would you play safe, choose a different principle, make the worst off in society as well off as possible?"
"The growth society should spend in surplus in a way that provides pleasure and sovereignty to all of us, but in a way that's not discounting and destroying the future."
"We want secure employment, we want council housing that's good quality, we want a proper education system, we want to lift everyone."
"We are nearing a point of no return and we need to rewrite the rules of our economy so that the economy works for us."
"The prosperity of all people in the country trumps the prosperity of some."
"The tax code is something that should be engineered for a single purpose: for all of us to live better lives."
"You're not applying for the post of leisure center manager. You are seeking responsibility for the moral and physical welfare of every person in the community."
"The optimum allocation of the resources of a society is not attained so long as it is possible to make at least one individual better off in his or her own estimation while keeping others as well off as before in their own estimation."
"If you give everybody a very basic level of income, that would allow a lot more human flourishing."
"The state and the citizenry are attempting to provide the conditions for the common good."
"Let's make sure there's an economy, let's make sure there's jobs."
"I generally do prioritize utilitarianism or maximized utility for all the people in a society."
"We would like a society where anything which is worth more to the people who get it than it costs to produce gets produced."