
Personal Drive Quotes

There are 826 quotes

"To prove people wrong is the greatest motivation."
"I did this because I love it. I didn't do it to make money."
"We’re not chasing dreams, we’re catching them."
"Chasing money now feels more rewarding because I'm chasing money for the sake of being able to provide for my family better."
"I'm gonna bet on the person who looks at the finish line and says, 'I'm gonna do this for my mom.'"
"Even from a young age, Felix had a drive to win, to be the absolute best; to him, anything less was a complete failure."
"I require fear in order to run towards something; fear never suffices to run away from anything."
"I'm not doing it for that. Do you think everybody can be an entrepreneur? No, no, because it has to be in you, not on you."
"At the end of the day, you've got to find that motivation within yourself."
"It's just that fire inside of me just driving me week by week, practice after practice, knowing like, okay, I gotta I'm trying to have a perfect game."
"Losing bothers me way more than winning excites me."
"You have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world."
"The hardest thing about being on selection is self-motivation. You've got to want to do it."
"My reward, my purpose, my life, is the work itself. My work done my way! Nothing else matters to me."
"Maybe you haven't all figured it out... but then there's times in your life where you have that motivation, where you have that drive."
"What drives me is that I do everything that I can to try to protect truth to the best of my ability."
"Me as a person, I love creating. It doesn't matter if it's videos, books, games, or companies...I like making."
"The greatest force that drives me is my father, who was a Presbyterian minister who joined the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement, and the gay rights movement."
"I do this for my mama and my little brother."
"There's not an entrepreneur in my family. It was just in me."
"It only takes the smallest taste of those things to motivate."
"If you really want something and you want to get somewhere, the only way to get there is by moving in that direction."
"In pursuit of becoming like Batman... you probably don't need to learn forensics or lock-picking. You can become the Batman of your own life by becoming that passionate and that driven."
"I'm a workaholic, want to constantly be building something no matter what it is."
"I think what's going to make you the most money the fastest is the thing that you're willing to consistently do."
"Being motivated and driven is the most critical part of succeeding at something."
"I'm just like really, I'm really, I'm so motivated when it comes to content like this is what I needed."
"The chariot: balancing light and shadow, moving forward with willpower."
"She was always someone who fought for what she wanted."
"Those three elements of my life have really been what has supplied the fuel for what drives."
"You gotta just do it for your baby. That's what I do it for."
"Our work ethic is unmatched. Mama mentality."
"Life's short, but listen, 2024, we're going running it out."
"I use it all as gasoline in the gas tank to work harder every single day."
"I don't really have a motivation to carry on the status quo."
"He was such a fierce competitor that it's impossible to process his fire, a level of passion we may never see again in sports."
"Winning Miss World Philippines wasn't a dream of mine when I was younger, but was born purely out of purpose and passion."
"There's definitely more we can tap into, but when I talk with my wife about the next step and what really drives me right now, I reflect back on the things that light up my heart the most."
"The spark that we were talking about is that sort of inspiration and it's important to make sure that you can rekindle that or reconnect to that because that is what's kind of fueling your internal furnace and fire."
"She's stepping up. Wow, look at that fire in her eyes."
"You can't start a fire without a spark, and this gun's for hire."
"You gotta find a why that makes you invincible."
"But me, that's my idea of hell, to wake up with nothing to do or no problems to solve."
"Having a clear and powerful vision that they wake up with every day and is their motivation is so important."
"For me, it's not even political ambition that brings me into this."
"Money alone bores me, it's got to be very, very big."
"You have to really want it, like you have to be driven."
"He's a real hustler, he's got a great motivational story behind him, he's a good speaker too."
"Purpose larger than yourself keeps you going."
"I do things with gusto. That's one thing I do. When I do something, if I'm into it, look out."
"Consciously telling myself to continue to push and push and push."
"Passion, not determination, drives us forward."
"Recognizing that you can overcome any challenge that's set to you as long as you've got that motivation, that drive."
"I don't play that game. If you tell me right now you got 200 million, I'm gonna applaud you and I'm gonna figure out how you did it and I'm gonna try to go get 300."
"That's his thing... I'd still be showing up every day."
"I'm a competitive [__] if you're friends with me I'm competing with you."
"It really does keep me going and motivated to keep making videos."
"You have to put your will on the game. Whatever that is, like, you have to put your will on the game."
"We set the bar high for ourselves and he's one of the many reasons I pushed myself so hard because I want him to be proud of this."
"I am someone who is ambitious. I don't like to sit back and just do the bare minimum."
"You have to have that drive to learn if you want to do everything yourself."
"What Tom Brady has is this competitive drive that not only fuels on the field but off the field as well."
"I always win, baby. Winning is all that matters to me."
"I didn't get into politics to lose or just be a loser, right? I got into politics because I've been losing as well as my family and my community for my entire life."
"You're one of those people that just gets so highly motivated by what you choose to do that you can wake up every morning being so excited about it."
"You gotta have a big why, and if you got a big enough why you can do almost anything."
"That's what competing is, that's what sport is like."
"I really resonate with the whole chip-on-the-shoulder thing. That's what drives everything that I do."
"But they do it. People are inspired by it to do anything. They might even just be inspired to go harder in their life and whatever they're doing."
"Ambition is basically driven by the desire to be better because you need to be better."
"I am quite literally running on pure willpower at this point."
"Honestly, it's an extra fuel for me. I'm someone who's very, very internally motivated."
"I think sometimes hatred fuels me even more 'cause I love standing on the opposite side of [__]."
"On the days when you don't want to do it for you, do it for us."
"You can't underestimate how driven Mark Zuckerberg really is."
"As a kid I learned that I may not be the most talented person in the room but I'll be the hardest worker in the world that's how you get it."
"I don't like shortcuts, cheat codes, or handouts. Capitalism fuels me and keeps my competitive nature going. Who wouldn't want to be a millionaire someday?"
"My fear would have overcome me, but most people will do more for people they love."
"You need something that's bigger than yourself."
"Faith, determination, and hunger for success is what drives me."
"I swear on my fucking soul, when I didn't have it, but I knew I was going to get it, it felt a lot better than this feels right now."
"That kind of drive is what's going to separate you from other things."
"There's nothing that is going to stop me from being great. Nothing. I hate the victimhood [ __ ] however victimhood or being a victim has nothing to do with history. Those are very different things."
"How do you get yourself fired up? I just want to win, that's really the main thing."
"One of the biggest things that drives me today is that the world speaks about so much negativity that I feel a requirement to talk about positivity."
"That's a great motivation, by the way, financial motivation."
"He's a hard worker, driven and always challenges himself, pushing himself past limits previously thought to be impossible."
"Nothing stems from competition, you know. It all stems from wanting to do something, maybe in the beginning, I was looking left and right, but at this point, it's such crazy tunnel vision."
"This is only big fight because I made it a big fight. I could care less about this fight, the only reason I'm taking this fight it's because Dan Lambert wants this fight."
"I think it takes a little bit of craziness or madness to achieve anything."
"Truth be told, it's always being a hustler on a mission for greatness."
"Some people are naturally blessed with the hustle's ambition."
"If you do not have the confidence to go out there and take life by the horns, get after what you're getting after, chase your dreams, they will literally die inside of you."
"There's an element to it where you keep pushing it more and more because you want your reputation better."
"Being a bad [__] is just drive, ambition, hustle, hunger for more."
"He still has incredible drive and commitment."
"There's no better motivation given to you than that."
"A passionate person fueled by love is a force that no one can defeat."
"I need to go and play, I can't not, I've experienced playing in the Premier League, I need that feeling."
"There is an inherent sense of wanting to contribute to India's GDP and there's a lot of emphasis on entrepreneurship and starting on your own."
"Keep 'em attracted, stick with it, and be extraordinary."
"You're meant to bring that fire to the table."
"I hope my kids... get the drive to believe you can do what you want for a job."
"It's not meant to be. It's God. I'ma get the peach when it's time for it. But meanwhile, work. Have that Candy ethic. Work. You don't have to tell everybody everything you're doing." - Marlo
"Do Youtube because you want to do videos and do Youtube."
"Having a 'why' is one of the biggest energy hacks in the world."
"I always try to give him my best and just try to be a killer because at the end of the day if you don't work hard you're not gonna get food on your table." - Giannis Antetokounmpo
"I love Netflix thank you for saying no to me because sometimes you need that maybe I wouldn't have been as angry maybe I wouldn't have performed as hard that night I had something to prove."
"When people feel like they've worked, the chip on the shoulder grows in a bad way."
"It's just kind of a drive... that people have."
"All the energy and fuel You Need Is Right In Yourself. I found it right there. I'm on insecurities. I found Drive in my own insecurities."
"If something you want bad enough, you'll do everything you can to make it happen."
"Relentless belief in your mission, built on the foundation of your values."
"You got to make boss moves, even if you don't feel like a boss."
"The only thing that separates somebody who succeeds at capitalism versus somebody who doesn't is the person that says I'm willing to take that risk to lose everything to do this."
"Don't let someone take that away from you if you have this burning desire inside of you."
"Dreams give rise to desires, desires give rise to determination, and once you are determined to do something, you become unstoppable."
"When you have a reason why you do something, that's when you can become very successful."
"Your why should be something so big that it moves your family tree."
"The difference: hustle because you love it versus being dragged by fear."
"I love a chip on my shoulder I love it when [ __ ] tells me I can't do some [ __ ] I'm grateful when I hear that [ __ ] I am grateful I love it"
"Follow whatever lights that fire inside of you."
"Nobody's gonna just hand you success. You have to go get it. You have to want it, so you have to work for it. It's not gonna just come to you."
"True motivation is having a flame inside you."
"When you find something you're good at, go for it. Go for it. Don't take any prisoners, man."
"Your joy should be on self-start, not push start."
"Passion really helps us to fuel us to go forward."
"I plan to continue working hard and trying new things and constantly striving to make my content the best that it can be because at the end of the day I'm here because of you."
"We were born to compete, for life, for belts, for anything. All our lives are competitions for anything, for something, for somebody."
"Focus on your grind and believe in that gut feeling."
"The impact they've had on him keeps him going after everything he's won."
"Move it speed people and things just don't happen for you. It's crazy, it's crazy."
"Mike, that is a task-driven person. All he will, if he starts something, he has to finish it."
"Nothing stands in between this man and his objectives."
"I want to keep showing night in and night out that I'm going to be that guy 168." - Determination for success
"The more angry Sean got, the more driven I became. I would have probably worked with every one of his competitors for free just to bury him."
"Just know that if you want something you get it done."
"Being cautious about what you let in... focus on the good things because that is what drives me to carry on." - Ayanda, Mr. National South Africa
"Get up and go make it happen. This is where you really shift into another gear."
"I just want to prove to them that I'm better than them."
"It doesn't matter if you have the drive and the will, you're still a black man in the United States of America."
"It's not about money with me, it's about can you win the game?"
"It's about your inspiration that is going to pick up."
"Every single time when you have like this two or three at times, your you will have these bursts of energy."
"Everything I've done in my career, I ran because of civil rights."
"Passion is key. You have to wake up and just do it."
"Motivation is not enough. You have to have a deep drive inside you to wanna become better."
"He just can't be stopped. Once he gets going, he just can't be stopped."
"JJ Rutkoski: His drive and discipline for not just shooting but life is incredibly infectious."
"He's the most driven person I think I've ever met."
"His natural talent for battle, along with his unwavering drive, have taken his power to unprecedented levels."
"That horny power is what fuels me for another year."
"I didn't care about the money, I just needed to do it."
"I'm a fiend for progress, I want to go forward."
"The motivation is back and that's what's really important."
"Always aggressive, always pushing forward, I'm not a guy that thinks I'm the Champion, I'm going to go after it as if it was the first time."
"Of course, you're always hungry and competitive to win, but it's not the same when you've got a legendary career."
"It's actually about you you know was like that it's it's an obligation for me like it's it's a drive for me to do that."
"You do not get there unless you have the determination and an indomitable will to make it happen."
"I'm from a small town, so like, I mean, small-town mentality. Like, you got big dreams coming from a small town 'cause not many people make it out of it."
"Every day I feel more and more motivated to just jump back into the swing of things."
"My fear of being broke is what drove me, okay my fear of losing drove me, my fear of not being accepted drove me, that's what made me who I was."
"It's not about anything else, it's like, if I would go every day and I'm stimulated."
"I'm always looking for something to just light that fire."
"I've always been a very driven person, you know."
"He had only one thing on his mind that night: revenge."
"Just watch. You don't know me. You don't know how hard I work, like what I put into this. This is like an obsession."
"Imagine yourself back at that place, putting yourself in those shoes. It helps to drive and fire you up."
"I was always driven by like how am I gonna survive in the world? I gotta figure out, I make a living through art."
"I wasn't driven by business; I was driven by passion."
"Despair is poison. It deadens people when the most important thing they could do is proceed with more drive and force and openness than they have before."
"Each time I go out in the field, I sort of find my desire and motivation intensifies a little bit."
"What's your motivation, what's your inspiration, what's your drive?"
"Keeping the lights on and providing for my kids motivates me to grind daily."
"I think with veganism because it is something I'm so passionate about and care so deeply about it gives me a sense of fulfillment which I think drives me in a way that is something I never really had beforehand."
"When you think about your motivation right... is the fire coming from a place of fear is the fire coming from a place of love?"
"I think Russ is self-motivated. I think Russ is one of the most motivated players that we've seen in the NBA."
"I feel like there's no necessity driving me."
"Understanding that shaped us as characters, gave us a certain drive."
"Passion is going to be the driver... it has to come from within."
"My optimism is an absolute fuel to my energy. I am so bullish on people."
"The key is to realize their passion, that urgency, that fight that they have."
"What motivates me now is that I hate human waste."
"If you want to be the best in the world, nothing else is going to be on your radar."
"The only thing I had was a vision, you know, that's the only thing I had."
"You're gonna succeed if you want to succeed."
"Gentlemen, you've got to give a damn to make change happen. You've got to want it yourself, you've got to have something that's driving you, you've got to have a why, a force that is pushing you."
"The only way anything gets accomplished, that's all I heard back in those days, you gotta work hard."
"You need to be absolutely driven and semi-selfish."
"I'm really competitive so I push myself at the limit all the time."
"You never take that fire out of a man, you know what I mean? It's like if you take a racing driver out a car for 30 years and you put him back in here, he wants to win the block race next to the bloke next to him."
"Desire and passion can drive us to do great things."
"With Eleanor, there was no sitting around, she was constantly working."
"He was a man possessed... there was just no stopping him..."
"Your power is in your purpose. You must know where you are going and why."
"If it's something that you have to do, feel that you, you know, your desire is such that you have to do it, then that's what you do."
"It's really easy to be motivated either you've got it or you can watch it. It's really hard to execute."
"I want someone who can match my energy, my hustle."
"Do things because you're passionate about it."
"I have visions and it compels me to do these visions."