
Business Efficiency Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Value is the stuff that we make that the customers want. And waste is everything else."
"Inventory turnover is a measure of how efficiently we're collecting our receivables."
"Vertical integration on site may open the door to process efficiencies that could save even more wasted energy, money, and CO2 emissions."
"Efficiency is very important when you're a one-man operation."
"Don't overwhelm your business with a bunch of software, ODU can unify your processes."
"Tremendous efficiency and scale will be achieved."
"The great thing about using FBA is that you could fulfill thousands of orders in a day without even having to employ anyone, because you have Amazon doing everything for you."
"ZipRecruiter finds qualified candidates just for you."
"Big slow corporate sludge is not conducive to good results."
"Granular micromanagement evolves into a greater macroeconomic management."
"Data-driven decision-making improves confidence, proactivity, and efficiency in business outcomes."
"Naturally, the more profit you can earn on fewer assets, the more valuable the company is because it takes less money in order to earn more money."
"Bitcoin lowers the cost of doing business and eliminates the possibility of fraudulent transactions."
"Outsourcing saves you time and gets the client better results."
"We have simplified this process literally to unhandcuff entrepreneurs and salespeople."
"Companies say Jenkins improves their software delivery cycles, making them faster and more performant."
"Automate, eliminate, or delegate tasks in your agency to make your life way better."
"Stamps.com is a no-brainer, saving you time and money. It's no wonder over 700 thousand small businesses already use Stamps.com."
"Every day Precision delivering consistently there's no mumbo jumbo to it it's based on real logic that the Market's going to work off of."
"So there you go, 10 iPhone apps that I use to get way more done for my business and stay ultra-productive."
"Shorten your lines or your customers will shorten them for you."
"It's a win-win as we receive the waste from them for free and they don't have to pay anymore to get rid of their mango waste."
"Digital technologies are making it cheaper, easier, and safer to do business with anyone, anywhere, anytime."
"Shipstation.com is the fastest, easiest, and the most affordable way to manage all of your orders."
"The dream scenario is using one engine across your whole company."
"Stamps.com saves businesses thousands of hours and tons of money every year."
"Efficiency, convenience, these are all going to be sales points."
"Embrace efficiency and continuous improvement."
"Lean Six Sigma achieves faster processes by removing all forms of non-value-added work."
"Let's move fast because that's what people want."
"Instead, if we invest some money in staff and equipment upgrades, the same create of weapons gets made in 7 to 14 minutes and can be sold for $7,000."
"We've got discount codes going on right now. Orders go out within 48 hours, and you get an actual real person on the phone to help you."
"Efficiency, even though we're being sold this as the way to become efficient is to go through a very narrow distribution chain."
"Knowing there's not a single thing you have to do to fill those orders. The work's already been done and now you're just accruing revenue. This, my friend, is the beauty of making passive income..."
"What gets measured gets improved. Until you measure something, you're operating in somewhat of a black box."
"It's truly the Pareto principle, 80% of the business is done by 20% of people."
"So we're making 5 to 10 times a cash flow just on a turn."
"High velocity decision making is key to keeping the energy and dynamism of day one." - Jeff Bezos
"Get two machines for the price of one... versatility to scale your business."
"MasterCard and Visa are simply in a league of their own when it comes to efficiency."
"You don't need an app to connect big cartel with aliexpress, you're literally just copying and pasting."
"With a sales funnel, it's basically autopilot once you set it up."
"Our smart clients handle all of the hard pieces so you can focus on building applications that your users love." - Mike McDonald
"Being able to set up a fully functioning ecommerce store in such a short amount of time is truly exciting."
"Simplicity and efficiency - time is money, right?"
"As you can see, we were able to put together a pretty good order entry system in just about an hour."
"Pivot tables in Excel are a powerful tool for analyzing and summarizing large datasets. They allow you to display data in various ways and easily filter and manipulate it based on different criteria."
"With a sales record of 600 million sales per second, the delivery from Amazon's warehouses needs to be streamlined."
"Tesla's cost control is really, really great right now."
"It's about producing better products and services faster and at lower costs."
"Time is the only commodity that can't be purchased... but if you have something where you can say you're in this truck and it can drive itself and you've got the ability to write invoices... that's a big deal."
"Everybody would like the more reliable contract."
"You must...come through that cutting up, getting two or three boxes, getting a bit of paper, and it's a good turnover."
"Operationally sound, simple, and organized. That's what the retainer gave me."
"Selling one high-ticket product a day is much better than any low-ticket volume."
"Let the private sector do what it does right."
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin
"So if you have something that's cheaper, faster, and better, why wouldn't they use it?"
"Minimize your workflow to optimize growth. Focus on what's worth your time and streamline processes."
"They brought in a high margin gold mine on time and under budget."
"Absolutely fantastic operations on there today."
"We strongly encourage you to focus on categories with the fastest fulfillment times."
"Creating huge efficiency gains for our customers while ensuring that the consumer gets a consistent high-quality product every time."
"Agile is not about being faster. It's about delivering value sooner and in a constant manner."
"They're converting all of their revenue into at least half of it into free cash flow."
"Time is money, especially when you're running a small business."
"Efficiency over tradition: Ripple's role at the foundation of the payment stack."
"Selling in units can move customers through more quickly, keeping everyone happy."
"More jobs will become remote as employers realize it's more efficient."
"Stamps.com is the better way to get postage... they save you time, they save you money."
"Profit means that you're efficiently serving people's needs and preferences. That's all it means."
"A lot of companies are looking to automate tasks, use AI, and build leaner and more efficient teams."
"We really have a major initiative at Tesla to get the average time from a car exiting the factory to receiving the check from the customer... to be as short as possible." - Elon
"Cryptocurrencies and the blockchain provide productivity enhancement and cost-saving opportunities."
"Return on investment is crucial in our business."
"Get clear on what you and only you can do and then start slowly outsourcing and delegating the rest of it."
"Shein could complete a design, make a product, and ship it off in as little as 10 days."
"I think we're actually executing well and getting things done."
"Tesla is already better at making money making vehicles."
"The sooner that we can specialize, the faster that all of our efforts go into one direction and the faster that we actually end up in a position where systems will serve us." - Greg Hickman
"Make more money, work less, not have to work nights and weekends, and not really be a slave to the business, but have a business that serves you." - Greg Hickman
"Keeping a business lean without a lot of overhead... is so important to making a profit."
"Removing the middleman... a great opportunity for really removing the middleman in terms of services and goods."
"We manage four hundred crore projects with only eight people; having an excellent team is crucial for success."
"Tip number seven is to create efficient workflows."
"It's better to not spend time on the phone with a prospect if they're never going to be a client."
"ShipStation is going to save you a lot of time."
"They've cut their cost so much that we actually have like a beautifully cut, like in shape Airbnb with no fat going into this super cycle, which is insane."
"A business is basically an instrument where we get out more than we put in. It's net positive."
"Mule: I do recommend Mule one, two, and three... and I'm very rarely struggling to get things to vendors."
"One click forecasting takes all the stress out of creating forecasts."
"This promises a promise I'm a firm believer in the whole lean philosophy that Paul Akers has been talking about."
"The thesis statement of this video isn't don't sell prints and calendars, it's try to find more efficient ways to sell your prints and calendars."
"You'll slash cycle time, improve your supplier performance, lower your supply chain TCO, and increase success."
"It's really a game changer to have video marketing in your business especially with a tool like that where the templates are done for you, the visuals are beautiful, and it really takes less than 10 minutes to create an amazing video."
"For you non-coders out there, what does this mean for you? Your business on the blockchain can be run easier, cheaper, and more efficiently."
"Loyalty increases by 40 when the transaction is mostly digital."
"Hire well, fire well, learn how to hire people well."
"Cut down on some of that time wasted and money wasted by sharing all of the tools that I use on a daily or at least weekly basis in my online business."
"The more efficient you are running a company, the more you can spend on what is most necessary, in this case, it's quality and creativity."
"The profit motive is the best incentive of all to make sure that businesses get things right."
"I'm glad I purchased this when you first dropped it. Literally made it so simple to add my prices and make copies for my ladies. Thank you, Happy New Year."
"SpaceX's Cadence is insane and expected to get even more insane. Good deal, yeah, the steamroller is working in high capacity."
"You need the right tools to keep your hiring streamlined and efficient."
"Having fewer middlemen and shorter chains can oftentimes enhance resilience and flexibility."
"AI has made my business life a lot easier."
"How to monitor them to automate parts of your business and your workflow."
"Time is what we're most limited on, every hour that you're working your business matters."
"Quality and value for the customer as well as efficiency for the business."
"Every second that you spend with friction in that funnel is costing you business."
"ShipStation can increase your profitability, save time automating your shipping and returns."
"ShipStation has a very easy-to-use dashboard where you can go straight in easily to automate shipping tasks, manage orders from one simple dashboard."
"Our goal to the greatest extent possible is to abstract a lot of the virtual infrastructure from folks so that they can focus on their business logic."
"Keep it simple; reduce it and you will automatically and naturally have much less inventory."
"Repeat clients are the best clients because you don't have to go through the entire onboarding process and they you know how they're going to pay you you know how to communicate with them and it takes away all that other stuff."
"Bringing Booksie into your business and it will give you so much freedom to work on your clients throughout the day."
"A strong brand improves marketing effectiveness and efficiency."
"Time is money; it's all about business automation nowadays if you want to be able to scale in profit successfully."
"If you're not automating things, you're dying. That's just the god honest truth. You can't scale or create if you don't know how to automate."
"Systems and automation are truly the key to scaling your business."
"You can reduce your costs, reduce your overheads, and training costs. You'll get economies of scale, access to high skilled buyers, and ability to focus on your core competencies."
"You're getting better lead time, you're getting longer length of stay, and your longer length of stay is at the same price or better than you were previously getting."
"We're going to allow you to close more deals from social media, turn your social media into a lead gen machine, increase engagement, reach views, and impressions, save you hours trying to do it on your own."
"You end up with a product that you can deliver the next day if you want to and have a quality product."
"Every hour saved is another hour to work on the business rather than in it."
"Automations doesn't have to be only for email marketing; you can use automations for pretty much everything inside of your business."
"The AI capabilities giving us activity suggestions, contact suggestions."
"With their focus on facts and data to drive business decisions, they help businesses work more effectively and efficiently."
"What I'm saying is we can run them right here way faster and let this make the money."
"We want efficiency with our sports card sales."
"The more agile the organization, the more engaged the employee."
"If you can learn how to use apps and staff to automate your store, you can free up your time."
"This is where a business can really work effectively if they have something like this in place."
"We use AI in these chatbots which make them super intelligent and incredibly beneficial to the companies that we work with."
"Everything will be on Shopify, which will make life so much easier for our orders."
"You can manage all your pages in one place, so if you're someone who is a part of a franchise and you have multiple locations or you just have multiple websites where you do business, the Facebook Creator Studio is ideal for you."
"This could help save companies money and make better decisions."
"It's really important we have this collector because when you have to do this yourself, especially on top of multi-threaded software, forget it, you're not spending any time solving the business problem."
"We know that business is all about making things more efficient, and even more productive."
"The most important role of the business analyst is to upgrade efficiency through their strategies."
"If you want to know, in the trans-containers that are coming through Hampton Roads, through our shipping system, that there's no bombs - nuclear bombs - you need some way to detect it and it better be fast, because when you're working with business, time is money."
"Online booking... it's going to save you a lot of time."
"The better information you give Crafty Base, the better output you will get."
"If you hire on any criteria other than competency, you will get less competency."
"It's easier to make one $100 sale than it is to make 100 $1 sales."
"Safe or Scaled Agile Framework is the world's leading framework for scaling agile across the enterprise."
"It's way easier to sell to people who have already bought from you than to sell to people who have never bought from you before."
"The number of headaches per dollar tend to decrease to some extent as the jobs get bigger."
"We really try to focus on process automation, workflow, data visibility for a much better experience."
"This truck starts like 100 times a day and it needs to be reliable, super reliable."
"Every single extra dollar they bring in revenue, 79% of it goes to the bottom line."
"ERP does a lot more than just help you keep records of everything you do; ERP actively helps you manage your two biggest costs: purchasing and production."
"Google Cloud's operating efficiency continues to expand and grow."
"The speed of information that you get from AI is so fast."
"Scale means we put a system in place for our business so that we have to work less and we leverage the system."
"If you shaved 1% off your cost of goods sold, that's major."
"To have freedom, you have to find a business that you can streamline, systemize, and automate."
"Lean's been super important to our business because it makes our lives easier."
"Odoo can help you fully automate your business processes with a cost-effective and modular solution."
"Bobby AI will focus on delivering clear, concise, and efficient messages to help streamline business processes."
"If you want to value your time properly, I would encourage you to go ahead and use a listing software."
"Anything that allows them to just get on with running their business, we figured was going to be a plus."
"The easier it is to run operate the network, the more efficient and profitable the network provider can be."
"We're talking about millions of dollars because actionable messages have made it possible to actually approve those expense reports in a timely manner, much, much faster than before."
"Outsourcing is super important, guys."
"An efficient plan enables the firm to improve the sales turnover, market share, and profitability."
"We don't want to overspend when it comes to this; we want to run lean when it comes to our business, especially if just starting out."
"We have the ability with automation... to understand how business processes operate."
"Lean engineering can enable lean manufacturing and how working with the supply chain can create affordability of our products."
"I make the same amount of money with one event space than somebody who has 15 to 20 units."
"It's better than email by a lot because it just takes one click for the customers to chat with you immediately."
"This improves your time to market."
"It is a web-based management system that employs a control room to execute automated tasks, improving the efficiency of business processes and reducing the need for human labor."
"One of the things we heard loud and clear is the importance of removing friction in how you manage your business."
"A more flexible organization meets customer needs more efficiently."
"Lean production might improve the cash flow of a business."
"Streamlining your operations and having some level of standardization is key to building a more systematic, predictable, scalable business."
"You don't want to be in a business of managing servers and capacity. You want to be focusing on your own core business value proposition."
"AI has revolutionized dropshipping and made it so that you can focus on the more important things like driving traffic."
"Efficiency is measuring the rate of work handled by staff."
"When I wake up in the morning and we had a few orders overnight, and I know that they've automatically found their way into our CRM system and ultimately into our accounting system, and we haven't had to do anything, that's a great feeling."
"I've got systems involved that automate a lot of the processes that means that recently I've actually been able to have a weekend."
"I hope I was able to get you excited about the multiple ways that you can make this task much easier for you and your company."
"Optimization is extremely important."
"That goes back to the hybrid model, everything we've discussed, and really streamlining all those operations is very attractive to business."
"Consumers are more and more demanding, and we need not only to satisfy their requirements but also to ensure that our processes are effective."
"The flexibility and the automation that comes along with it... that's the real game changer."
"If there were secret sauce it would be efficiency and low transaction costs."
"The less work that you make your customers do, the more potential of you making a sale and driving more profit back in your pockets."
"All you have to do is send the invoice, and the rest just happens like magic."
"RPA offers a higher ROI by driving positive returns within quarters as opposed to years."
"It's amazing the difference having a good accountant can make."
"Coca-Cola is clearly the more efficient at turning sales into profits."