
Systemic Risk Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"When the causes that people are behind are more important to them than the system, the system is in jeopardy."
"This could just be the first domino to fall."
"A total lack of confidence in the entire financial system could do it too. It's like what are we not paying attention to that could really wipe out everything."
"That's a real danger to the Integrity of the Judicial System."
"Cryptocurrency is a hedge against systemic risks."
"The world now sees the amount of debt and money Printing and debt Spirals and interest on debt and everything else it's like this is not sustainable."
"I think we're in extremely late innings here, and I think we're gonna probably see something systemic, a systemic break somewhere here maybe within the next two or three months."
"The day of reckoning is coming for the entire economic system."
"There's only so much debt in the system. It's kind of like you're either growing or collapsing."
"Is there something much worse underneath the hood in the plumbing of the financial system that is about to break?"
"Will we permit this system to take us all down with it?"
"And the concern that I have is what if the breakage that we need to worry about is not a financial one, what if it's a societal one?"
"Our entire economy is a house of cards built on a skateboard built balancing on a BOSU ball on the moon on rollerblades."
"This industry was built on the back of the 2008 financial crisis. Look at me in the face and tell me that the world financial system is healthier today in 2024 than it was in 2008."
"So that cuts out a lot of that in that Gap or systemic risk and all these things Fester Bitcoin just kind of closes that Gap."
"The worse one gets, the more destabilized the other ones get and the greater the likelihood of escalation until you just have a system-wide collapse."
"If any bank fails, it's as big of a disaster as a big bank failing."
"Consider the fact that that may lead to a systemic sell-off in the global equity markets."
"Each of these are reaching levels of extremes... and each of these are moving... they've all reached extremes and if any one of them snaps, I think they all kind of start to snap in short order."
"This might be a larger problem for us than the collapse of the financial system."
"Your money is not secure in a centralized system whether it be crypto or Fiat."
"The debt-based economic model is the greatest threat to humankind bar none."
"Germany is preparing for a total banking blackout. They are worried that there's going to be a run on banks."
"Everything's connected, the global financial systems are all connected."
"And if these pigs Nations don't get bailed out then there's massive contagion with some of the banks like Credit Suisse that could blow up and sink the whole thing."
"The Federal Reserve thinks everything is too big to fail and maybe that is a sign that things are actually a whole lot worse than they currently seem."
"We know what fire is. We don't know what systemic is."
"If it's too big to fail or too systemic to fail then it's too big or systemic to exist."
"...it takes out more than just individual organization. It's going to affect an entire industry or economic segment. So that's systemic risks we really have to be aware of those."
"Higher capital standards provide large complex institutions with an incentive to reduce their systemic footprint."
"The more money the private equity firms have, the more they're going to spend buying companies, which means they're going to load it up with more debt, which creates systemic risk for the economy."
"These institutions, at least as they exist today, are in fact too big to fail."
"If the heart and soul of the financial markets fail, well then the stock market's gonna fail, the crypto market's gonna fail, and the housing market's gonna fail."
"The entire economic system is so goddamn fragile."
"Systematic risk is the risk inherent in a financial system."
"We need to really ask ourselves a hard question: is it systemic risk for an entire generation to be lost to student debt?"
"The fundamental idea that our financial system could be much more publicly available is a very powerful idea for this concept of systemic risk."
"We need to understand this because this is an issue of consumer protection, systemic risk, and the protection of our country writ large."
"Sam is just too smart to not realize what a ridiculous inherent systemic risk it was."
"If all of the banks in this particular country used XRP, the systemic risk would actually go down."