
Business Sustainability Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Startups exist to learn how to build a sustainable business."
"We started this wanting to create a 100-year company, a company that's going to be around for a hundred years and feels more strongly about that today than ever before."
"You can't rely on just running ads and having to get new customers just to go on your store and purchase your product."
"Businesses that don't deliver value to their customers go out of business."
"We have to keep these great companies in business because of the workers, frankly for the most part because of the workers."
"Behind the rapid expansion of bulk snack retailers is a sacrifice of profits, which is an unsustainable development model."
"You're never really going to be at huge risk of going out of business delivering journalism to powerful well people who have decision-making ability... they're in need of high-quality information all the time and are willing to pay for it."
"Spacex needs to be self-sufficient. They can't rely on Elon's billions in order to survive. It must become a self-sufficient company if it's going to be successful."
"There's no guarantee that what your business does well with today, that you will continue to do well with that for eternity."
"The ROI of social media ensures that your business will still exist in five years if that's what you want."
"Private label, if you get it going, it's the most sustainable."
"Keep us in business and take care of the people you love."
"Is Amazon even possible to stop from sinking into day two eventually?"
"We all want this amazing fantasy where you build the business and it just sustains and keeps doing its thing, but it doesn't work like that."
"Thank you very, very much to our Patreon supporters. You guys keep us in business."
"Your business is only kept afloat... if you make sales."
"Ideas are much more powerful than some large company that rises and eventually falls because they all eventually do."
"Having a funnel full of high qualified prospects and leads... is really important if you want to stay in business."
"Thank you to our sponsors for helping keeping us going."
"Products are the things that actually create long-term sustainability."
"Transistor came out, and unlike Bastion, within a month, we knew it was going to enable us to make another game."
"We wanna keep the price low enough where anybody and everybody is able to afford it, but it also has to support the things that we do here."
"I think Tesla is actually the only one that's actually doing it profitably consistently."
"You know you can't run a business on free, you know you can't employ black people on free."
"You cannot build long-term scalable businesses by having to force cram and force feed ads in order for your business to survive."
"Why are you worried about that? Xbox Game Pass is very, very sustainable." - Phil Spencer
"You can't build a business on one person's shoulders."
"Overall, it's proven to be a very good sustainable business model."
"100 profit from sales... it just would not be sustainable."
"If those are your three revenue sources like you're screwed, that is not sustainable."
"You need to make sure you have a regular clientele that can sustain your business."
"CN Rail is a business that is continuing to bring in massive amounts of revenue."
"If you haven't got a high returning customer rate then you won't have a long-term business."
"As long as something is um is profitable then then it's good but that doesn't mean it's always going to be that way in fact one thing you can be sure of is it won't always be that way."
"Don't be afraid of hard work that is going to be the only thing that is going to sustain you and your business especially in the beginning."
"What's called the lifetime value of a customer."
"However, you need to be passionate about your designs as well, or you won't be able to stick with your business in the long run."
"These happy customers really are what keep us afloat."
"If the quality is not maintained, that service, that product will not gonna work and you won't be able to sustain in the market."
"Profits by themselves mean nothing without a future."
"Value drives sustainable growth. Be focused on expanding value and you'll be able to keep that growth going up to up into the right."
"The independence of a brand is the most important condition for sustaining it."
"It's going to keep us in business the next three years."
"Our duty is to keep the business successful for generations to come."
"Renewals are a big part of a life insurance agent's business."
"We have to have a business that can sustain every single season and every single fluctuation within the market."
"Without a good menu, you won't be able to pay for the food, the drinks, the staff, the rent, and all your costs."
"Profitability makes sustainability."