
Future Preparedness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We are going to be changing as a society in the years to come, in ways and at paces we're mostly not prepared for."
"The more you take care of yourself, the better position you are to help people in the future or even to help people now."
"I just wanted to start by saying how deeply sorry I am to all of those who lost loved ones... It's important that we learn the lessons so that we can be better prepared in the future."
"Datter's Law says any useful idea about the future should at first seem ridiculous."
"Prepare for disruption, be creative, resourceful, and flexible."
"The battle for your future has begun; only the strong will survive."
"The technology that is now being developed could actually save the world from a much more dangerous virus in the future."
"15% of what we know today is likely to be relevant in five years."
"What happened over the last two years does not need to happen again. We have it within our capabilities to essentially make our world pandemic-proof."
"If future variants continue to weaken, are we likely to need more boosters in the future, or could a vaccine once a year really be enough to protect ourselves?"
"The F-35 is the backbone of the future fighter force."
"It's better for us to make the necessary adjustment now instead of being forced to make these changes later in life."
"It's always good to expand your horizons, that means your learning abilities and look at things that you may not need today but you will need in the future, especially when you have, you know, educated conversations."
"With Vault-Tec's cutting-edge science and technology, you can rest assured that your colony will have the resources to face any challenge."
"Once you take that step to leave, let me tell you this: you will build a muscle in you that will prepare you to protect yourself even better the next time."
"We need to reinforce and rebuild those public health institutions so that this doesn't happen again."
"We should learn from this whole situation in order to avoid repeating those mistakes in the future."
"If we don't learn that lesson we will fail." - Dr. Thomas Frieden
"You've gotta be as open as you can so you can decrease your chances of being plopped into a place in the future where you're gonna freak out and become shell shocked."
"Just heed the messages here and you should be able to get through this and be equipped for that."
"And that's where these investments in the future are really important, not being reactionary and responding to damages and emergencies..."
"Prepare for what is coming. No matter how much we prepare, we can never prepare enough for what is coming."
"The future and the preparations that you make need to have that in mind that the world is really your oyster you are free there are more options around you than your little narcissistic brain could even imagine."
"Once we have a better understanding how a pathogen can evolve how the virus mechanism can change that will help us better counter future threats."
"The timelines will depend entirely on us on our on us on how we embrace the future."
"I hope that like you said once every 10 years I end the webinars like people are like I want a stock pick now and I'm like no no no I give live webinars I'm like what can you do now to be prepared for 2027."
"Don't Fear the Future you got to be a versatile prepper."
"Live in Victory, Yah is reaching out to you to build you up in faith for the Times ahead."
"Sometimes when you have a more challenging childhood, it will finally bear fruit in a positive way. You'll be prepared for many possible challenging events and situations."
"Embrace strategic thinking for your career, don't get caught off guard."
"The challenge now is to prepare ourselves for this era by accepting this essential premise."
"What happens if the same exact scenario plays out again?" - a crucial question about preparedness for future events.
"Revolutionizing safety for an uncertain future."
"You don't have to be afraid of what comes next."
"Have a plan B as a fallback strategy to prevent future problems."
"We have an extraordinary opportunity to ensure America retains its leadership role."
"Learn to be completely self-sustainable; that's what we need moving forward."
"Someday something's going to happen, and you're going to wish that you would put aside five or ten percent of your salary for it."
"What you're learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future."
"I think one of the ways we will know that we have succeeded is when the next crisis comes and unfortunately come it will I think is the history of the world the bank will be able to respond much more swiftly at greater scale to the challenge."
"Be ready for the future, do it now."
"Minimalism can be seen as a realignment of priorities and a preparation for a world when we cannot have everything we need when we want it."
"We should let our expert communities continue to do their jobs while we as lawmakers focus on policies to help prevent the next pandemic and save future lives."
"I want you to be prepared for what's in store."
"We're in for a huge change in society, get used to it, and be prepared."
"We have within ourselves all the knowledge and all the power that we could ever need to handle any situation which comes up in the future."
"How can we best remember what went well this time with a pandemic and make sure we don't repeat the same mistakes in the future?"
"Tomorrow ain't promised to you, so make sure that you got something to fall back on."
"...it's important to think about this because this is not going to be the last pandemic."
"We're gonna learn from those experiences and hopefully we'll get to a better pandemic resiliency position after this."
"I'm financially set. I have a pension coming when I stop working."
"Let people know how to deal with the mistakes in life, and so then the mistakes do not really worry you, and you're not afraid of what's going to happen in the future."
"It's not just about being careful not to get infected; there are several important things to learn to ensure it doesn't happen this way again."
"We all should be curious; we should all want to know, especially if it's likely that another virus could happen in the future."