
Fiscal Responsibility Quotes

There are 346 quotes

"The big question is the supply-demand question because we're going to have to sell a lot of debt."
"Spending money and printing money out of thin air has brought us to this very irresponsible place where we are 34 trillion dollars in debt."
"A simple double-digit boost in productivity and some spending restraint and some sanity, and we can fix this place."
"A trillion dollars of debt added in 100 days...record deficits, no spending restraint by Congress."
"We're supposed to be the party that's going to bring fiscal responsibility."
"Looking at step-up basis is a perfectly appropriate and smart policy."
"We have to be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars that were given to us."
"Every generation should really pay for the things it needs and not hand the bills down to our children and grandchildren."
"We don't have infinite money; we don't have resources to just throw at everything. We really need to ask ourselves where can we do the most good."
"All American presidents love to spend our money. But if you're going to spend it, spend on things that are appropriate."
"The national debt is a problem we need to deal with."
"The debt ceiling is like your credit card limit; it is supposed to be a point to say, 'Okay, look, you've kind of reached your limit, you really need to think about cutting spending and not issuing more debt.'"
"Discipline in spending in defense, capping healthcare costs, and managing Social Security and Medicare payments are crucial."
"It's fiscally responsible because our investments are paid for by making sure that corporations, wealthy Americans pay their fair share."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns of 'absolutely catastrophic hit to the economic recovery this summer if U.S. can't pay its bills on time.'"
"Experiencing firsthand the high human cost of war caused me to recognize the cost of war in two fundamental ways: number one is the high human cost of war on our troops and on the people in the country where this war was being waged, and also the cost on American taxpayers."
"The stadium may be seen by some as a white elephant for taxpayers, but to the new owners of West Ham, it's more like a gift horse."
"We're 33 trillion dollars in debt for one reason... we're doing it wrong."
"We’ve got to make sure that we reduce our deficit."
"Study after study shows that Democratic Leadership equals growth and lower deficits and progress for working families."
"Democrats do much better getting the deficit down, they've done much better getting the debt down and really we're making Investments so the debt we're taking on are good Investments that will produce yields in the future."
"It's not enough to give speeches; we must embrace fiscal responsibility."
"For all his faults... he doesn't think Social Security or Medicare should be considered when talking about the debt ceiling."
"A president of the United States has to confront every crisis facing America. I will put our nation back on the path to growth and prosperity and restore fiscal responsibility."
"If President Trump wants to win a second term I would suggest that we start talking in serious fashion about those deficits at some point that the burden comes due."
"How dare you send that type of money overseas when it could've been used in underserved communities."
"Let's just be very careful about our framing there's the us treasury which issues bonds and raises capital on behalf of the us government for spending programs then there's the central bank."
"You can't keep bailing out firms... ultimately people have to pay for that."
"Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt."
"Every single year, we balanced the budget. We didn't see each other as Republicans or Democrats."
"It's very important that corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share."
"We have to get back on the path to balance... even a 15-year path is better than never ever balancing."
"Borrowing money from your kids and grandkids without putting any forethought into what you're spending is a terrible business plan."
"Are you saying I don't understand why you all want us to write checks that our kids won't be able to cash? Because it's very silly."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"We have a government problem. They've got to stop taking our money, stop spending our money, stop helping us enforce the law."
"It's time to remind politicians that these offices belong to the people and also that the budget ought to be balanced. You don't get to live off the paychecks of the future."
"Thomas Jefferson said it's immoral to pass debt on... to the next generation."
"We need new ideas on the left and the right. The virus has exposed that - on the right, we have to start talking about fiscal responsibility or we're not going to be able to deal with these emergencies in the future."
"Show me the money that we're actually spending. We've seen lots of bills come through, but they all go unfunded."
"You can't ask that generation to pay for the care of a generation who've not contributed through the tax system that isn't right."
"Having good finances is important, but few understand just how destructive being fiscally irresponsible can actually be."
"So when they come to you and talk about big spenders, let them know... almost two trillion dollars in deficit reduction. I don't want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. We're changing people's lives."
"Under my plan, I made this commitment in the beginning. Nothing's changed. No one making less than four hundred thousand dollars, you will pay a single solitary penny more in federal taxes. Nobody."
"I've never been so smitten with a woman before."
"The debt ceiling is a symptom of Washington's spending problem."
"Let's make sure we're paying our debts and talking about how we can make reforms."
"Our job is to make sure we deliver affordability, that we've got enough in the bank for a rainy day, and that we outperform other like states. Those are our obsessions right now."
"As your president when they send me a bloating spending bill that's going to cause your prices to go up I'm going to take out this veto pen and I'm going to send it right back to them."
"God one can hope I mean one can hope these Banks get responsible and it becomes a closet tightening which would be great news."
"Get off that number, stop with tax and spend, this is about investing in a country that needs investment urgently."
"We're running a five billion dollar surplus."
"It's not social spending that's causing the federal deficit to soar; it's Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy." - Robert Reich
"Imagine if we spent all that money just on people here in America."
"I am effectively ending the practice of draining public coffers to spend on allowances for useless activities."
"We need to stop being so fearful of telling the truth about the debt and deficits because if we don't grow up and take this head on, it's going to take our head off."
"Let's set party interests aside and work to pass a budget that replaces reckless cuts with smart savings."
"Consistently overspending your income is a sure path to misery." - Charlie Munger
"America must pay its bills on time and in full."
"We ought to First secure our own border uh be concerned about our own citizens our own Homeland before we spend $60 billion dollar to fuel a bloody stalemate."
"You're completely removing any and all industrial liquidity, so when it leaves, it actually leaves the ecosystem. It is a one-way ticket."
"Estonia has public health, education, roads, and public transportation, all with a public debt of only 8.4% of GDP."
"If you use deficit spending, debt-fueled investment properly, correctly—that is the obviously good thing to do."
"The rub: They don't want to bail out states that have mismanaged their money."
"If Ron DeSantis gets rid of Disney World's special district privileges for opposition of his 'don't say gay' bill, then the Florida taxpayers would have to foot the bill for DeSantis's petty tyranny."
"The Trump Administration definitely could have done better on spending by a lot."
"The president believes billionaires should pay their fair share."
"Kudos to the Magic for not overpaying Nikolayevich."
"Inflation is the economic equivalent of sugar, countries print it when they want short-term wealth, but it just destroys an economy in the long term."
"We need to pass the budget on time, that's by September 30th."
"It is incumbent upon you to find ways to protect your wealth."
"Our reckless spending is a contributing factor to our inflation."
"Congress will never balance the budget unless you force them to do so."
"Now the priority is this government should start right away by fixing the fiscal problems to secure the money of the people."
"We can go on letting the country slip over the brink of financial ruin or find the will to work together to restore confidence."
"We pay for what we are proposing unlike the President of the United States."
"It's honest, it's fiscally responsible, and by the way as the experts will tell you it reduces the debt, the federal debt over the long haul."
"It really is a false narrative that it is somehow compassionate to spend somebody else's money."
"We can't continue to spend more than we make."
"I don't care about no stormy Daniels I don't care about no hos no prostitutes no slots or no tramps what I care about is how Congress is wasting our money."
"The answer is not more work, the answer is proper usage of our taxpayer money."
"How about we have some accountability for what's happening with this money and who these weapons are going to?"
"We'll be paying more on the interest of the debt than on our defense budget."
"We can't be spending money on extra stuff. We just can't."
"It's immoral to borrow from the next generation."
"The bottom line is we cannot afford to default... we will pay our debts and then we have the budget process and the appropriation process..."
"It really feels good to have repaid the US taxpayer."
"There's a wrong way to do it and a right way to do it. The right way to do it is to cut spending so that you balance the budget so that you actually become a smaller burden on your economy."
"It really was just a mess and and and if we find ourselves in this scenario again hopefully congress can you know put in some guard rails to make sure that money goes where it needs to go."
"There's nothing fiscally conservative about breaching the debt limit...it would be profoundly unpatriotic and Un-American."
"Enough is enough. You will not spend another dime. You will not put us in hawk."
"Republicans' whole pitch is responsibility. Democrats? 'Vote for me, I'll give you free money.'"
"We have a duty in article one to use the power of the purse responsibly."
"Georgians deserve to know where their federal tax dollars are going."
"You may be enjoying your stimulus checks right now, but on the back end and every single day after that, you're going to pay for it."
"Should we even be spending money that we have already been planning to spend?"
"We need to cut spending and start living off of money instead of just credit."
"The question on the table isn't can we do too much, the question on the table is can we afford to do too little."
"So, I've done a lot of good things that I feel like we've accomplished, you know, but, and I still have to sell, figure out time to sell some to pay for my taxes that are due the rest of this year, um, for this year's gain."
"Tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary income. Take that corporate tax rate up to 28% and you would generate the revenues you need to pay for the programs we're talking about."
"We need to make sure that we're good stewards of the taxpayers money."
"We did that without cutting healthcare or education."
"There are really sensible ways of doing this. It's called paying your taxes."
"Lifting the debt ceiling doesn't cost any money. It doesn't add any debt. It merely allows the government to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up."
"The less of my money the government is prepared to waste the better."
"Ultimately, the Democratic Party is selling out the American taxpayer, ultimately Joe Biden is selling out the responsible productive individual out there who paid off their own student loan."
"Our crippling national debt is an attack on future generations."
"Failure to fix Washington DC spending today will mean our children will have to live at lesser standards."
"Causes them to then start looking and saying well where is money being spent."
"Not competing every single year, not spending more time in a deficit than in a surplus is very, very important."
"We're gonna have to stay on top of every dollar spent through the American Rescue Plan and that's what we're going to do. We can do this, we will do this."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"This budget is a clear roadmap for a more fiscally responsible future."
"How is it possible that 55 of the largest corporations in this country paid zero dollars in federal income taxes?"
"Big corporations and super wealthy have to start paying their fair share of taxes."
"We're not going to raise taxes on anyone making under 400,000."
"My plan is paid for, it's fiscally responsible."
"The child tax credit must be robustly funded as part of any tax agreement."
"Raising the debt ceiling does not authorize more spending. It simply allows the country to pay for spending that Congress has already committed to."
"Government is the only institution that can get away with giving themselves a raise when they fail."
"You can't tax into prosperity and you can never borrow your way out of debt."
"Republicans and Democrats can't claim fiscal responsibility anymore."
"Physical metal primarily, as insurance against reckless fiscal and monetary policy. It's just insurance."
"We want to get back to balanced budgets so we can put that money back into services and find new ways to lower your taxes."
"Don't spend money on stuff we already know doesn't work."
"Let's be serious, let's be fiscally responsible, let's balance that budget."
"Nobody likes squandering their taxpayer dollars."
"Pay yourself first, get off the wheel, that's very good advice."
"When you run these huge deficits, what's the return that we've gotten on this enormous increase in our national debt?"
"Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget and I will tell you what you value." - White House Press Secretary
"Spend within your means, spend within your budget."
"A central bank can pursue sound monetary policy when the fiscal house is in order."
"Promising big checks for the future does not mean that a strain the very real squeeze on some government departments will suddenly disappear."
"Nothing in the Senate has shocked me until today. Standing in the way of a critically needed rescue package is irresponsible and reckless." - Mitt Romney
"Fix the spending problem first and then tax later as needed."
"Not having that emergency fund is an emergency."
"You don't get government for nothing. If you cut taxes but you don't cut government, how do you pay for that government?"
"We should be borrowing from the things that are actually safe in order to spend where we need to be more careful."
"This is to the audience: spending within a budget. Debt. Retirement. Emergency fund. Real estate."
"If we continue at this pace, by 2026 our national debt will be 45 trillion dollars, and our gross domestic product would be at 27 trillion."
"If the US taxpayer isn't outraged at what the government's been doing now for years already then this might be something that helps them wake up to what's been going on."
"People in Pennsylvania understand the value of a million dollars or a billion dollars and they want to know how it's being spent in Washington DC."
"There has to be money put back in that grid."
"We're going to fight our $34 trillion national debt crisis as well; this shouldn't be controversial, this is common sense."
"We actually need to have a conversation about where do we spend money well, compared to where do we just spend money and feel virtuous about ourselves."
"We believe in saving taxpayer dollars while producing greater results for our workers."
"Budgets don't balance themselves; record government spending leads to record inflation and soaring interest rates."
"The costs and consequences to this failed war on drugs is so vast and far-reaching socially and fiscally that if we take these necessary steps we'll be able to solve a lot of other problems that we're dealing with in this country." - Tulsi Gabbard
"Question everything about where our money is going when we're at 31 trillion dollars in debt. That's a big problem."
"You shouldn't be hoping to get money back in taxes, what you should be doing is making sure that at the end of the year you're paying nothing in taxes."
"We have so much going on here to fix, imagine if all the millions of dollars that went towards looking for aliens went towards solving Earth's problems."
"Each dollar you see on the national debt clock is a stolen dollar, stolen from hard-working people."
"So far we have two trillion in funding that disappeared too awfully quickly."
"This isn't like some accounting trick where I went out and spent a bunch of money to show you that I'm actually operating at a loss. I have not been spending money unnecessarily in any way."
"It's hard for me to validate expensive federal operations in the face of these kinds of local starvation problems."
"We write unlimited blank checks for war. We just wrote a two trillion dollar check for that GOP tax cut, and nobody asks those folks how they're going to pay for it."
"We've been on a 20-year monetary Sugar High not caring about the Next Generation."
"The debt and deficits, they matter again in a big way."
"Democrats want to give you something for nothing. And when you try and get something for nothing, you almost always end up getting nothing for something. That was his philosophy. And that is my philosophy."
"We want to have a smaller government that will spend in their jurisdiction and let provinces deal with their own responsibility."
"You cannot achieve anything unless you have fiscal sanity, unless you have a tight budgetary policy."
"Whatever the numbers are, people's tax money is going into programs meant to deal with an issue, the issue isn't being dealt with."
"Try to keep your credit usage optimally under 30%."
"I won't support a 3.5 trillion dollar bill or anywhere near that level of additional spending without greater clarity."
"He proposes that they abolish the city council as it is using up a lot of money."
"Local governments, saddled with towering debts, will inevitably have to cut expenditure or divert funds from growth-promoting projects to continue repaying the debts."
"It's time for a new generation of leadership to ReDiscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border, and strengthen our country, our pride, and our purpose."
"Why spend money fighting problems instead of solving them?"
"Our debt has already grown way faster than our GDP."
"We've got to do the cost benefit analysis because if you're taking money from people like me, that means you better spend it in a way that's going to produce a lot more jobs than I can."
"An emergency fund is a great way to start off being fiscally responsible."
"I don't believe America can afford that now."
"Janet Yellen says if we don't end up raising the debt ceiling, we could literally go into economic calamity."
"It's not just about how much spending you're willing to commit to; it's also about how that spending will be used."
"You bankrupt future generations, you bankrupt this country, you blow up the economy. There's your great reset."
"Donald Trump said when he ran in 2016, 'I will balance the budget in four years.' He left with the largest deficit of any president."
"Government retirement plans for the future are hugely underfunded."
"In 1835, Jackson became the only President in American history to pay off the national debt."
"Just a lot of things, just with this boondoggle alone, you could have solved homelessness several times over."
"When governments run serious economic policies... that's what it's going to take."
"Inflation fundamentally came from fiscal policy... surprise surprise we've got inflation."
"Republicans passed legislation that added two trillion dollars to the deficit using reconciliation. This Senate Democratic-led Senate has passed a bill that does all of the above and still reduces the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars."
"Our debt is too big, our government is too big, and we have to recognize how serious the problem is today."
"Families have to live checkbook to checkbook. Congress should have to do the same thing."
"I don't look at paying taxes as a negative thing... I believe in helping people who haven't figured out the financial piece yet."
"We as members of Congress have the responsibility to make sure that our taxpayer dollars are spent wisely."
"Nobody can look at our broken balance sheet, our unsustainable spending, and the debt that is now 33 trillion and climbing... and not shudder at the irreparable harm and the catastrophic consequences."
"There's nothing less conservative than reneging on your debt or shutting down the government."
"Labour's got to stake its claim... to fixing public services... Labour does costed principled plans to fund public services."
"Nations that neglect their fiscal health often face economic calamity and social upheaval."
"It's not that deficits don't matter. It's that they don't until they do."
"Failing at our climate responsibilities is immoral but it is also irresponsible fiscally."
"What I proposed was that about two trillion dollars over 10 to 12 years is reduction in spending. You know, government wastes just like every other major institution does and so there are things that we do that we can afford not to do now."
"Our plan tackles the budget deficit seriously and over the long term."
"I was worried about our fiscal situation 12 years ago, and frankly, the period since then has been worse than I ever imagined."
"So the governments are doing very strange things and very fiscally responsible things."
"So my Amendment would do this. My Amendment would reduce the spending in real terms. We'd actually spend less money next year than last year."
"Perot is the only guy who gave hints about solving the deficit problem."
"Don't spend more money than you have each year."
"Let's stop running deficits, let's get the budget balanced."