
Millionaire Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I'm a real estate millionaire and things are really changing in the economy."
"90% of all millionaires made it in real estate."
"The statistical average of a millionaire in America today is 52. On average, it took them 17 years to get there from the time they got their crap together and started working on it."
"We're well on our way to becoming a millionaire."
"Richard Branson, you're either going to become a millionaire or go to jail."
"Most millionaires never earned more than a hundred thousand dollars a year in their entire life and the majority of them made their millions in real estate."
"If you work this thing right, you're going to be a millionaire before you turn 40."
"I became a millionaire by running a number of personal apps."
"It's entirely possible to call yourself a millionaire exactly 10 years from today."
"Becoming a millionaire is entirely possible by just passively investing in low fee index funds."
"You can be a multi-millionaire on YouTube, and thousands of creators are doing it right now."
"Activating the conscious millionaire within you is not something that's chosen for some people and not for others. It's a choice that you get to make deeply within yourself."
"If you have 100 million, then only you are a millionaire."
"No one in this room wants to be a millionaire, it's not the money you want, it's control."
"Every millionaire I know wants to be a cowboy."
"How do you achieve financial freedom and what health creation habits would actually make you a millionaire?"
"Can I become a millionaire from trading?"
"I've been investing for over a decade now and I became a millionaire officially this year at 36 years old and I've used over a dozen different investing Services personally and I've read over 40 personal finance and investing books."
"How I manifested being a millionaire was knowing that it was going to happen."
"Alfred Lee Lumis was a millionaire scientist who helped win World War II for America."
"I have never met a millionaire who cannot tell me where they spent the hundred dollars at."
"Arnold Rothstein had become a millionaire by the time he turned 30 in 1912."
"So if you want to be a millionaire, do what millionaires did."
"Before I became a multimillionaire, I already knew how to think as a multimillionaire."
"You do not have to be a genius to become a millionaire. You mainly have to have discipline."
"Baby Steps Millionaires is about people that became millionaires following our baby steps."
"97% of millionaires believe it's possible to become a millionaire in America."
"Millionaires don't ask should I do this or that. Millionaires ask how can I do this and that."
"Set a goal to be a millionaire for what it will make of you to achieve it."
"Let's all be millionaires instead. Being a millionaire is not about Ferraris, it's about the people we love, the causes we care about, financial security, accomplishing our mission, leaving a legacy, and leaving the world better than we found it."
"Does this stock have the potential to make Jon a multi-millionaire? The short answer is yes."
"Steve was just pretending to be a millionaire Joyce, 'cause I paid him to."
"Maybe someday I'll become a millionaire and I can buy the rights back to the show."
"I'm officially a millionaire in this game."
"A millionaire is someone with a 1 million dollar net worth there is no other definition."
"You're legit sitting next to a millionaire now."
"I became a millionaire by working as a real estate agent."
"The average millionaire has failed nine times at business before they were successful."
"I mean I retired at 28 I was a millionaire like sold my business retired at 28."
"Learning about real estate could make you a millionaire easily."
"He was literally like 17 years old... by the time he was... he was already a multi-millionaire. Now, this is back in the 60s."
"Once I break even, once I hit that milestone, how many cookies do I need to sell to become a cookie millionaire?"
"If every one of you high school students would save 100 a month, you could be a millionaire."
"Remember, any one of these millionaires could be the thief, so stay alert."
"Investing is the most efficient way for you to build wealth over time because no amount of saving will help you to become a millionaire in this lifetime."
"Tonight we will give someone the chance of a lifetime to become an instant millionaire, a dream come true, and all they have to do is be able to answer one simple question, and that question is: Deal or No Deal?"
"If you invest $400 a month and get a 7% return, you will be a millionaire in 40 years."
"I admit, becoming a millionaire is no easy task; however, I believe without a shadow of a doubt that with the right plan, it's absolutely possible."
"Putting away six thousand dollars a month, you can become a millionaire in less than 10 years."
"Research says that if you make your bed each morning, you are 206% more likely to become a millionaire."
"A true millionaire mindset never settles."
"Being a millionaire does not mean that you make a million dollars a year; it actually means that your net worth is a million dollars."
"If you can invest $100 a month and you can get a 10% average return on your money, and you do this for 46 years, you will retire with over $1 million in your investment account."
"75% of the millionaires in the studies said that consistent investing was what allowed them to become a millionaire in their lifetime."
"On the night of January 12th, 2003, 85-year-old millionaire Anime Branson heard a knock at the front door of her home in Madisonville, Kentucky."
"You can be a millionaire and have no money whatsoever, you can have everything in shares or in houses or cars, and you are still a millionaire."
"I made my first million dollars at 29."
"If you invest five, six, seven hundred dollars per month, you will be a millionaire over the course of 30 years by investing in something like that historically."
"Who's gonna make it to the hot seat? Will we have our first millionaire? We can't wait to find out."
"Welcome to night 16 of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire."
"Are you ready to become America's newest youngest 23-year-old millionaire?"
"You have a one in five chance at being a millionaire."
"We're going to take two years, possibly three years, and really full throttle down on the savings, go over the seven-figure mark, and then we'll be the millionaire educator."
"If you got a vision and don't nobody in your family understand your vision... then chances are you will be a millionaire."
"Even if I was to become a millionaire tomorrow, I think I would still be looking for deals and I would still look at price tags."
"They think about how to become a millionaire and I have no doubt that they are going to do it."
"If you're not familiar with the secret, this is a secret that could win you a million dollars on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire."
"Set big goals. This used to be a goal of mine to make 1 million dollars a year."