
Personal Skills Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"You can be brilliant at hacking computers or whatever, but if you're terrible with people, your life is going to be hell."
"The greatest battle of the individual must be with inner forces, that is, with his or her moral failings."
"Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty, and it is within the grasp of any person to become a master at this game."
"There's something very important that I've learned how to do over time. Do you know what that is? How to pretend."
"Luckily, I have good blocking skills, I blocked your attack."
"The success of the show can be attributed to her ability to connect with her audience."
"I'm not Bob Ross but I'll tell you right now now I can draw real good."
"I have like five routers laying around, but for the neck pocket, I'm using a chisel for some reason, mostly cuz I'm cool and I know how to use a chisel."
"Short-range combat: He's got an up-close and personal combat style."
"I feel like man just barely but it's the critical thinking skills..."
"You definitely had a talent for it and you were like right in the mix."
"Intuitive means that it came naturally for me. It's something that was already within me and it came out."
"Your ability to win other people's attention will be a direct reflection of your ability to earn significantly more money."
"Maymay maximized her body strength to not be held down by her curse technique."
"You need this sixth sense for business, relationships, and leadership."
"I know I'm pretty freakin' good at zombies, you don't have to remind me."
"But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I've acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
"You have a knack for coming up with creative ideas and turning them into something real."
"He's great at expressing himself and that's something he knows he can explain just about anything very very clearly."
"He possessed a great gift for self-promotion and could speak to people with great confidence."
"Everybody has a skill, everybody's good at something. Right? I figured out my skill was fighting."
"Have confidence in what you can do do what you think and what it is that you manifest you have those skills otherwise this wouldn't be here."
"I don't ever come on YouTube and pretend to be a great makeup artist."
"He's willing to do that, and that is where he's really useful."
"That martial arts background, born and bred for combat, describes him perfectly."
"10 15 20 of them may really suck but you haven't been arrested for anything before you didn't even pull the trigger you don't have a violent history and you know what you have a skill set with the state of Texas would love to use."
"Whether you're a man or a woman, you'll be seen as more beautiful if you can create beautiful things."
"Tell a story to illustrate your skills; substance beneath the buzzwords."
"Organization is important, adaptability too."
"Learning to say no is a great skill in everything you do in life."
"I may be a terrible postman, but I'm a brilliant party planner!"
"Anyone who's really buff tends to be good in other areas too."
"Confidence is the ability to move, in my opinion, from thought to action."
"You actually know how to multitask better than anybody I've ever met."
"It’s good to have shared interests, but it’s also good to have skills and strengths that cover over each other’s weaknesses."
"Humans on the other hand are usually very adaptable."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] how good you are at your job, they care that you're enjoyable to be around while you do it."
"That was intense, Darren has some good timing with gravity."
"You either have to balance being really good at keeping them separate, or you have to sacrifice."
"Authenticity is the greatest skill that you can have."
"None of that appears to be a chore for him. It happens in a very natural way."
"Once you learn that you can make people laugh, it's like a superpower."
"So, it's not our abilities, yeah, it's not our giftings that got us here. It's the fact that we weren't playing charades."
"So much love sent your way for shorts, you're pretty good at it, Austin. In fairness, like music, but you're pretty good at that thing you do."
"I've always been better at expressing myself, writing it down."
"I think I'm just good at wrangling all the work, really."
"You should be proud of your ability to... be able to be in front of a camera at any time in any circumstance and Thrive like that."
"People are definitely gonna love my organizational skills."
"You're someone who would be excellent in any kind of conflict or argument."
"Wonderful communication skills at this time."
"You gotta be a bit of everything, you know? And whatever you do, you gotta be good at it."
"Think about the skills you want to showcase and the design aesthetic you want to showcase the most."
"He was a strong swimmer, keen scuba diver, and qualified lifeguard."
"Edie is very good with art, cooking, baking..."
"I'm really good at multitasking, actually I'm pretty bad at single tasking."
"His quality in those areas is absolutely brilliant."
"You have creative abilities to get out of unwanted situations."
"I'm not gonna lie I'm really garbage at building."
"It's one thing to go fast, it's another thing to be able to slow down as well."
"The only thing that he's better at than fighting is being a father."
"If you're going to play heads up... you gotta just have like extremely good emotional control."
"I can operate a Sally quantity, Lance Palma Lamborghini."
"I've got a soft spot for the disarmer because it's been my finisher for most of my big matches."
"I have aptitudes for three of them, and that's generally considered pretty rare."
"Leadership has always come naturally to me, but being a boss doesn't."
"You got all the moves in the world, but it means nothing if you don't play on a team, kid."
"Everybody has a skill set that they can tap into."
"If I had half your skills, I'd be the greatest outlaw the coast has ever seen."
"I'm not better than everybody else, I'm just a little better at things."
"Use your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities to be successful."
"If you have a skill set in the creative department that separates you from the next man, double down on that [__]."
"Virgos are [ __ ] good at everything... they are hard workers."
"Having unshakable confidence in your skills just means having your opponent."
"You are attracting a lot of opportunities towards you because of the way you operate because of the way that you work because of your skills."
"He was not just an athlete, that dude had game."
"I never cared. It was that simple. I knew guys was good at what they did. I knew I was good and solid at the way I passed..."
"That's one thing that I got, that's one skill that I'm good at, like planning."
"15% of your success in life will be determined by your skills, but 85% of your success in life will be determined by your interpersonal people skills."
"Having the ability to quickly judge for oneself is a must for sorcerers."
"Your ability to navigate the truth is what comes in clutch."
"Being a youtuber a good youtuber is being able to hold a really good conversation with yourself oh I'm good at that see oh I'm good at that I think we all are that's literally what we do as a youtuber exactly."
"An individual speed and strength should manner as much as their precision and skill."
"I am a highly trained martial artist and I absolutely TSD."
"I'm a great [] and I am very good at eating []."
"Do you guys genuinely think I'm good at outrage or bad because I need to know like..."
"He's a great negotiator because he loves winning and he controls himself till he can put the squeeze on."
"But the thing is there are some things that I can do well and one of those motivate and encourage."
"Look at all these talents you have, Gerald: the chef, the economist, the trend forecaster, the gardener."
"Just put this out there by the way Jimmy taught me how to do donuts which I think is pretty freaking cool."
"Certain risks aren't actually a risk if you know who you are and what your skills are."
"The most underrated skill is emotional management. Personal emotional management."
"A particular gift or skill that you have that you might not have been aware of."
"Every player has a 'think on my feet' dial, but some shine in text-based roleplay."
"Your inner personal skills translate over paper... character matters the most."
"If you're using this in your interview, I would play up your ability to work in a team."
"You are God's gift sent to me, a divine image with a unique personality and skills and faculties."
"Personal skills play a crucial role making fields like sales, marketing, and teaching viable options."
"It's going to change your life forever; it's to do with your own skill but also with those things that are really unique to you."
"Everyone can do well in the stock market; you have the skills, you have the intelligence."
"I was really good on the computer, really good talking to people, a good problem solver."
"Don't underestimate the value of your innate skills."
"I speak English fluently and then German pretty well, like highly proficient, same with Korean."
"Developing independence skills for time management."
"You said my cook was garbage... Screw you, man. Your math is good, Jesse. As good as mine."
"The real tool is not the tool that you buy; the tool is right here."
"85% of the financial success is due to your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead."
"You're probably really good at a few things, right, so in work, business, but all areas of your life, I would focus on what you're good at."