
Astrophysics Quotes

There are 983 quotes

"The general expectation is that these black holes happen when a star dies."
"Quantum tunneling... the reason our Sun shines is thanks to quantum tunneling."
"It's the kind of numbers that make even us astrophysicists that deal with big numbers every day just stop in our tracks."
"Hawking radiation... a quantum fluctuation near the horizon of a black hole produces a particle and its anti-particle."
"The universe is always increasing at a rate that's getting faster and faster."
"Dark energy and dark matter are two of the biggest enigmas in modern astrophysics."
"The universe is still expanding... but within pockets in space, there are local motions where galaxies come together."
"Dark Matter makes up about 85% of the mass in the universe."
"Either the astrophysics we have today is wrong, or perhaps the cosmology is not completely right."
"The widespread presence of nanometer-sized dust grains in the interstellar medium of galaxies."
"Dark matter...there must be some new invisible particles out there, or else something else that we don't yet understand."
"The discovery of cosmic acceleration and the measurement of that acceleration... is in my opinion one of the greatest triumphs of general relativity ever."
"Sir Bernard Lovell has calculated that there must be about 100 million stars which have planets of the right chemistry, dimensions, and temperature to support organic evolution."
"A type 2 civilization being capable of using and channeling the entire radiation output of a star."
"LIGO's detection of gravitational waves was another confirmation of Einstein's theory, yet future deviations could usher in new physics beyond his general theory of relativity."
"The cosmic speed limit, the speed of light, is so diminutive compared to a galaxy that any aspirations we might harbor for galactic exploration or even just communication seem impossible, at least within human lifetimes."
"Wormholes are theorized to be shortcuts, tunnels connecting distant regions in the universe."
"Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time. Space-time is incredibly dense, so to cause ripples, you have to have some sort of object that has enormous gravity, like a black hole or a neutron star."
"The modern conception of black holes began in 1950... it took many years before the properties of black holes were properly understood."
"A black hole is a region of space and time in which once you go inside the black hole, you can never escape."
"The final black hole that is created is specified by two numbers: its mass and its spin."
"Scientists have deduced the dark universe indirectly by its effect on the universe that we can see."
"Black holes are the most fascinating and mysterious objects in the universe, pockets of space and time which exist outside the laws of nature."
"The whole idea that you can have this information printed on the exterior of the black hole is what started the whole holographic principle."
"The only thing that can stop time is a black hole."
"The greatest gift that modern astrophysics has given civilization is the revelation that we are not just poetically, but literally stardust."
"In a world where so few of us have time to contemplate the cosmos, Tyson brings the universe down-to-earth succinctly and clearly, with sparkling wit in tasty chapters consumable anytime, anywhere in your busy day."
"You motivated me to get back on track and study astrophysics."
"Active galactic nuclei can easily create massive amounts of water and also various organic compounds, compounds that are necessary for life to begin anywhere in the universe."
"Astrophysicists know that the claims [of Electric Universe] are ridiculous, but if the viewer is conspiracy-minded... that’s all it takes for them to reject the consensus of astrophysics."
"The deeper you get into astrophysics, you realize that the universe is massive. It's just incredibly large. You don't even understand how large it is."
"The relationship between the radius and the mass of a black hole is very simple... and tells us something deep about the nature of gravity."
"Black holes are one of the most mind-boggling aspects of space."
"Scientists theorise a black hole’s true form is probably even smaller and denser than a neutron star."
"One of the biggest mysteries in the entirety of astrophysics is how do supermassive black holes form and then grow to be so super massive."
"The fact that this black hole is somewhere around, if not larger than the amount of mass in stars in the galaxy, suggests that it was the one that formed first and then the galaxy of stars around it, probably as a direct collapse black hole."
"This means that if anything, including light, gets close enough to a black hole, there is no escaping its gravitational pull."
"He's also really into astrophysics, apparently."
"Can you just imagine going back in time and a half billion years? It boggles your mind, even as a professional astrophysicist, just to think about all the new things we're going to learn about our most beautiful universe."
"Stars shine because gravity crushes matter into their cores, the energy released pushes outward and balances the inward force of gravity."
"Understanding gravity has huge implications for how we understand how the universe was formed, how it's evolving, and what it's made of."
"Understanding the relationship between black holes and star creation deepens our knowledge of the universe."
"Dark matter could be responsible for major parts of the formation of the universe."
"The universe itself has no center and everything within it is actually moving away from everything else."
"Supernova 1987A showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the massive iron core of a very massive star collapsed and formed a neutron star, because in that process, a lot of neutrinos should be emitted."
"Gamma rays are the most powerful form of light known in the universe."
"Supernova are not just fascinating Cosmic phenomena they play a crucial role in shaping the universe"
"Supernova explosions are powerful events that can have far-reaching consequences"
"Studying Supernova is not only about understanding the spectacular events but also about understanding our place in the universe"
"The evaporation time is proportional to the cube of the mass of the black hole."
"The sun is reliably protected from high-energy cosmic particles rushing from the center of the galaxy."
"Gravity is ultimately all that matters since one way or another the byproducts of star creation will be drawn together by gravity to create planets."
"She discovered dark matter in galaxies so that sort of brought dark matter home in a way that was like whoa this stuff is not just exotic at the edges of the universe it's in our face and we just named a telescope after her."
"Can a star come back to life after it's already passed through an evolved state? Yes, sort of."
"This result took the astrophysical community by storm."
"When the gravity's too strong I break apart into smaller clouds, each cloud is a star's beginning, in which I am very proud."
"I'm next in the line for the heavyweight championship of the world."
"Recession velocities of galaxies suggest a particular age for the universe."
"HD140283 is considered one of the oldest stars in the universe known to science today."
"We're moving into a period of a new solar cycle, the Earth's magnetic asthmatosphere is weakening, and we're entering a Zone in the Galaxy where we're in direct line of fire with particles and waves that we normally don't get hit by."
"The universe is continually expanding, a growing field of energy and information."
"So, let's get back to the science and first let's check about how you calculate when the switch between neutron star and black hole happens."
"Together, two of these windows, the EHT and LIGO, which reported the first detection of gravitational waves a short three years ago, have verified another key prediction of Einstein's theory of gravity."
"Jane Foster... one of the world's greatest experts in astrophysics."
"Hyperion just sort of wobbles...Hyperion is really a quantum system."
"All of the stars throughout the cosmos have fusion happening at their heart."
"Every atom in our bodies was once inside a star that exploded."
"This image forges a clear link between supermassive black holes and the engines of bright galaxies."
"The universe is finely tuned... had they been any different this universe would not exist."
"The shuttering of neutron star shells releases loads of heavier elements which were fused by the star that came before it."
"We may have just spotted for the first time a long theorized astrophysical catastrophe, one that may have birthed a new black hole and created half the Earth's mass in gold."
"Whether or not these things turn out to be dark stars, we’re guaranteed to learn more about that mysterious epoch when the very first stars - dark or light - lit up at the dawn of spacetime."
"We need to look out to places where we have extreme densities, temperatures, and things are very dynamic."
"A black hole is a region of space-time which is so dense and has such strong curvature that nothing, including light, can escape from it."
"Neutrinos are Cosmic ghosts interacting with matter so irregularly that trillions of them are streaming through your body this very moment."
"The powerful gravitational waves produced in the last fraction of a second are what LIGO detects - sometimes from over a billion light years away."
"Pulsars are rapidly rotating and precessing neutron stars whose jets sweep past the Earth, resulting in blips of electromagnetic radiation that repeat with extreme regularity, sometimes several hundred times a second."
"Singularities are considered endpoints of geodesics in general relativity; transferred to the cosmos, this means all geodesics of the universe converge."
"A tiny star has been lit and energy from fusion reactions released."
"Red dwarfs live far longer, with some living trillions of years."
"Just look at this picture and think that each one of those filaments... represents a spasm of this tiny star until it finally collapsed down."
"We'll be able to see the results of the shock waves that really hit the leftover materials."
"Space itself is expanding everywhere in all directions."
"Dark matter is the craziest phenomenon in the universe."
"The death of black holes leaves behind a vast cosmic void, echoing the end of our universe."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"The event horizon sounds dire, but it’s a blessing."
"Black holes remain the big game of the universe."
"This object was traveling at 87.3 kilometers a second. Nothing originating in our solar system, regardless of its location or possible gravitational interactions, could have naturally accelerated to such speeds. It just wasn't possible."
"In exploring the universe's edges, we confront the limits of our understanding, where dark matter and dark energy shape the cosmic landscape in profound yet distinct ways."
"Black holes are central to the structure and dynamics of the universe."
"Black holes, where the laws of physics stop working."
"There's simply not enough matter near our black hole to provide a large continuing feast. It seems, at least for now, the giant's plate is empty."
"So we could see the beam coming out of the black hole and ending up in these big cavities."
"The loudest sound in the universe is actually from the merger or Collision of two black holes."
"To their surprise, the data showed that the universe as a whole is not only expanding, it’s actually accelerating outward!"
"So it's the same function, you've got this really powerful stellar wind that's been blasted off these giant hot stars that is impacting where the stars are, and blowing away this material."
"One exciting theory suggests that diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"Stars and their accompanying planets begin as cold clouds of unassembled gas in space."
"Stars shine through the process of nuclear fusion."
"With all these things considered, we can conclude that the planetary formation mechanism, whichever form it may take, is robust and resilient."
"Never before have experts been confronted with a supernova lasting years."
"Explaining how a black hole could grow so massive is one thing… but so quickly, is another question entirely. It truly bends the mind."
"The question is, why do people think that this black hole is the largest- and more to the point, who are those people, and what information did they use to draw their conclusion?"
"And it is this mass prediction that has shaken up conversations surrounding the largest black hole in recent months."
"The scientists were now able to see huge amounts of winds coming from the supermassive black hole heating up a lot of gas surrounding the region around the black hole."
"The event horizon project shows the power of collaboration."
"The Jets are carrying the equivalent of 10 billion supernovae in energy deposited over one of these active cycles."
"Jwst can trace the evolution of galaxies from their infancy to their maturity."
"Galaxies formed and assembled with different shapes and structures at different epochs in the history of the universe."
"Galaxies seem to mature really quickly in the beginning of the universe."
"They're basically like these star factories."
"The density wave theory was proposed by C.C. Lin and Frank Shu in the mid-1960s to explain the spiral arm structure of spiral galaxies."
"What they're looking at is essentially a supermassive black hole destroying a star."
"It creates a kind of a mystery. We don't really understand how these black holes can get so massive so quick."
"What happens to a black hole after it runs out of stuff to eat?"
"Star clusters really allowed us to get a handle on how stars go through their lives, how they live and die."
"Black holes actually represent a transition; they form when stars die."
"Black holes come from the remains of large stars that exploded in a supernova."
"Scientists worldwide have been observing Sagittarius A, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy."
"What is the truth about black holes and how big can they get?"
"Solar energy is often underestimated but the earth would be just a cold, dark ice ball at three degrees above absolute zero if it was not for the sun."
"Are we studying black holes, dark matter? Like, what's going on?"
"One of the most mysterious, and rarest, phenomena we detect coming from space are known as ultra-high energy cosmic rays."
"The significant implication that the black holes formed first and then somehow they formed a stellar galaxy around them."
"As you can see, there are lots of reasons to think that dark matter is a real thing."
"It avoids the galaxy cusp, reduces the number of dwarf galaxies, and helps with the plane arrangement of satellite galaxies."
"The reason we don't see evidence of alien civilizations is that not enough time has passed."
"Seeing gravitational waves from supermassive black holes would teach us something new about the cosmos."
"Ancient grains of stardust were discovered inside a meteorite in Australia, forming five to seven billion years ago."
"Any source of gravity... it acts like a lens."
"Leaving this super-earth is extremely difficult."
"I'd start dating other women because that's just freaking rude. I don't mind ghosting when I'm seeing multiple women but if I'm exclusive I just feel like it's not worth the time and pain."
"Welcome to StarTalk radio! I'm your host Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium."
"There's just a lot more energy to be had around an ordinary star."
"If Dyson spheres are a common byproduct of technology, we would actually expect to see many of them in a given galaxy."
"When a star shrinks, its radius goes down, its moment of inertia goes down, and therefore its angular velocity must go up."
"So it is a mind-boggling idea that the Sun is producing in ten billion years, the lifetime of the Sun... It is producing less energy than what happens during a stellar collapse to a neutron star."
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is going to look like astrophysics."
"Current ideas surrounding the capabilities of neutron stars need to be reconsidered and reworked."
"With the help of NuStar, we can develop our understanding of the Dynamics of black holes stars and their explosions as well as entire galaxies should they show enough activity."
"Black holes are fascinating objects to study as they are the most extreme environments in the universe."
"The observable universe assumes that the cosmos is isotropic and homogeneous."
"Fast radio bursts can be used as probes of the universe, probes of the electron density and the magnetic field distributions."
"Fast radio bursts would be a completely independent probe of this very diffused gas which other probes cannot reach."
"So that is whatever FRBs bring to the table, it's a new independent probe of the universe."
"The best most theories to date invoke neutron stars because you need a very strong magnetic field and a compact source."
"Supernovae vary on days and weeks timescales, fast radio bursts are millisecond timescales."
"Nuclear pasta is the strongest material in the universe."
"Dark Matter: A mysterious and invisible substance representing a significant portion of the universe's mass."
"I think SETI optimists have a fine-tuning problem."
"The galaxy has a filling fraction close to one."
"White dwarfs can survive Supernova explosions, becoming 'zombie stars.'"
"I realized that this is a black hole, I was transported to the event horizon or beyond of a black hole."
"The universe's expansion will keep on accelerating."
"They want to find dark matter, that is their goal."
"Matter enters the black hole, the gravitational field generates new particles, and it remembers the matter inventory."
"Everything else passes through each other, the gas sticks together, and that energy feeds the formation of new stars."
"Understanding these short-term events also helps us get a handle on how galaxies evolve."
"Our galaxy is a giant which extends for hundreds of thousands of light years, yet its structure is more dynamic and evolving than we ever could have known."
"Black hole jets are blasting particles out at very near the speed of light."
"A simple structure like a star is big, but it's just a large pile of the lightest elements and doesn't score very high in energy flow density."
"Heavy elements in the universe can only come from supernovae, so all of us carry the remnants of these distant explosions within our own bodies."
"It's our first evidence that we can use to confidently state that torium is made in kilonova when two neutron stars merge, filling in another blank on the periodic table."
"I'm your host astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and as always I bid you to keep looking up."
"This separation is considered to be direct evidence that dark matter exists."
"You can think of a star, our own Sun, as a big conversion factory."
"Supernovae occur either when a very massive star has reached the end of its energy generating cycle or when the interactions of binary stars lead to unmitigated thermal nuclear reactions."
"Exploding stars between 8 and 15 times the mass of our sun will result in a Type 2P supernova."
"We're entering this era of being able to analyze gravitational waves with more care and fidelity than ever before."
"After about a googol years or so and the most supermassive black holes have evaporated away, what you've got left is a vast universe that is really almost entirely empty."
"Space is filled with a network of currents, which transfer energy and momentum over large or very large distances."
"If you asked any astrophysicist, would you like a spacecraft orbiting around a black hole sending us data, they would say yes please, that would be amazing."
"Black holes are not inherently massive. If the moon were to become a black hole, the earth wouldn't just start orbiting it."
"Almost all information in the universe is in the form of black holes."
"But then it inflates, and Inflation makes it huge."
"Feeding a black hole is very easy, eating stuff is what they are best known for."
"Recent discoveries have given more answers to the mass gap."
"Formed from the remnants of massive stars possess an intense concentration of mass within a minuscule volume."
"Black holes emit powerful jets of high-energy particles known as relativistic jets."
"You can legitimately fit learning something like astrophysics into basically any schedule."
"One day trillions of years from now all stars will fade away."
"We look out in the universe and 85 percent of all the gravity that's out there has some mysterious unknown source."
"Remember the little bang in 2006? That unusual burst of energy could have been a baby white hole, destroyed almost immediately. Falling into one could be survivable, if it's super massive, avoiding the dreaded spaghettification."
"Quantum fields ask, what about neutron stars? What are their final fates?"
"Neutron stars are among the strangest and most exotic stars in the universe."
"Creating new elements and merging neutron stars used to be purely theoretical, but in recent years we've actually witnessed these collisions and felt their gravitational aftershocks."
"Neutron stars... arguably the most extreme objects in the universe."
"Fast radio bursts (FRBs) might be tied to neutron stars with starquakes."
"Black holes are one of the strangest things in existence."
"Now we do expect white dwarfs to rotate... but it’s hard to see how any star could be rotating fast enough to produce a white dwarf that spins every 7 minutes."
"The Sun, which is 4.5 billion years old, and more than a million times bigger than the earth, is not only a source of cheer when it finally pops out from behind the clouds, it also keeps us alive."
"Gravitational waves open a new window on the universe."
"How in the universe did two black holes 30 times heavier than the sun end up orbiting around each other?"
"A pulsar is a highly magnetized rotating compact star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles."
"We might be actually able to see when that black hole gobbles up something and learn perhaps about the physics closer to the event horizon."
"Above the event horizon is the ergosphere - a place where the fabric of space itself is whipped into a vortex."
"Dark energy is stretching the fabric of space-time."
"In the future, the brightest empires will be born around dying stars."
"The universe will continue to expand infinitely until even black holes disintegrate, leading to the birth of a new universe."