
Recruitment Quotes

There are 1544 quotes

"After you've won the National Cheer Championship and the All-American Cheer Invitational, any school would beg to have you on."
"The courage to be free. Join the Hell Divers, become part of an elite peacekeeping force."
"Brighton's recruitment is amazing. What they do around recruitment is amazing."
"There are some serious ethical questions about aiming recruitment material at gamers."
"I had the best engineering team in the world. I know, I recruited them."
"The vision is really, really important. Brands actually help attract really good people to your business as well."
"Honeypot operations use sex to recruit somebody."
"Krampus has sent me to recruit the new evil villain group."
"The primary purpose of this presentation is recruiting. We really want to have the best talent in the world come and work at Neuralink."
"I always go to, you know, they say humans always err on the side of what is easiest... it's much easier to start with somebody who's passionate than to fire somebody's passion up."
"Legitimate groups don't do deceptive recruitment; there needs to be informed consent."
"Recruiters and hiring managers skim resumes very quickly... you only have like 10-20-30 seconds to make an impression."
"Filling out your online presence... recruiters and hiring managers do look at your LinkedIn."
"It's much more preferable to get the recruiter to come to you than for you to send out your application to them."
"We know there's an alt-right pipeline and we know where it's coming from and we know how they attract people...Or so we think."
"It's not about buying any player; it's about buying the right player."
"I'm here recruiting students for an elemental school, and you have been chosen."
"This Summer's really highlighted the importance of being in the Champions League when it comes to recruitment."
"If you become a recruiting machine, how will that impact your business?"
"It turns out that when you abandon the chief values for what you once stood, people do not want to sign up for your organization."
"The trading companies of the Sea of Thieves want you to join their cause by signing up to become an emissary."
"This is the guy that I want to bring into the team, this is the guy that we could potentially turn into a legend, an absolute legend for this career mode."
"there's opportunities here to get somebody who's who's a bonafide goal scorer and i think seattle does it by the time they hit the ice for the first time"
"Chanel was the perfect target for recruitment by the Germans." - Hal Vaughn
"Mentality and character, recruitment and coaching - all these things are key."
"My most important bit is recruitment, to get the best possible players."
"For many militaries, the challenge of getting enough of the right people into uniform poses threats to readiness and strategy."
"In conclusion: getting the right people is a real and growing challenge for many militaries."
"Now with social media you can hook up with the gang, be recruited by a gang, be groomed by a gang, all virtually without ever living anywhere near the same estate."
"It's a decent signing for Manchester United."
"Join us in this fight because it's worth it."
"We're looking for individuals with a passion factor who want to help people."
"Hopefully it is evidence at this stage the Brighton are very well run and their recruitment is among the finest in all of world football."
"The reality is when you talk about football or basketball or band, that's actually your most visible assets that serve as a recruitment tool as well." - Roland Martin
"We will buy a centre-back if we don't get Varane."
"We basically want to encourage anyone who is interested in solving real world AI problems to join Tesla."
"Please send in your resume... we need everything in Neuralink."
"Secret Invasion: Nick Fury recruits for a threat nobody can see coming."
"I'm trying to be proactive and trying to contact the recruiter just to say hey this is my job application trying to stand out from all these candidates."
"ZipRecruiter finds qualified candidates just for you."
"Achieve a perfect score and our automated hiring system will issue you an offer on the spot."
"Bring the people in as long as they're good people and they want to work."
"I'm not kidding when I say there are recruiters out there who will throw out a resume the moment they find a grammatical error."
"This is a classic cult tactic... the recruiter seeks to form a bond with the recruit that supersedes any bond they have with anybody else."
"Meanwhile, my leader seems to recruit more and more horses by the day."
"Sometimes businesses don't work because you have the wrong people."
"Actively recruiting members while behind bars."
"The language of replacement theory is like specifically the language used to recruit people to their cause."
"The reason why LinkedIn is such a great tool for us recruiters is that we can narrow down exactly what we're looking for and find the perfect match."
"It's like you're never going to know what opportunities you have if you don't at least allow us to give you the pitch."
"Manchester United are very interested in him straight away."
"You contact Sanskrit Bharati and join them, they are looking for students."
"Sensible transfers mean finding players who fit the system."
"For English rugby to be successful sustainably successful they have to widen the pool of recruitment."
"I think he's absolutely imperative United sign a forward this summer."
"The prime recruiting periods are the first term of college, when you've gone away from home, you're in a new environment, you've got new people around you."
"I think Jack Grealish would be a good signing for Manchester United."
"At the time, the guy that was running development with me came to me and he was like, 'I don't know, a lot of mileage, a lot of issues there.' And I was like, 'Dude, he's custom-made for what we do.'"
"He's absolutely obsessed with getting Harland."
"Players will always want to come to Manchester United because players are egotistical." - Unknown speaker
"Son would be perfect for us at Manchester United."
"You want in life is to hire people who are better than you."
"Recruiting comedians for effective communication."
"Don't sign a player off the back of one good season."
"The gameplay loop of this new Dragon Age game will involve recruiting and growing your crew."
"Their team is super small currently only 30 people and they really need 100 people to do it so they are hiring."
"We'll be able to recruit them, we'll be able to join forces and maybe we'll be able to build something great."
"One great quality these two clubs share is getting the recruitment right."
"These signings could position Newcastle to attract bigger and better stars sooner rather than later."
"Giving good benefits and paying employees well attracts people to work in the healthcare industry."
"They need to just buy some players that make other players go, 'I'll play with them.'"
"We did it all right, we took some really, really good players."
"Could this actually lead to elite talent spreading out their locations more... is it better to be a five star at a school with fewer five stars than it is to be one of ten five stars at a major institution?"
"Everything seems to be an internal recruitment."
"We wanted to target potential employees because there's no better place to work in the world than Honeywell."
"Florida is hiring the best of the best and offering bonuses for good police officers who want to come down here and do good work."
"Zip recruiter makes the entire hiring process efficient and effective with features like screening questions to filter candidates and all-in-one dashboards where you can review and rate your candidate."
"It's what can you do to help us and how passionate are you... because we only want people that want to work for us to work for us."
"You don't win the raffle if you don't buy a ticket."
"Recruit the best talent like a pro sports team."
"If one wants to succeed, actively recruit the best talent."
"I could not believe that she was so desperate to recruit that she recruited herself a second time with my name and address."
"She was so desperate to live that perfect life she was promised when she was recruited that she was willing to recruit me and pay for it herself just to appear successful and to fake a downline."
"We wanted to find a kid who was willing to show up early, stay late, make a persuasive case for himself."
"I'm super excited. I got nothing but faith they'll find the right person."
"Young players like you are like gold dust, Alex. There isn't a team in the league that isn't falling over to sign you."
"I used the word ambition when we mentioned Harland."
"The more recruiting is pushed, the more you should question your position in that company."
"You ain't going to make any money if you can't find badass people and attract them."
"It served as a place where recruits were enlisted, trained, and prepared for military service."
"Recruiting generals or admirals gives substantial bonuses to your units."
"You said you hated it, you got out of it, and now you're doing design... I would hire you there, you go, thank you."
"He is really really good though for 3.9 million I kind of want to go and talk to vayakano about any more of their players."
"Virtually every single person has been or will be prospected to join an MLM company."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"Welcome new recruit, your mission is as follows."
"One positive thing with uh rogers in for me is the possible recruitment of quality leicester players."
"To beat them you better either develop like crazy or get transfers in or start recruiting at the level that they're recruiting. Because until somebody does it's going to be so difficult to beat those teams."
"I remember saying to you at the time that we should sign Tammy. I also said, 'It's old so Lacazette and Aubameyang in the summer.'"
"We need at least one signing to make progress."
"Welcome to the team, [player's name]! 89 speed, 85 jumping, 90 acceleration, gotta take him."
"Without a doubt that would be a top top signing for us."
"Kairos is seeking candidates for extreme human experimentation, the likes of which ought to scare anyone away from applying."
"Iron begets death. If their belief is that iron leads to death, it makes sense for the Alliance to recruit people with iron deficiencies."
"Love bombing basically involves showering recruits with attention and affection to entice them into the cult."
"Do you want us to buy players because we're paying more money in wages or would you rather get players that actually want to be here?"
"Recruiting prisoners into your party can actually cause..."
"Vikings get a really good player in Perrian Winfrey."
"Many businesses are saying that right now they're they're trying to entice people by giving them money by giving them free meals and even paying for trips."
"Arsenal need a centre-back at least one going into next season."
"The single best way to get a job in today's job market is to have a recruiter come and find you."
"We're going to find passionate people that love the game of football."
"We want to make sure new candidates really know what they're getting into."
"We found the perfect person to lead the army."
"If you haven't played rage recruits, you need to enlist in the army and embark on this path because it is the only path forward."
"Your job will be to identify, attract, and source for qualified candidates for a specific job."
"We gained a fantastic addition to our team in the most unexpected manner."
"Even though it's not the player we need... to get a player of that caliber."
"Putin invited all Wagner soldiers to join the Army and stated that all Wagner soldiers will be rewarded."
"Any evidence of cross recruiting should be turned over to the company in order to help us protect our businesses."
"Manchester United are among the clubs that have been in contact with the agent of Saul. They like the player and they consider him like one of the biggest opportunities on the market."
"MLMs you need to recruit others to even have a hope of making money."
"You know everyone's always looking for a top striker."
"You don't need to drop 200 million pounds a year on transfers; you need the right players at the right times."
"ZipRecruiter's powerful matching technology finds highly qualified candidates for whatever roles you might have."
"Let ZipRecruiter fill all your roles with the right candidates."
"Absolutely excellent, what a terrific signing and atactic scouting to get them right into the club over the summer months."
"He's a really nice fit, we're gonna find a spot for him."
"Success in MLM: Selling products vs. recruiting new members."
"We want smart, tough, dependable guys that's gonna help you win football games."
"Consider becoming part of the SpaceX team at spacex.com/careers."
"I want someone who plays in central center midfield who's played there he's a master of that position and is the best that we can get in that position. That's what united should be going for."
"When Manchester United come knocking on your door you answer because it's Manchester United."
"Find out for yourself, there's even a Steven Matz for the rotation to help out."
"Get the player who is better and wants to come to your club. Stop begging the player who doesn't want to come."
"We've made a signing this morning, and it is Takahiro Tomiyasu."
"That’s Rule #1 of Warfare, avoid helping your enemy recruit people."
"We've got to sign players this summer, just like they did last year."
"I'm very excited about signing a player that's just perfect for us."
"CIA have launched a public ad across social media and YouTube looking to entice Russian spies into working for them and giving them information."
"Russian authorities are offering volunteers huge sums of money, plots of land, and even premium places for their children in Russian schools."
"It should be illegal to lie in job postings."
"Yelena Belova joins the Avengers! Post-credits scene: recruited by Nick Fury for SWORD. A new era begins."
"We've signed the right players for what we need."
"AI Day is not a marketing event; it's a recruiting event."
"If you do not use ZipRecruiter, you're kind of stupid."
"It all starts with the challenge of getting the right people into the right jobs."
"We need Elite Scouts and a recruitment department that knows what they're doing."
"Video games are going to become the platform through which tomorrow's social battles will be fought and the source of recruitment for some of the strangest and possibly most impactful social movements of the future."
"Manchester United can sort their issues out by improving their recruitment policy."
"I think this is a good manager but I think what needs to be done right now to that club and that the issues surrounding it and player Recruitment and him not even being involved and what players come to the club because let's be honest he's not."
"A top class striker, they've got decent wingers, they're still looking to add."
"A company becomes the people it hires, not the plan it makes."
"Data analysis will be a big tool for player recruitment in the future."
"Sancho and Varane were signings we needed to make and they're both First Choice."
"I think Sancho does want to come to United. He's got a great friendship with Marcus Rashford." - Mark
"Sancho epitomizes the type of player we want to bring to the club."
"With that credibility, I think you can feel secure in the event that you feel like you'd like to join our ranks with the coldcase.live."
"There seems to be a huge shift in their recruitment strategy."
"Our future lies beyond the stars. Are you ready to join the system Alliance now?"
"I think that statement of intent is exactly why we've attracted the caliber of players that we have."
"It's going to be interesting what to do because the recruitment on the goalkeeping situation has not been great."
"So if we go back to our list of players we can see that they've got three high-profile signings here none of which had a good season."
"Even the smartest recruitment departments know that even if they make the best decisions possible the likely success of those transfers is still a coin toss."
"...we also are hiring designers from the community now because who better than to help us design the show than the same people in the community..."
"What are the possible candidates? Who are we looking at?"
"Culture fit is super important for employees and companies."
"Go and get the striker done, go and get it like iron it out so we know who our number nine is."
"We needed a new striker and we've got one. Welcome Robin Declaré."
"Honestly, whichever club signs Alaba this summer, they're gonna get such a good bargain, especially for free."
"I heard about the situation with this company. I have a proposition I want to make, would you be interested in working at my company?"
"We need your experience, your expertise, your ability to operate modern technological farming... we just need you to come."
"Feels like the player they've been waiting for... very good signing."
"I'm looking for someone who has programming skills."
"What you should do, usually, early in the process, you're meeting with an HR, or a recruiter, or the hiring official, or somebody that's your leadoff hitter."
"It's a lot easier to get hired when a recruiter is reaching out to you than trying to convince them to take a look at your resume among a sea of thousands of other people."
"Person two, the best candidate here... this could take two to four years."
"Just get good people... and we got amazing people in there."
"It wasn't German soldiers getting killed but their helpers that they'd recruited to fight for them."
"We want to give you a gift to put on recruiting this play now we will have some rectory of glass and thanks to players and we also have the eleven in a low as well."
"You want the best Stadium, the best players, the best infrastructure, and most importantly, the best recruitment."
"It's up to Adama Traore what he desires, but big teams want to get him in the next summer. Is he willing to wait for that?"
"Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United already put him on their wish list."
"A great signing here to kick off the Aston Villa rebuild."
"A player like that is a one-off kind of player, he's a flair player, he walks into that team he brings something different and Manchester United must sign him."
"Holy [ __ ] my God, a high budget will increase the number of applicants."
"You inherit great quarterbacks, you don't build them up from scratch and recruit them from scratch."
"He was one of the very few players playing outside of Athletic Club who you could still buy because of his Basque origins."
"As soon as you get those requirements like speaking German and you have at least Town Hall and you should be pretty maxed on those on this level then you can get invited to a tryout."
"Recruit all the time... I recruit investors... talent... sales leaders... executives... board members... everything is about building the right team."
"Sanji's recruitment, boy, that man loves his son."
"Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Dr. Madison Lee."
"If you want these type of people to play, then yes, you're probably going to have to pay them higher."
"It was important that they recruited an engineer or IT expert i.e. a hacker a demo."
"Hiring is hard, it's one of the hardest things you're going to do as a leader."
"Why is fucking 80% of all the players we want to sign being difficult about this?"
"They're an extremely appealing prospect to signings."
"I feel like as part of our job interviews if we ever hire on more people like we should put them through this, right? Oh yeah, no, this is a really good testament if you can handle being in this office."
"We're looking for someone who can do the actual job."
"Would you always want top ten players to go recruit somebody to save them?"