
Sharks Quotes

There are 430 quotes

"Sharks are just cool. Have you ever seen a goblin shark? I would like to."
"Humans pose a massive threat to the survival of many shark species with commercial fishing and the global shark fin trade."
"The coolest part, by far, chilling with those sharks, bro."
"Sharks can lose over 30,000 teeth in their lifetime."
"Sharks are not monsters, so you need to have an open mind here."
"Sharks are going extinct at an alarming rate because people are afraid of them."
"Raise your children without a fear of sharks. Let them know when they see a show and a shark approaches and some evil music plays that it's over-dramatized."
"Jaws, although an incredibly well put together movie, is probably one of the most societally dangerous things we've done."
"Sharks killed by people...the blue line is the amount of people killed by sharks...the blue line...is this flat line on the bottom of the graph that blends in with the x-axis."
"Kiss a Shark Week is meant to show you how misunderstood sharks are and in fact that they are wonderful animals."
"The white shark cafe... is said to play host to a vast group of great whites every year."
"Large sharks are beginning to inspire respect rather than fear among the people who choose to share the oceans."
"An ocean without sharks, that is a scary thing."
"So, if you want to change the world, don't back down from the sharks."
"I don't believe that sharks don't like human flesh. Maybe they're just vindictive."
"Most of all we should end the demonization and persecution of sharks."
"Sharks are pretty smart as they kind of are. They've been around for millions of years."
"There it is. That's for all the great whites you guys have killed. Beautiful."
"Sharks, as a whole, are typically not that dangerous but they have gotten a bad rap."
"White sharks have found the restaurant, and they're waiting for the doors to open, you know? And when those seals begin to leave the beach, you know, it's dinner time."
"The Greenland shark...world's oldest living vertebrate...some publications putting its age at up to five hundred and twelve years."
"The goblin shark: a true Marvel of the deep sea realm."
"The frilled shark: a living fossil from an age of dinosaurs."
"The prehistoric megalodon was the massive great great great grandfather of the sharks that lurk among beaches today."
"If you spot a shark, don't panic; swim calmly and quietly towards safety."
"Michael Rutzen, or Shark Man, is trying to change the perception of sharks as dangerous killer machines."
"Sharks never run out of teeth, they can have five to fifteen rows of teeth arranged in layers."
"I love how great white sharks are terrifying until you get them at that one angle and they just potato jumpy."
"Sharks aren't that scary, okay? They're just as scared of you as you are of them."
"It's indeed a noble goal to get across the message that sharks are not human-eating monsters."
"If you're afraid of modern sharks, get ready for these facts because this prehistoric predator puts them all to shame."
"It’s no accident that one of the most widely reported childhood fears is of a shark lurking in the deep end of a swimming pool."
"Marine biologist swims with great white sharks to promote conservation and dispel myths."
"Seeing a 13-foot great white would be enough to make your blood run cold."
"A massive 17-foot great white shark caught back in 1983."
"Slash, the 16.4 foot great white shark, described as one of the most aggressive."
"Deep Blue spotted near Oahu, eating a dead sperm whale."
"Huge 550 pound shark hooked just seven miles from the Devon coast."
"Great white shark, measuring a whopping 12 feet long, caught and tagged."
"Great white shark leaps at seal, captured in breathtaking photos."
"Fishing boat dwarfed by a 30-foot shark passing by."
"The Kangaroo Island great white shark, possibly one of the largest ever."
"Oh my God, there's sharks, there's sharks. How much worse can this get? Dang it, please just get me home."
"There'd be sharks in these waters, yeah, that's not good."
"Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years."
"The Atlantic great white shark is back."
"Sharks are badass. I love them; they're important."
"But despite its fearsome appearance, this shark is shy towards humans with no intention of causing harm."
"It's a massive freaking shark eating people, which, you know, puts a twist."
"Hundreds of sharks will share the waters with us, as we battle currents, huge waves and swells in hopes of witnessing the main event."
"Hammerhead sharks are generally not considered aggressive, but their behavior can vary depending on the circumstances and species."
"Most Wanted Sharks isn't terrible, but it definitely seems intent on personifying these animals as social media stars."
"I don't think those big sharks are going to come around here."
"Despite how cool sharks are and how much we know about them, there is still so much more to learn about sharks than what we already know."
"the sharks certainly missed a sweet opportunity."
"I think sharks get a bad rep. I think sharks are cool. I think sharks are actually really clever and beautiful animals."
"Sharks are so cool but they're so scary."
"If you can swim with sharks, you can go up in a hot air balloon."
"The baby sharks would have still been developing when the mother was caught and the babies removed."
"I love sharks. I think they're fascinating."
"Sharks smell just one tiny drop of blood from miles away. Their brain region in charge of smelling odors is enlarged, but the ocean is really big."
"Sharks have lived on earth since before the dinosaurs."
"Great white, a below average to average shark movie."
"Sharks are among the most perfectly constructed creatures in nature."
"I've always liked shark movies probably because I love horror and sharks scare the living [__] out of me."
"This might be one of my favorite presents... She got me this pillow that says 'just a girl who loves sharks' and it has a shark on it."
"Sharks have several rows of teeth, can have as many as 300 teeth at one time, and 50,000 over the course of their lives."
"These sharks can be docile and in fact sometimes seeking out human interaction."
"The bull shark is the third most dangerous shark."
"This is an extremely rare shark right here and Cat Island is one of the few places in the world where you can find these sharks reliably."
"Mako sharks are considered the fastest sharks in the ocean they've been clocked at speeds of 40 to 50 knots which is an incredible speed for underwater."
"Conservation efforts are being made around the world to ensure that these sharks remain in our oceans."
"Sharks roam the seas in search of prey, be it peaceful fish, unsuspecting players, or even other hostile mobs like drowned and guardians."
"These smoothhounds, although they are a member of the shark family, they haven't got any teeth."
"Hammerhead sharks are dope. Yeah, they actually are. One of the scariest looking creatures to me."
"Sharks are pretty gentle creatures."
"We always talk about great whites, tiger sharks, bull sharks, but none of them can say they successfully committed hit and runs on a superpower's Navy."
"Swimming with sharks with no cage... easily one of the best things we have ever done."
"In this video, we have a look at the massive great white sharks in the Mediterranean."
"I've always had a soft spot for sharks yet the one animal that could stop me dead in my tracks?"
"I've been working with these sharks in particular in this Creek since I was about 12 years old."
"A shark in the nicest possible way."
"I asked the cast member if there would be any sharks and they said no."
"Is this sort of beach here, and I'll show you, you can actually see great white sharks off it."
"20-foot great white sharks are what nightmares are made of."
"I love how great white sharks are terrifying until you just look at them at that one angle and they're just potato."
"Sharks only bite if you touch the private part bro we you just can't can't be doing that can't be touching a dong of a shark okay I just learned that I just learned that."
"Sharks have an image problem. Some of us think of them as giant monsters looking for people to eat."
"But in fact, most species of shark are just too small to do us any harm."
"Even the big ones can be just as harmless."
"The two biggest fish in the sea are sharks—the whale shark and the basking shark—and they're never a threat to anything bigger than bits of plankton."
"Scientists agree that bull sharks are more of a threat to us than either tigers or great whites."
"The great white favors the blitz technique used by human serial killers."
"Predatory attacks by white sharks are very violent, very high energy."
"Territorial attacks are just as devastating as predatory attacks."
"Who wouldn't be afraid of a great white shark, the OG shark from Jaws, affectionately known as Bruce to the cast and crew?"
"There's a reason why there are numerous movies about shark attacks and that reason is their 300 teeth."
"Great white sharks can camouflage themselves like an octopus, just not quite as convincing."
"Rumors of golf course sharks swirl."
"It's not every day that you see a great white shark in a swimming pool."
"I've never seen a shark like a great white, but we do have them around here."
"I've never been afraid of sharks, but there's something about being circled by a massive shark in the middle of the ocean..."
"Sharks are fearsome, but they rarely fatally threaten humans."
"Some people are afraid of sharks."
"Shark conservation? I'll put it in Epic."
"They're great chunky shark figures, what's not to like?"
"The basking sharks show up... they're huge, second largest shark in the world after the whale shark, incredible filter feeders."
"The Greenland shark... is believed to get to be 300 years old."
"A shark's least favorite word is 'human,' and we are so much more dangerous to them than they are to us."
"These guys are amazing; they truly are like shark."
"Sharks don't generally prey on humans; many attacks are believed to be cases of mistaken identity."
"Scuba diving is the thing that I like to do, with sharks."
"Sharks... a perfectly evolved animal which is why they've survived."
"They are an incredible animal in the sense that they're perfect."
"The Curious Thing about sharks is that although they've evolved massively, in some ways they are a perfectly evolved animal."
"When you see a shark moving through the water, you're looking at something of incredible beauty and grace and power."
"A little over a hundred years ago, it was widely believed that sharks were completely harmless to humans."
"Fast forward to today, and as you've probably noticed, most people are absolutely terrified of sharks."
"Sharks have also played the villains in plenty of Hollywood blockbusters, most notably Steven Spielberg's Jaws."
"In reality, sharks pose very little threat to humans."
"Sharks are basically like toddlers; they use their mouths to explore the world around them."
"The majority of so-called shark attacks are basically just sharks being inquisitive and making a mess in the process."
"Researchers believe these sharks live as long as 200 years, possibly the longest living vertebrates on the planet."
"Believe it or not, shark encounters are becoming one of the most popular attractions in the industry."
"We're transfixed by predators that can kill us; this fascination is the inspiration for the holy grail of shark dives."
"It seems like the more time I spend in the water with sharks, the more I realize that when you look into their eyes, eye contact is very important."
"An extraordinary discovery occurred when a tiger shark was caught off the coast."
"This new look at sharks gave an awful lot of new information."
"Sharks are perhaps one of the most misunderstood animals in the animal kingdom."
"It's just a test bite; it's just seeing if it wants to eat."
"You are much more afraid of those sharks than they are of you."
"Sharks are fascinating animals that have been swimming around our Earth for more than 420 million years."
"The largest shark that ever lived is the Megalodon."
"Despite the frightening stories you might have heard about sharks, Deep Blue is very calm."
"Everyone knows by now that sharks are alarmingly intelligent."
"Is there anything more metal than treating an animal with up to 300 sharp serrated teeth like a play thing?"
"...it's been demonstrated that certain ocean predators like sharks, for example, can detect scents as diluted as one part for 25 million."
"Fraser's Island... a hot spot for young great white sharks."
"How many bones do sharks have in their bodies? It's actually a very interesting one... zero."
"Sharks have been around longer than the rings of Saturn."
"New Smyrna Beach is known by some as the shark bite capital of the world."
"One of the best experiences in the park was seeing hundreds of sharks."
"Sharks are not the bloodthirsty killers that we see in movies."
"Human beings are not part of their diet."
"Believe it or not, sharks really aren't interested in humans."
"Swimming with sharks is incredible; swimming with all water creatures is incredible."
"I love sharks but I'm terrified of being eaten by one."
"Some of the stuff that we've learned about Mediterranean great white sharks in the last few years is downright weird."
"Never say never in the shark world; they are continually doing things that prove us wrong."
"It's also an amazing case study that can be used by scientists to understand bull sharks and their tolerance of freshwater habitats."
"The Bulls they did have for that period of time gave us an unbelievable insight into the adaptability of these sharks."
"They truly are one of the real powerhouses of the shark world."
"Nursery areas are so important for shark species; we really have to try hard to protect those areas."
"Sun's getting lower, tides getting higher, sharks should be coming in."
"It's entirely possible that there are more shark species yet to be discovered in the deep ocean."
"The divers traditionally wear white when they're in the water, this choice of clothing is made for very practical reasons: it deters sharks."
"Sharks have been swimming around in our oceans for millions and millions of years, well, 450 million to be precise."
"He actually fought to protect the sharks."
"The reality of sharks is they aren't these man-eaters that everyone tries to make them out to be."
"We swim with sharks; he's coming straight at you."
"I can swim, just that I don't want to have to do it inside of a shark."
"Sharks have what are called Ampullae of Lorenzini, which allow them to detect electrical signals in the water."
"Shark eyes actually turn white when they're about to put someone on the news because they roll their eyes back to protect themselves."
"Sharks have been a massive part of my life since I started surfing."
"The chances of being killed by a shark is less than 1 in 264.1 million."
"Sharks have some of the most sensitive electromagnetic senses in their snout."
"I got to go dive with great white sharks. I got to experience the fact that I am in front of a dinosaur that if it chose in a split second, I wouldn't exist."
"What would happen if 16 sharks were invited to a contest?"
"Sharks do not have bones; their skeletons are made of cartilage."
"We invite you to join our exploration of a forbidden domain: the undersea world of the sharks."
"The unusual location of hammerhead's eyes allow them to see above, below, and all around."
"Once you see what I've seen, you'll never have that weird notion that these sharks are anything less but just beautiful animals in the wild."
"Being in the water with sharks is an out-of-body experience."
"Risks will be taken, but Mark is on a mission to use his scientific skills both conventional and unconventional to reveal the true nature of the white shark."
"With the passion of researchers like Marks on its side, the white shark, the world's greatest predator, is in good hands."
"What Mark is doing is shedding a new light on sharks."
"Why do we call it shark-infested waters? That's [__] up for the sharks because it's their home."
"I think her original design was trying to call back to sharks, so I wanted to emulate shark in her a little bit more than I did in the original."
"Shark facts: Most sharks have at least five rows of teeth, but the bull shark can have as many as 50."
"Sharks can actually jump out of the water, a behavior called breaching. Great white sharks can jump up to 10 feet in the air."
"Shark fact: Some sharks can actually jump out of the water, a behavior called breaching."
"I went cage diving with great white sharks."
"My fear of losing surfing was greater than my fear of sharks."
"Great white sharks have weaknesses too, but you have to get out of their mouths before you can work on those weaknesses."
"There's a big problem in the Bahamas: sharks, and guess what their number one favorite thing to eat is? Tuna, especially yellowfin tuna."
"My most frightening experience was swimming with those sharks, I'll never ever forget that in my whole life."
"When you see the shark, just pound away at its nose and gills; they are the most sensitive part of its body."
"The sharks alive today are far and away different animals to the ones that patrolled the seven seas of Paleozoic Earth."
"Wow, check it out, a bunch of sharks!"
"Jaws hardened our attitude to sharks; overnight, the world became obsessed with these super predators."
"The impact of 'Jaws' still lingers today, powering our fears that a shark may strike any time, anywhere."
"When we think of sharks, many of us picture them as mindless killers, but sharks are far more remarkable than mere monsters."
"Sharks have had the opportunity to adapt and diversify into an array of weird and wonderful species."
"Overall, deep sea sharks are understandably unique in the lightless, high pressure, and nutrient-poor depths."
"The Marshall Islands is now home to the largest shark sanctuary on earth."
"Sharks don't prefer to eat people."
"Shark divers are a very small but growing community."
"If you take someone that's never been in the water with a shark before, they're gonna come out as shark advocates."
"The number-one species on every shark diver's list is the great white."
"The shark did take a little jaunt out to sea but mainly spent her time idly pursuing the boats on the river."