
Oligarchy Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Tonight, we're going to take a hard look at why over the last 40 years, the middle class of this country has declined while oligarchy is on the rise."
"We must allow free inquiry and we can't have a handful of billionaire oligarchs telling us what we can or can't say."
"If we all got together and said we could do better than this and we don't want to be run by a collection of oligarchs...that's where our power really lies."
"Subset of the population exalting powerful oligarchs and hailing those at the very top of the societal totem pole as saviors of humanity is what starts to make me a little uneasy."
"Capitalism unfettered creates oligarchies of private corporations, which is the problem."
"Our corporate coup d'état and failed democracy has freed the oligarchic elite from all legal and moral constraints."
"If you live in an oligarchy, the government is not choosing not to act on behalf of the oligarchy. That's not what an oligarchy is."
"What we are witnessing now in this country is the rapid evolution of our society into an oligarchy, in which the billionaire class has enormous and growing control over the economic and political life of this country."
"You're just taking your eyes off the oligarchs who are still denying you healthcare."
"What great oligarchs these guys are billionaires oligarchs see what great things they do now that's a great thing to do to donate an art museum but it's a great cover story."
"This isn't a democracy, this isn't America, this isn't how America was when I was born. This is an oligarchy, this is corporatism."
"We don't live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy."
"We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy. That's just more signs of it."
"This dirty money is poisoning our democratic institutions, suborning politicians to serve the interests of this international tiny oligarchy."
"We're more and more tending towards an oligarchic system where the ruling class and the upper classes tell everybody else what to do."
"Why aren't Americans receiving help like they are during this pandemic? Because you live in an evil oligarchy."
"Nobody wants foreign intervention except the ultra wealthy oligarchs."
"Tonight, I say to the Russian oligarchs and corrupt leaders: Your ill-begotten gains will be gone."
"Who's determining who these four top candidates are? Well, it's the oligarchs who control the media."
"We live in an oligarchy. That media is there to manufacture consent."
"It's the perception that I think increasingly a lot of us have... it is like an oligarchy."
"We were never supposed to become an oligarchy."
"We pretend to not be ruled like an oligarchy, but we are."
"The major reason for the ease with which Russian oligarchs have abandoned their loyalty to Vladimir Putin is the pressure placed on them by the United States and other Western countries."
"China's gone the other way the communist party is for all intents and purposes just it's in the oligarchy business."
"Now it's just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or being elected president."
"Britain isn't a democracy; Britain is a very poorly disguised oligarchy."
"Oligarchs who are working for Putin employ lawyers, PR firms, investigation agencies, bankers, etc."
"You can't sustain a democracy in an oligarchy."
"The corporate oligarchy is pillaging what's left of our society."
"How do we bring people together country by country and internationally to tell the oligarchs that this world belongs to all of us?"
"The people in the United States don't yet know what the oligarchs are up to."
"Sometimes there is an ability for us... to combat all the batshit crazy disinfo used by really an international class of oligarchs to try to control people."
"The press is overwhelmingly run by oligarchs who are part of a status quo."
"Maybe there is a kind of oligarch political power here."
"The wealth of the U.S oligarchy is massive and it comes from rent seeking and monopolies."
"Bottom line is we are moving toward oligarchy."
"We're witnessing consolidation of power by the oligarchs."
"Money always wins out in the end and the league is still run by a handful of billionaires that get to play god consequence free."
"We already live in an oligarchy, fam. We already know that."
"We really are socialistic oligarchs, aren't we? Interesting."
"We are moving toward an oligarchic form of society... we have more income and wealth inequality today we have than we've ever had."
"We lost our Republic decades ago we're living in an oligarchy."
"England was now in effect ruled by an oligarchy through Parliament."
"It's important, I think, to remember that the reason that oligarchs have had the ability to leverage that language is because there's a good side to all this as well."
"Do you think we're already getting close to an oligarchy ourselves in the United States of America?"
"Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by the plantation oligarchs known as the Big Five."
"There is a real risk of a kind of technical technocracy combined with oligarchy where a small number of companies influence people's beliefs through the nature of these systems."
"In the new oligarchic Romania made up of politicians and businessmen, the ones losing were millions of Romanians, captive in the bankrupt industry of the 1990s."
"Democracy in the west has not been very effective in checking the emergence of a financial oligarchy."
"He who says organization says oligarchy."
"Democracy does not represent an escape from oligarchy but simply its transmutation into a new form."
"Oligarchy is the inevitable end of all organization."
"The problem with oligarchy is that, and those of you who attended my talk on the hidden history of American oligarch he will remember this, is that oligarchy is a transitional economic and political system. It rarely survives more than one or two generations."
"Every democracy turns into an oligarchy, and the oligarchy tends to take over religion."
"If you think in America right now yes I think we live in an oligarchy."
"Elections were considered more oligarchic than democratic."
"The central banks are currently creating sufficient new money to prop up stock exchange and asset values for the benefit of the oligarchy in the here and now."
"How do we know that we're in an oligarchy right now?... What the majority of people wanted frequently got translated into policy... before the Reagan revolution."
"Politically, the carthaginian government was a mixed oligarchy."
"Reclaiming our democracy from the ruling class looks at the history of the battle against oligarchy in America."
"The Hidden History of American Oligarchy to be particularly timely, terrifying, captivating, and meticulously documented."
"We are effectively living in an oligarchy now, we're not a democracy or Republic."
"The Republic was oligarchical, ruled by a council called the Signoria, composed of noble families and chosen indirectly by the leaders of the city's guilds."
"Democracy does not really define American government, but rather American government is composed of an oligarchy of vested interests."
"The best antidote to oligarchy is trusting people."
"It's a solid democracy. If you feel the oldest democracy in the world is oligarchy, then where is democracy left?"
"The Democracy... would end as it always has done, in becoming an oligarchy or the government of a few."
"Folks, this is what oligarchy looks like."
"Democracies are oligarchies and the oligarchs don't care about the scoundrels that come and go."