
Job Loss Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"What does it mean for the working class of this country when over 50,000 factories have been shut down since 2001 and millions of workers have lost decent-paying jobs?"
"Our own data suggest to us that two thirds of all jobs in developing countries will be lost because of automation."
"Every industry impacted, with 42% of job losses expected to become permanent."
"Losing your job is not an easy thing... we should all be able to sympathize and have some empathy here."
"Events have emotional impacts... If you get fired, for example, you're gonna feel betrayed, you're gonna feel taken advantage of, you're gonna feel incompetent."
"Congratulations, you lost your freaking job. What's the next opportunity? What do you want to transmute? What do you want to do next?"
"When I lost my job at the university because of collapse of funding, I was devastated. Yet, if I had not had that experience, I would have stayed in the depressed state that I was in."
"If you lose your job because you were vocal about what's going on, then you walk out a hero."
"Millions of jobs are gonna be lost across the world... in the United States, hundreds of thousands of jobs are gonna be lost."
"The assumption is they're going to get another job, that may very well be true, but it also may very well be true that if you're a small business owner who piled all your savings into starting a restaurant, and that restaurant just went away forever, that is a life that has been wrecked."
"Whenever a game like that fails, it's so damaging. Think about how many people lost their job after Anthem failed."
"I'm emotional because I'm about to lose my job guys."
"If you have people who lose their job, you'll see enormous social unrest."
"A sad day for wrestling. These are talented people who are now without a job."
"We're going to see downward pressure on consumer spending... more retail stores closing more of these retail jobs gone."
"He forgave himself out of a job because they shut the institution."
"We're talking about the loss of millions upon millions of jobs, and that does have a pretty significant impact on people's lives."
"The best thing that never happened to me was not getting that job."
"When you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes."
"As all the moratoriums roll off... you're going to begin to see these job losses really begin to matter a lot."
"I lost my job and lost my dream because of it." - Bruce Prichard
"Our jobs going away, our culture being hollowed out, wars that don't make any sense."
"You lost your job, the government said you had to lose your job, you lost your income stream because the government said you had to lose your income stream."
"Whenever someone loses their job, it's sad, you know what I mean? And I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"Millions of people lost their job, kids lost a year of education."
"Sacrifice that year of education, millions of jobs, lives of people committing suicide, including kids. Not enough."
"We automated away 4 million manufacturing jobs."
"America lost one in four manufacturing jobs following the twin disasters of NAFTA and China's entrance into the WTO."
"He called it voluntary resignation but this was practically the same as getting fired."
"This closure has forced the businesses, restaurants, convenience stores, and hundreds of employees in the mall to seek new opportunities, which is truly lamentable."
"People have lost their jobs, their healthcare... for doing the morally right thing."
"Nobody had a job because the entire country was shut down."
"I definitely feel pretty bad for a lot of these people because you know I can't imagine how it feels to lose your job because somebody else was incompetent."
"Our economy lost a staggering 3.2 million manufacturing jobs to China."
"Millions of dollars were lost and tens of thousands of jobs would be cut as a result of Carter's decision to cancel the B-1."
"One reason why I ran for president myself is that I think we automated well I know we automated away four million manufacturing jobs."
"We've seen this movie before to me we did that to the manufacturing workers in the Midwest and those communities have not recovered."
"Despite losing her job, Emily remained resilient and started her own business."
"The destruction of businesses and jobs, the sinking of the country into the depths of unbelievable debt, are alarming."
"The worst day in the history of ESPN: Disney once again laying people off, this time folks on TV on ESPN. The anchors getting the ax. 20 plus people laid off."
"The media can't recover from this. The jobs won't come back, period."
"One of the scariest things about the rise of AI is that a lot of people are sadly going to lose their jobs."
"I'm not any kind of economist. We all have friends at restaurants and businesses, employee and job losses."
"You're going to see people lose their jobs left and right as a result of artificial intelligence."
"Though I have my schadenfreude about Zillow, it really sucks that 2,000 people had to lose their jobs because their company was reckless and greedy."
"If they refuse to raise the debt ceiling the White House Council of economic advisors has just released a report saying the consequences of that will be that millions of Americans will lose their jobs."
"Michigan jobs would have been exported while millions and millions of foreign cars would have flooded American streets."
"Microsoft is laying off 1900 employees at Activision Blizzard and Xbox this week."
"I got fired November 2nd, 2008, really fired, you know what happened was it was a combination of things."
"Being fired was the most freeing thing ever."
"Trauma is like a real thing, people experience real trauma. And getting fired, I'm not sure if it counts as real trauma."
"I’m actually really grateful I got fired from that internship because it taught me a lot."
"It's been absolutely difficult a lot of people's finances have taken blows people have lost jobs revenues and in the midst babies were born people lost friends families."
"I'm gonna lose my job. You're gonna lose your job, Roy. It's unlucky, but some might say he's done a good job."
"It's losing your job because of the pandemic, a problem that now has hit a staggering 26 million people from small businesses to the gig economy to also, of course, major corporations and institutions."
"She got fired on Twitter. The entire world on Twitter had witnessed her demise while she's sitting in an airplane 30,000 feet above the ground eating peanuts."
"This person may have recently lost their job, experiencing a lot of bad luck."
"Think about right now if you or a spouse lost a job, what would you do?"
"Karen lost her job... it seems like very odd timing if there was no correlation."
"She really was a trailblazer and she, she lost her job and was you know basically back then was like cancelled really yeah she really canceled culture was even really a thing oh people said horrible things publicly it was really bad absolutely."
"The vast majority of jobs will get automated out of existence."
"Every time someone loses a job, it's a disaster for that family."
"I know, it's a bummer that people are losing their jobs."
"Getting fired is humiliating to begin with don't make it worse, yeah hold on to some dignity."
"This pandemic has caused tens of millions of American workers to lose their jobs through no fault of their own."
"The reason why Donald Trump is our president is that we automated away four million manufacturing jobs."
"The u.s. political leadership was willing to tolerate it... you have a bunch of people who used to work decent paying jobs who are out of work they get on painkiller medications that are over prescribed."
"When one person loses their job, they will stop spending as much money."
"During the pandemic they printed trillions of dollars but more people were laid off in our lifetime than ever before."
"Millions and millions and millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs."
"The government has outlined a stimulus package including payouts to people who lose their jobs during this period."
"So to see that industry go away would be horrible and that's the trajectory we're on right now."
"I think others are going to pay a very significant price for that. Those who are going to lose their jobs as a consequence of it."
"If you are getting laid off, it's not the end of the world. It can actually be the beginning of something beautiful."
"I've been able to make income and that's been life-changing for us, so it's funny because I know for a fact that if it wasn't for losing my job I wouldn't be here talking so transparently."
"Traditional organizations are often afraid of implementing too much automation, fearing job loss."
"He must accept that they wanted him out of the job and used his lack of Education as an excuse."
"The self-checkout machine has taken away a job from a human being."
"...there can be actually a lot of Silver Linings...there are many people that sometimes because they lost their jobs they ended up finding an even better job..."
"You're in a position where if you lose your job, you're totally screwed."
"Getting laid off can be one of the most catastrophic things that you'll experience in your professional career."
"Yeah, that was, you know, I lost that job, and it was a bit of a wakeup call."
"I was descending into full-blown panic how would he and the children cope without a job he tried not to break down in front of the HR however when he got home he gathered the children close and cried his heart out."
"...leading to job losses and the transformation of the area."
"... it might be convenient not having to interact with another human being, it is costing people jobs."
"The disruption to the labor market... we'll lose millions of jobs but the trouble is that the people who lost those millions of jobs can't take the new millions of jobs generally speaking."
"No one likes to lose their current job but it's not the end of the world."
"A 0.1% percentage point increase in this means hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs."
"How bad do we have to have [ __ ] up as a people that machines are about to take away all of our jobs, and that's a bad thing? It really is."
"How bad do we have to [ __ ] up as a people that machines are about to take away all of our jobs, and that's a bad thing?"
"The reality of life is a lot of people lose their job, a lot of people get fired, a lot of people get laid off, and oftentimes, in fact, the vast majority of the time, it's no fault of their own."
"Everyone I know knows somebody who has lost a job or who is currently working overtime to try to keep their job."
"People are losing jobs and careers and bags and businesses and their peace of mind."
"I think the only drawback of being fired is like the guilt or negative feeling around being fired."
"But we're talking about you know the livelihood of 60 people 50 of which have already lost their jobs because of this situation now in 2023."
"I got fired from my job a few days ago, but here I am giving you my money."
"Losing a job sucks, especially when you have a baby coming."
"...if they told us so late and only gave us like a four day notice of like Hey we're gonna close your store down in four days like find a job girl..."
"I hate hearing about people lose their jobs and stuff like that."
"I thought one day I would have a big I quit my job. Um...video but I didn't think it would be anytime soon and I didn't think it would be not I quit but I lost my job."
"I have lost my job. I have had Seven Bells kicked out of me because of you. I want more than a flaming aspirin."
"Financial things that happen or job loss or you never know what could force you to have to just rely on what you have stored and doing these challenges voluntarily at times just makes us better prepared in the future."
"losing a job isn't the end of the world you'd be wrong."
"We need social protection so that when a person loses a job, they don't lose their lives, livelihoods, homes, or families."
"I'm unemployed. One minute, I had a comfortable job, the next, I was left for broke."
"A lot of people have been losing their jobs because of this pandemic."
"When you get fired, you learn a lot about yourself."
"It's a strange time on planet earth with the pandemic, and so many of you have written that you've recently lost your job."
"My heart goes out to you, hopefully, you'll get new jobs somewhere, please keep your heads up."
"The real victims in this story are the 75 Aussie media employees who were left suddenly without a job."
"For the first time ever, I was glad that I'd lost my job."
"Severance pay calculator.com, the very first place you go to if you lose your job."
"I'd rather somebody lose a job than a kid being abused."
"That translates to over half a million people losing their jobs."
"It's really sad and ugly when you see people celebrating somebody losing their job."
"The collapse of these developers could lead to a loss of 250 million Chinese jobs."
"The manufacturing collapse hit hundreds of towns with endless rounds of layoffs and factory closures that gutted the middle class."
"AI is going to decimate American jobs at very, very high levels."
"I lost my job but kept my integrity, so I considered that a fair trade in my book."
"Permanent job loss is accelerating in a trend that is much higher and more steep than it was during the Great Recession in 2009."
"Through no fault of their own, COVID-19 resulted in millions of our people losing their jobs and their income."
"When life hits, if your car breaks down, if you lose your job, you can live for three to six months."
"This is a issue that resulted in the loss of over 70 jobs overnight as well as potentially the collapse of North America's biggest Esports league."
"Everything's automated, so now you took my above the poverty line job."
"We're going to wipe out millions of jobs in the United States and tens of millions of jobs in the developing world."
"The social and cultural damage of the loss of around 4,000 rural jobs is immeasurable."
"Yeah, losing my job sucks, but maybe it's the opportunity that I needed."
"I feel so bad for people losing their jobs right now."
"What hurt the most was that I gave everything to this company, and when it came time to lay people off, I was one of the casualties."
"If you put your identity in your job, what happens when you lose your job? You no longer have an identity."
"That must be why I lost my job as head of new ideas."
"My real job is, auto mechanic. In these seasons of the pandemic I lost my job, I had to invent what to do."
"I just received terrible news. This company has been taken over by a conglomerate. After 23 years of faithful service, I've been terminated."
"I lost my job... I was like, what am I supposed to do?"
"When job loss happens... this affects the community that you live in."
"Amidst the pandemic, I lost my job and was left completely hopeless and unsure about how I was supposed to pay my bills."
"Yesterday I had my whole life mapped out in front of me, today I've got no job, no girlfriend, one less mate."
"The unemployment insurance program, that's insurance that is valuable because there's no way to get private insurance against losing your job."
"When businesses fail that have been the backbones of their communities, that's permanent job loss for workers and a tragedy for the communities."
"Losing my dream job was really hard on my mental health."
"From the bottom of my soul, I hurt for every single person that lost their jobs."
"If you are unemployed and you got recently laid off, you should be filing for unemployment."
"Our best wishes go out to anyone affected by these job cuts."
"There's a very big difference between losing your job for something you did and losing your job for something you didn't do."