
Political Advocacy Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"We need a party that's going to be there for the people, for the working people."
"This is an attack on free speech and political advocacy, and there's nothing that's more protected under the First Amendment than political speech."
"I have been strong, in United Nations, every day I fought China and I did it by making sure we called 'em out on human rights."
"Vote for uncorrupted Democrats. The fight starts now, it starts today, and it starts with you."
"We're not talking about purity, Barack Obama. People like us... want things like Medicare-for-all and a living wage and an end to these wars. That's called basic human decency."
"He was for universal healthcare coverage, I was for that 40 years ago, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, and I'm for it now."
"I believe we do need to move in the direction of a Medicare for All system."
"He will fight if when we get medicare-for-all he'll make sure that everybody who voted against them will have Medicare for all."
"We need to update the voting rights act to address voter suppression tactics."
"President Zelensky has urged the United States to remain united."
"So if they're going to spend all of their time trying to trash the Green New Deal, I think that's great because the Green New Deal is enormously popular."
"This is about putting on the record and demonstrating to Americans whose side the United States Senate is on when it comes to protecting the most fundamental of freedoms the ability to control and have autonomy over your own body."
"Larry Elder, man, people of California heed my call."
"I think it's about time that the African Community come together and make our voices heard about this situation."
"In a time of voter suppression at home and authoritarians abroad Joe Biden will be a champion for free and fair elections."
"We need Congress to fund and build the wall, give us the resources to deal with this crisis, and terminate the Flores agreement."
"That's great job for AOC for pushing for that access of the FEMA money. Way to go."
"When I was advocating for Edward Snowden's pardon in the last days of the Trump Administration, it was kind of odd to me how important it was to the US Security State that Edward Snowden not be pardoned and allowed to come home."
"Thank You mr. chairman I've got a lot to do as well I've got houses in schools to help rebuild in the Virgin Islands expansion of voting rights educational opportunities criminal justice reform."
"I am a pan-africanist upon Nigeria. The IPOB deserves to be heard."
"If we do not defend the rights of the individual, then there is no point in trying to preserve the Petro dollar or any kind of Global Order."
"Stories like these underscore why Congress must replenish the paycheck protection program immediately."
"Are you ready to push for us leaving with a clean break no deal on the 31st of October oh absolutely."
"Let's put the people in New York first and begin by getting rid of Bragg and any other district attorney who violates the constitution of New York and the constitution of the United States with what he's doing."
"This has to be a nine out of ten, I genuinely like it."
"If you want to move this country forward... you put that shift Indy and as for America, we will move forward."
"If that program is real and can be proven to be real, and I believe that there is a long list of people who are standing by to tell that to Congress."
"President Trump isn't afraid to fight for what's right. He won't back down."
"You should support democracy... you should support the right of people in this country to have actual real choices."
"The only guarantee for Scotland of equality within the British family of Nations is through Independence." - Nicola Sturgeon
"I wanted to capture the leadership, the resilience, the courage of essential workers."
"The president will continue to advocate for components of his Build Back Better agenda."
"Bernie said that we needed to take environmental action immediately and with agency."
"We must end America's complicity in Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen."
"If you want to see low taxes, low regulations, lots of jobs... if you want the border secure, if you want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protected, show up in public."
"So, we believe that because clean energy was one of his big initiatives when he got elected, it's one of the four, he will focus on getting an EV credit passed. There's no question in my mind."
"The purple power ramped it up and it worked tonight, Nancy Pelosi agreed to give money for farmers."
"Voter integrity for our nation is more important than any of the things that we discussed."
"We need more poets in politics... We need it desperately."
"We are the majority and we're growing every day and we've got really humane sensible policies that will solve problems and give us a plan we can live on together."
"You deserve better, you deserve a government that's going to continue to say get vaccinated."
"Republicans are fighting for citizens from every background, every community, and every walk of life."
"Embracing a return to traditional elections, Carlson advocates for in-person Idaho verified voting to ensure transparency and thwart external influences like Mark Zuckerberg."
"We need a whole ideology shift in this country."
"We need to construct emergency homeless shelters to make sure that everyone has access to shelter, healthcare, and nutrition." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"DC obviously should be a state... Puerto Rico should be a state."
"Hillary Clinton knows Medicare for all's a better system."
"I call on the cabinet office to allow Mr. Hancock to write an appendix for his book containing the redacted passages on the lab leak theory."
"My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith."
"We need to make sure that we are focusing on voting rights and passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act."
"We also have the U.S House and Ways Means Committee from the U.S House of Representatives that are also urging President Biden to pass monthly recurring stimulus checks in this next package."
"People do want to see us be stronger and more forceful and to confront them on these policies."
"What Jeremy has done in the UK, what Sanders has done in the US and others that have sprung up in the last 10 years, it's an invaluable service to working people across the world."
"20 million voices and counting, calling on the Supreme Court to see this case for what it is, a blatant attempt to overturn the will of the people." - Kamala Harris
"Together we can fight to build America's great wall to secure our borders and to complete parts two and three of this video series thank you and may God bless you and our great nation the United States of America."
"Bernie Sanders is the one to beat Donald Trump so if you were actually serious about getting this grotesque bloated thing out of office and 2020 you got to get serious about supporting Bernie Sanders."
"Every part of Biden's proposal will be there in a big, robust way."
"Bernie Sanders is the only person running that for actual people."
"She spoke directly to people's needs Medicare for all free College living wage ending the wars green New Deal abolishing ice."
"I think one of the things conservatives fail to do is to argue vigorously for the things that they believe."
"Vote Labour, but also...there is the possibility now of making sure that...those that come from poorer backgrounds get the chance of world-class education."
"When will the Liberals finally enforce livable wages and benefits for childcare workers?"
"Of course we want everyone to vote red but at the end of the day it is so important that you educate yourself."
"The real point is folks, why you should be a socialist."
"Senator Gillibrand of New York proposed this amendment and says it's time for transparency."
"Democrats will keep fighting ferociously to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"The only way we're in for more crazy years that at least continue freedom and capitalism is through Trump."
"Help build an economy that works for working people and I promise you I'm going to keep fighting for you. Are you prepared to fight with me?"
"Let's build it together. Let's continue to give working families a fighting chance, face our challenges head-on, and let's keep building a better America because we can do it."
"We will always stand up for Canadians' Charter rights, we will always stand up for freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of expression. That is extremely important."
"The left itself, I mean progressives, have engaged in a tremendous amount of highly effective solution making."
"We need to make sure we still have a democracy and that should be obvious to any administration that cares about the voice of the people farewell said."
"Showing up and taking care of people, that's why I'm a Democrat. I think that's what the Democratic Party is doing and that's why we need to elect Democrats, especially this cycle."
"I met with Congress I met with I was out of meeting of all 50 governors and talked about just a AI danger and I talked to everyone I could no one seemed to realize where this was going."
"Speaker McCarthy and the majority of House Republicans must keep their word and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine as it defends itself. We are the indispensable nation in the world, let's act like it."
"I will fight to give every parent a choice in education so their children have a better chance in life."
"The squad led by Rashida Talib has signed a letter asking the Biden administration to drop charges against Julian Assange."
"Hell yeah I support Medicare for all... that kind of discomfort is what people sense."
"Stop the lies, stop the bigotry, stop the hate. Leave kids alone. I urge a no vote on this awful, rotten Rule."
"From their perch in Moscow, the folks at Yes California said they explicitly support and encourage Californians to stand up and take direct action."
"Remember it was Bernie's relentless campaign in 2018 that contributed greatly to Amazon raising its minimum wage to 15 an hour."
"Trump of course has been insisting Congress write checks of two thousand dollars."
"We agree with Senator Sanders, and the president is going to be standing right alongside him fighting for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour."
"It's about time we get elected officials that pay attention to the law of the land." - Jesse Ventura
"Democrats are talking about jobs, reducing prescription drug prices, protecting veterans, and seniors."
"From my show and by supporting me you're supporting the epoch times and you're supporting independent journalism that is Bar None this country's best hope in surviving the onslaught against our values and freedoms."
"This is their lives, and those of us who are progressive need to say that."
"Advocacy for Palestinian freedom isn't the same as advocating for genocide against Jews."
"I stand for programs that will mean growth and progress."
"Democrats have proved to be the real patriots who have stood up for the constitution."
"They're fighting for your healthcare, we're fighting for your social security."
"We need to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"The plans to crack down on online misogyny come as leading Tories are pushing for the law to go further."
"Grover wishes you a merry Christmas. Thank you for helping us keep them honest in Washington, and that's what this show is all about."
"If we want to protect people's lives then very clearly we need a drastically different direction for our government."
"It's time that we reclaim democracy for the people."
"Progressives are the number one fighters for American families and parents. We're going to get them paid family leave. We want to lower their drug prices."
"These actions will help Americans; President Trump is for the American people, and Democrats failed to deliver."
"We need people who are unapologetic about implementing policies related to the working-class issues."
"We must pass the For the People Act. It's a national imperative."
"Joe Biden demands relief for individuals, unemployed, small businesses, and renters."
"Get off your asses, pass this, pass stimulus checks now!"
"I'm really impressed with Bernie Sanders because he's doing everything in his power right now to take down Donald Trump."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"When we go back to Washington we will be putting Roe v. Wade codification on the floor of the House to make sure that women everywhere have access to the reproductive health that they need."
"We have to make sure we're electing candidates who are pro-climate."
"We need to stand up for unions, strengthen unions." - Ro Khanna
"We have to reform our democracy and make sure voter suppression is headed off at the pass."
"Shout out to my fellow radicals who believe crazy things like a full-time job should be enough for you to live."
"It's good that Schumer and Warren and progressives are continuing to push Biden on this."
"You should feel proud of your policies. You should feel ready and willing to answer any questions to defend and stand up in favor of the policies that you've championed." - Ben Frazier
"The more Taiwan stands up, the more that's going to empower the advocates in America to be able to say, 'See, Taiwan's doing their share.'"
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We cannot be too bold in responding to the pandemic.'"
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We can choose to lift the burden of millions of people.'"
"Everybody agrees with hashtag forced to vote. The people who are against it, it's inexplicable. And you're not supposed to question their motives. I question their motives. Jank Uger is on the take."
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"We will continue to be the conscience of the Congress, making sure that we are showing up to deliver the promise of America for everyone."
"The overwhelming majority of Americans are on our side—'Release it all now'."
"I think he's one of the leading thinkers right now in the populist movement and advocates for populism."
"Democracy needs to be defended... it's about time that the mandate given in 2016 was delivered upon."
"Our side, the conservative side, can play such a huge role in that and making sure that women know that they don't have to be these horrible leftist pro-abortion activists."
"Our politics are made better by the sisters who are like, 'We get to have some boundaries here.'"
"We need leaders that will protect our rights and not take them away."
"We need a Democratic Socialist, we need a fighter for the people, and we need to elect Bernie Sanders."
"I have a long record, the ideas that I am fighting for now didn't come to me yesterday."
"We have to rebuild the Great American middle class." - Tim Ryan
"We need clarity, we need the truth." - Mick Wallace
"DC statehood is the only way to end taxation without representation."
"Call your politician... the Loomis amendment is the good amendment, the other one is a bunch of bull crap."
"This is an issue of the heart for her. She wants to enshrine marriage equality, and I think that's righteous and good."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"Hillary doesn't just have a powerful vision for this country, she has the policies to actually make that vision a reality."
"But the most important thing is to not be jerks about it and to get out there fight for what we believe in represent what we care about among one another and then get out there and take it to the country."
"It was very formative for me to be bullied. I'm very thankful that I was bullied because it made me a better person."
"vote blue in 2024 that this like a boxing match don't leave it up to the judges you got to make sure that you have a knockout and that's what we need in 2024."
"A Sanders presidency would go a long way to creating a safer and more just world."
"Fighting for people's rights actually is very popular as Republicans are not just fighting against the rights of people, fighting to take away the rights of Americans."
"Finally somebody who's willing to say it, let's end these ridiculous wars."
"Equal rights, fair representation, rights for human beings, anti-corruption laws, and free and fair elections—that's what we are fighting for."
"Arizona, along with America, needs a proven conservative fighter that's going to stand up for the people."
"We cannot allow a moral society to give tax breaks to billionaires and then cut back on the needs of struggling seniors or people with disabilities." - Bernie Sanders
"Nobody has done more for the african-american community than the Republican Party and we're also the party of Abraham Lincoln."
"We need more progressives in Congress to go against America's foreign policy."
"Credit where credit is due - the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wouldn't exist without Elizabeth Warren's fight."
"There is no one who has fought harder for this issue... than I think Joe Biden."
"Critical to defend and expand voting rights."
"He has something to say. It's conservative. He knows his file inside and out."
"How are you gonna pass Medicare for all if you don't have fighters like Nina Turner in the house?"
"If we could have gotten Universal child care I think we'd just think that would have happened more people saying I am all the way in I I want to go all the way on that again because it is good policy."
"She's totally unafraid on issues of immigration rights across the board and then she had this really ambitious great policy set: canceling student debt, Medicare for all..."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"When I'm censored or Trump is censored you are censored conservatives by the tens of millions."
"Bernie is responsible for making sure that we know that health care is a human right."
"It's time to put a government that cares about the people first."
"I tell folks all the time there's a reason we called it the freedom caucus."
"The Democratic party is our party. The problem is that we haven't called on them with the specific black agenda and demanded of them what they owe us."
"It's time to make public higher education free as it should be."
"Our voices will be heard. We must elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president of the United States."
"We need people like yourself to get out the truth and people that say that we're conspiracy theorists and that we're way out there and far-right, you know, yeah we're far-right because we're right."
"If we can't even have a progressive left flank that's at least as passionate about getting universal health care as the tea party was about blocking Obamacare, that's a pathetic state of affairs."
"If you cherish our Supreme Court, if you cherish the separation of powers, you need to reject the Biden Harris ticket come November the 3rd."
"Now I will get behind Rand Paul's initiative to end no-knock raids."
"All we are trying to do is address the crises facing working families and demand that the wealthiest people in this country start paying their fair share of taxes."
"I want presidents and politicians who are focused on equality, making sure women can control their own bodies."
"We pay for what we are proposing unlike the President of the United States."
"I've made a lot of headway convincing family members to vote for Bernie."
"That's a vote for Medicare for all. That is a vote for serious green investment in green jobs."
"You're raising up the quality of living, you're not gonna see homeless people on the street, you're not gonna have healthcare crises, you're gonna have solid education, you're gonna have high wages."
"When somebody can come around and say, 'Look, I am for these progressive policies.'"
"I want there to be policies that are largely, I think you could say leftist policies."
"We need to offer America a way to show the institutions can work."
"Any president who actually values constitutional protections should free Julian."
"I want to see a party that gets back to being a spokesman for fundamental decency."
"Bet on black women. We are the moral vote of this country when we vote."
"Vote blue get your friends bring them here let them hear true to power let them hear the raw and unfiltered conversation."
"We're gonna fight for the future of cities like Baltimore that have been destroyed by decades of failed and corruptible the left-wing agenda."
"We've advocated constructively, I hope, for positive populism, pro-worker, profamily, pro-community, pro-America."
"We need to push our policies and frame it in the framework of securing our freedoms."
"I stand up for ordinary, hard-working Georgia families time and time again." - Senator Warnock
"We need reform in the system so that we can get the cost of college under control." - Senator Warnock
"Never underestimate the immeasurable power of a dedicated group of political advocates."
"Now that Bernie has begun to do that, nurse he always had the right policies."
"Thank you for the leadership your providers said the Judicial Watch could expose what this whole gang was up to in trying to bring down a president of the United States."
"We want our rights restored, we want long lost rights brought back."
"Vote for people that are pro-freedom, vote in some new blood."
"What this whole fight is about... health care, education, raising the minimum wage... doing what the American people want and need."
"We need a proletariat revolution. We need A1 support neutral aid. And I want to leave with that."
"Joe Biden shares John Lewis's belief that every vote matters."
"I'm not angry for myself, I'm angry for the millions of Americans who were silenced."
"Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it. I am Not Afraid and for Democrats to win you can't be afraid either." - Elizabeth Warren
"Health care is a human right, not a privilege." - Bernie Sanders
"We are the Democrats. We are not about trying to take away health care from anyone. That's what the Republicans are trying to do." - Elizabeth Warren
"What Trump is doing through his racism and xenophobia is demonizing a group of people, and as president, I will end that demonization." - Bernie Sanders
"You can't abandon the Civil Rights agenda because without it you simply do not have, you're ignoring what are the legitimate material interests of such a wide sector of who's going to make up a genuine left in this country, right?"
"The ideas that we are talking about are now the ideas that the vast majority of the American people believe."
"Who do I actually think is going to fight for me?"
"Let's start the divisive NDP and left-wing politics and vow to destroy racism together."
"emergency Cobra cast out 199 out Trump 2024 to save America and we will talk to you later bye."
"We should provide healthcare to every man, woman, and child by passing Medicare for all."
"Democrats are protecting Social Security, Medicare coverage, and fighting for infrastructure."