
Intellectual Diversity Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Diversity of thought is way more important than diversity of race."
"The good news is that there are new institutions emerging that are genuinely dedicated to open inquiry, intellectual diversity, and to challenging students intellectually."
"If you ask three philosophers how social constructs work, you'll get four theories."
"I care about diversity of thought more than diversity of any other kind."
"Encouraging people in the academy to narrow their field of reading and narrow students' reading seems to me to be a bit philistine and irresponsible."
"Everybody who's being described as a member of the IDW probably has, among other things, one thing in common: they all are used to being yelled at for saying things that are self-evident."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that this world would not be very intellectually stimulating if we all thought and felt the same."
"Maybe you're a moderate, maybe you're a liberal, maybe or someone associated or more in line with the intellectual dark web represents moderate individuals, progressives, some conservatives who want to have a real conversation."
"The diversity of thinking and the depth of thinking just one level past what you're used to is the way to keep the whole garden flourishing."
"We need viewpoint diversity... to make us smarter."
"It is disagreement, not conformity, that bends the long arc of humanity toward truth and wisdom."
"You want genuine intellectual diversity. You want to present the best arguments on both sides."
"We need to get back to true diversity of thought and opinion."
"Expose them to dissenting opinions, expose everyone to opinions that sound different from the way they think."
"At the very least we need to have an argument about it and that requires intellectual diversity."
"Promote intellectual and political diversity."
"Nuance and diversity of opinion is a good thing."
"The most important kind of diversity is viewpoint diversity."
"Responsible heterodoxy challenges the mainstream narrative."
"Many different perspectives can hold some part of truth."
"The idea that we all need to sacrifice at the altar of white male genius needs to stop."
"I always find it interesting when somebody is able to go in-depth about a point, even if I completely disagree."
"The more viewpoints that you can have in a concentrated area, the better."
"How are we going to evolve and learn more if we don't include peripheral dissenting voices?"
"Advancing and emergent ideas come from the periphery because the establishment has a vested interest in containing its own personal epistemology."
"You gotta accept the fact that dumb people should have the same rights to make decisions as quote unquote smart people."
"It's not about I'm right, you're wrong, it's about can all of these ideas exist in good faith."
"We appreciate the diversity of thought, hence chaotic versus lawful."
"It's not enough to say, 'Oh, I'm going to read some conservatives and some liberals.'"
"Establishing and maintaining a culture of free speech and intellectual diversity is crucial."
"Continuing to seek out alternative points of view is super helpful in making sure that we are making truly informed decisions."
"Ideas must be allowed to exist; there's no justification for having people go into unconscious biased training."
"You want diversity of everything else except diversity of thought."
"Remember, the left hates the idea that there are other ideas. They want college to be a place where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"Public intellectuals aren't defined by any specific quality or type of thinking."
"Ideas that you don't agree with are more important than the ones you do agree with."
"I like to hear ideas that I've never thought of. I like to hear views that I agree with and views I disagree with. I like to have my thinking evolve."
"The internet is full of fascinating interesting smart people... there's so many smart and fascinating people who have helped shape what I think about things today."
"Good research is going to ask you to do both and everything in between."
"Diversity and inclusion also means diversity of thought."
"Political disagreement isn't just intellectual disagreement. You can't be on the left and say the right is just wrong. You can't be on the right and say the left is just wrong."
"We let the ideas compete with each other, not the diversity of skin colors but diversity of thoughts."
"Almost everybody in the core of the IDW is capable of holding a position where everyone is against you."
"We love all these people, we love the way they think until it gets to be in the way."
"Einstein and Mozart and Tesla would all be probably diagnosed as autistic spectrum today."
"The world is just as full of clever black people and clever yellow people as it is of clever white people."
"The most damaging development in NPR is the absence of viewpoint diversity... they have diversity of color, gender, sex, race, ethnicity, but what they don't have is diversity of thought."
"However rare a smart person might be in your life in the world, smart people are actually not uncommon."
"Polymothy is because I'm interested in so many different things. I made the channel to be a place where I could then talk about all the things I'm interested in."
"They do not want a diversity of philosophy or thought."
"I do believe that there's going to be a demand for alternative ways of thinking about these things."
"Diversity of thought is the only diversity that matters."
"Thought diversity is exactly what's required."
"The best thinkers on politics, news, culture, sports, everything in between."
"You want diversity of thought, and that is probably the most important type of diversity and inclusion."
"You're making a deception, what's your favorite? Most people, but this is why you have me on so I can inject another perspective."
"It's disappointing that all forms of diversity are encouraged except diverse opinion."
"Any analysis should have the holes punched in it as best they can... we need that type of disagreement."
"I speak three languages: English, mathematics, and silliness."
"Diversity of viewpoint is actually utterly crucial to advancing ideas."
"It's time to return to valuing nuance, complexity, anarchy, wickedness, and heresy."
"We need more debate, more disagreement."
"If you're really going to do scholarship, you should read the things you agree with and the things you don't agree with."
"One of the goals of higher education is to foster the kind of intellectual inquiry that can engage a wide range of viewpoints."
"The end is not to prove that we are right, rather our program brings diverse minds together so that we can clarify what we do and do not know."
"We have to have intellectual tolerance within one another."