
Semiconductor Industry Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"We will enable advanced semiconductor manufacturing to make a comeback here in America after 40 years."
"Taiwan is by far the biggest manufacturer of chips, accounting for more than 60% of the global market."
"So in August he signed the chips act allocating more than 52 billion dollars in federal aid for Semiconductor research and Manufacturing."
"The semiconductor industry association said in a new report that $20 to $50 billion in tax breaks and federal grants would make the US the most attractive investment destination for chips excluding China."
"Arm is uniquely positioned to service the massively booming demand for companies needing higher performance chips... and it's locking in those customers and really raking in the dough."
"Secretary Raimondo presses Congress to approve $52 billion for semiconductor manufacturing."
"Taiwan's semiconductor industry is crucial for global technology."
"Apple is getting incredibly good at making their own chips."
"U.S. chip CEOs want Biden to fund domestic production."
"It's bad for NVIDIA and AMD to some extent Intel, they're not really in this market that much it doesn't actually affect the media in a negative way it actions in a positive way because people are excited to build again."
"The concentration of the semiconductor sector in Taiwan is not a risk but is the key to the reorganization of the global semiconductor industry." - President Tai England
"Lisa Su, the first female CEO of a major semiconductor company."
"It is in Taiwan's interest to maintain its current dominance in terms of semiconductors."
"AMD is on track to become TSMC's second largest customer."
"The idea of reshoring things or trying to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S..."
"Although the chips GF makes are considered legacy nodes, the process and resources needed are still incredibly complex."
"Applied Materials would be ultra focused on semiconductor manufacturing. They wanted to refocus on their core businesses mostly chemical vapor deposition but a few other technologies too and be world class at just those."
"These companies bend over backwards to design specific chips for these applications."
"Alder Lake's performance is personal to me. This was my first good big leak. This is the thing I've been saying we'll come back to."
"Rdna3 is on track to an estimated 50 Improvement performance per watt better than rdna2."
"India has all the potential to become a semiconductor production hotspot."
"India is a semiconductor designed Powerhouse nearly every major Semiconductor Company has a presence in India designing some of the most advanced chips in the world."
"This is major news... maybe the biggest news actually for semiconductors this week..."
"Intel outlines a plan to get back in line with Moore's law."
"The semiconductor bill is providing capital for building U.S. manufacturing plants for semiconductors. From a fundamental basis, Intel is cheap."
"Intel had capacity issues due to their own mistakes, making them sell more chips temporarily."
"As long as semiconductors hold up, the market can go higher."
"Semiconductor manufacturing excellence built on evolutionary improvements."
"We will keep shrinking the cost per transistor and we will provide the world with ever more powerful semiconductors."
"Software is going to eat the world... this is now the golden age of semiconductors."
"Intel's planning Battle Mage and Celestial, their Xe2 and Xe3 architectures with TSMC orders on four nanometers and three nanometers for these graphics cards."
"TSMC has been cleared to produce a three nanometer factory in Taiwan."
"Taiwan's TSMC to bring its most advanced chip manufacturing to Arizona according to CNN business."
"We went through a year of intense shortage, and now we're on the opposite side with a glut of semiconductors."
"Human capital is the lifeblood of the semiconductor manufacturing industry, where the right person can bring immense value to a company's competitive edge."
"Taiwan's semiconductor manufacturing industry, led by TSMC, has become indispensable to the world."
"Taiwan today produces 90% of the world's most advanced processor chips, the type of chips that power almost all smartphones, most PCs, data centers, cell phone towers."
"Taiwan produces over 60 percent of all semiconductors and a shocking 93 percent of the most advanced chips needed for AI."
"The progress of semiconductors allowed us to invent the GPU and accelerated computing."
"The planar process was really a starting point for 50 years of semiconductor manufacturing technology."
"The planar process established silicon as the main material for semiconductor electronics."
"Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the industry sought to grow their wafers about 50 percent each decade without compromising on productivity and cost."
"The real reason why this is so important is because it gives us control, at least a little bit of control back over the supply of semiconductors coming into this country."
"When we talk about semiconductor manufacturing, we might bring up images in our head of massive fabs, yellow clean rooms, and people walking around in bunny suits."
"President Biden signed a 280 billion dollar funding bill... that's going to fund the creation of semiconductor chips in the United States over the next several years."
"Venturing deeply into the Angstrom era."
"Securing the future of the semiconductor industry is vital to renewing American innovation."
"Band gap engineering is really the centerpiece of the semiconductor revolution."
"The United States has to lead the world in producing these Advanced chips."
"One of the best things in the semiconductor industry this decade is the depth and breadth of chip startups and innovation."
"One semiconductor job in the United States supports 5.7 jobs in other parts of the U.S economy."
"Having essential design and production of cutting-edge semiconductors is essential for the US Department of Defense and military and aerospace companies as well."
"The introduction of the Pure Play Foundry model... has fundamentally changed the landscape of the semiconductor industry."
"There is never a better time to be in the semiconductor industry; our best days still ahead of us."
"...provides cutting-edge insights into the semiconductor supply chain, bridging the gap between business and the chips industry."