
Trial Quotes

There are 1749 quotes

"You need to devote at least five years to something to even see if it's going to work."
"I want you guys to come to London for a trial to play for Aston Villa. I'll cover the travel and hotel expenses, so don't worry about any of that."
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, and success achieved."
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him."
"Sura Maryam teaches us about the strength and faith of Maryam under trial, showcasing her as a model of purity, devotion, and unconditional trust in Allah's plan."
"Your privilege of a trial to defend yourself... could help others in the future."
"Moving forward with the trial is imperative for the country's healing."
"In America, every citizen has the right to a fair trial; it's in the Constitution."
"Every citizen has the right to a fair trial; it's in the Constitution."
"I think the vast majority of this trial was played out on social media. I think that this trial is an example of that gone haywire, gone amok."
"This was the most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through. I have never felt more removed from my own humanity. I felt less than human."
"He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold."
"Strength of character, moral integrity. Character cannot be developed in ease and in quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
"He said, 'My people, this is a huge trial and tribulation that you have fallen into. In fact, your Lord is the Most Merciful.'"
"At his trial, Saldivar shocked everyone when he pled guilty in order to avoid the death penalty."
"This means that Donald Trump will be held liable for defamation again when this goes to trial in January of 2024 and the only question now for the jury to decide is how much money, how many millions, how many zeros—seven figures, eight figures, nine figures—to award E. Jean Carroll for Donald Trump's devastating and disgusting behavior."
"What followed was one of the most transparent and thorough trials in our nation's history."
"I'm fascinated by the Elizabeth Holmes Theranos trial."
"The best breakdown of the trial was by Robert Gouvet."
"The trial of Paul Flores resulted in a unanimous guilty verdict."
"The verdict was overwhelmingly in his favor."
"I think we're going to see more arguments like his that are treating this trial very seriously."
"I would recommend downloading it, trying it out."
"Ultimately it's going to be who has that stronger case to present to the jury."
"We have a duty to ensure a fair and impartial trial."
"Homelander should stand trial just like anybody else, and a jury of his peers will decide that outcome."
"I might fail at it... but at least I can say I tried."
"A resounding victory for Johnny Depp's legal team, Johnny Depp not in the courtroom but celebrating somewhere, a victory for his entire staff of attorneys after a grueling nearly two month trial."
"Brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead."
"The defense for some reason did not enter that into the evidence, and this silly-string video apparently was a huge thing for the jurors when they were deliberating."
"The court is now in session for the trial of Truth or Square versus the public opinion."
"If it doesn't work here then it's not gonna work anywhere."
"Patrick Frazee was found guilty by the jury and convicted of felony first-degree murder."
"This trial is not going to end without you all getting my opinion on it."
"There's a lot of evidence that the judge didn't get to see that establishes that relationship."
"Before you commit to Flutter, you will want to give it a try."
"A Virtual Console style port is still a great, low-cost way to try out a series before making the plunge on a newer game."
"After a four months trial, a jury found Abacus Federalism bank and two of his senior officers not guilty."
"Maybe she is a victim, but this trial convinced me that she is also clearly a perpetrator. I'm disgusted that she made herself a figurehead of Me Too." - Megan Laporta
"Every single person just saw the trial from start to finish and realized that there was something very wrong."
"There's enough doubt that we can wonder whether he was there at all during the time the killing took place."
"Court has begun a show trial of 22 Ukrainian soldiers."
"There is a presumption of innocence on every case, however, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that was presented today."
"Even a mediocre legal team like we saw in the recent case can result in acquittals if the facts are strong enough."
"The glove did not fit which created reasonable doubt."
"By the time the trial came around, the family was very open about the fact that they forgive him."
"If all that sounds interesting, you can make an account for free and try it out."
"The entire point of the trial was to prove once and for all that tomatoes could be eaten as ordinary food."
"They know she'll be vindicated... so they're going to make the trial itself the punishment."
"That was the defense they took at trial that a hacker had planted all this evidence on his laptop or the government planted all this evidence on his laptop."
"The last person they should have put on the stand."
"Austrian newspapers reported that aging Joseph Fritzl might not even be able to make and stand trial."
"Let's be clear, Mr. McConnell doesn't want a Senate trial, he wants a Senate cover-up."
"This trial will start March 25th, it's great news."
"All I know is I have a status hearing coming up and if the government wants to take this lie this complete sham to trial I'm just gonna have to let the facts speak for themselves."
"Donald Trump is being put on a communist show trial today in the city that he helped construct."
"At the end of seven weeks of trial, the jury came back guilty on all counts."
"The first thing we need to do is start a trial on Shopify."
"A fair trial seems difficult amidst the violence and demands for conviction."
"It wasn't fair that evidence of murder she wasn't convicted of yet could be used against her."
"In order to keep my promise to her, I will fight. Fight for my life in this trial of truth and lies."
"I'm happier now that I know you can attempt things you don't have skills for and succeed."
"Finding the culprit is more important in this class trial, talking about the motive is meaningless."
"I think having held the trial at all and potentially getting a number of members of President Trump's own party to agree and convict him, that in and of itself from the perspective of history would actually be very significant."
"The defense does not need to prove anything here. It just needs to muddy the waters enough to create Reasonable Doubt."
"Just give people an opportunity to try something different for seven days."
"Personally, I think that Johnny can win here."
"Sometimes you just have to dip your feet in and see if it's going to be okay, take a taste, give it a try."
"This trial really demonstrates the power of the internet and how campaigns for public opinion can shape real world effects."
"There really is no point in not trying the game out for completely free on the beta test weekend next week."
"It seems like Lana’s Trial is to calm whatever Pokémon this may be."
"Now's the perfect time to give a lot of these games a shot."
"This is going back to, you know, any juror who's going to possibly vote acquittal in, um, the Derek Chauvin trial. It's, it's, you can't imagine what it's like to have your life totally upended because of this."
"Just give it a chance and not judge it before it's happened."
"There's no question about it at all, this is definitely fraud."
"Who wants to go through a trial where your children are testifying?"
"Let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial."
"He pleaded not guilty to all four counts... if he were found guilty up to 20 years in prison in some cases."
"At his trial, the jury deliberated for just 15 minutes."
"After deliberating for under four hours, the jury finds O.J. Simpson not guilty on the count of two murders."
"You are at the crossroads faced by every person on trial for a crime."
"This trial is not just about the accused, it's about uncovering the truth."
"The impeachment trial will proceed against him. It's pretty clear that there are not the votes there to convict him."
"When a man leaves you after all your hard work and the next woman is his wife, that is how it is, trial and error. So, something, not all the time, but sometimes, that next woman is the wife."
"Liam was found guilty on all counts on June 21st, 2019."
"Presenting this much evidence with no defense is going to make people convict him even more in the court of public opinion."
"Just do it! Whatever happens, happens with it. Just give it a go and see if you like it."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing because you changed someone else."
"I made this. It might not work. Want to try?"
"Congratulations! See if these fit good enough."
"There's going to be reasonable evidence and a reasonable jury could decide for either party at the end of this case."
"The state's case against Dion Ball was light on evidence."
"This is it. If this trial goes badly, dude, Cosmo will never forgive us."
"Highly recommend trying them out try like a couple of their challenge videos first and then see what suits your fancy."
"And the jury agreed on August 10, 2012, after a four-week trial, all three men were convicted of the murder of William Sanderson Smith and jailed for life to serve a minimum of 30 years."
"We're gonna back it all the way up, we're gonna go back to day one... they're just starting. How did you feel coming into this trial? Were you confident?"
"We love thrive market... 30 days risk free. Can always cancel it."
"Even if you went forward a trial, what defense do you have with all this evidence going against you?"
"Annoyingly when I actually go to buy them, I have to buy 20 of them, so it's gonna cost five pounds something."
"It's a home run so if you want to be critical of it now okay that's perfectly okay but before you close the book on it forever maybe give it a try who knows it might just exceed your expectations like it did mine."
"Don't just take our word for it, go try it for yourself."
"You should try something even if you might fail"
"Well, I'm very optimistic that ultimately we will get a new trial."
"This was a case that was very interesting to me as a trial lawyer... having your conviction in jeopardy is a gut-wrenching thing."
"It's never a nothing burger if you have possible jury misconduct."
"We're giving away a seven-day free trial because we want you to see how this can change your life."
"My first impressions are so positive that I would recommend that you go and give it a shot."
"They found Gene Leroy Hart not guilty... too many loose ends."
"Throughout the investigation, Courtney was allegedly posting x-rated content on her OF page."
"Try other things, but you're not gonna die from trying CBD."
"If you find [Amber Heard] lied to you during this trial about one thing, you are within your rights to conclude she lied to you about everything."
"Suzanne, Daniel, and Christian were put on trial."
"After a highly charged trial lasting 10 days, the verdict sent shock waves."
"Jose was acquitted because they believed Brody was this character this Wow looking psychopath hulking figure and his defense was self-defense."
"If this is the defense at Trump's forthcoming trial... they'd better be psychiatrists."
"A trial of a decade. How could she get a fair trial?"
"A sensational criminal trial got underway, the accused included van der Lubbe and Ernest Torgler, leader of the Communist Party."
"Annie, are you okay? Killing him like OJ. If the gloves do not fit you must acquit."
"The evidence here is ladies and gentlemen is going to show that jaffe and the defendant knew the server was a spam email server they were concocting this whole story but they also claimed it was being used as a secret communications channel."
"Keep an open mind as this trial goes forward."
"The Judge has been amazing, judge has been my favorite part of the trial so far."
"Philip appeared stoic and showed little emotion as the verdict was read."
"Let's try out. I love it. As consumer to knock back. It's better control."
"Donald Trump isn't even going to bother to show up for his own trial."
"After 6 hours of anticipation the jury returned to declare the defendant Mr. John Courtney best guilty of the murder of Mr. George Bailey."
"To me the greatest evidence is the caliber of many of the witnesses."
"I feel like you've got to give it a shot you've got to try something different."
"If you can't show some degree of innocence and kindness, you're really going to have a hard time getting the jury to care about her."
"The facts are so pro-Johnny that the longer this takes, I start to get more and more worried for Johnny."
"The trial is going to be right here in the district of Columbia Superior Court."
"I didn't get banned so we're gonna try another thing."
"Give Auto Ads a try and see the performance for yourself."
"I strongly believe that Paul Vallejo was acquitted because the jury had no faith in the eyewitness identification."
"The case was going to rise and fall based on whether or not the jury believed in the science of fingerprints."
"It was almost as if Darla Davis was allowing the evidence to speak for itself."
"Whether it's overcharged whether she accidentally killed him it almost doesn't matter you have enough ingredients for a jury to come to a point that they decide you know what there's Reasonable Doubt we're not going to convict this lady."
"We want a trial and we want a jury to decide the facts."
"Only a court of law can establish that after a properly conducted trial, something which, by the way, I think it is most unlikely will ever take place."
"We were following the rules, somebody died, you interpret the rules differently than I did, you weren't there, I was, that's reasonable doubt in the eyes of the jurors."
"Jumping on, playing a few games, maybe you'll like it after all."
"Anthony's trial began on the 21st of February 2016."
"The defense is going to really try to... rip all this stuff apart."
"This is a trial in the court of public opinion... it's pretty consequential, no pressure Matt."
"It helps support the channel... a long free trial to try this out, you can cancel any time, there's no risk involved with it."
"If proven, it's a crazy miscarriage of justice, and I have absolutely no qualms about advocating for Alec Murdoch to get a new trial."
"All of this should be the basis for a new trial. Not only was the witness tampered with, but it seems like the jury was actually compromised."
"If two of the three were willing to put their name and sign affidavits, it's going to a new trial." - Former Juror
"Should Alec Murdock get a new trial? 81% say yes."
"After a 10-day trial, William Keane was found guilty of the murder of Jenny Mevin."
"The Daryl Brooks trial was Bar None the craziest I've ever seen."
"Just don't always let what some people are saying affect you, you know? Try it out yourself, especially because this one's free."
"The evidence in this case simply put is overwhelming and compelling."
"Kyle never should have gone through this trial, and now with the not guilty verdict on all counts, the judge has not issued a ruling on the motion for a mistrial with prejudice."
"There are some suspicious behaviors here, I'm not going to be surprised if the jury finds her guilty."
"If you're on the fence about buying it, definitely give it a shot."
"I dreamt that I was in Ghislaine Maxwell's trial, watching from the benches."
"For the victims and for the people who are on trial we want to make sure our justice system is fair to everyone."
"If you're on the fence it's at least worth it it's 100 worth trying like there's nothing to lose other than your time."
"Then shall they be known who are my chosen, and they shall be tried as gold in the fire."
"The trial was a sensation and began on the 19th of November 1856."
"Even if it doesn't work out, you can respect somebody trying."
"For the price of free, I recommend anyone to come try this out."
"I think everybody should give motorcycling a shot. It's worth it to just try it out."
"I was wrong about this trial. I thought Johnny Depp was an abuser."
"They're gonna have to do a good job throughout this trial of laying out exactly what their evidence is."
"This is the most embarrassing thing that came out of this trial for me." - Reflection on the lawyer's inappropriate actions.
"If this seems somewhat interesting to you, feel free to try it out."
"This lifeforce elixir... there is no risk on a health front and there is no risk in trying it."
"The civil trial would ultimately find Simpson responsible for the murders."
"Neither of these trials ever managed to satiate the public appetite for speculation about the case."
"It's so handy to paint that out and then live with it for a couple of days and look at it from all different angles."
"He's at home for now we'll see how that works out his trial begins in October."
"I'm not supposed to give my opinion but give it a try and then you can tell me if it makes you cool or not."
"I'm going to take them for a month and see if I notice any difference by the end of it."
"We're trying at least, we're giving it a go."
"...if you're going to try any of these out."
"I think what really struck us during trial was listening to friends and family members talk about her and being a pilot and having the baby and just like all the really positive things that we just never really knew about this woman."
"We will test you with something of fear and hunger and loss of life and property, so give glad tidings to patient ones."
"When they give it a try and they tap into that space of being all the way in with God, that peace is in the midst of the storm."
"If I don't try this, I'll never know if I could do it."
"The only real way to see how someone is going to do when running a company is to let them run it."
"We want entrepreneurs to come up with solutions and try them out."
"My faith will sustain me through this ordeal."
"Intuit provides a fully populated Qbo account so that you can test drive and get a feel for how Qbo works."
"If you want to try it out for free, it is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android."
"Facing that trial and getting through it is a good example of the importance of having a community."
"The trial revealed that people in the United States could watch the same trial and come to entirely different conclusions."
"The trial never ends for humanity because the trial is what makes humanity grow and evolve."
"America was divided into two as the white Americans believed that OJ was guilty of murder while the majority of the African-Americans believed he was innocent."
"Like a glove. Well, we'll find out in a second."
"Try a Lisa mattress in your own home for 100 nights, risk-free, with free shipping always."
"Buy it, try it, if you don't like it, return it."
"The trial is indeed a Witch Hunt."
"You are to decide this case solely on the evidence offered and received at trial."
"What accusation do you bring against this man?"
"...they can never put him on trial."
"By the time Rosemary our psychic testified against him the witnesses and jurors were utterly silent everyone was amazed at what she had to say."
"In 1991, Rosemary testified that she had psychic knowledge of a man's innocence in a sexual assault case, and he was acquitted."
"This is a trial, something that Tony and I are doing for the very first time."
"These four products definitely recommend already on the first try."