
Information Flow Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"This show has this perennial problem with the flow of information."
"There's a kind of loss of an integrative flow of information across the brain when you lose consciousness."
"Consciousness may emerge once you've got beyond a representation of information to information being that's sort of simultaneously involving a sort of flow of information across wide areas of the brain."
"It's so much happening these days, it's hard to keep up. Things change hour by hour, minute by minute."
"An accurate information flow model of a society could be a powerful tool in the hands of anyone, government or elsewhere, who wanted to predict or manipulate social processes to his ends."
"People are led by the media to care about one thing and then another then another, as the media jumps from one lily pad to the next."
"Truth leads to information, information leads to motivation, and motivation leads to action."
"The real issue is does social media have the right to suppress true stories?"
"Shadow banning and various different ways that censorship happens affects the way the information we're trying to get out can get to the people."
"In our society, we value the flow of important information for the public."
"There's no way around it. We expected Facebook and other social media to try to block it from coming out to the mainstream but it's coming out anyway."
"The national security law do have an impact on market information flow."
"The reason we're just finding out about it now... centralized information... wasn't an effective way."
"Wait, how does everyone know about this but me?"
"Twitter particularly, and Twitter basically mirrors what you see on other things like TikTok and so on and so forth, actually enables us to derive quite a good picture of what's going on."
"If you steer media coverage and control the flow of information, you're rigging the system."
"Give him all that he wants. Keep him informed. People still did think of him as important."
"You cannot understand what's happening right now in American politics if you don't understand that everything is about the flow of information."
"We know what's happening we don't know where it's going to happen when it's going to happen we know that more information now is being out there."
"Whenever there's a change in a job, I want that information to come back into Excel Dropbox."
"The 24-hour news cycle was a real game changer."
"Energy is information moving through the universe."
"Putin might be learning more about what's happened in the war from Western media than from his own people."
"The remedy for misinformation is more information, and the remedy for bad speech is more speech."
"The only way you can do that is by passing it down through props. So, we can pass down the information from here to here using props."
"You get control of what people see and what people don't see."
"He's everywhere and nonetheless, he's there's always new information that comes out every time he does a stream with a different platform." - Barnes, he is everywhere.
"In the world that we live in now, there's a lot of oppressive governments who are trying to keep information from flowing out."
"Twitter has a person with complete power over the platform actively promoting all the worst information."
"Democracies only function where there is a free flow of information."
"The gated institutional narrative can't shut down the information anymore."
"The internet is so full of it... it's a great information out but a bad way to get a lot of bad information out."
"Stepping in to prevent trading whereas stock price moves contrary to conventional wisdom could deprive the market of important information."
"If you can control the flow of information..."
"We have so much evidence, I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
"People tend to be very locked down in the way information comes to them, but the information age has expanded the human mind."
"We're starting to hit that phase of drops of information to waterfalls."
"It's like you tap back into your home energy which allows you to just bring the information through and flow."
"Expect updates now and again when major new details come out."
"Would this have happened this way if there were no curb restrictions and there were trade shows and everything? Like maybe this information would have gone out a lot quicker, that's true actually."
"The way information flows online increases people's feeling at risk."
"So much good information coming out in the last few days and I'm starting to see one domino after the next."
"The internet itself is at risk and the great free flow of information is also at stake."
"Predictions instead of only going top-down and prediction errors going bottom-up, both can flow in both directions."
"Information moves slow, and the pain and the agony that someone in Parliament, some lobbyist in Parliament, implemented on someone in South Carolina, didn't get to them for a year or two or three years."
"Communication is the flow of information. It includes everything that's shared, how it's shared, and with whom."
"To maximize the value we deliver through our projects, it's very important that we optimize how information flows."
"Democracy... would give us an advantage... was this capacity for the free flow of information and... a complete lack of control..."
"The output of the encoder becomes the input to the decoder, facilitating the flow of information."
"The combination of the add and norm layer in each Transformer layer allows for better information flow, gradient propagation, and stability during training."
"It will transform the nature of this war, as information and decisions can flow backwards and forwards at lightning speed."
"I liked the flow of information more back then. The internet was around but it wasn't as vastly used. You weren't just completely bombarded with all this terrible stuff all the time."
"It's amazing how only Bruce and Vince know and everybody else that they're writing for doesn't know anything. Is that how it works? Does Bruce just hold in all the information and tells them when he feels he needs to tell them?"
"Value stream mapping is a workplace efficiency tool designed to combine material processing steps with information flow along with other important related data."
"By controlling the flow of information, you can ensure that players understand that there's a problem before they find a solution, because the alternative can be really confusing and can completely undermine the puzzle."
"When you have solid information flow, that's what the creative process feels like in a group."
"So this is just interesting to know about, because TaintDroid has a very nice general introduction to this information flows stuff."
"The aim of copyright law has always been to find a balance between the rights of copyright owners and society's interest in ensuring the free flow of information."
"The central dogma of molecular biology: the flow of information from DNA to RNA to protein."
"You get really useful information not by demanding it but by sharing it."
"Replicated state machine schemes send external events, like arriving input from the outside world, that the backup needs to know."
"I'm a big believer in technology and I'm a big believer in openness when it comes to the flow of information."
"Consciousness just emerges given the right flow of information within a system."
"Knowledge management is about systematic processes and systems that help knowledge flow."
"This is a triangle of well-being where energy and information flow wherever you track it."
"Our lives have been transformed by technology and particularly by the almost free flow of information."
"ERP is a system that optimizes the flow of information, materials, and cash in an organization."
"The internet layer has all the different ways of moving information below it and all the different use cases building on top of it."
"Sometimes messages and information percolates through from the cosmic mind into our individual minds."
"When there is the flow of that information and nothing else, we can resolve any conflicts so everybody's needs get met without any coercion or violence being necessary."
"DNA to RNA to protein is the central dogma of how information is transferred around our cells."
"The nervous system's ability to function properly is dependent upon the flow of information from neuron to neuron."
"Residual or bypass connections... allow me to get the network to decide whether to send information through this line or actually send it forward."
"Our boundary drawing is completely arbitrary, and all statements about information flow are conditional."
"Create a natural flow of information."
"It's really common to see that in applications where you have a user like present some view controllers to them, they fill out some information, and they hit done, it goes back to the previous view controller and does something with that information."
"It's the rush of information, it's not shocking news, it's about something came out."
"The thing that busts the byte model and makes it ineffective is when you have a free flow of information."
"The world feels smaller; we are able to move about much quicker or move stuff much quicker or move information much quicker."
"The central dogma of biology: information flows from DNA to protein."
"If it's not perfectly chronological but it feels like it flows better in terms of how it's delivering information to whoever's viewing it, I think that's always more important."
"Downstream information never affects upstream information."
"The mind is embodied and relational, regulating energy information flow within and between."