
Maps Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Do you know what you generally need for map references to make sense? [__] Maps."
"This video is going to be about maps that raise questions in lots of weird ways."
"Let's follow these cat pictures on the map. That's how we're supposed to find the treasure."
"This map goes on for a very, very long time. Absolutely huge."
"The Enduro 2 gets their new multi-band satellite system positioning mode... it's easily some of the most accurate that I've ever seen."
"Fully interactable map at any point in the game."
"It's like the map itself is saying, 'Welcome back, old friend.'"
"Returning to Book One maps for character focused chapters. Remix versions. Which map would you like?"
"Maps are really good at taking a lot of information and making it digestible."
"Books with maps are just superior, don't you guys think?"
"I hope you go download some of these maps and have a very fun immersive experience."
"More maps for the love of god, we need more crucible maps."
"There's lots of maps and they actually look really, really good."
"Multiple camps on a map at a time: a great addition to the game."
"The invention of maps and charts is a fascinating chapter in human history."
"Shadows of Evil was my favorite zombies map of all time."
"The library of Congress has the largest collection of maps in the world."
"Maps settings now have preferred type of travel, including cycling."
"The maps app got a full overhaul as far as look and feel."
"Maps goes to Black Ops 2 hands-down, no competition."
"The general map structure... I really like it."
"In my opinion, the three best maps. No broken moon, no King's Canyon."
"Olympus is a huge deal. Storm point is probably one of the best ranked maps."
"I'm a big fan of it. This is, in my opinion, the best possible three-map lineup you could have asked for."
"The CGI map is actually closer to the railway series map than the model series one shockingly, and that is actually going to make it a hell of a lot easier to piece things together."
"It's name has been shown on maps and posters before."
"It's not just a map of Ukraine... it is an actual battle map."
"There's a lot of really fun maps that cater to just about anybody's playstyle."
"Mob of the Dead is one of the greatest Maps of all time."
"The best fantasy maps invite exploration and reverie."
"I guess i would like a map i mean maps are kind of cool i guess"
"We collect maps and they have significance to us."
"Cool map. I like little adventure maps like this."
"You can download offline maps for offline usage."
"That map is atrocious, chat. On God, it's terrible."
"There were only two maps in the game but that's not a bad thing. The game is still fun and it's spooky."
"Elevate your adventure planning with 3D trail maps to take your adventure to the next level."
"Our Banff itinerary is so easy to follow."
"Many maps feel unfinished or unrealistic, and this is due largely to a lack of planning."
"Welcome to project MAPS. Your one stop shop for all your project needs."
"They've created over 4,000 hand-drawn maps that you can use in DND, Pathfinder or whatever game you might be playing at your table."
"The practice of making maps for fictional worlds exploded in popularity after Granddad Tolkien's iconic use of maps."
"Maps were an absolutely integral part of fiction writing and world-building."
"Before we had Google Maps on our phones, we had to get around using real maps."
"A shocking new map has revealed UFO hotspots across the world, with a disproportionate concentration near places of conflict and atomic bomb sites."
"It really does make your routes shine... so easy to follow the maps when they're on AMOLED."
"It's completely free. If you have a phone, you have a map that can take you to almost any specific spot on the entire Earth and show you exactly what it will look like when you get there."
"I love maps. I really do refer to the map quite a bit when I'm in Yellowstone."
"Maps are not mere pieces of paper; they are windows into history, geography, and human creativity."
"The Montana comes pre-loaded with topographic maps for US and Canada."
"They both have offline maps which is super key to making either one of these functional when we're out overlanding, off-roading in national forest where there's most likely no cell phone signal."
"Onyx highlights every trail on the motor vehicle use map in green, so when you take a look at it, it's really easy to see, it just kind of pops."
"If you are subscribed to this channel I bet like me you're a big fan of maps."
"Perhaps more impressively, Beck’s map didn't just change the way people see London, it actually literally changed London."
"Now watch the map. The tire hasn't stopped spinning and I'm shifting through what map I want to go to."
"Paper maps work without batteries, they work with batteries or fail-safe."
"...make sure you download maps even if you're not gonna run a car just make sure you download maps there is no service out here at all unless you have wi-fi when you're out."
"There's all sorts of bias about perhaps having north be on top, the idea of having these reversed maps, so that there's no reason why they shouldn't be this direction."
"We're going to talk about government gold maps related material, how you can start finding gold by knowing where to start looking."
"Paper maps and guides: my nerdy love for old-school navigation."
"Maps are necessary to see the whole panorama of battle and to permit intelligent planning."
"So we have looked it up online and we actually feel like the map that we found is like The Goonies map."
"I absolutely love maps of Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Maps save lives. They are extremely powerful."
"It's a reminder that maps have always been a tool for great powers to express their aspirations."
"Wait, he's speaking facts though. This map should be remade. Anyone else agree?"
"I love showing Nami with her maps showing her working with them her love for them."
"The Fenix 5x comes bundled with topo maps for United States."
"Google Maps, as again, super impressed me... It was fantastic."
"So what I'm pretty sure this entry is referring to is that back during phase three, there was a pretty fun Gorillaz related Easter egg on Google Maps."
"I vastly prefer this because I think the barriers to read a map are much lower than the barriers to read a timetable."
"We use an old, archaic, ancient form of navigation called a map."
"Then, I got to share the secret with you that Explain Plans are actually treasure maps."
"The next big item is the addition of topographic maps on the Apple watch natively."
"Maps are incredible with this kind of display."
"A good map helps you to get to places you've never been."
"Maps like this were created to navigate the Seas and island chains of the Marshall Islands."
"Looking at a map is not a sign of weakness."
"Now some of you may be ready to move on to one of our Maps programs."
"Maps anabolic is our foundational program for somebody who's built trying to build muscle."
"I've seen some pretty maps for this game, but wow."
"I need to find a map that shows where the spirit portals are, could you help me?"
"Just an overall cleaner look inside of the maps application which I am a fan of."
"The Maps JavaScript API lets you customize maps with your own content and imagery for display on web pages and mobile devices."
"Whenever you're in a mysterious bizarre world, the thing you really want to have is a map."
"Apple Maps has been the butt of jokes for years, and I think people have not properly perceived how improved Apple Maps has become."
"The map system is the key to their augmented reality future."
"It's kind of fun just like looking over aerial maps and just thinking like I want to go here, and then just going there."
"Maps spread out before him, Tripp could almost see the path."
"Now if we go ahead and select the country on the destination input, you can see that we literally have the maps for pretty much every country in Europe now."
"This is probably the simplest place to get started because each one contains a fully functional web page with a simple map in it."
"I really do appreciate and love the topography maps."
"Maps, I think, are one of the biggest overlooked resources that we have as genealogists."
"It's great, all of that detail there just from maps."
"Containing Thompson's original and complete system of Bible study... a new and valuable series of pictorial maps, archaeological discoveries together with many other features."
"Maps are essentially collections of key value pairs."
"Atlas is in reference to the geographical term meaning a collection of maps."
"Maps make great decorations for walls."
"Bring along a map in case you get lost."
"Everybody loves maps, and I just think that this is a great sort of class of project."
"Those maps are amazing, great choices."
"I love these streetwise maps; they are durable, clear, easy to read, and laminated."
"What I loved about maps is I would just wonder what was happening in this area or what was going on... what couldn't I see that was actually in that location."
"I became obsessed by maps and looking at them... just look at them and wonder what was happening at this particular intersection or in this area."
"Let's click on pizza, and ta-da! You can see that the map moves as we click on different markers."
"If you're a world traveler and you like maps, this is really cool."