
Personal Liberty Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy."
"Capitalism accounts for personal liberty. It allows all people, including the working class, to have the choice to do whatever they like with their lives, as long as they're able to do it themselves."
"It's not practiced, it's not rehearsed, it's speaking from the heart according to my own sense of Liberty and my own sense of integrity."
"If only we could breathe the free air of our personal liberty, our choice, our freedom to love one another as human beings."
"I would rather live in a state that is less physically and technologically capable of oppressing you."
"I believe in personal liberty. I believe that you were made to be free."
"I'm pro-vaccine, I'm vaccinated, but I believe in individual liberty."
"Is freedom necessary? As far as I'm concerned, it is."
"This case is about whether the Supreme Court is going to adhere to an almost 50-year precedent of respecting the individual liberty to make decisions about pregnancy."
"I think anybody has a right to express themselves."
"I'm a libertarian who does not give a shit about who you are or what you do it's none of my business as long as you stay off my lawn."
"Stop you from saying and doing what you want, living in the kind of society you want."
"The Constitution was written in such a way that it maximized personal liberty."
"If you are willing to give up your freedom in exchange for security of anyone else, you will lose both."
"I'm all for personal liberty but I think that should come with a hefty dose of personal responsibility."
"You're either for individual liberty, the right to do with your body as you want, or you're not."
"If we had a concentration on personal liberty, it would be such a blessing."
"It's not just about Trump, it's about freedom."
"People at the heart of liberty lies the right to define our own concept of existence... There is an obligation to live in accord with reality." - Michael Knowles
"I don't trust any single person to be the Arbiter of what should be acceptable speech and what shouldn't."
"Economic Liberty is essential to personal liberty."
"You could be free. You could say what you want."
"Freedom means freedom of action, freedom of thought, freedom of choice."
"For me, I keep my liberty centered around following the Bible and trying to keep God's laws."
"Their solution for most of the history of the civilization was a centrally planned economy for the big picture stuff with a pinch of personal liberty."
"You will never get freedom if you are afraid to speak freedom."
"Being able to tell your government to [ __ ] off is the sign of a free man. If you can do this, you are not a citizen; you're a serf."
"We have a human right to be Sovereign to experience individual liberty."
"Rights come from your creator, not from government."
"Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear."
"The government has absolutely no business whatsoever ever governing the content of your voluntary speech."
"Private property is a consequence of my liberty."
"I believe in maximized personal liberty. I want people to be left alone."
"Programmable money... an attack on personal freedom and liberty."
"I just hope that everybody joins us in doing everything we can to improve the conditions we have by emphasizing peace and prosperity through personal liberty."
"As long as I am an American... I shall hold myself at liberty to write, to speak, to publish on whatever I please." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"Nobody has the right to take freedom away from you."
"Freedom is not this illusion that you just get to sail on the beach and live the ig lifestyle."
"The real issue is that you have the inherent right to protect yourself with whatever weapon you choose if you aren't hurting anyone you should be left alone."
"Freedom is created by living free every single day."
"Freedom over peaceful servitude any day every day."
"You've got Liberty you've got your rights the government doesn't give you those, no person can fundamentally take that from you."
"People should be allowed to say, 'I think this is a sin according to my religion,' but you're free to do whatever you want to do."
"Your rights don't come from an entity called government, your life, your liberty, your property."
"We should allow people to say what they want, post what they want."
"Freedom from domination is the fundamental kind of freedom."
"You never choose safety over freedom because if you do you don't deserve either one of them."
"Excessive intervention by the state can threaten personal freedom and initiative."
"The state never intentionally confronts a man's sense intellectual or moral, but only his body, his senses."
"Why are we arresting people for committing crimes against themselves in a free country?"
"If you didn't have to worry about doing a particular job to make ends meet, then you're free."
"I like having that liberty, that privacy."
"Freedom is an internal mind shift."
"We all want to be free to choose."
"Personal liberty consists in the power of locomotion, of changing situation, or moving one's person to whatsoever place one's own inclination may direct."
"In today's society, young people like us tend to have more confidence than liberty when making decisions."
"If a person for whatever reason wishes to attend a different congregation, they're at liberty to."
"I want to live in a free life. I want to be able to express myself freely."
"America has such great potential to become such an astounding and unique nation, one that talks about and embraces personal liberty in so many ways, yet is built upon the idea of human chattel."
"I think the hardest thing to live without would be my freedom."
"We're citizens of the United States, right? We live here. We have personal liberty because this is a free country."
"People should still be free to choose the best choice."
"She walked out of the courthouse that day a free woman, completely free."
"Freedom of speech exists within all of us; it is an inalienable right."
"The right of locomotion, the right to remove from one place to another according to inclination, is an attribute of personal liberty."
"I live in a democracy; we are free to worship how we wish. That is the beauty of a democracy."
"We value personal liberty, and one part of personal liberty is that you can't take the life of another person."
"It's always better to have freedom than not to have it."
"My job is to try to convince my fellow Americans on the moral superiority of personal liberty and its main ingredient, limited government."
"You have a perfect right to swing your fist any way you want to, but where my nose begins, your liberty leaves off."
"Respect for the individual, personal liberty, progress, and so forth are secured as ideals and as fundamental and non-negotiable principles."
"Religious freedom in the U.S. is protected to the individual."
"You want to just let people live their lives and air their opinions and respect free speech."