
Overcoming Barriers Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Don't let anyone or the perception of something hold you back."
"If I sat down to think about the glass ceiling that was built for me, I would never have a trajectory powerful enough to break it."
"It's about reprogramming our subconscious mind... it's about conditioning, about programming yourself to be open to overcome all of the barriers."
"I think we should just assume that we can... what if all the excuses in the world though of like 'my parents won't let me do this,' or 'where I grew up,' or 'I don't have the education,' you still think it's possible?"
"Feather shows us there are ways to open doors that are closed right now and I hope they keep doing it."
"For every barrier, it can be broken down and there's a collective effort not just by myself."
"You can't be afraid to ask for support when you need it... you can't let the boundaries that live places in front of you stop you from becoming who you were meant to be."
"You're breaking the habit of letting others hold you back."
"Women are all around waiting for you to connect to them. It's your turn to rise above your conditioning and come forth."
"For girls who love baseball, the field of their dreams is opening up. 'Don't let people tell you what you can't do.'"
"We will understand our own importance from the places we must stay. Communion moves beyond walls. We can still be together. Mimi's ooh."
"Be the solution, not another obstacle in your own way."
"Taking down the barriers to Authentic Living."
"It took me a lot of work to be able to access the resources that were blatantly and explicitly available to me."
"You'll know that he wants to be in a relationship with you and that he's looking at those barriers and overcoming them."
"I'm happier now that I know you can attempt things you don't have skills for and succeed."
"I want us to deal with some of the impediments to greatness."
"Set yourself free from what's been holding you back."
"All those barriers that people have been trying to get past, you went right through them."
"Getting the ball rolling with creating can be really intimidating, especially whenever there's fear of failure or we're feeling art block."
"How it started was just Verity and Waris coming over, coming all these woes back in the 60s, and overcoming barriers."
"As a black woman, I have pushed back and I have broken barriers."
"If you want to be someone, go ahead and be that person. The only person that can particularly hold you back is you."
"Apply for jobs that you don't quite meet the qualifications for anyway."
"Mental prosperity will bring you to a place where no gender barrier, no religious barrier will stop you."
"I might never be able to. Never can't. Those are just words that are meaningless."
"Fulfillment is just on the other side, it's just on the other side."
"Distance is no longer an issue. Think big and think out of the boundaries."
"You have got to get on board, break the barriers down, and realize it's possible."
"You're smashing through that glass ceiling or whatever it is that's holding you back."
"Fear should push it away. 'Can't' should not be in your vocabulary."
"If there was something holding you back from doing something, you're going to reclaim your right to go for that."
"You're no longer letting yourself or other people hold you back from your growth, from your potential."
"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."
"The whole point of this game... is to break this barrier."
"What stopped me? You know what? It's never stopping me again." - Jimmy McGill
"Breaking down barriers of time, location, and cost."
"Punk proved to people and it's now ingrained in people that what they thought was impossible is not impossible."
"The writer who waits for ideal circumstances under which to write will die without ever getting a word on the page."
"Every door that is standing before me and its demonic hands, depart by the power of the Holy Ghost!"
"You will do what they said you would never do, you will go where they said you never go, baby you will do the impossible."
"You are strong enough to shatter all the barriers that have been holding you back."
"Don't you ever allow anyone's discomfort with you sitting at the table to keep you from it."
"You gotta be diligent you got to be you got to be on your reclaim your power okay go through the motions cuz sometimes what's holding you back and even other person it's your own damn self."
"Just do it. Those are artificial roadblocks. You can use the tools that you have and the resources that you have to make something."
"Impossible is not a word we use around here."
"White people can probably stop me from getting legislation through Congress, but they can't stop me from picking up a book."
"My parents taught me that, unlike the many barriers that they had to face growing up, my path was clearer. So that if I worked hard and I believed in myself, in America, I could do anything or be anything I wanted to be."
"Don't let anyone stop you... don't let yourself stop you... don't let the past pain and trauma... stop you."
"Stop seeing things as impossible and start seeing them as possible."
"You set yourself ambitions for what you would like to see and then you try and remove as many of the structural barriers and obstacles."
"I can go into action on anything in my life. Nothing is stopping me but me."
"The power of love overcoming social distinctions."
"Break through the barriers holding you back."
"Overcoming subconscious barriers constitutes a pivotal aspect of this journey."
"Because some of you are experiencing these barriers that you're never gonna conquer if you don't strike the match of spiritual intimacy."
"There's a lot of thoughts of, 'Will I be broke?' but you've moved past a barrier."
"It takes a lot of breaking the barrier, not only in your body but also in your mental state."
"The barrier is not that people won't like it, it's just so many times people don't know how."
"She realized that she should follow this path and face her future. With her heartfelt gratitude, the barrier shattered."
"The impossible is going to become possible."
"The things that David Blaine has done can inspire just anyone to push themselves to be their best and to break through the limiting beliefs that we have of ourselves."
"As the safety and trust continue to build, that resistance goes down and you can finally reap the rewards of breaking through stonewalling and actually having a good conversation over time."
"Don't let the price tag or quality of the tool stop you from making art."
"Connect to people; don't let your complexes or your past stop you from trying to connect to new things related to what you want."
"It's not so much about teaching them a million things as much as to break the false beliefs, the things that are holding them back."
"It's just another tool; it's a tool that they too can grasp, they too can master, but it takes a lot of attention to overcome this idea and the preciousness of technology."
"Remove resistance to actualizing your genius."
"May our relationship with this person be lifted above and beyond the walls that would divide us."
"Take a deep breath and like you say with yourself, it seems so natural but the barriers, you know, they seem to get higher and higher."
"The barriers ahead of us can only be broken if we work together."
"Visualize some things, some limitations that you are breaking through."
"There are all these barriers outside of classrooms too, and if we can help to address those structural challenges for them, then hopefully that really empowers them to succeed."
"Don't let the distance and the language barrier keep you from traveling. Do it, it's beautiful."
"You're moving beyond any type of self-limiting beliefs, any type of feelings of lack."
"In a world where music knows no boundaries, talent and determination can overcome language barriers."
"No matter what's important between us, a wall can't divide us."
"Women can rise, absolutely, even in male-dominated fields."
"I hope that we can find more unity even across these barriers."
"Don't ever feel like you can't do something because you're black or because of this or because of that."
"Intentions lift the lids of limitation."
"Remove limiting beliefs. We all have these, but we don't know it."
"All of it separates whether of race, class, creed, or sex is inhuman and must be overcome."
"You're going to rise up on that ladder, you're going to climb that ladder, you're going to reach past that glass ceiling here, Pisces."
"We are breaking through molds, shattering through glass ceilings."
"Don't let limitations be a thing, those things can be worked out."