
Self-revelation Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"Circumstances do not make the man, it reveals him to himself."
"Circumstances don't make you what you are, they reveal what you are."
"The death card... is about transformation and resurrection. It's rising from the ashes like the phoenix to reveal the truth of who you are."
"Pressure doesn't create you; it reveals you."
"Marriage will bring out the worst in you... not creating the problems but showing the problems that were there."
"Sometimes a laugh will betray you. Your sense of humor tells you something about yourself."
"I'm going to reveal my true self, who I really am."
"Adversity does not make a man weak or strong, but reveals what you are."
"When the odds are against you, that's when you show what you're made of."
"I was obsessed with just ripping the curtain back and being radically honest with everyone."
"There's an element where both of you were holding back, not fully showing who and what you are to each other."
"Reveal the secrets of your underwear and show what you're wearing underneath."
"People always reveal themselves. That's life."
"I've been lying about who I am but I'm done pretending this is the real me this is real this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now okay yeah."
"Every choice you make is revealing even more so the truth of who we are."
"Disclose information that's been hidden inside of you."
"Actions speak louder than words and a guilty conscience will tell on itself."
"The situation doesn't make you what you are; it reveals what you are."
"Circumstances don't make us what we are; they reveal what we are."
"You're no longer going to hide in the shadows, you are ready."
"I just always know when it's time to unveil a new layer of myself."
"The transformation of Silence into language and action is an act of self-revelation."
"You're showing me a lot of personality in here."
"But also isn't it so funny that they reveal themselves as well, quite literally just hardcore racists?"
"This is the real me that I'm revealing to all of you."
"And it wasn't like I came out to myself, I came out to my friends my family my grandparents just everybody I had I didn't have the patience to wait."
"Honesty outweighs fear, revealing the true selves within."
"People's actions will reveal who they truly are."
"To reveal a part of yourself means you are somewhat self-assured, well-adjusted, and brave."
"Let them be themselves because they are revealing who they are to you."
"When you're living authentically and unconditionally lovingly, everyone will reveal their true self to you."
"Revealing your truth and healing will lead you to success."
"Their fear: revealing themselves and creating irreversible change."
"My deeper problem isn't my tongue. It's my heart. My mouth eventually betrays what I'm really like inside."
"They exposed us for who we are because that's who we are."
"I am dynamite! My truth is terrible, for no one so far has called lies true."
"You ain't gotta always tell on somebody, you give somebody enough time and they will eventually tell on themselves."
"You're feeling kind of lonely, but something is ready to come out into the light, someone is ready to reveal themselves to you."
"I feel like I showed what I'm made of, and next year it's about showing what I'm capable of."
"I showed what I'm made of, and next year it's about showing what I'm capable of."
"Big Brother is all about interacting with people, you know, show like you know, reveal yourself, we want to know who you are."
"She says this is her real face and she hasn't ever shown it to anyone."
"It's like that old saying about Hollywood success: it's not so much that it changes you, but that it reveals your true self."
"I bet there's tons of other stuff you don't know about me."
"On this trip, you've only seen my weak side."
"My favorite situations to see a character in are lose-lose situations a character's true self is shown when they are under extreme pressure and that is what Anakin is in."
"At the end of the day, when people show their personalities and true colors, that's doing you a favor."
"I really wanted my audience to see who I really was. They know who Fatima is, but they really didn't know who I was at the core."
"You're revealing all of your true nature. You're not holding back anymore."
"In the upcoming months, you will start showing people who you really are with ease."
"Now what is confession? It's nudity of the soul, stripping ourselves of all false excuses and shams and pretenses and revealing ourselves as we really are."
"Your true nature is being revealed to people, even if they've known you for a very long time."
"You are revealing your true authentic self."
"...for just a moment Guts loses the facade he drops the mask and he shows his true self..."
"People would tell you exactly who they are. He's telling you who he is. Okay? You just need to listen to him."
"I feel very comfortable with revealing myself, even revealing rather dark parts of myself, especially as I'm becoming more and more aware now as I move into really old age that my childhood was pretty traumatic."
"This will be the definitive interview that I point people to for everything about me, really, they want to know about me."
"I don't think it's a meme anymore. I think his true self is coming out. Real life."
"You shouldn't be afraid to show your real self."
"I wasn't here to hide. I was here to show myself."
"Turia is self-effulgent, it is self-revealed."
"Interview me, sometimes you know the real me."
"I'm here to show you who I am, throw off the veil, it's finally time."
"If you had not stepped off that cliff, you would never have known that you had wings."
"I'm gonna show you the reality of who I am and what I have in store for you."
"If you listen to people talk long enough, they'll tell you who they are."
"A moment of truth in which you were forced to reveal the sort of person you were."
"Liars always give themselves away."
"I'm going to earn my chance to be in the exams and I will make it to the finals and show everyone who I really am."
"We are revealing ourselves and our true colors, aren't we?"
"People will tell you who they are if you let them talk."
"The first one kind of shows me who you are, the second one shows me what you're made of."
"I think technology exposes who we actually are."
"People will show you who they are; they don't have to tell you, they will literally show you."
"Tonight, you've allowed yourself, to show us something beyond yourself."
"Language is just so revealing, and we cannot help but reveal ourselves once we begin."
"You wanna know the real me, girl, so you wanna see deep inside."
"For the first time in my life, there's nothing to hide behind; it's just me."
"It is what you reveal about yourself that becomes the most convincing evidence of your testimony."
"I'm going to show up now and show everybody that it's been me all along who holds the wisdom and the power."
"Drag racing will expose who you really are, it will show the world."
"The higher concepts of universe personality imply identity, self-consciousness, self-will, and possibility for self-revelation."
"I'm gonna show you who I truly am, help you understand my journey a little bit better."
"When you make up a story, you're revealing a lot about yourself in the lie."
"It's time to show who I am and what I can do."
"I'm going to show the world what I'm made out of."
"The law of God is not found through human research or any kind of research; it unfolds itself."
"The very nature of God is to reveal itself."
"You seem to accept me regardless of my flaws, so I'm gonna show you everything I have."
"You're just about to show the world what you're really made of."
"Consciousness is continuously revealing itself."
"From the Upanishadic text 'That thou art', Brahman becomes fully revealed to that convinced intellect."
"I think he's showing himself right now."
"Keep quiet and you will reveal yourself to yourself."
"People are always telling you who they are."
"Because God is going to show people who you are, and God is going to show you who people really are."
"I've made up my mind. I'll do it. I'll tell him the truth and show him the real me."
"Through this album, you'll get to know us much much more."
"I love oatmeal cookies, like if you need to know anything about me, I love oatmeal cookies."
"I was a hidden Treasure then I desired to be known, so I created a creation to which I made Myself known; then they knew Me."
"Skating reveals all; it does, nearer to the soul or it can be."
"Time for me to showcase my true power."
"Now you've seen what I'm capable of."
"What happens in the next 15 minutes shows you who you are."
"No more hiding, you have to come out and now start doing the work."
"The transformation of 2017 to 2019 was when the full 'Here I am' really happened."
"You don't know my life, you only know what I let you see."
"If someone tells you who he is, believe him."
"Stick around, you're going to see some of the best sides of me, which is the real ones."
"People may not tell you who they are, but they'll always show you who they are."
"Your life, your dream life is being revealed to you."
"The infinite being knows how to reveal itself in the most efficient way."
"Life has a way of revealing who you are, where you are, how you stand, what you believe."
"What comes out of you when you are pressed is what's really inside of you."
"Money will reveal what is in you; money is designed to test our character."
"Time to maybe come out of your cocoon in a way to really show yourself to the world."
"Through your silence, they expose themselves."
"We could show our fans a new aspect of ourselves."
"The stories reveal so much about you... maybe they do, maybe they don't."
"Revealing a true sight of yourself, what could be more beautiful than that?"
"They want to show you that side of themselves."
"I come in truth, this is the real me, I hope you love the real me."
"This is gonna be all about revealing who you truly are on your most deepest levels."
"This psychic dream, that mystery dream, that highly intuitive dream, it's actually going to reveal what you're holding back."
"You're going through a spiritual awakening, a lot of revelations are going to take place here for you."
"What's inside you reveals itself."
"You finally decided that you're gonna tell the world who you really are."
"Somebody wants to show you who they really are."
"You are going to unveil your true self to the world."
"Reveal yourself to yourself; that's what it's meant to do."
"Take off the mask, revealing your true selves."
"When you share your voice, you're also sharing your personality, the layers of your personality are starting to shed."