
Business Resilience Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"If you break it, it actually rebuilds itself better, stronger, faster, and Shopify's fundamentally an anti-fragile company."
"The best companies are not just going to survive in this rapidly changing environment but they'll find ways to thrive."
"It is already very good that 10% of the factories can survive normally."
"It's a classic case of a big company not just surviving in tough times but finding a way to thrive."
"The best business to build in a recession is one that is going to change people's lives for the better."
"The importance of having a durable economic advantage...those businesses with strong moats are very attractive in times of economic recession."
"There's literally nothing Scientology can do to impact my business."
"I see a very resilient growing company that will have continued increase in margins over time and continued profitability."
"Tesla's ability to almost seamlessly navigate incredible supply chain challenges."
"The competitive nature across the industry is as robust today as it always is, ensuring access to food."
"Our firm is strong today, and we will emerge from this cycle even stronger."
"I think it will probably still continue to do well. There were so many opportunities for Tesla to do poorly based off of like issues they had and challenges they had but they continue to do really well."
"Fujifilm saw this coming and it still hit them hard but amazingly they emerge from the digital transition a larger but transformed company."
"Macy's just roll over and die? Nope. That's pretty remarkable."
"If it won't stand a little mismanagement, it's not much of a business."
"A lot of the companies in our genre fortunately have actually shown a lot of resilience throughout this supply disruption."
"If these companies are to fall, they will not disappear overnight."
"It won't be the end of the world we'll actually just adjust our price and we'll keep it moving and even if worst case scenario we were to lose money on this we're definitely going to learn."
"There's really something special about what Norton is doing after all they've been through."
"Nike is built for this. Their online game is crazy, and they're recession-proof."
"We are only as free as they let us be... designed our business to be censorship-proof."
"Any weakness may prompt new buyers because, in our view, downside due to temporary factors will not detract from the longer-term thesis."
"In business you're going to learn you're going to have to Zig you're going to have to zag things are going to happen you may make a mistake but you don't want one monkey to stop the entire show."
"Business is not always linear, and sometimes things outside your control happen."
"Your precious little white businesses are going to be fine when people act like slavery ended... but don't take the time to learn about the long-lasting effects that racist policies in Banks and government."
"A lot of businesses in rougher areas actually have a certain kind of resilience."
"Scandals rarely ever actually end someone's career."
"Nothing's ever too big to fail, just look at Star Wars."
"The day that I'm most excited... when Tesla's down in the [ __ ] when it has the biggest drawdown from its intrinsic value ever."
"Good businesses can make their way through those environments."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"Success for Tesla was never a foregone conclusion, and they've had to overcome numerous challenges along the way."
"We think we can not only survive but we've got a billion dollars of liquidity."
"Tesla is well equipped to weather this type of storm and come out the other end much stronger."
"This cold is going to flush out weak companies and only the strong will remain."
"The difference between great entrepreneurs and everyone else is how long they take to feel sorry for themselves."
"If Coca-Cola turns out to be more resilient in the face of Delta, the stock price will move higher."
"Japanese soy sauce maker finds a way forward through optimism and generosity."
"Tesla can survive a recession. Few other Automotive manufacturers can."
"I'm thinking like a 90-day survival plan then we think about what do we need to change so this doesn't all happen again."
"There's a fairly strong economic rationale as to why companies with stronger brands would be more protected against macroeconomic risk."
"I have at least a few people because it builds resilience for your company."
"Despite these crazy headwinds with the SEC and frankly losing some customers because of the SEC lawsuit, we grew very quickly and we feel like we're starting 2022 in a great position of strength." - Brad Garlinghouse
"It just really annoys me to no end that people bet against us. I spend every waking moment trying to make AMC a stronger company."
"Despite being massively down, Tesla's margins are still industry-leading."
"It's doubtful that your company will survive all the same stuff that people told Elon Musk when he said he was going to start a car company."
"How is somebody able to simultaneously confront multiple bankruptcies, Wall Street stigma, and yet continue to build? The answers lie in financing and development assistance from Russia."
"The number one way to protect yourself is to have a cash flow business, ideally one that can't be shut down."
"The most legendary storied camera company of all time continues to survive and thrive doing what most other camera companies can't or won't."
"There are a lot of smart people on this call and many of you were certain that AMC would collapse. Why? Because to succeed we would have had to run the table about 10 times in a row." - Adam Aaron
"The company is in a huge position of power regardless if Elon was there over the next three to five years."
"It's not the end. Real companies are putting out real products, and crypto has utility and functions."
"Despite the bankruptcy, we're still hiring staff, adding days, expanding hours, launching new shows, giving you and your family more dining options, and bringing you our summer concert series."
"Both of these companies are what I would describe as bulletproof they're near impossible to compete with and they have very good economic models."
"It sucks but it's not going to crush your shop or anything, unless you aren't servicing Teslas constantly."
"Elon Musk says that Tesla will make up to 300,000 cars in the Shanghai factory despite the chip shortage when we now know that we have an energy crisis in China that is impacting factories of Tesla and Apple."
"The taxpayer should not be expected to prop up companies which have poor business models and are not resilient to fluctuations in price."
"In this global pandemic where everything is crumbling, everybody's struggling, Tesla's about to propose record deliveries, record revenue, record profits, their fifth quarter in a row of consecutive profits throughout this pandemic."
"Everybody wants to be a trader until they get punched in the mouth."
"The New Vegas Strip has stayed open for business."
"We're not going broke over here, our company's still hiring, we're still growing. Where are you at, still in my comment section?" - Speaker
"The value chain cooperation is crucial for resilience and competitiveness."
"A devastating catastrophe but Microsoft still has the most important element on their side: time."
"Business finds a way. That's the American way."
"Traditional independent dealers are the ones hit hardest."
"First couple years were tough but we did it... pandemic and all we're okay."
"We maneuver, we navigate, and it's been remarkable. But again, it's been science, it has been technology, which has enabled many businesses."
"The consumer is good, business remarkably resilient."
"Good businesses will hopefully survive."
"Tesla was still selling all the vehicles they could make."
"We all need today a business continuity plan."
"I have never seen a company really fail because it could not scale fast enough."
"We do have some challenging times ahead, but we, Zero's, want to provide you with all the support we can."
"It's hard for companies to go under when they have practically no debt or net cash."
"When COVID hit, we shut down for what, the five weeks, and then after that, business exploded."
"Subscription businesses for remote products would be the anti-fragile in this market."
"Resilience is the ability of a company to get back to the same level of manufacturing level of service after being hit with some type of disruption."
"When you aim to become top one percent in health and strength, that translates to being able to actually go through the struggles of business."
"It's very difficult for a company to go out of business if it has low debts or has enough cash to cover all of its debts."
"All these years later, despite the craziness of 2020, my business is going stronger than ever."
"Good companies tend to recover, especially those with long histories."
"Costco has shown no signs of slowing down even as other retailers are giving back some of last year's sales growth."
"Companies will try to find the right balance between cutting costs and making their supply chain more resilient."