
Ethiopia Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Breaking news out of Ethiopia where a plane went down."
"Ethiopia is a bright and vibrant country, decorated in the rich traditions of various tribes and cultures."
"Ethiopia enjoys a monsoon climate typical of equatorial countries but remains cooler than its neighbors at points of high elevation."
"This is a military base involving several of the branches both Navy and Army and so forth and it is a place with complex medical equipment and expertise."
"Ethiopia is the mother of Africa. Ethiopians are one people."
"The fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians."
"Egypt will really only be left with two available options if this day ever comes: sit back and do nothing... or lash out against Ethiopia."
"Ethiopia is in a complex domestic situation with major implications for the greater Horn of Africa region."
"The danakil depression in Ethiopia is probably one of the most bizarre looking places you'll ever see."
"Ethiopia has some of the most beautiful culture and people I've experienced anywhere in the world."
"Samuel Tafassa's Sunshine Investment Group has constructed 427 villas and 3554 apartments in Ethiopia since its founding in 1983."
"Ethiopia's GDP has multiplied tenfold in 25 years, poverty has been halved, and educational enrolment has markedly increased."
"Ethiopia's construction sector: A driving force behind economic growth and infrastructure development."
"Ethiopia has met a debt thirteen point five billion dollars."
"Ethiopia has been growing at a 10% rate year after year."
"You are a voice for voiceless Ethiopia, you are also a loud, loud voice for Ethiopia."
"Ethiopia is one of the most incredible countries in Africa, if not in the entire world."
"Ethiopia is kind of a big shot. They've earned their prestige on the world stage."
"They avoided European colonization and have a unique vibrant, diverse background found nowhere else."
"First Enoch only remained popular in Ethiopia, which still remains true to this day."
"Consolidating growth and development in Ethiopia can serve as leverage in international trade."
"Just from seeing images of the Dalol hydrothermal system in Ethiopia you'd be forgiven for thinking that you were looking at the landscape on a distant alien world."
"In a groundbreaking discovery in 2022, researchers have Unearthed the fossilized remains of a colossal otter species in Ethiopia, shedding new light on the fascinating coexistence of early humans and unique creatures of the past."
"That is the end of video number one here in Ethiopia."
"The defense of Amharas and Ethiopia is critically important right now."
"Ethiopia represents the future of the African continent."
"Architecture lovers will be blown away by the town of Lalibela in Ethiopia's Abhara region."
"Democracy can't be stood for in Ethiopia, then it can't be stood for anywhere else in the world."
"Ethiopia would expand their empire from their homeland in the north to the borders of Kenya in the south."
"Ethiopia... was the one Christian state in a sea of African states dominated by Islam and Indigenous belief systems."
"More than 80 languages are spoken in Ethiopia."
"Some of the earliest human fossils have been found in modern-day Ethiopia, with some dating back to more than 230,000 years ago."
"Ethiopia, as a country, is one of the oldest countries in the world, with it being around probably at least 2,000 years old."
"God has brought me here to help people, not only in Ethiopia but also in America."
"Ethiopia is the birthplace of humanity, and you can see it here."
"Ethiopia does: The Ethiopian Highlands give the nation a sanctuary of green in the region full of desert. It gives the nation water and plant life to build a country out of."
"The birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia in Africa."
"Goodbye from Addis Ababa Ethiopia see you on the next video."
"Ethiopia has suffered two devastating famines in living memory."
"The dirk and the famine may have wiped out whole communities, but ordinary Ethiopians defiantly held on to their cultural heritage."
"Ethiopia, you're an inspiration for the entire continent."
"Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world."
"Ethiopian coffee is cultivated in various regions of the country each with unique characteristics."
"Addis Ababa, whose name in Amharic means new flower, is the largest metropolis and the capital of Ethiopia."
"She is certainly well known as in Ethiopia."
"Ethiopia is incredibly diverse with over 80 different ethnic groups and tribes living in the country."
"Ethiopia is kind of like a big deal. I mean, some of the earliest humans are from here. Let that sink in."
"Ethiopia is kind of like a big shot. They've earned their prestige on the world stage, and now they have a lot of people to connect with."
"Showing the real strength of Ethiopian distance running."
"Ethiopian people in general are so friendly and helpful."
"Coffee drinking is very popular in Ethiopia."
"Ethiopia is very religious... Christian people can marry Muslim people and there's no problem."
"Ethiopia celebrates New Year's on September the 11th."
"Their calendar here in Ethiopia consists of 13 months."
"Ethiopia is very clean, the streets are very clean."
"Ethiopia has been a beacon of self-determination for black people around the world."
"The book I'm carrying is a modern translation of the most important text in Ethiopian history."
"Ethiopia was the only place in Africa that was not colonized."
"We have only one agenda in Ethiopia, and that agenda is the people of Ethiopia."
"Genuinely remarkable Ethiopia is."
"We're exploring Ethiopia, and with Ethiopia as our classroom, we're learning about extreme poverty and the progress being made to overcome hunger."
"Ethiopia has endured drought, famine, and lots of conflict, but today, it's emerging as a model for the future of Africa."
"While Ethiopia has long struggled with poverty and famine, it's making great strides."
"Ethiopia is producing Arabica beans which is very much sought after by the specialty industry."
"Ethiopia is locally recognized as the birthplace of coffee and some even regard the name itself to have been derived from a region in the southwest named Kaffa."
"The initiative was begun by a group from Ethiopia... they decided to take control of the brand by trademarking Harar, Sidamo, and Yirgacheffe."
"This is another reason why Ethiopia has been isolated for so long, these amazing mountains, they're a natural barrier to invaders and explorers."
"Ethiopia is a landlocked nation in North Africa, once a mountain Kingdom, it remained isolated from the rest of the world for over a thousand years."
"Ethiopian is the only African nation never to be colonized thanks to warriors like these."
"It's no wonder that Ethiopia has never been really occupied with guys like that chasing the people out of here, just fantastic."
"Ethiopia is one of the world's oldest Christian nations."
"Coffee gets its name from the Kaffa region of Ethiopia, the place they say where coffee beans were first discovered."
"The fact that Emperor Menelik so successfully routed the Italian invasion of Ethiopia at the Battle of Adwa... was itself a rallying point for Ethiopia and Ethiopian prestige."
"Ethiopia has such a rich and powerful history; it's the only predominantly black country in the history of the world to have never been colonized by a European power."
"Work as hard as you can to make sure that Ethiopia one day is big enough for all of its people."
"The people of Ethiopia, speaking of the native Ethiopians, very hospitable people, very loving, kind, close-knitted people."
"Ethiopia holds a substantial place in the biblical narrative."
"This is Operation Solomon, the last and largest of several airlift operations bringing Ethiopian Jews, the Beta Israel, into the country after a struggle that has lasted almost twenty years."
"The grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam... will become Africa's largest hydroelectric dam and a significant source of renewable energy for Ethiopia."
"The ark is present in the liturgical life of the Ethiopians through what's called the Tabot."
"Ethiopia was home to a mighty kingdom, the likes of which it hasn't seen since."
"The Libella churches... were carved out of rock in the mountains of Ethiopia during the 12th century."
"Ethiopia is the only one to militarily be able to defend itself...and defeated the Italians."
"The reinvigorated Ethiopian state was able to win a decisive victory."
"This delicious black honey processed coffee from Ethiopia is incredibly unique with a profile of spiced cider, dried orange peel, spices, and clover honey."
"Ethiopia stands out in African history as the only nation that was never fully colonized by Europeans."
"Ethiopia was never colonized, something Ethiopians will be quick to remind you of."
"Ethiopia is also the birthplace of coffee."
"The Ark's journey to Ethiopia was orchestrated by Menelik, the legendary first king of Ethiopia and purported son of King Solomon."
"Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, is one of the best destinations in the world to experience this incredible beverage."
"Ethiopia is a country of diversity in every sense of the word."
"Ethiopia is where the human species originated."
"The last Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie was a leader that initiated a rigorous project of centralization and selected modernization."
"I wish lasting peace for the people of Ethiopia as a home."
"The oldest fossil according to the archaeologist was found in Ethiopia."
"The danakil lies in the desert of the same name in the northeast of Ethiopia."
"Civilization was given to the world by the Ethiopian."
"More than one million Ethiopians died of hunger because of the collectivization of land imposed by the Derg."
"Ethiopia itself in African history is an amazing place."
"Coffee started in almost the 8th century from where Ethiopia?"
"Ethiopia occupies a very strategic position in the Horn of Africa."
"Ethiopia is known for having diverse national cultures."
"Ethiopia has strongly pursued a developmental state economic governance model."
"The growth and transformation plan of Ethiopia has an ambitious target."
"A city of giants was unearthed in the Harla region of Ethiopia, a place rich in legends and historical mysteries."
"The ancient history of Ethiopia is changing nonetheless."
"Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee."
"Ethiopia could also become the first country to officially recognize Somali land as an independent state."
"We've already done a lot for Ethiopia. It's foundational Black Americans during the 1930s when Italy was about to colonize Ethiopia, it was foundational Black Americans lining up trying to go over there to help them fight."
"Every Church in Ethiopia has a replica of the Ark of the Covenant in its Holy of Holies."
"The whole of Ethiopian Christianity revolves around this connection with the Ark of the Covenant."
"Ethiopia, historic empire, an empire in every sense of the word."
"The oldest human bones have been found in Ethiopia."
"The soil in Ethiopia is the blackest soil I've ever seen in my life; it's very rich, volcanic enriched soil which made Kemet the most fertile land on the earth."
"It's their original blend as they call it, which is from Ethiopia."